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#209 : Expériences

Réalisation: Jeremy Podeswa - Scénario: Jennifer Salt


Sister Jude est désormais une patiente comme les autres au sein de Briarcliff et se voit pardonner son comportement par Leigh Emerson qui semble faire acte de repentance et que Monseigneur Howard considère comme sa nouvelle âme à sauver. Pendant ce temps, le Docteur Arden propose à Kit de mourir pour qu'ils en apprennent plus au sujet des "visiteurs et amis" de Kit mais en faisant cela, Arden retrouve des personnes qu'il n'attendait plus. Au présent, une thérapeute fait connaissance avec le fils de Bloody Face qui aurait souhaité s'affranchir de ses pulsions.


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The Coat Hanger

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Inside The Asylum - "The Coat Hanger" # Making Of

Inside The Asylum - "The Coat Hanger" # Making Of


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Dr. Arthur Arden fait fumer Kit Walker

Dr. Arthur Arden fait fumer Kit Walker

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Dr. Arthur Arden donne un verre de whisky à Kit Walker

Dr. Arthur Arden donne un verre de whisky à Kit Walker


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 12.12.2012 à 22:00
2.22m / 1.3% (18-49)

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Résumé long de l'épisode 209 "The Coat Hanger"



De nos jours

Dans le cabinet d’une thérapeute

Johnny Morgan (Dylan McDermott) rencontre une thérapeute (Brooke Smith) pour en apprendre davantage sur l'hypnothérapie. Il dit qu’il veut pouvoir s’arrêter de faire "ça". Il lui raconte que la première fois qu’il a essayé il était encore un enfant, et que lorsque sa famille d'accueil s’en était rendu compte, elle l’avait chassé.

La thérapeute pense à tout autre chose quand il lui dit qu’il a écorché un chat. Ses premiers essais étaient sur des chats morts, puis il a tué des animaux, mais il ne tue plus les animaux à présent. Ses pulsions sont plus difficiles à ignorer depuis qu’il a découvert qui il est. De surcroit désormais il ne veut plus s’en prendre aux chats, mais aux femmes. Il ne pense pas pouvoir atteindre le niveau de son père car il n'a pas la formation médicale nécessaire.

On voit Johnny s’en prendre à une femme (probablement Theresa), et l’écorcher vive. Il enlève le masque de Bloody Face, et lui demande de se tenir tranquille, c'est un travail délicat.

Il révèle à la thérapeute que son nom n'est pas Morgan, c'est Thredson. Il est le fils de Bloody Face.



Ancien bureau de Sœur Jude

Une religieuse conduit Lana voir Sœur Mary Eunice. Cette dernière regarde le dossier de Lana et la félicite d’avoir réussi à vaincre sa «perversion sexuelle». Elle lui annonce ensuite qu’elle est enceinte.

Lana ne veut pas garder le bébé conçu lorsque le Dr Thredson l’a violée. Mais Sœur Mary Eunice dit qu'elle le fera, qu’ils ont l’habitude des grossesses non désirées à l’asile. Lana lui dit qu’elle est pire que Sœur Jude, qu’elle est sadique. Sœur Mary Eunice lui donne les résultats de ses tests et Lana s'évanouit.


Dans une chambre

Sœur Jude se réveille menottée au lit. Monseigneur Howard lui dit qu'elle a tué un homme. Sœur Jude dit qu'elle se défendait et revoit la tentative de viol de Leigh Emerson et la façon dont elle l’a frappé. Mais Monseigneur Howard lui dit qu'elle a tué Frank, le gardien.


Dans la salle commune

Un juge et un greffier recueillent les témoignages sur le meurtre de Frank.

Leigh Emerson, alias le Père-Noël meurtrier, Sœur Mary Eunice et le Docteur Arden racontent leur version de l’histoire. Selon eux, c’est Sœur Jude et non pas Sœur Mary Eunice qui a égorgé Frank avec un rasoir.

Monseigneur Howard dit que Sœur Jude avait montré des signes d'instabilité en prenant pour argent comptant les délires de certains patients, notamment au sujet du prétendu passé nazi du Docteur Arden.

Sœur Mary Eunice dit que Sœur Jude l'avait menacée avec le même rasoir avant de tuer Frank.

Leigh Emerson, qui semble parfaitement lucide, dit avoir vu Sœur Jude trancher la gorge de Frank de sang-froid avant d’essayer de le tuer. Il assume la responsabilité de ses propres crimes et invoque Dieu.


Dans la chambre où est retenue Sœur Jude

Monseigneur Howard annonce à Sœur Jude que le magistrat a décidé qu’elle devrait passer le reste de sa vie à Briarcliff, en tant que patiente. Il la laisse et elle hurle pour qu’on lui vienne en aide.


Dans la boulangerie

Lana regarde les uniformes rangés sur un portant.


Dans l'ancien bureau de Sœur Jude

Monseigneur Howard trouve la nuisette rouge de Sœur Jude dans une boite remplie de ses affaires personnelles. Sœur Mary Eunice entre à son tour dans la pièce et dit qu’elle va donner ces affaires aux pauvres. Sœur Mary Eunice se rapproche de Monseigneur Howard et lui affirme qu’elle est prête à le servir et à l’aider à sauver les âmes sur le chemin qui le conduira à Rome.


Cellule de Lana

Elle sort un cintre métallique dérobé dans la boulangerie de dessous ses vêtements.


Chambre de Sœur Jude

Deux religieuses maintiennent « Judy » et essayent de la forcer à prendre ses pilules.

Lorsque Monseigneur Howard arrive, il éloigne les religieuses et fait entrer Leigh Emerson. Leigh dit à Sœur Jude qu'il lui pardonne.



Sœur Jude ordonne que Leigh Emerson soit sanglé dans sa cellule. Il tient des propos salaces et dit à Sœur Jude qu'il n'a pas besoin de son pardon.



Retour au chevet de Sœur Jude, Emerson l’embrasse doucement sur la tête. Monseigneur Howard dit que c'est le début du chemin de la vraie rédemption.



Lana rend visite à Kit à l’infirmerie, où il fait semblant d’être toujours sanglé et sous perfusion Elle veut tuer Thredson. Kit dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas, parce qu’il est le seul à pouvoir lui éviter la peine capitale. Kit voudrait que Thredson avoue. Lana pense savoir comment l’y forcer.


Tunnel conduisant au crématorium

Le Docteur Arden étudie les tunnels après sa possible rencontre extraterrestre et la disparition du corps de Grace.


Salle de stockage

Lana se rend dans la réserve où ils ont enfermé le Docteur Thredson. Elle lui enlève son bâillon et lui offre de l'eau. Elle lui montre ses résultats de test de grossesse. Il la supplie de ne pas abandonner le bébé. Elle lui dit qu'elle doit se débarrasser de lui et sort son cintre.

Il lui assure qu'il peut changer, mais elle pense qu'il est un sociopathe qui ne peut pas être honnête. Quand il dit qu'il le peut, elle demande pourquoi il a choisi Donna Burton. Il dit qu'il aimait sa peau et avoue l’avoir écorchée vive. Puis elle l’interroge sur Allison Reidel. Elle était la secrétaire de son dentiste. Puis elle lui parle de Wendy, mais Thredson est interrompu par le son de sa propre voix. Kit a enregistré ses aveux.

Lana lui dit que son bébé est mort la nuit dernière.

Flash-back : on voit Lana dans sa cellule, pratiquer un avortement avec le cintre.

Elle lui dit qu'elle va voler un couteau pendant son service à la boulangerie et revenir plus tard pour lui trancher la gorge.

Kit part avec la bande pour la mettre en lieu sûr, et tombe sur le Docteur Arden, après l’avoir cachée sous une baignoire.


Bureau du Docteur Arden

Le Docteur Arden allume la cigarette qu’il a donnée à Kit et lui verse un verre de scotch. Kit est inquiet. Le Docteur Arden dit à Kit que lui aussi, il les a vus. Et il dévoile une empreinte de pieds à trois doigts.

Il souligne le fait que Kit a eu des relations sexuelles avec sa femme et avec Grace avant qu’elles ne soient prises pas les extraterrestres. Il pense que les créatures font des expériences et étudient Kit. Il pense que si Kit était au bord de la mort, ils viendraient inverser le processus. Kit comprend que le médecin veut le tuer, le Docteur corrige, il veut presque de le tuer.

Le Docteur Arden dit que ce serait idéal si Kit coopérerait, Kit accepte dans l’espoir de revoir sa femme.



Lana réussit à se cacher dans la boulangerie et à prendre un couteau. Mais un membre du personnel la surprend et le récupère.



Leigh Emerson prie dans la chapelle. Lorsque Monseigneur Howard le rejoint, Leigh le remercie de lui avoir donné une chance de rédemption. Monseigneur pense que Leigh pourrait être son miracle, s'il pouvait le racheter.

Monseigneur baptise Leigh délivré de ses chaînes. Leigh remercie Monseigneur Howard et dit être un homme nouveau, puis il plonge la tête du prêtre dans l’eau.


Cellule de Lana

De retour dans sa chambre sans couteau, Lana sort son cintre et le plante dans son oreiller pour tester sa robustesse. Elle quitte sa chambre et va dans la réserve pour régler son compte à Thredson. Mais il est parti.

Elle se heurte à Sœur Mary Eunice dans le hall. Quand elle voit le cintre, Lana lui dit que c'est trop tard. Mais Sœur Mary Eunice met sa main sur le ventre de Lana et lui dit que sa tentative a échoué, et qu’elle attend un garçon.


De nos jours

Dans le cabinet de la thérapeute

Une patiente du Dr Gardner vient pour un rendez-vous et trouve la pièce en désordre. Le Docteur ne répond pas à ses appels. Elle s’approche du bureau et trouve le docteur dans son fauteuil recouverte de sang. Elle se retourne et voit Johnny Morgan plein de sang.




Salle commune

Lana voit Jude rentrer dans la salle commune. Tous les patients et les nonnes la regardent de travers. Elle rejoint Lana qui lui demande ce qu’ils ont fait d’elle. Jude lui répond qu’ils n’ont rien fait qu’elle ne lui a fait auparavant et lui demande une cigarette.

Jude s'excuse auprès de Lana, en disant que ce qu'elle a fait à Lana était immoral. Elle promet de l’aider à sortir et dit qu’elle va gagner sa confiance. Elle annonce que les choses vont changer ici. Elle se lève et va vers le tourne-disque qui joue "Domnique", elle enlève le disque et le réduit en morceaux.


Dans le laboratoire du Docteur Arden

Le médecin explique à Kit qu'il va lui injecter du chlorure de potassium directement dans le cœur. Après deux minutes, il va utiliser de l'adrénaline et de l'atropine pour le ranimer.

Kit admet qu'il a peur, mais se couche sur la table d’opération. Juste avant de le piquer le Docteur l’avertit que ça va faire mal.


Kit convulse pendant un certain temps, puis s'immobilise. Le Docteur Arden vérifie son pouls, puis voit une lumière blanche brillante venant de l'extérieur de son laboratoire.

Il court dans le couloir et se dirige vers l'une des cellules. Grace est assise dans la cellule, enceinte. Pepper dit qu'elle va prendre soin d'elle.



Un homme d’entretien va nettoyer la chapelle et trouve Monseigneur Howard sur la croix à la place de Jésus. Il est toujours vivant. Monseigneur Howard demande qu’on lui vienne en aide. L’homme s’enfuit et l'Ange de la Mort arrive.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Present day

(Johnny Morgan meets with a therapist.)

Doctor: Please, have a seat, Mr. Morgan. Do you mind if I call you John?

Morgan: Johnny.

Doctor: And how did you come to find me, Johnny?

Morgan: I saw your ad in one of those m-magazines they have in the mail, the Penny Saver.

Doctor: You probably saw my smoking cessation ad. "Guaranteed results or your money back"?

Morgan: I don't smoke.

Doctor: (chuckles) Well, you certainly don't look like you need to lose any weight.

Morgan: Your ad said something about curbing compulsions.

Doctor: Absolutely. I've found posthypnotic suggestion to be one of the most powerful weapons in a therapist's arsenal.

Morgan: I want to stop. I really do. If I have to go on medication, whatever, I'm willing to try.

Doctor: Tell me about the behavior you want to curtail. Start from the beginning.

Morgan: I always, uh, had these impulses, you know, even as a kid. The first time I tried it, it was scary. But it felt amazing. My whole body came alive. When my foster family saw the evidence they kicked me out. I bounced from house to house until I learned how to hide it.

Doctor: It's a shame so many people have such a negative reaction to something so natural. Was that the first time you touched yourself?

Morgan: No. I skinned a cat. It was already dead.

Doctor: So… you went around finding dead animals?

Morgan: Yeah. First couple of times. Then I learned that killing them was just as good. Even better.

Doctor: And this compulsion followed you into your adult life?

Morgan: No. I don't harm animals anymore. I haven't since I was a teenager. Did you know that killing animals is a predictor for psychopaths? I learned that in prison. Armed robbery. But it got me thinking. What made me the way I am? Who were my real parents? Well, they had a computer at the joint, and I didn't have nothing - but time, so

Doctor: Mr. Morgan, you know, I-I may not be qualified to help you.

Morgan: No, you have to help, Doctor. I don't know what to do, because those thoughts haven't stopped. If anything, they've gotten harder to ignore since I found out who I am.

Doctor: And what do those thoughts tell you to do?

Morgan: They told me to retrace my roots, so I'm renting the house where my father lived. They also told me to hurt women. But not just hurt them. Skin them. Like the cats.


[(Cut to Johnny skinning a woman (probably Theresa) while she's alive and screaming.)

Morgan: Stop moving! Shut up! (He takes off the Bloody Face mask.) This is delicate work.]


Morgan: I didn't have the same skills as my father. I didn't get the medical training. I made a mess. You think it's too late?

Doctor: It's never too late to turn yourself in.

Morgan: No, to go to medical school. I'll never live up to him. That's why I wanted to stop. You see, my name isn't Morgan. It's Thredson. I'm the son of Bloody Face.







Sister Mary Eunice’s office

(A nun takes Lana to see Sister Mary Eunice.)

Nun: You wanted a word with Miss Winters?

Sister Mary Eunice: What did I tell you about knocking?

Nun: Oh, it won't happen again, Sister.

Sister Mary Eunice: (to Lana) Have a seat.

Lana: Your Jude imitation is spot-on. For a moment there, I thought you might cane her.

Sister Mary Eunice: Mm-hmm. Awfully sassy for a girl in your condition.

Lana: What condition is that?

Sister Mary Eunice: Well… the good news is, you seem to have conquered your sexual perversion. The bad news is… the rabbit died. If I were my Aunt Celeste, I would offer you a Drano margarita.

Lana: A what?

Sister Mary Eunice: You add half a cup of Drano for every two weeks you've been pregnant to a margarita. That's what she gave my slutty cousin Molly when she got preggers by Billy Porter.

Lana: (quietly)I'm pregnant?

Sister Mary Eunice: So are we still sticking to the whole rapist story? Interesting you haven't mentioned Dr. Thredson once since you came in here. We starting to get sweet on him now that we're carrying his child?

(Lana laughs softly.)

Lana: Actually, the whole rape thing must have been some kind of hallucination from the car crash when I… I hit my head.

Sister Mary Eunice: Well whoever the daddy is there's a little life growing inside of you.

Lana: I can't keep this baby. I can't have this baby inside me.

Sister Mary Eunice: You can have this baby, and you will have this baby. This is an insane asylum. People hump like bunnies here. You're hardly our first unwed mother. Most of the babies, they are born a little (singsongy) cuckoo. So our staff is very experienced at calming them and preparing them for relocation to St. Ursula's Home for Lost Children.

Lana: You're worse than Jude. You're a sadist.

Sister Mary Eunice: Calm down, Mommy, or it's going to be a very long nine months. We don't want to have to restrain you do we?

Lana: May I go?

Sister Mary Eunice: Of course.

(Mary Eunice gives her the test results and she faints.)


(Sister Jude wakes up in traction, cuffed to the bed.)

Mgr. Howard: (distorted, echoing) You're awake. I'm so relieved.

Sister Jude: (whispers) Oh, Monsignor.

Mgr. Howard: No, no, no, you mustn't move. You've been injured, I'm afraid. Shh.

Sister Jude: What happened?

Mgr. Howard: (whispers) You don't remember? (Flash back to her stabs Crazy Santa in the neck.) You killed a man. God rest his soul.

Sister Jude: I had no choice. I was defending myself. He tried to murder me, and worse.

Mgr. Howard: You've become unhinged; that's clear. I blame myself. I should have seen it sooner.

Sister Jude: What?

Mgr. Howard: The pressures of running - this place were too much for you.

Sister Jude: No!

Mgr. Howard: You've grown paranoid, seeking conspiracy. And now Frank McCann is dead.

Sister Jude: (whispers) What did you say?


Common area

(Hearing of witnesses)

Judge: Kindly speak up.

Emerson: I saw the nun, Sister Jude, attack Frank McCann. It was horrible.

Judge: And then what happened?

Sister Mary Eunice: I made sure the other inmates were secure, and then alerted Dr. Arden to the situation.

Judge: Why didn't you call the police?

Dr Arden: There wasn't time. It was if you'll pardon the expression, bedlam. Sister Jude was on a rampage. She'd already killed Frank McCann, taken Leigh Emerson hostage, and locked herself in her old office. I can't say any of this came as a surprise to me.

Mgr. Howard: She'd been showing signs of instability for some time. She seemed to be taking on the delusions of some of the patients here. She accused Dr. Arden of being a Nazi.

Mother Superior: She came to me convinced that her young protégé, Sister Mary Eunice, was possessed by the Devil.

Mgr. Howard: When I informed her I would be removing her from her position here, she became inconsolable.

Sister Mary Eunice: She threatened me with the same straight-edge razor that she used to murder Frank McCann. She smelled of liquor and cigarettes. We had her escorted off the property. I-I-I should have called the police then-- I just I never for a moment thought something like this could happen.

Emerson: I saw her do it. I saw Sister Jude murder Frank McCann in cold blood and then try to do the same to me.

Judge: Isn't it true that you yourself are responsible for the deaths of 18 people?

Emerson: Well, sir, the state found me not responsible, which is why they put me in here, but yes oh, yes, I am responsible, I know that now. I've I've had time to reflect upon my crimes Your Honor. Christmas '62 was a very bad time for me, and the only solace I have is knowing that because of what I did… there are 18 more people in Heaven.

Judge: That's a unique perspective, Mr. Emerson.

Emerson: W-Well, I do know, sir, that no matter what, I-I can't hate Sister Jude for what she did to me-- but I can try to forgive her, and I can carry on on my own personal road to true redemption, so that one day, when I enter the gates of Heaven I can apologize, personally, to each of those I sent there before me.


Sister Jude’s cell

Mgr. Howard: The court magistrate is determined that you will live out the remainder of your days here at Briarcliff. You will, of course, be stripped of your clerical standing. No longer will you be a sister of the Holy Catholic Church. You are once again Miss Judy Martin. Patient.

Sister Jude: No, you can't do this to me!

Mgr. Howard: You did it to yourself. (He leaves her.)

Sister Jude: Come back here, you son of a bitch! Come back here! It's a set-up! God, help me! (screams)




(Lana watches as the uniforms are delivered, on wire hangers.)



Sister Jude's old office

(Monsignor finds her slinky red nightie among her things.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Apparently she had quite the secret inner life.

Mgr. Howard: Oh, (chuckles) Sister, you… startled me.

Sister Mary Eunice: I'm just packing up her things so they can be donated to the poor. I was as shocked as you are when I first saw this. I wonder who she was fancying when she wore it.

Mgr. Howard: Of course, none of this is of our concern. We had a dream together, you know.

Sister Mary Eunice: She told me. She said you wanted to be Pope.

Mgr. Howard: Those things were said in confidence.

Sister Mary Eunice: You know what I said to her when she told me your dream? I said, "Rome is where that man belongs." She was so happy when you said you wanted her on that journey with you. Like a girl who'd just received a marriage proposal.

Mgr. Howard: I can't help but wonder, if I'd been paying closer attention, could this tragedy have been averted?

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, Monsignor, as she herself would say, "No time for navel-gazing. Too much to be done." But you've had to focus on your own goals.

Mgr. Howard: There is no other goal than to save souls. She also said that.

Sister Mary Eunice: Of course. I know I, uh I can't begin to fill the shoes of the Sister Jude we all knew and loved, but let me say I'm here to serve you. I want to help you save souls, all the way to Rome.



Lana’s cell

(After Lana is taken back to her cell, she takes a wire hanger out from her clothes.)



Sister Jude’s cell

(Two nuns hold down Judy and try to force her to take her pills.)

Sister Jude: Get away from me! Get away from me! No! I demand to speak to someone!

Nun 1: Now, now, Sister Jude. You mustn't behave so.

Nun 2: She's no Sister no more. She's no queen of the castle neither. She's just a naughty patient. Now do as you're told and take these pills. Sister Jude: No!

Nun 2: Or I'll - happily force 'em down your gullet.

Sister Jude: No!

Nun 2: You clip me again and I'll call Frank in here. Oh, but I can't, because you already clipped Frank but good.

Sister Jude: No! That's a lie! Get off of me! Get off of me!

Mgr. Howard: What's all this fuss then? Hmm? Hmm? That's quite enough.

Sister Jude: (sobs) Timothy. Please

Mgr. Howard: Why don't you go and find some other tasks - for the moment?

Nun 2: Yes, Monsignor.

Nun 1: Of course, Father.

Sister Jude: (whispers) Timothy.

Mgr. Howard: Well, I was hoping you might be up for a visitor, but I see that our adjustment period continues

Sister Jude: (sobs) No. No. Monsignor, please. Don't go.

Mgr. Howard: Are you sure?

Sister Jude: I'm better now. (Monsignor lets Ermerson in to speak to her.) What's he doing here?

Mgr. Howard: Leigh has something he would like to say to you. And I think you'll find it more medicinal than any pill. Leigh?

Emerson: I forgive you.

Sister Jude: You forgive me?

Emerson: I do.



(Jude orders Lee Emerson strapped down in his cell.)

Sister Jude: Make it tight, Frank.

Emerson: Make it tight. I like it tight. Just ask Sister Chastity.

Sister Jude: I'll deal with Sister Chastity.

Emerson: You might start by picking a new name for her.

Sister Jude: You know, I thought by allowing you time in the general population that it would have had a civilizing effect on you, but clearly I was wrong, Mr. Emerson. So you'll spend the next couple days here, reflecting on your behavior.

Emerson: How can I reflect when my hand's tied down?

Sister Jude: You're disgusting.

Emerson: We all got our crosses to bear. Come on. Where's your spirit of forgiveness?

Sister Jude: I reserve it for those who are truly repentant.

Emerson: All God's chillun got to have forgiveness-- isn't that what your church teaches you?

Sister Jude: I'm under no obligation to forgive you. I'm no priest, and you are no penitent. Emerson: I don't need your forgiveness.



Back at Sister Jude's bedside

Mgr. Howard: And therein lies the journey to true redemption. I hope for both of you.

(Emerson kisses Jude lightly on the head.)



(Kit’s still strapped down and pretending to be hooked up to his meds)

Lana: It's me.

Kit: What are you doing here? Shit. Did they find him?

Lana: Not yet.

Kit: Are you okay? You look terrible.

Lana: Kit - we have to kill him.

Kit: What?

Lana: We should've done it when we had the chance. They're gonna find him, and then he'll be free again, and we cannot wait for that to happen.

Kit: We're not going to. Lana, he's the only thing standing between me and the death house. We have to get him to confess. You know what sodium pentothal is?

Lana: It's truth serum. Even if we could get our hands on some, those confessions are deemed inadmissible in court. It'll never fly.

Kit: I'm desperate. Look, I don't know why they haven't turned me in to the state police yet. Maybe 'cause I've seen too much here but either way, I need Thredson to talk.

Lana: I think I might know how.


(Dr Arden checks out his tunnels after his possible alien encounter and the disappearance of Grace's body.)


Storage room

Lana: You know how this goes. You make a sound, I bash your face in. (She takes his gag off and offers him water.) You'd like to kill me right now, Oliver, wouldn't you? This might change your mind. (She shows him her pregnancy test results.)

Dr Thredson: What is this?

Lana: It's the ultimate cosmic joke. You got me pregnant.

Dr Thredson: I'm gonna be a father?

Lana: No, Oliver, you're not gonna be a father. Not this time.

Dr Thredson: What do you mean? Oh, no. No, no. Lana, please, please, please don't give him away. I know what it's like to be raised in the system-- - it ruins –

Lana: Oliver, stop! This monster you planted inside me, I'm getting rid of it. And since I'm stuck here, I'm gonna have to get creative. (She takes out her wire hanger.)

Dr Thredson: No Lana, no, please.

Lana: This is a mercy killing, Oliver. No baby should have to grow up knowing Daddy is Bloody Face.

Dr Thredson: No. He'll never have to know. Kit Walker is gonna take the fall for those crimes. I promise you, it'll all work out.

Lana: Is that how you see it?

Dr Thredson: Lana you know me, I can change. I have great determination - and now I have reason

Lana: Really? You gonna be a real stand-up guy now?

Dr Thredson: Yes You owe me this. It's my child, too. Please.

Lana: You're a sociopath. You can't be honest with anybody.

Dr Thredson: I can. I can be honest. I can. Please help me.

Lana: Okay. Donna Burton. Why did you choose her?

Dr Thredson: I saw her at the library a couple of nights.

Lana: What did you like about her?

Dr Thredson: Her skin. It was fuzzy like a peach. And I wanted to feel it.

Lana: So you skinned her alive

Dr Thredson: Yes.

Lana: And Alison Reidel?

Dr Thredson: She was a secretary at my dentist's office. I always liked her. I put her to sleep first, but she kept talking to me. I was so confused.

Lana: And what about Wendy?

Dr Thredson: She never loved you. She locked you away.

(Thredson hears his own voice being played back.)

Dr Thredson: Her skin. It was fuzzy like a peach. And I wanted to feel it.

Lana: So you skinned her alive

Dr Thredson: What?

Lana: Hey.

Lana: (record) And Alison Reidel?

Kit: I think we got it.

Lana: Hide that tape. I'm not finished here.

Dr Thredson: Hey bitch. So it was all an act, huh?

Lana: No.

Dr Thredson: You were never pregnant?

Lana: No, that part was true. Was. Sadly, your beloved baby died last night.

(Flash to Lana in her cell, performing an abortion with her wire hanger and bleeding all over the floor.)

Lana: It started as a trickle. Within an hour, it was a bloody mess. It really wasn't that bad, actually.

Dr Thredson: God, you're a monster. You are worse than I am. You killed an innocent child.

Lana: I have bakery duty later. And after knife count, I'm gonna pocket one, and I'm gonna come back and slit your throat nice and easy. I always wanted to know what it was like inside the mind of a killer. Now I know.

(Kit races through the halls.)

(In the bathroom)

Dr Arden: Ah, Mr. Walker. I thought it might be you. You really shouldn't be wandering around these halls, you know. You're not even officially part of this institution. However, I'm very glad you're here. We have so much to talk about. Après vous, monsieur.



Dr Arden’s Office

(Dr Arden lights Kit a cigarette. Kit is suspicious.)

Dr Arden: I always keep a bottle of in my desk for special occasions like this. I think you'll find this exceptionally smooth.

Kit: What are you doing?

Dr Arden: I'm just trying to being friendly.

Kit: Why?

Dr Arden: Because I've seen what you've seen. (He took an impression of the three-toed foot imprints.) They were here. The creatures you told me about. The little green men, except of course, they're not green, are they, Mr. Walker? No. They're obviously a great deal more powerful and technologically advanced than we are.

Kit: They're terrifying.

Dr Arden: Mm-hmm. They took Grace. They took her body while I was trying to dispose of it.

Kit: What would they what would they want with her?

Dr Arden: That's what I've been asking myself. Tell me, Mr. Walker. Did you have sex with your wife just before she was taken?

(short flash-back)

Kit: I've almost forgotten her.

Dr Arden: I'll take that as a yes. You also had relations with our Grace, which is why Sister Jude wanted me to sterilize the two of you. Kit: Oh, you're saying it's 'cause of me that those creatures took them?

Dr Arden: They're experimenting, probably refining some form of eugenics. I want you to help me to bring them back. They're studying you, Mr. Walker. You're obviously valuable to them, and a good scientist always protects his subject. For example, if your life were threatened, they would have to act to preserve their specimen.

Kit: What are you saying?

Dr Arden: If you were to be brought to the brink of death, they would return to reverse the process.

Kit: You want to kill me?

Dr Arden: No, Mr. Walker. I want to almost kill you. Of course, it would be ideal if you were to cooperate, but then, I'm not asking for your permission.

Kit: You're a crazy bastard. But you got my permission. If there's a chance I could see Alma again. I'll do what I have to do.

Dr Arden: Well, then, Mr. Walker, prepare to die.



(Lana hides after her bakery shift. She takes a knife.)

Orderly: You are nothin' but trouble, lady. Give me that. You ain't got the guts to kill no one. Give me the knife, and we'll call it a night.



Emerson: Haven't prayed in years, Father.

Mgr. Howard: How does it feel?

Emerson: Strange, but good. Nobody ever gave me this shot to rehabilitate myself.

Mgr. Howard: As the figurehead of this institution, I want all of our patients to find forgiveness and a new purpose. Even you, in spite of your crimes.

Emerson: Oh, I want to be saved, Father. I'm already living in hell. I don't want to spend eternity - there, too.

Mgr. Howard: You could be my miracle, Leigh.

[(Cut to the Monsignor baptizing Leigh Emerson with his shackles off.)

Mgr. Howard: Do you repent of your sins?

Emerson: I do.]


Mgr. Howard: If I can turn a man like you towards Christ, imagine the reforms I could make on a national scale. Not just mental health. Believe me, if I ascend to the highest ranks of the church, I won't back down from the fight.

Emerson: You're quite an ambitious man, Father.

Mgr. Howard: I just want to serve and make a real difference in the world.


[(Cut to the Monsignor baptizing Emerson)

Mgr. Howard: Do you renounce Satan and all things evil?

Emerson: I do.]


Mgr. Howard: Turns your eyes to Christ, Leigh. Whatever shackles you, your freedom lives Emerson: in him.

Mgr. Howard: Praise Jesus.


[(Cut to the Monsignor baptizing Emerson)

Mgr. Howard: Do you intend to lead a new life, putting God first in all things?

Emerson: I do.

Mgr. Howard: Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Emerson: Oh, thank you, Father. I feel like a new man.

(Emerson dunks him.)]


Lana’s room

Lana: Thank you, Sister. I just needed to lie down for a bit.

(Lana takes out her wire hanger and stabs into her pillow with its pointy ends to test it.

She leaves her room and goes into Thredson's closet.)


Storage room

Lana: Hello, Oliver, I'm here to keep my word.

(Thredson's gone.)

(She runs into Sister Mary Eunice in the hall.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Missing something, Miss Winters?

Lana: It was you. You let him out, you let Bloody Face out, I know you did.

Sister Mary Eunice: (she sees the hanger.) What have you got here? Miss Winters, I thought we talked about this.

Lana: It's too late, it's already done.

Sister Mary Eunice: Really? (She puts her hand on Lana's belly.) (heart beating) Praise God. Your attempt to murder this precious child was unsuccessful.

Lana: You couldn't possibly know that.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, but I do, and I know something else. (whispers) It's a boy.




Dr. Gardner's office

(One of Dr. Gardner's patients comes for an appointment)

Patient: I think I need another posthypnotic suggestion, Dr. Gardner. I ate an entire bucket of chicken by myself last night. (She finds the room ransacked.) Dr. Gardner? (gasping) (She finds Gardner skinned in her chair.) (She turns around and sees bloody Son of Bloody Face standing there.)





Common room

(♪ Dominique, nique, nique

S'en allait tout simplement,

Routier, pauvre et chantant

En tous chemins, en tous lieux,

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu,

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪)


(Lana sees Jude come into the common room.)


(♪ A l'époque où Jean Sans Terre,

D'Angleterre était le roi

Dominique notre père,

Combattit les albigeois. ♪)


(All the patients and nuns give her the evil eye. She joins Lana.)


Lana: My God, what did they do to you?

Jude: Nothing I didn't do to you. Give me a cigarette. Come on, goddamn it, give me a cigarette; I've earned it. Thank you. I'm sorry, Lana. Can I call you Lana?

Lana: Sure.

Jude: I'm truly sorry for what I did to you. What I did was more than just wrong, it was immoral.

Lana: It was criminal.

Jude: Yes. I don't expect you to forgive me. But I'm gonna make it up to you, I swear it.

Lana: How?

Jude: I'm going to get you out of here.

Lana: Oh, yeah? Last time someone said that to me, it didn't go so well.

Jude: Yeah. You don't trust me.

Lana: No. I don't trust anyone or anything.

Jude: Yeah, well, I'm gonna earn your trust.

Lana: You think so?

Jude: I do.

(♪ Dominique vit en rêve,

Les prêcheurs du monde entier

Sous le manteau de la Vierge,

En grand nombre rassemblés.


Dominique, nique, nique

S'en allait tout simplement,

Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪)


Jude: Yeah, things are going to change around here.


(♪ En tous chemins, en tous lieux,

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu, ♪)


(Jude walks over to the record playing "Domnique" incessantly and breaks the record into pieces.)

(shouting and applause)


Lana: Well, hot damn.



Dr Arden's lab

Kit: That pink stuff-- that's gonna kill me?

Dr Arden: Potassium chloride. I'll inject this directly into your heart muscle, which will cause the heart to stop beating. From my experience, it'll take approximately two to four minutes for all the oxygen in your brain to be depleted, and then you'll die.

Kit : But you can reverse it, you can, you can bring me back to life.

Dr Arden: This syringe contains atropine, extracted from deadly nightshade. When I need to revive you, I'll inject this along with adrenaline into your system. These two drugs, administered within two minutes after your death, along with a sharp blow to your chest with my fist, will restart the heart.

Kit: I don't mind telling you I'm scared.

Dr Arden: I'll admit I'm feeling slightly apprehensive myself.

Kit: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Dr Arden: What are you mumbling about?

Kit: It's the only prayer I can remember. Just in case.

Dr Arden: This is going to hurt.

(Kit convulses for a while, then stops moving. Dr Arden checks his pulse, then sees bright white light coming from outside his lab. He runs to the hallway and to one of the cells. Grace is alive, and pregnant.)

Pepper: The baby's full-term. It won't be long.

Dr Arden: Grace. Who brought you here? I thought you were…

Pepper: She'll need a room. I'll look after her.



(A janitor finds Monsignor strung up on the cross in place of Jesus.)

Janitor: Oh, God.

Mgr. Howard: Help me.

Angel of Death: I'm here. 


Kikavu ?

Au total, 90 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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02.11.2022 vers 20h

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11.04.2020 vers 06h

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Linstead77  (22.08.2017 à 01:15)

Un bon épisode dans le fond: 

Soeur Jude qui devient patiente

Monseigneur Howard se fait encore avoir mais cet fois il meurt

Sur Mary Eunice toujours aussi folle

Lana enceinte omg

Et le retour de *Ben* (saison 1) qui est le fils de Lana et de Thredson 



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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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