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#310 : Voie céleste, Voie démoniaque

Réalisation: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon - Scénario: James Wong


Fiona tente de faire se révéler la nouvelle suprême avec une visite de Stevie Nicks. Cordelia apprend la vérité sur Hank et les Chasseurs de Sorcières. Madison essaie d'éliminer la concurrence pour la suprématie.


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The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks

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Voie céleste, Voie démoniaque

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AHS: Coven Episode 310 "The Magical Deligths of Stevie Nicks" - Promo

AHS: Coven Episode 310 "The Magical Deligths of Stevie Nicks" - Promo


AHS: Coven Episode 310 "The Magical Deligths of Stevie Nicks" - Promo VOST

AHS: Coven Episode 310 "The Magical Deligths of Stevie Nicks" - Promo VOST


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Misty Day (Lily Rabe)

Misty Day (Lily Rabe)

Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts)

Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts)

Madison et Misty Day dans le cimetière

Madison et Misty Day dans le cimetière

Fiona parle à quelqu'un

Fiona parle à quelqu'un

Misty Day (Lily Rabe) et Stevie Nicks

Misty Day (Lily Rabe) et Stevie Nicks

Misty Day (Lily Rabe) et Stevie Nicks

Misty Day (Lily Rabe) et Stevie Nicks


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 08.01.2014 à 22:00
3.49m / 1.8% (18-49)

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Résumé long de l'épisode 310 “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks”


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona propose un verre à Marie Laveau et de lui jeter un sort pour l'aider à dormir après le choc de la tuerie qui a eu lieu dans son salon de coiffure (épisode précédent). Un à sa hauteur, elles vont avoir beaucoup de choses à se dire. Mais d'abord, Marie va essayer de dormir un peu. Elle est réveillée au milieu de la nuit par un roi vaudou (Lance Reddick) : Papa Legba qui vient une fois par an lui réclamer son dû.


A l’hôpital

Marie se rend dans une maternité au milieu de la nuit. Elle prend un bébé et sort en déclenchant une alarme. Lorsque deux agents de sécurité arrivent, elle utilise le vaudou pour qu’ils se tirent mutuellement dessus. Elle n'a manifestement aucune sympathie pour le bébé qu’elle vient d’enlever.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia se sent responsable des agissements d’Hank parce qu’elle venait de lui annoncer son intention de divorcer. Mais Marie lui dit qui était vraiment Hank, un chasseur de sorcières, et qu'elle l'avait embauché, mais qu’il n’a pas eu le courage de la tuer. Fiona se met en colère et frappe sa fille l’accusant d’avoir laissé entrer l’ennemi dans les murs de l’école. Fiona explique que les chasseurs ne travaillent jamais seuls et qu’elles doivent donc s’attendre à des représailles.

Fiona va voir Misty, qui lui dit franchement se méfier d’elle et la prévient qu’elle pourra revenir à la vie si Fiona la tue. Fiona lui propose de rencontrer une de ses amies. Fiona lui présente Stevie Nicks, son idole. Misty s'évanouit.

Zoe, Madison, et Nan reviennent de l’hôpital et entendent Stevie jouer du piano et chanter "Rhiannon". Madison est envieuse de la joie de Misty et Fiona lui dit qu’elle n'est pas la prochaine Suprême, contrairement à Misty. Stevie souhaite bonne chance à Misty avec les Sept Merveilles.

Zoe, Madison, et Nan s’en vont à l’étage et Madison boude parce que Misty lui a volé la vedette. Nan annonce qu'elle pourrait être la nouvelle Suprême car elle est désormais capable de contrôler les esprits, et en fait la démonstration sur Madison. Madison quant à elle révèle que son souffle au cœur qui l'empêchait d'être Suprême a disparu quand elle est morte. Elle veut affronter Misty dans la réalisation des Sept Merveilles.

Plus tard, Cordelia fait un topo à Fiona et Marie sur Harrison Renard l'un des hommes les plus riches du monde, et accessoirement son beau-père, et sur la Delphi Trust. La Delphi trust est une société de gestion d'actifs de plusieurs milliards de dollars en plus d’être la Société des chasseurs de sorcières. Fiona suggère de s’en prendre à leur argent.

Fiona et Marie préparent un labyrinthe entouré de liasses de billets, avec des pièges à souris à l'intérieur. Cordelia veut aider, mais Fiona est furieuse et lui demande de disparaitre hors de sa vue.

Fiona place des souris blanches dans le labyrinthe et récite un sort. Des agents du FBI arrivent au siège de la Delphi Trust et commencent à perquisitionner. Une des souris monte sur un piège et meurt. Fiona semble affaiblie. Elle dit à Marie qu'elle va bien, puis elle s'effondre.


A l’hôpital

Nan et Zoé se rendent à l'hôpital pour voir Luke. Elles apprennent qu'il est mort la veille.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona explique à Marie que son cancer progresse très rapidement parce qu’une nouvelle Suprême se dessine. Elle lui demande le secret de son immortalité. Marie lui explique qu’elle a fait un pacte avec Papa Legba sans connaître le prix et qu’elle a dû lui donner son enfant en paiement.


Au cimetière

Misty et Madison ont suivi une procession funéraire jusqu’au cimetière. Madison avertit Misty que Stevie et Fiona essayent simplement de gagner ses faveurs mais ne sont pas sincères avec elle. Misty pense que Madison est jalouse. Madison dit à Misty qu’elle est aussi puissante qu’elle et pour lui prouver fait se lever un homme de son cercueil. Madison parvient à convaincre Misty de cesser d'être une imitation d'une autre sorcière et de laisser le châle offert par Stevie dans le cercueil.

Misty se tient au-dessus du cercueil lorsque Madison l’assomme avec une brique et la pousse dedans. Elle commande que le cercueil soit enterré, prend le châle, et s’en va.

Chez Joan Ramsey

Nan et Zoe rendent visite à Joan Ramsey pour savoir où est le corps de Luke afin que Misty puisse le ramener à la vie. Mais Joan a déjà fait incinérer Luke. Nan entend les pensées de Joan et comprend qu’elle a tué son fils avec l'oreiller. Nan utilise ses pouvoirs pour immobiliser Joan, puis Zoe quand elle essaie de l'arrêter, et oblige Joan à boire de l’eau de Javel, lui disant qu'elle doit être purifiée.

Miss Robichaux's Academy

Dans la serre

Cordelia travaille sur une potion tandis que Myrtle joue du thérémine. Cordelia confie à Myrtle qu’elle se sent seule et inutile et Myrtle ne parvient pas à la réconforter. Cordelia se met à crier et à tout casser autour d’elle.


A la Delphi Trust

David fait le bilan des pertes de la Delphi Trust devant Harrison Renard. Harrison est persuadé que les sorcières sont responsables de ce qui arrive à sa société.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona coupe des lignes de cocaïne sur un miroir, en récitant un sort. Papa Legba apparait et elle lui demande la vie éternelle. Le prix à payer est la perte de son âme. Papa Legba lui demande si elle serait prête à prendre la vie d'un innocent, quelqu'un qu'elle aime. Elle est d'accord. Il l'embrasse pour sceller l'accord et dit soudain qu’il ne peut pas y avoir de pacte entre eux car elle n’a pas d’âme. Son amant apparaît et pour la rassurer lui dit qu’ils vont tuer la sorcière qui doit être prochaine Suprême et qui épuise son énergie. Fiona répond qu’elle n’a pas d’âme et qu’elle va toutes les tuer.

Plus tard, Nan entend quelque chose et trouve le bébé que Marie a volé. Nan affronte Marie et lui dit qu'elle est la prochaine Suprême, et qu’elle vient de tuer la voisine. Fiona arrive et oblige Nan à rendre le bébé à Marie. Marie explique à Fiona que le bébé est pour Papa Legba qui exige l'âme d'un innocent. Fiona suggère de faire d’une pierre deux coups.

Fiona et Marie noient Nan dans une baignoire. Papa Legba arrive et s’oppose d’abord à la substitution. Mais il finit par céder aux instances de Fiona et part avec l’âme de Nan.

Le soir, Stevie Nicks chante "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" pour Fiona, qui verse une larme en l’écoutant.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Miss Robichaux's Academy


(Fiona offers Marie Laveau a drink.)

Fiona: Drink this, it'll calm your nerves. And when you're ready, I'll cast a little spell for you. Help you sleep through the night.

Marie: I'm ashamed… to show you my weakness.

Fiona: I might have shed a tear or two myself if I'd lost everyone I had.

Marie: No, it's not that. I'm over 300 years old. Everyone I done ever met done followed after the Grim Reaper. Some willingly. Others kicking and scratching. I taught myself long ago not to waste tears for the dead. It's your kindness that has touched my soul. I feel like I've been alone for so long, it's a relief to have found an equal. Even if that person come in the guise of an enemy. We have so much to talk about.

Fiona: But not tonight. Tomorrow we'll draw the battle lines. After you've rested.


(Marie is awoken in the middle of the night by a voodoo king.)

Papa Legba: Wake up. Your master calls. (murmurs) Laveau. Tonight's the night you pay me my due.

Marie: Not now. Please. It's been a hard day.

Papa Legba: Hard days deserve a harder night. (laughs)

Marie: You drink my torment like wine.

Papa Legba: Why you here in the house of your enemy?

Marie: I've come to seek a lasting truce.

Papa Legba: Not before you deal with my terms. I want what's coming to me. Tonight. Once a year, you must pay my price. It's the bargain you made so long ago.



(Baby’s cry echoes in distance)


Nurse: Ma'am? Ma'am? Ma'am, it's the middle of the night. You'll have to come back during visiting hours.

Marie: Open the door.

(She picks up a baby and walks out, tripping an alarm.)


Officer 1: I can't let you leave the hospital with that baby, ma'am.

Marie: Mama's had a hard day.

Officer 1: Put the baby down on the ground and step away from it.

Marie: Don't mess with me. I need this baby.

Officer 2: Put the goddamn baby down. Now!

Marie: I warned you.

(She uses voodoo to make them shoot each other.)

Marie: (to baby) Shut up. I'll give you something to cry about.






Miss Robichaux's Academy



Newscaster: (TV)The police have identified a man seen here in this video surveillance footage. If anyone has any information

Cordelia: It's my fault. All of it. I told him I was filing for divorce. He was so angry. He was determined to be a hero. He had this look on his face. I should've seen it.

Marie: It ain't on you. It's on me. I hired him.

Cordelia: What are you talking about?

Marie: Your husband was a Witch Hunter. Showed up at my place, runnin' his mouth 'bout how he been killing witches his whole life, 'bout how he had all this access, how his mother-in-law was the Supreme. Ooh, he hated your ass. But he gave me a fair price, so You were my sworn enemy.

Cordelia: You hired him to kill me? To kill my girls?

Marie: Uh-huh. But he was too soft on you, he couldn't do it. He was tryin' to protect you, all right. From me. Lucky for y'all he was a stone fool.

(Fiona flies into a rage and strikes her daughter.)

Fiona: You're not just blind, you are willfully blind. You married Hank to prove some childish point and brought a viper into this sacred house.

Marie: It's all water under the bridge now, mama. (to Cordelia) Come on, come on, come on.

Fiona: Hank was not some lone assassin with a grudge. Witch Hunters never act alone. They are part of an ancient order of men whose sole purpose is to rid the world of witches. Black or white. Now w… We don't have to waste our time with worker bees, what we have to do is to find the hive.

(doorbell chimes)

Fiona: Excuse me.

Newscaster: …while the search continues for the newborn baby that was kidnapped from St. Ignatius.


Misty’s bedroom

Misty: And it all comes down to you. ♪

Fiona: What a lovely shawl.

Misty: You keep your distance. I know your game, lady.

Fiona: Oh.

Misty: Slit my throat like you did Maddy or the stake like Myrtle. Don't bother. I've surrounded myself with the white spirit light to protect me. And even if you do put me down I've already made plans on how to bring myself back.

Fiona: Well, now why would I want to hurt you? Of all the girls in the house, you are the only one worth a damn, magic-wise.

Misty: Bullshit. Your daughter, she… she told me how it works with the Supreme. You can keep your powers.

Fiona: But I don't think you fully appreciate the power of the throne. It's a skeleton key. Anything you wish for in the world.



Fiona: The Supremacy comes with a great deal of power and influence. You are going to know the world, and what's more… they are all going to want to know you. You know, I was talking to an old friend of mine the other day, telling her all about you. She just begged me to come have a sit-down with you. She's a White Witch. And try as I may I cannot get her to play in the shadows with me.


Living room

Misty: Who are you?

Stevie: You must be Misty. I'm Stevie Nicks.

(Misty faints dead away.)

Stevie: Is she all right?

Fiona: You owe me five bucks. I told you she was gonna do that. Mwah.


(Zoe, Madison, and Nan come back to the house.)

Madison: Well, that was a morbid field trip.

Zoe: Queenie's dead.

Madison: We don't know that. They haven't released the names. She could be at the Souplantation. You know how that bitch loves a bottomless bowl. (“Rhiannon” begins playing on piano) Should we go to the morgue?

Nan: No.

Zoe: No.

Madison: For witches, you guys are such squares.


Living room

Stevie: Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night

And wouldn't you love to love her?

She rules her life like a bird in flight

And who will be her lover?

All your life you've never

Seen a woman taken by the wind

Would you stay If she promised to you Heaven?

Would you even win?

Would you ever win?

Oh, Rhiannon, you cry

But then she's gone, and your life

Knows no answer

And your life Knows no answer

And he says Rhiannon He says,


He says, Rhiannon

Madison: I'm a huge Eminem fan. When's he get here?

Fiona: Marshall? You're not his type. And more importantly you're not the next Supreme.

Stevie: Rhiannon Rhiannon

(Misty dances.)

Madison: What about the Seven Wonders? I have no doubt she'll pass every one.

Stevie: You still cry out for her


Dreams unwind Love's a state of mind Dreams unwind

Your love's a state of mind.

Madison: That was amazing.

Stevie: Thank you, honey.

Misty: She wrote it in ten minutes. She heard the name Rhiannon, and she got inspired, sat down and wrote the song. I know everything about you.

Stevie: I'm honored, Misty. Thank you.

Misty: Did I get the shawl twirl right? I real… I want to get it right.

Stevie: Perfect. It was perfect.

Misty: Thank you.

Stevie: But let me show you something. One twirl.

Misty: Okay.

Madison: Oh.

Stevie: That way. Okay. Whoo!

Stevie: So this shawl has danced across the stages of the world, and now it's yours. And good luck with the Seven Wonders.

Stevie: Thank you, thank you, Stevie, thank you.

(The other girls go upstairs.)


Madison: That swamp bitch can't even spell her own name, and now she gets the keys to the kingdom? I mean, I came back from the dead.

Zoe: Yeah, Misty brought you back.

Nan: I could be the Supreme.

Madison: Yeah, the mind reading's a real party trick, Mumbles the Clown.

Nan: My powers are growing. I can do mind control.

Madison: Prove it.

Nan: Put out that cigarette. Now stick it in your vagina. (Madison does it.)

Zoe: Nan, stop! Both of you skanks, enough! And by the way, you can't be the Supreme-- you've got a heart murmur.

Madison: Hm. Not anymore, bitch. My little trip to the afterlife cured it.

Zoe: I don't believe you.

(Nan checks.)

Nan: It's true.

Madison: It was clearly my destiny to die and be reborn, just like our Lord and Savior. So let's schedule the Seven Wonders, me versus Misty, and we'll see who the next goddamn Supreme is.


Cordelia’s office

(Cordelia shows a website.)

Marie: Okay, so who is he?

Cordelia: Harrison Renard. CEO of the Delphi Trust, an asset management company. One of the richest men in the country. And… apparently, my father-in-law.

Fiona: I thought Hank didn't have any family.

Cordelia: No. What Hank didn't have were any customers. No real ones, anyway.

Fiona: You're sure this man is Hank's father?

Cordelia: Renard. The French word for "fox." And this. Important men get their pictures taken. His name really was Hank. Well, Henry. Henry Renard, the only son of Harrison Renard.

Marie: So, tell me about this company, Delphi.

Cordelia: It grew out of the Renard's family business. They used to be carpenters, furniture builders, dating back to the colonies.

Fiona: Salem.

Cordelia: Now they specialize in private equity. Last year they managed over $50 billion in assets.

Marie: So, where do we find them?

Cordelia: Corporate headquarters are in Atlanta.

Marie: Hell, that ain't nothin' but a hop. So what we waitin' on?

Fiona: Well, before we hop on our broomsticks, let's think this through. This is a multibillion-dollar corporation. We have to be smart about this. They pray to one god-- a green, merciless god. Money. (Fiona and Marie lay out a maze, surrounded by stacks of cash, with mouse traps inside.) So we cut off their supply, bring them to their knees, make them crawl to us and beg for mercy. Here, I can do that.

Cordelia: I want to help.

Fiona: No. You're tainted. You let them get inside your head.

Cordelia: We can fight about this for the next ten years, but right now I want to help you.

Fiona: No! Don't you understand anything? You can't help me. You can't help anyone. You're worthless, hopeless. Get out of my sight.

(Fiona places white mice in the maze and recites a spell.)

Fiona: Come to me, Hecate. Mother of Angels Cosmic World Soul. Comminuet, infirmabitur, submergetur. Praecipita, strangulare percusserite in corde suo proposito. (FBI agents arrive at Delphi's headquarters and begin taking things away.) Comminuet infirmabitur submergetur. Praecipita strangulare percusserite in corde suo proposito. Bring them to me in a weakened state. Make me strong and cunning, so that I may destroy

Marie: Are you all right?

Fiona: (panting softly) Yeah. No. I'm fine. (She collapses.)



Zoe: Madison can't be the Supreme.

Nan: She's selfish and she's a whore.

Zoe: I didn't realize this before, but we can't survive on our own. The sisterhood protects each of us.

Nan: If I was the Supreme, I would only do good.

Zoe: I believe that. You don't have a mean bone in your body. Maybe you're the kind of leader we need.

Nan: I think they moved Luke. I can't hear him.

Nurse: Can I help you?

Zoe: Yes. Uh, we're here to see Luke Ramsey.

Nurse: I'm so sorry. Luke died yesterday.

Nan: I want to see him.

Nurse: The mortuary came and took the body away.

Nan: (crying) I want to say good-bye.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona’s bedroom

Fiona: What is that hideous smell?

Marie: Rattle viper sperm incense. Clear all the bad spirits out of here. Get rid of their evil intentions.

Fiona: It's not evil intentions that's making me sick.

Marie: Jadoo toona.

Fiona: One of these girls is emerging as the new Supreme, and as her powers grow, so does the cancer.

Marie: I ain't ready to say good-bye to you. We still got work to do.

Fiona: Have you ever been in love, Marie?



Marie: (to Bastien)What has she done to you?

Flashback ends.]


Marie: Long time ago.

Fiona: I found love for the first time, and it's given me the passion to keep fighting. You can help me live, Marie.

Marie: I wish I could.

Fiona: You know the secret. You gave it to that despicable, torturing racist.

Marie: I gave her a vial of my tears. If I gave it to you, you'd still be bald and weak and living out your last days over and over for all eternity.

(Fiona clutches Marie’s arm.)

Fiona: Who… gave it to you?

Marie: I don't think you're ready for that.

Fiona: Tell me your secret.

Marie: I sold my soul to Papa Legba.

Fiona: You conjured him or he just appeared?

Marie: Mmm I thought I was the shit back then. I had just come into my prime, and my magic was strong. Shockingly strong.



Marie: (voice over) I was pregnant, and I did not accept the idea of death. (birth of her baby with Bastien) I was invincible. Papa must've heard me. Showed up one night, said, "You can have eternal life, Marie. "I come to you once a year, and you give me what I want." I thought he meant some kind of sexual favors. Seemed simple enough at the time. I wished for it; it came true. Unknowingly, I made a deal forged in Hell. (to Papa Legba) Papa

Papa Legba: Motherhood looks good on you, Mambo. You'd make a beautiful mother. But children ain't in the cards for you.

Marie: (trembling) N-No. No. Not my baby. Take it back, Papa. Take it back. Take the spell back. I can be mortal again. Take it back.

Papa Legba: Now, you know that ain't how it works, sugar. Give the child to me. I want my innocent soul.

(Papa Legba picks up the baby. Marie cries.)

Flashback ends.]


Fiona: Does he still come to you?

Marie: Mm-hmm. Once a year.

Fiona: What does he want?

Marie: You asking for him to come and see you? 'Cause the thing about him is, if you want him bad enough, he'll hear you. Try and get some sleep now. Just close your eyes and forget about that for now.



(Misty and Madison walk in a second line funeral procession.)

Misty: Damn. This kabob's some kind of tasty. Thanks for treating.

Madison: Get used to it. If you really are the next Supreme, pretty soon, you'll be drowning in merch.

Misty: Merch?

Madison: Merchandise. Swag. The cookies. You know.

Misty: No, I'm not sure I do.

Madison: Stevie gave you the shawl. Fiona gave you Stevie. Making you feel like Supremely hot shit when the fact is, now you owe them both.

Misty: You are cynical. And I don't think the White Witch or the Supreme need my kind of help.

Madison: Maybe not today. But a year from now, you're on the throne, they're in deep shit, the phone rings, and, "Hey, girlfriend, it's Auntie Stevie. Need some mojo. You still looking like my album cover?" Everything's transactional. Guy buys you dinner, he expects a blow job. Welcome to earth.

Misty: Hey, are you trying to say that Stevie was working me?

Madison: Players only love you when they're playing.

Misty: No. No, I know what you're trying to do. Mess me up, make me doubt myself. You think I'm stupid because of where I came from. Well, I'm not so easily bought, and I ain't that easily fooled. Thanks for the lunch.

Madison: You're right. I do think you're stupid. You want to change my opinion? Let me show you something.

(They head to the cemetery.)

Madison: Enchant these guys, would you? We just need a minute.

(Misty enchants two workers to leave a casket they're about to inter.)

Misty: So, what did you want to show me?

Madison: That I'm just as powerful as you.

Misty: Prove it.

(Madison brings casket’s occupant back to life.)

Madison: See? You're powerful. I'm powerful. I don't need you. I just want to be your friend. Now lose that ugly shawl.

Misty: Are you insane? This came direct from Stevie.

Madison: She probably has a bargain bin in her basement with 20 more just like it to hand out when she needs to make someone feel special.

Misty: Stevie would never do that.

Madison: Lose the shawl. Drop it in the casket. Let the part of you that's just an imitation of some other witch die. Give life to you. The one true… Misty Day.

(Misty stands over the casket. Then Madison clocks her over the head with a brick.)

Madison: Stupid bitch. (She takes the shawl.) (to workers) Coffee break's over, boys.


Ramsey’s house

Zoe: We're just going to pay our respects. You can't mention Luke's dad, or anything like that, right?

Nan: I'm not stupid.

Zoe: We need to know the name of the mortuary. Once we find out, we can get Misty to help us bring him back.

Nan: And I can be with Luke forever.



Joan: I think the fondest memory I have of Luke was when he was nine. He had made the most adorable little cross out of driftwood.

Nan: Where's his body?

Zoe: I think she meant to ask, where do you plan to have the funeral?

Joan: Well, there will be a service in our church, but Luke is here now. I had him cremated. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Nan: You… bitch!

Zoe: I think it's time for us to go.

Nan: You killed him with that pillow.

Joan: What are you talking about? What are you talking about?!

(Nan uses her powers to immobilize Joan.)

Zoe: Nan, what are you doing? Let her go! Stop!

(She immobilizes Zoe.)

Nan: She has to pay!

Zoe: Nan!

Nan: You have to be… cleansed. (She forces Joan to drink bleach.)

Zoe: (screaming) Nan!


Miss Robichaux's Academy


Cordelia: Could you please stop playing for a minute? I need to focus.

Myrtle: No, no, no. Sit. Listen to the celestial tones.

Cordelia: What is that thing? It's hideous and weird.

Myrtle: Don't be a hater, dear. It's a theremin. I cannot tell you how playing this instrument soothes my soul in tempestuous times.

Cordelia: Nothing could soothe my soul. I have nothing to offer this coven anymore. Who am I? What do I do?

Myrtle: You buck up, is what you do! Face reality headlong and carry on.

Cordelia: But how? I have no one, and my powers are gone.

Myrtle: Your salad dressing is absolutely magical. Maybe you could bottle it. Cordelia's Conjured Coriander Condiment. Or if you'd like a little getaway, maybe a job as a hostess on a cruise ship. You've got a lovely personality, and you're always well-groomed.

Cordelia: Myrtle, are you trying to push me over the edge?

Myrtle: I'm trying to give you une demi-tasse de réalité, darling. Let's be honest. Living in Fiona's shadow is a challenge. What are your options when your mother's Hillary Clinton? Between us chickens, no matter how hard I worked at it, I never felt special, either. But with my reemergence from the flames-- look at me, I'm fabulous! Reinvigorated! One never knows what the universe has in store for us!

Cordelia: Oh, stop! Stop talking! You are insane! My God! I am an absolute failure. Everything that Fiona says is true! I don't belong here anymore. I don't belong anywhere!

(Cordelia screams and smashes up her beakers. Myrtle plays theremin.)

Myrtle: Oh! Oh! Oh!


Delphi Trust

David: They've just suspended trading on our stock. We lost 50% of our value in ten minutes.

Harrison Renard: We've been in business over 180 years. Now... I give us a week.

David: Vultures are waiting to strip the flesh from our bones

Harrison Renard: SEC has nothing on us. Nothing! You get our people on the phone. Call call the senator. Call what's his name? Bernanke.

David: I've been trying all day. Nobody is coming near us. It's like a tornado ripped through this company.

Harrison Renard: There's nothing natural about this. It's time we finally deal with those witches.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Fiona cuts up lines of cocaine on a mirror, reciting a spell.)

Fiona: Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière pour moi. Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière pour moi. Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière pour moi ago yé. Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière pour moi ago yé. Oh… Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière …. pour moi ago yé. Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière pour moi ago yé. Papa Legba, ouvrir barrière.

Papa Legba: You broke out the good stuff.

Fiona: I don't want to die.

Papa Legba: Same as everyone.

Fiona: I am not the same as everyone. This could be a big-ticket night for you, Papa. I'm queen of the witches.

Papa Legba: I don't give a wet donkey's shit about your title. I shine to only one thing: your soul.

Fiona: Then let's talk business. I give you my soul, and what do you give me in return?

Papa Legba: Freedom from death.

Fiona: I want terms defined. Life everlasting. No aging, no decrepitude forever.

Papa Legba: Just like that ?

Fiona: Just like that.

Papa Legba: In exchange, you provide services. One night a year, on the date of my choosing. No refusal ever.

Fiona: What kind of services?

Papa Legba: For instance, would you cripple your daughter?

Fiona: Today? Absolutely.

Papa Legba: Murder an innocent? Someone you love.

Fiona: Whatever it takes.

Papa Legba: Then… we have a deal.

Fiona: Seal it.

(He kisses her to seal the deal.)

Papa Legba: The deal is off.

Fiona: Why?

Papa Legba: You have nothing to sell. You have no soul.

(He leaves.)

(Her lover the Axeman appears.)

Axeman: Bum luck, baby. No sale.

Fiona: I'll get my immortality.

Axeman: All we got to do is find the young girl that's taking you down.

Fiona: Haven't you heard? I have no soul. I'll just kill 'em all.




Zoe: Maybe you are the Supreme. I mean, the way you got inside her head, only ever seen Fiona do that.

Nan: Fiona's a bitch. I'm gonna be a nice Supreme. I hear something.

Zoe: Yeah. You always hear something.

(Nan hears goes to investigate. She finds the baby Marie stole in her closet.)

Marie: What you doing?

Nan: I heard it crying.

Marie: That's impossible. That closet was.. Oh. You the clairvoyant.

Nan: You stole this baby to kill it.

Marie: You don't know what you talking about. Now give it here.

Nan: Eat my shit. I'm the next Supreme. I just killed the woman next door with my powers just now, and I will kill you.

Fiona: What is going on here?

Marie: Oh. She say she the next Supreme. Say she done killed the neighbor lady.

Fiona: Oh, great. Now we'll have more cops on our trail. Whose baby is that?

Marie: Mine. Check the skin tone.

Nan: She stole it. She's gonna kill it.

Marie: This girl is out of line.

Fiona: Nan, hand the baby back to her, or I'll make you do it. (Nan hands back the baby.) Now leave.

Nan: You have blood on your hands. The both of you. (She leaves)

Marie: Now, that girl is dangerous.

Fiona: Yes, she is. So whose is it really?

Marie: It's for Papa. Every year, his requests get worse, but you gonna come to find out.

Fiona: No. We couldn't come to terms.

Marie: I barely remember my baby's face. So when I look at this child, I feel like she mine. But Papa's coming. He needs the soul of an innocent.

Fiona: Well, perhaps we can… kill two birds with one stone.

(Cut to Fiona and Marie drowning Nan in a bathtub.)

Fiona: Oh, Christ. I didn't think she was this strong.

Marie: Never!

Fiona: Stop making such a fuss. You're not the first witch to be drowned.

(Papa Legba arrives.)

Papa Legba: I was very clear. No substitutions.

Marie: Papa, you asked for a soul. I give you one.

Papa Legba: You must provide an innocent.

Fiona: She's innocent. Mostly. She killed the neighbor, but the bitch had it coming. Oh, come on, Papa, huh?

Marie: Be a sport.

Papa Legba: You two together? Big trouble. Come, child. (Nan)

Nan: Do I have to wear this outfit for all eternity?

Papa Legba: Not at all. You will find the other side is filled with treats for a girl like you.

Nan: Anywhere is better than here.

(Papa Legba and Nan leave.)


(Stevie sings "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" for Fiona.)

Fiona: That's so beautiful. I've always loved that song, Stevie. The perfect ending to a long day.

Stevie: ♪ Has anyone ever written anything for you ♪

♪ In all your darkest hours ♪

♪ Did you ever hear me sing? ♪

♪  Listen to me now ♪

♪ You know I'd rather be alone ♪

♪ Than be without you ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ Has anyone ever given anything to you ♪

♪ In all your darkest sorrow ♪

♪ Did you ever just give it back? ♪

♪ Well, I have I have given that to you ♪

♪ And if that's all All I ever do ♪

♪ I want you to remember me ♪

♪ Mm. ♪



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Prochaines diffusions
Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Mercredi 17 avril à 22:00

Logo de la chaîne Canal+ Séries

12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

Logo de la chaîne Canal+ Séries

12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
0.24m / 0.0% (18-49)

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 16:40

Le quartier This Is Us vous propose également un nouveau sondage (pas besoin de connaitre la série). Merci d'avance pour vos votes et commentaires.

stella, Avant-hier à 20:51

Nouveau design tout sur le quartier Malcolm! Tout avis est la bienvenue

choup37, Hier à 10:15

La chasse aux gobelins est en cours sur Doctor Who, venez (re)découvrir la série

choup37, Hier à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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