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#309 : Chasseur de sorcières

Réalisation: Howard Deutch - Scénario: Tim Minear


L' agresseur de Cordélia est révélé. Fiona cherche à former une alliance avec Marie Laveau. Nan apprend une vérité dérangeante sur le passé de Luke.


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Chasseur de sorcières

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AHS: Coven Episode 309 "Head" - Promo VOST

AHS: Coven Episode 309 "Head" - Promo VOST


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Myrtle Snow

Myrtle Snow

Myrtle Snow

Myrtle Snow

Fiona parle à Kyle

Fiona parle à Kyle

Fiona Goode

Fiona Goode

Zoe, Nan et Madison

Zoe, Nan et Madison


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 11.12.2013 à 22:00
3.94m / 2.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 309 "Head"


Chattahoochee National Forest


Un père et son jeune fils campent dans la forêt. Le jeune garçon, Hank, va chasser pour la première fois et son père lui dit que c’est normal qu’il soit nerveux. Ils commencent à suivre leur proie. Le père la rabat vers son fils qui braque son fusil vers elle. C'est une sorcière apeurée qui le supplie de l’épargner. Le père ordonne à son fils de tirer mais celui-ci hésite. La femme en profite pour lancer des flammes dans sa direction. Le père se précipite et écarte son fils. Bien que brûlé, le père parvient à tirer sur la sorcière.


Salon de coiffure de Marie Laveau

Fiona rapporte la tête de Delphine LaLaurie à Marie Laveau, et demande à lui parler. Marie finit pas accepter et la conduit dans la pièce où se trouve le corps de Madame LaLaurie. Fiona souhaite une alliance entre la tribu de Marie et son clan. Fiona lui montre la balle du chasseur de sorcière, mais Marie dit qu’elle n'est pas concernée par ça. Elle remarque que Fiona porte une perruque et comprend qu’elle a un cancer. Elle appelle Queenie pour qu’elle la débarrasse de la tête de madame LaLaurie.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia essaie de faire le petit déjeuner mais fait tomber les œufs. Myrtle qui se tenait à l’écart intervient pour lui dire qu’elle n’y est pour rien dans ce qui lui est arrivé. Elle veut être sûre que Cordelia ne pense pas qu'elle a quelque chose à voir avec son agression et lui demande d’utiliser son don de double vue. Mais Cordelia lui dit qu’elle n’a jamais pensé qu’elle pouvait être coupable d’une telle action.


Atlanta (Géorgie) - Delphi Trust

Au siège de la Delphi Trust, une organisation de chasseurs de sorcières, Hank croise David. Hank espérait avoir le poste que David a obtenu et devenir ainsi le bras droit de son père. Hank est ensuite reçu par son père qui lui dit franchement être déçu par ses modestes progrès à la Nouvelle-Orléans. Son père n'est pas content de son alliance avec Marie Laveau. Il rappelle à Hank qu’il est juste censé recueillir des renseignements. Hank fait valoir qu'il peut faire plus. Mais son père lui reproche son action à Bâton Rouge qui aurait pu faire remonter les autorités jusqu’à la Delphi Trust à cause de son manque de discrétion. Son père révèle enfin à Hank qu’il a autorisé l'attaque à l’acide contre Cordelia pour qu’elle ait davantage besoin de lui, ce qui déplait fortement à Hank, qui cependant ne se rebelle pas.


Miss Robichaux's Academy - Dans la salle à manger

Myrtle a mis les petits plats dans les grands pour recevoir Pembroke et Quentin, les autres membres du Conseil. Ils s’excusent de l’avoir condamnée à brûler sur le bûcher et s’intéressent à Misty. Mais Myrtle contrairement aux apparences ne leur a pas pardonné et a ajouté un paralysant aux mets qu’elle leur a si gentiment offerts.

Myrtle dit à Quentin et Pembroke ce qu’elle pense réellement d’eux mais prétend ne pas agir par vengeance mais pour aider la communauté et sa chère Cordelia. Elle prend la cuillère parisienne laissée dans le plat, et s’en sert pour extraire l'un des yeux de Pembroke avant de se tourner vers Quentin.


Dans la chambre de Cordelia

Cordelia se réveille avec un œil marron et un bleu. Elle peut voir.


Dans le salon

Fiona rentre à la maison au moment où Cordelia dit à Myrtle qu’elle aurait dû lui demander sa permission. Fiona est surprise que Myrtle ait réussi à faire une telle chose. Myrtle explique qu'elle a trouvé quelques réponses dans les flammes. Elle ajoute que les généreux donateurs souhaitent rester anonymes, et on la voit dans un flashback se débarrasser des corps de Pembroke et Quentin. Myrtle et Fiona s’accusent ensuite réciproquement d’être une criminelle, jusqu’à ce que Cordelia intervienne pour leur rappeler que le véritable danger vient de l’extérieur de la communauté. Cordelia serre alors Myrtle dans ses bras et réalise que ses visions ont disparu.


A l'hôpital

Zoe et Madison retrouvent Nan qui a attendu toute la nuit devant la chambre de Luke. Joan ne veut pas des jeunes filles auprès de Luke, mais cède à leurs instances lorsque Nan lui dit ce que pense Luke.


Cornrow City

Dans sa chambre, Queenie a mis la tête coupée de Delphine sur une table en face de la télévision. Madame LaLaurie voudrait mourir mais Queenie a décidé de faire son éducation d’abord et va l’obliger à regarder toute un série de films parlant des noirs américains et de l’esclavage (Roots, Mandingo, La Couleur pourpre, B*A*P*S…)


Chambre d’Hank

Hank est seul en train de manger de la nourriture chinoise quand soudain il souffre mille morts. Un homme entre et lui dit que Marie lui envoie ses salutations. Marie le torture grâce à une poupée vaudou et l’appelle au téléphone pour lui dire que si les sorcières ne meurent pas ce soir, lui mourra.


Miss Robichaux's Academy - Dans la serre

Cordelia prépare avec Misty une pâte magique à utiliser uniquement en cas d'urgence. Misty fait un essai en disant une incantation, et la plante morte qui leur sert pour leur test revient à la vie et fleurit.

Quand Misty laisse Cordelia pour ranger leur onguent, Hank en profite pour venir s’excuser auprès de sa femme et lui demander de le laisser revenir. Misty se joint à eux et Hank reconnaît la sorcière qu’il a essayé de tuer dans les marais. Heureusement pour lui, Misty n’avait pas vu son visage. Cordelia lui dit qu’elle a engagé une procédure divorce et qu’il peut prendre ses affaires dans le placard avant de partir.


Dans la maison

Alors qu’Hank emporte ses affaires il tombe sur une chienne de garde et Fiona. Après avoir dit au revoir à Hank, Fiona suit la chienne jusqu’à la chambre où Kyle était caché et demande à celui-ci de sortir.


À l'hôpital

Joan Ramsey est reconnaissante à Nan de l’aider à communiquer avec Luke. Puis Nan lui dit qu’elle va être jugée pour ce qui est arrivé au père de Luke. Joan est surprise, le père de Luke est mort d'un choc anaphylactique. Luke dit que Dieu lui a montré la vérité.

Flash back : Le père de Luke est au téléphone dans sa voiture et annonce à Joan qu’il va la quitter. Puis il remarque une abeille, puis une autre. Joan est cachée non loin de la voiture et avec la télécommande verrouille les portières.

Luke dit à Nan que son père allait partir avec une autre femme et que sa mère a délibérément mis les abeilles dans la voiture. Joan se fâche contre Nan et la met à la porte de la chambre.


On voit Hank s’armer.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Zoe, Madison et Nan rentrent de l'hôpital et trouvent Fiona en train de jouer aux cartes avec Kyle, qui est capable de communiquer. Elle dit qu'elle l’a un peu réparé, parce qu'elles ont besoin d'un chien de garde qui attaque sur commande.


Cornrow City

Queenie revient dans sa chambre, où Madame LaLaurie a gardé les yeux fermés pour ne pas voir les films que Queenie lui a imposés. Queenie met une nouvelle vidéo sur la conquête des droits civiques par les noirs, et cette fois Madame LaLaurie ne pourra pas faire autrement que d’entendre Freedom, l’hymne gospel pour la liberté.


Salon de coiffure de Marie Laveau

Queenie se rend au salon pour travailler à la réception. Hank débarque et commence à tirer. Il atteint Queenie et plusieurs autres femmes tandis que Madame LaLaurie écoute Freedom. Grièvement blessée, Queenie se tire une balle dans la tête qui tue Hank juste avant qu’il ne tire sur Marie.


A l'étage, Delphine sanglote en regardant la marche de Selma (Alabama).


Delphi Trust

Le père d’Hank pleure sur les photographies du carnage du salon de coiffure où son fils a perdu la vie.


À l'hôpital

Luke se réveille de son coma, et la première chose qu’il dit à sa mère c’est qu’elle est responsable de la mort de son père. Joan lui dit de se rendormir, puis appuie un oreiller sur son visage.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Quelqu’un frappe à la porte. Fiona va ouvrir. C'est Marie. Sans un mot mais avec un petit sourire en coin, Fiona la laisse entrer.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Chattahoochee National Forest


 (birds singing)

(A man and his son are camping.)

Father: Oh. Morning. Here. (He pours him a cup.)

Son: Coffee?

Father: Yeah, with a little milk and sugar. My daddy let me try it on my first hunting trip. You get a little older, we'll add a little hooch in there. That'll really keep us warm. (laughs) Hey. There's nothing to be nervous about. Hank Keep your hands steady. Just like we practiced on the range.

Hank: I just I don't want to miss.

father: Well, then, you won't. I was the same way when I was your age. Worse even. I couldn't keep my breakfast down. Ruined my shirt. Damn near ruined everything. Here you go. (He gives him a gun.) We've been hunters for generations. You'll be fine, son. (Hank loads his gun.) (Father laughing) Yes.

(They begin tracking their prey.)


Father: Shh, shh, shh, shh. (whispers) You stay here. I'll flush her out through the brush. You be ready. You'll get a clean shot.

(birds singing)

(anxious breathing, heart beating)

(The man brings a crying woman out.)

(The young boy steadies his rifle.)

Father: Put her down!

Woman (crying): Please. No! (breathily): Please. Please.

Father: Put her down.

Woman: No! Please!

Father: Do it! Put her down!

(Boy gasps nervously.)

Father: Put her down! Do it!

(The boy hesitates and the woman spews fire at him. The dad rushes out and shoves the boy to safety, getting burned in the process, then shoots the witch.)

Hank: I'm sorry. I'm-I'm sorry.

Father: No mercy. Never forget what they are.






Marie Laveau’s salon

Marie: Delores Davis, when is the last time I had your head in my chair? (laughing)

Fiona: (comes in with a box) We need to talk.

Marie: You and I ain't got nothing to say to each other. Take your skinny ass and that filthy thing and get out.

Fiona: You don't want to talk to me? Fine. Then give what's in this box a wash and set.

Marie: Trina! Get Mrs.Davis started for me, will you? I won't be long.



(insects buzzing)

(Fiona sees Mme LaLaurie’s body in the cage surrounded by flies.)

Fiona: Jesus Christ.

Laveau: This better be good. I got six more heads waiting for me up front. That one you can keep.

Fiona: (laughs) What makes you think I want it?

Marie: You the one dug it up.

Fiona: For information, that was all.

Marie: Then why'd you keep her around?

Fiona: She amused me.

Marie: Hmm. You thought you could use her as a bargaining chip.

Mme LaLaurie: (muffled) What did she say? I can't hear!

Fiona: You shut up! I came here to talk terms.

Marie: Terms? (laughing) You think it's so easy. Stroll in here and expect we gonna fix this truce?

Fiona: Oh, to hell with the truce. What I'm looking for is an alliance. Your tribe, my coven, joined.

Mme LaLaurie: (muffled) Are you insane?!

Marie: Uh! What the head said.

(Fiona opens the box.)

Fiona: I told you to shut up!

Mme LaLaurie: You can't make a deal with a darkie! You can't trust 'em as far as you can spit. Like I told the governor. I (Fiona muzzles Mme LaLaurie)

Fiona: Shut up! Now, we need to stop this petty quarreling. We've got bigger problems than what goes on between us. Last night, outside our academy… (Fiona shows her the witch hunter's bullet) witch hunters.

Marie: How many dead?

Fiona: None dead. They missed.

Marie: Hmm. Too bad.

Fiona: This concerns you and your people as much as it does mine.

Marie: Don't concern me a bit. Witch hunters is white women's worry.

Fiona: You're making a mistake.

Marie: I can live with that. Not too sure about you, though. That's good work, that wig. But it's a wig. What kind of cancer you got? Shit. Come down here 'cause you're weak. Can't protect your own, and expect me to do it for you.

Fiona: You're kidding yourself if you think that after they're done with us they're not coming after you.

Marie: I'll fret about that when the time come. Right after I pop the champagne. Queenie? Take this filthy thing out back and burn it. (Mme LaLaurie’s head) I don't ever want to see it again. (to Fiona) You, neither.

Mme LaLaurie: Sweet release! At long last!


Miss Robichaux's Academy


(Cordelia tries to make breakfast, but makes a mess of the eggs.)

Cordelia: Goddamn it! Could people please not move things?! Some of us are blind!

Myrtle: Here it is, Delia. Let me help you.

Cordelia: Let me do it! It's my mess!

Myrtle: Delia, there's a… I need to say something, or I'll simply explode. I need to know for certain that you don't think I did this to you. I remember the first day Fiona dropped you off here. (Flashback : we see Myrtle meet teenage Fiona.) You were like a baby bird, pushed too soon from the nest. Do you remember what you asked me? Will you be my mother now? I've always loved you like a daughter. Wrap your arms around me, dear girl. Use your power of sight, and you'll see that I could not have done this terrible thing.

Cordelia: No. I won't. I don't need magic to tell me what I already know. I know you would never hurt me. I never doubted you for a second, and I told my mother that. My mother set you up. My blindness gave me real vision, but it's of no use to me now. Not when there are witch hunters right outside our door.

Myrtle: Darling if I could pluck my own eyes out of my head and gift them to you, I would.

Cordelia: I know.



Atlanta (Georgia)

Delphi Trust (Corporation of witch hunters)

David: Hank.

Hank: David. Good to see you. I thought you were in Europe.

David: We had a flare-up with the Cromwell Coven in North Hampton. Nothing a few silver bullets couldn't take care of.

Hank: Oh. Corporation keeps you busy, now that he's made you the official right hand.

David: I know you were hoping to be named, - but your father has other plans for you, Hank.

Hank: Right. Am I still in the will? (laughs)

David: You'll always be his son. Come on. He's ready for you.

Father: Coffee?

Hank: No, thanks. Never acquired a taste for it.

Father: Well, I'll get right to it. We're not happy with your progress in New Orleans. David tells me you're no longer living at the academy.

Hank: A lot of things have happened. Some of them out of my control.

Father: Allying yourself with Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen, that was out of your control?

Hank: I took some initiative. I had a plan to bring them both down. The Witches and the Voodoos.

Father: You don't take initiative, Hank. You follow orders. Your only job is to gather intelligence. You don't get your hands dirty. You're the man on the inside. That's why you're married to Cordelia Goode.

Hank: Yes, Father, I-I just thought that..

Father: Don't think. You'll just end up getting somebody killed.

Hank: I thought that was the point. I'm much more capable than you think. (flashback: He kills Kaylee.)

Father: You're referring to the firestarter you terminated in Baton Rouge?

Hank: I found the witch, killed her, then got rid of the body.

Father: In a hotel room! You used a credit card! It could have been traced to The Corporation. I had to send David down there to clean up after you. An innocent desk clerk and a maid lost their lives because you were sloppy.

David: Hank you need to understand, your father's not only the head of The Corporation, he's the CEO of a major financial institution. The liberals in Washington are just looking for an excuse to sic the FEC on companies like Delphi. Your recklessness puts everything we've worked for at risk.

Hank: I thought we were still Witch Hunters.

Father: The hunt isn't only about the kill. A good hunter stalks his prey with care, and only strikes when the time is right. We need you back inside that house.

Hank: That may be a problem. Somebody blinded Cordelia, a-an unknown attacker threw acid in her face.

David: Not unknown. We authorized that. We wanted to make sure she needed you.

Hank: You disfigured my wife?

Father: Your wife? (laughs) Tell me you don't actually have feelings for her. Tell me, son! You haven't forgotten what she is. What you are? I

Hank: I'm part of a Sacred Order. A soldier in a shadow war. A war that has been raging since before the time of Salem. We are a Brotherhood pledged in blood, dedicated to stamping out the pestilence of witchery on the North American continent.

Father: Don't think I don't appreciate the sacrifices you've made. I know how confusing it can be to pretend to love someone who is your enemy. But you can never lose yourself to the lie. 'Cause someday… she will have to be put down.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Myrtle hosts a sophisticated lunch for the other members of the Council.)

Myrtle: What a marvelous invention. (melon baller) So clever. So, before we move on to our lobster bouquetiere, a little melon ball palate cleanser. (chuckles appreciatively) Remember back in the day, Pembie? We'd always be served a palate cleanser at Sunday supper.

Pembroke: Such a sensible tradition. Nobody bothers anymore.

Quentin: Now, Myrtle, Pembie and I were just saying in addition to how thrilling it was to get your phone call, we…

Pembroke: we I've we've just had such terrible regrets about the whole misunderstanding.

Quentin: And we cannot get over your skin.

Pembroke: Ah.

Quentin: No burn scars. You look younger than ever. We-we've got to hear all about this Misty Day and her magical mud. Should we be looking into it? Selling it, perhaps? (laughing) Oh! My God (chuckles)

Myrtle: You miss the point, darling. The swamp mud is a metaphor, her metaphor. She's a sophisticated witch with extraordinary gifts, hiding out as a hippie swamp rat. From humble hillbilly stock, she's been a witch since birth, her power and humanity separating her from everyone around her. In fact, those around her have tried endlessly to destroy her, in order to mask their own evil purposes. Yet she rose from the ashes, stronger than ever, more fully realized. A living testament to the greater ideals of our coven. Power, compassion, and uniqueness. We are lucky to have found her, and she us. It resonates with my own story, doesn't it?

Pembroke: Myrtle, I want to toast you for your spirit of f (stammering) give.

Myrtle: Forgiveness, you say? Forgiveness is, and always will be, the high road (glass shatters) the preferred road. Would that we had such luxury. (glass shatters) (struggling to speak) Oh Quentin. Not to worry. It's just a bit of monkshood in your balls. Causes temporary paralysis. "Human Statue Syndrome," we call it. I believe it's the nervous system first. You lose control over your limbs, the muscles harden into cement, and it feels like ice in your veins. Then the respiratory system. Or is it the other way around? Well, no matter. It's supposed to be quite terrifying. Is it? Are you terrified? You should be. At any rate, I'm not going to kill you. Well, maybe after dessert. I put a lot of effort into the key lime pie. I do love a key lime pie, even more than a île flottante call me a Philistine! Enough chit-chat. You've both wanted to eliminate me for years, so you could dominate the Council. But I was never worried you'd be hapless enough to try.

Quentin! You're a fatuous fool and a drunk! Pembie, you're even worse. You're weak-willed, boring, and your fashion faux pas give me nightmares. I invited you here not to chastise you or exact revenge, but to help out the coven. To help out my beloved Cordelia. (laughs) I bet you thought, "Oh, she left the melon baller in there. She's growing old and forgetful." (She scoops out one of Pembe's eyes, and turns to Quentin.)



Cordelia’s bedroom

Myrtle: I had a Turkish Angora cat who was born with one brown eye and one blue. She was absolutely gorgeous.

(Cordelia waking up with one brown eye and one blue.)

Cordelia: Oh, my God I can see.



Cordelia: I know you had the best of intentions, but you could've asked me first.

Myrtle: Delia, does one ask a drowning man before throwing him a life preserver?

Fiona: Who let this charcoal briquette back in? Oh, sweet Jesus.

Myrtle: He gets no credit. It was I who restored our beloved Cordelia.

Fiona: You're not witch enough to pull off something this delicate.

Myrtle: Oh, but you're wrong. I'm more witch now than I ever was, and I've got you to thank, Fiona. Being burned at the stake was an empowering experience. There are secrets in the flames, and I came back with more than a few.

Fiona: You couldn't find two that matched? Why do they look so familiar?

Myrtle: The generous donors wish to remain anonymous. (flashback of her gleefully hacking up limbs and dropping them in acid.)

Fiona:Well, if she gave you two new eyes, it's out of guilt for having blinded you.

Myrtle: Hurl your baseless accusations. They have no power now.

Fiona: You could still end up in an ashtray, you know.

Myrtle: You're the one that should be put to the stake. You murdered Madison Montgomery.

Fiona: Well, that's going to be a hard one to stick, Myrtle. The girl's not dead.

Myrtle: Not anymore, and no thanks to you.

Fiona: You were the one found guilty of a capital crime. I don't care if you did survive the stake. I could have you banished. Permanent exile. You know what that means, Myrtle. (Myrtle laughs.) Paramus, New Jersey-- toxic waste… outlet malls

Myrtle: You wouldn't dare.

Fiona: Ha. I could call an emergency meeting of the Council right now.

Good. Call the Council. Good luck. I hear they're not seeing anyone right now.

Cordelia: Stop it! Stop it! Right now. Like it or not, Fiona is your Supreme, and you need to start treating her like one. And you… You need to stop accusing Auntie Myrtle. We both know she's not the one who blinded me. The real danger is outside these doors, not inside. I'm tired. I need to lie down. When the girls get in, make sure they stay in. It's dangerous out there.

Myrtle: Of course, baby bird. You go rest your new eyes. We'll see to absolutely everything.

Cordelia: Wait Hug me again.

Myrtle: Of course I will, my darling girl.

Cordelia: Nothing. My visions. They're gone.



Zoe: You can't smoke in here, Madison.

Madison: Why don't you go tell someone? Ugh, sick people really gross me out. We've been looking everywhere for you.

Zoe: Nan, it's time to go. Cordelia wants us all back at the house.

Nan: I need to see Luke.

Madison: You haven't seen him yet? You've been here since last night.

Nan: His mother won't let me.

Madison: That's bullshit.


Nan: Luke?

Joan: Who said you could come in here?! Get out before I call security!

Zoe: She just wants so see him.

Joan: Absolutely not. It's your fault my son is in a coma! You brought this darkness into my home!

Nan: Luke says, "Calm down." Don't have a fit. Like at the lake last summer?"

Joan: When did he tell you that?

Nan: Now.

Joan: You're a liar or a lunatic.

Madison: No, bitch, she's clairvoyant.

Joan: "Regard not them that have familiar spirits who consort with demons to be defiled by them."

Zoe: Nan's not talking to a demon. She's talking to your son.

Joan: I don't believe it! You're mocking my grief.

Madison: Not your grief. Maybe the outfit. God works in mysterious ways, Joanie. Roll with it.

Nan: He likes that song. The one that you sang to him before.

Joan: That proves you're a fraud. I didn't sing. I read to him from Deuteronomy.

Luke (whispering): When I was eight

Nan: When he was eight

Luke (whispering): when I broke my arm

Nan: when he broke his arm "A Closer Walk"?

Joan: How can you know that?

Madison: We told you, she's a mind reader. We're witches. Haven't you figured that out by now?

Zoe: Come on, Nan. She doesn't deserve your help.

Joan: (singing) I am weak. But… Thou art strong… Jesus, keep me from all wrong I'll be satisfied as long as I walk Let me walk close to Thee Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it, Jesus, is my plea Daily walking close to Thee Let it be Dear Lord, let it be When my feeble life is o'er Time for me will be no more Guide me safely, gently o'er To Thy kingdom's shore, to Thy shore.

(She hugs Nan.)


Queenie’s room

(Queenie has set Madame LaLaurie's severed head on a table in front of the TV.)

Mme LaLaurie: Ooh, hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. You bring nibbles? I'm starving.

Queenie: Girl, you ain't got no stomach. What are you gonna do, chew it and shit it out of your neck? Time for some sensitivity training.

Mme LaLaurie: What fresh hell is this?

Queenie: Roots: The Saga of an American Family. You are gonna watch all eight hours of it, followed by the sequel, Roots: The Next Generation.

Mme LaLaurie: Why don't you just throw my head in that fire pit? I wanna die! I'm ready.

Queenie: Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to melt your ugly face right off your skull, but you are ignorant. And you're not leaving this earth until I educate you about those people you tortured: my people. We're gonna have ourselves a little film festival. You're gonna watch Mandingo, The Color Purple, and then my personal favorite-- BAPS, starring Miss Halle Berry. But first, based on the best-selling novel by the great black writer Alex Haley-- one family's epic story, from slavery to freedom-- (video playing)

Mme LaLaurie: Oh, God

Queenie: Roots.

(humming along to tribal music, playing on video)

Mme LaLaurie: No, no, no, not that jungle music.

Queenie: Enjoy. (She leaves.)

Mme LaLaurie: (singing to block out the "jungle music.")No, wait a minute! No, no, no, turn it down! Oh, Lord! Oh, no! Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton Old times there are not forgotten Look away! Look away! Look away, Dixieland



Hank’s room

(Hank is alone in his hotel room, eating Chinese food when suddenly his wrist splits open. He's flipped over and bones break.)

Man: (comes in) Marie Laveau sends her regards.

Hank: What's happening to me?!

Man: You're feeling the wrath of broken promises. Where are the heads of the white witches?

Hank: I'm trying! (groans)

(phone rings)

Marie: (on phone) They die tonight or the next needle I use will put a hole in your heart. You understand me?

Hank: I understand. (panting)



Miss Robichaux's Academy


♪Temptation falls in your path ♪

No hesitation, "Why?" you ask

Misty: I didn't know bay leaves had magic in them.

Cordelia: They provide protection. Asafetida… banishes evil.

Misty: (sniffs) Oh, wow, that's some stinky shit.

Cordelia: (laughs) Now, you never use this unless under extreme circumstances. Looking good.

♪ Kind of woman that loves you…♪

Misty: Hey, can I try the incantation this time?

Cordelia: Go for it.

Misty: Bagahi laca bachahe. Lamac cahi achabahe. Karrrelyos.

Cordelia: Stronger intent.

Misty: Lamac lamec bachalyos. Cabahagi sabalyos Baryols. (The dead plant they're testing it on comes back to life and flowers.)Damn! That is so cool! (laughs)

Cordelia: We make a great team. Now we need to make some more of this for everyone. Go get some more of that mud back there.

♪ In heaven kind of woman that'll haunt you ♪

Misty:You're such an awesome leader, Miss Cordelia. I've got so much to learn from you.

Cordelia: Fiona is the leader of this coven.

♪ Is to be in heaven I know, I know…♪

(When Misty leaves, Hank comes in.)

Hank: Hey.

Cordelia: Well, shit. I meant to change the locks.

Hank: You have your sight back? Oh… oh, my God. (Hank hugs her.)Did Fiona do this?

Cordelia: Let go of me. I said let go. You're drunk.

Hank: Yeah, I needed the courage to come back. Hey, hey what do your eyes see? Can you see my heart? Can you see it's bleeding? That I'm living in a hell of regret and remorse? My life has no meaning without you. What will it take, Delia?

Cordelia: More than you've got.

(footsteps approach)

Hank: Who's this?

Misty: Hey. I'm Misty.

(Hank recognizes her from her cabin, where he tried to kill her but she didn't see his face).

Hank: Can we have this conversation alone, please?

Cordelia: Don't leave, Misty. She and I have much bigger concerns than this conversation. I've told you how I feel. Take your stuff and leave.

Hank: No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm your husband! This is my home!

Cordelia: Not anymore. I've spoken to a lawyer. I'm filing for divorce.

Hank: That's bullshit! You got to listen to me. All I want is to protect you. I know you don't believe it, but that's all I've ever wanted to do.

Cordelia: Your shit's in a box in the closet. Get it, and then get out.



(Hankruns into a guard dog in the hall.)

(Dog’s snarling)

Fiona: Endora, heel. Good girl.

Hank: You got a dog?

Fiona: Well, one dog moves out, another moves in. You know, it's the cycle of life.

Hank: But you hate animals and all other living things.

Fiona: Well, that's true, but we needed some protection around here.

Hank: I know that. Why do you think I came back?

Fiona: You? (laughs) Protect? Really? You know why I got a female attack dog?

Hank: Because bitches stick together?

Fiona: Because females are more loyal and aggressive when it comes to protecting their families. Good to see you, Hank.

(dog yowls softly)

Fiona: What is it, girl? What's in there?

(Fiona follows Endora to Zoe's door, where the dog is scratching, and sees Kyle.)

It's another goddamned boy. Jesus, these girls.

Kyle: Dog

Fiona: You have to leave now. Come on. Come on.




Joan: You're a miracle, Nan. I'm not certain I know how to thank you. I'm sure this (cake) isn't enough. But in truth, nothing could ever be enough. You've given me a gift that can never be repaid. I confess I had dark moments. The thought of losing my son shook me to the core. I questioned my faith in the Almighty. But you have given me a ray of hope.

Nan: Luke says there is a God. And that he's judging you.

Joan: For my lapses of faith?

Nan: For what you did to his father.

Joan: His father?!

Luke: God says my father's death was no accident.

Joan: Why does he say that? Dennis died of anaphylactic shock.

Luke: God knows all. He's shown me the truth.


[Flash back to Luke's father on the phone in his car.

Dennis: Joan, I've said all I have to say.

Joan: I can't accept that.

Dennis: Well, you'll have to. I want to be a good father. I… I still want to be in Luke's life. But we're done. Maybe one day you'll understand.

(He notices a bee, then another. Joan crouches outside the car nearby.)

Luke: (voice-over) God told me you put the bees in the car. You knew Dad was allergic to bees. You knew you'd get away with it.

Flashback ends.]


Luke: You killed him because he was leaving you. Dad was in love with Mrs. Martone.

[Flash back to Luke's father with Mrs. Martone]

She was in your book club. She wasn't younger or prettier. She just loved him for who he was.

Both: And that was the last straw.

Nan: God says you're going to pay.

Joan: You don't speak for my son. He's been in that bed fighting for his life. This has all been some dark-sided trick. You leave us alone. Get out!

(Nan leaves.)


(Hank arms himself and wipes away tears.)


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Zoe, Madison and Nan come home from the hospital and find Fiona drinking, smoking and playing cards with Kyle.)

Fiona: My turn.

Kyle: My turn.

Fiona: No, now it's your turn.

Kyle: My turn.

Fiona: Christ.

Kyle: Gin.

Fiona: Shit!

Kyle: Would you like to play another hand?

Fiona: Yeah, you just keep dealing till I win my money back. And yours, too.

Zoe: Kyle?

Madison: What did you do to him?

Fiona: Well, since none of you girls can play cards worth a damn, I took the liberty of sprucing up your boy. Just a touch.

Zoe: You mean you fixed him?

Fiona: Well, I wouldn't go that far. I mean, he's not all there, but he's okay. (chuckles) What we need is a guard dog. One who will attack on command. Deal!


Queenie’s room

Mme LaLaurie: Yeah! Kept my eyes shut tight the entire time, foul negress. I didn't see a bit of it.

Queenie: I'm not surprised. You kept your eyes closed your entire life. Can't keep your ears closed though. Not without no hands to cover them.

♪ Oh, freedom ♪ (from the march in Selma, Alabama)

Mme LaLaurie: What is that heinous caterwauling?

Queenie: Something my grandma used to listen to. If this doesn't touch your soul, you don't have one.

Mme LaLaurie: When will my perdition end?

Queenie: When you learn something. And before I'd be your slave You're one stubborn old lady head, you know. I got to go.

♪ Buried in my grave ♪

(Queenie leaves.)

♪ Go home, my Lord And be free ♪


Marie Laveau’s salon

Marie: Okay, all right, love. Now, what we gonna do? Meet me at the wash bowl. Queenie. In my shop, when you early, you on time. And when you on time, you late. Now, what you been doing upstairs?

Queenie: Watching TV.

Marie: Sit your ass down and get yourself to work. That phone ain't gonna answer itself.



And be free ♪

Oh Freedom ♪

Oh Oh-oh-oh ♪

Freedom ♪

Freedom ♪

Oh-oh, freedom. ♪

Freedom ♪

Oh, freedom ♪

Oh-oh-oh, freedom ♪

Over me Over me, yeah ♪

(Hank busts in, guns blazing, and starts shooting.)


And before I'd be a slave Be a slave

I'll be buried in my grave Buried in my own grave


And go home Home To my Lord and be free ♪

Oh-oh, freedom ♪

Oh-oh-oh Freedom ♪

Freedom ♪

Oh, freedom ♪


Oh-oh-oh, freedom ♪

Freedom ♪

Over me ♪

Over me, yeah ♪

And before I'd be a slave ♪

Before I'd be a slave ♪

I'll be buried in my grave Buried in my own grave ♪

And go home to my Lord ♪

And be free ♪

(Hank hits Queenie and several other voo doo women as Delphine listens to "Freedom.")

Oh-oh, freedom ♪

Oh Oh-oh Freedom ♪

Freedom ♪

Oh-oh, freedom ♪

Oh, freedom ♪

Oh, freedom ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, freedom ♪

(Queenie sticks the gun in her mouth and pulls the trigger, killing herself and Hank, before he can hurt Marie.)



Over me ♪

Over me, yeah ♪

And before I'd be a slave ♪

Be a slave ♪

I'll be buried in my grave ♪

Buried in my own grave ♪

And go home ♪

Home ♪

To my Lord and be free ♪

(Upstairs, Delphine sobs over Selma.)


(At the Corporation, Hank's father cries over the photos of his fallen son.)


No No more weeping ♪

No more weeping ♪

No more weeping ♪

No more weeping over me ♪

No more weeping ♪

Over me ♪

And before ♪

And before I'd be a slave I'll be buried ♪

I'll be buried in my grave ♪

And go home to my Lord ♪



Luke: You murdered Dad.

Joan: No. (crying) Go back to sleep, baby. Go back to sleep.

(She puts a pillow over his face.)


I'll be buried in my grave ♪

I'm going home ♪

And go home to my Lord And be free. ♪



Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Knocking on door: it's Marie. Without a word, Fiona lets her in.)



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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

Logo de la chaîne Canal+ Séries

12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

Dernières audiences
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12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
0.24m / 0.0% (18-49)

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !