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#208 : Une nuit pas très sainte

Réalisation: Michael Lehmann - Scénario: James Wong


Pour célébrer Noël à Briarcliff, Sister Mary Eunice fait sortir Leigh Emerson, un tueur en série se travestissant en père Noël, de son isolement et lui fait revêtir son costume rouge et blanc pour offrir à tous un spectacle au pied du sapin. Pendant ce temps, Sister Jude est bien décidée à confondre Sister Mary Eunice mais ses plans sont contrecarrés par la participation du Docteur Arden qui a choisi son camp en préférant aider Sister Mary Eunice. Lana, quant à elle, tombe une nouvelle fois sur son agresseur, revenu à Briarcliff pour finir son travail avec elle alors que le Docteur Arden rencontre les "amis" de Kit.


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4.13 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Unholy Night

Titre VF
Une nuit pas très sainte

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Première diffusion en France


AHSA Episode 208 "Unholy Night" - Promo

AHSA Episode 208 "Unholy Night" - Promo


AHS Inside the Asylum "Falling for the Asylum"

AHS Inside the Asylum "Falling for the Asylum"


AHS Inside The Asylum "Face Bite"

AHS Inside The Asylum "Face Bite"


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Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Soeur Mary Eunice montre le déguisement de père Noel à Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Soeur Mary Eunice montre le déguisement de père Noel à Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Mgr. Timothy Howard parle à Soeur Mary Eunice

Mgr. Timothy Howard parle à Soeur Mary Eunice

Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane)

Soeur Mary Eunice montre le déguisement de père Noel

Soeur Mary Eunice montre le déguisement de père Noel

Leigh Emerson déguisé en Père Noel

Leigh Emerson déguisé en Père Noel


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 05.12.2012 à 22:00
2.36m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 208 " Unholy Night"


Dans la rue

Devant un magasin, un petit garçon dit à sa mère ce qu’il veut comme cadeau pour Noël. Sa mère lui remet un billet pour le Père-Noël qui fait la quête pour les nécessiteux. Le Père-Noël donne un sucre d’orge au petit garçon et lui dit qu’il aura ce qu’il désire.

Les lumières du magasin s’éteignent, le Père-Noël commence à ranger ses affaires quand un étranger (Ian McShane) s’approche et lui reproche d’avoir promis au petit garçon quelque chose qu’il ne pourra pas tenir. Puis l’inconnu sort un pistolet et tire sur le Père Noël.



Dans une maison

Une petite fille (Tehya Scarth) descend l'escalier et trouve dans son salon un Père-Noël sans barbe et au costume ensanglanté. La petite fille lui fait remarquer qu'il a six jours d’avance, et lui demande pourquoi il a brisé la fenêtre pour entrer au lieu d'utiliser la cheminée. Il souligne les incohérences logistiques de Noël, et suggère à la petite Susie d’aller chercher ses parents.

Susie réveille ses parents et le Père-Noël braque un pistolet sur la tête de sa mère.

De retour dans le salon le Père-Noël les ligote avec des guirlandes électriques et frappe le père avec une cloche. Il leur promet une nuit de terreur et de viol mais leur permet de choisir qui il va tuer en premier. Il reste insensible aux supplications du couple et les tue tous les deux.





Salle commune de l’asile

Sœur Mary Eunice passe des chants de Noël dans la salle commune et annonce que Noël est de retour malgré le fiasco de l’année dernière et les paroles de Sœur Jude. Elle a fait installer un arbre, mais ils vont devoir improviser pour les décorations. Elle recueille les dentiers des patients et coupe les mèches de cheveux retenues par des rubans pour décorer le sapin.



Frank prie avec ferveur près du cadavre de Grace. Il lui promet qu'il va faire correctement les choses. Il raconte au Docteur Arden qu’il veut aller voir la police et tout raconter au sujet de Sœur Félicité et du monstre, de Kit et de Grace, qu’il est prêt à assumer les conséquences de son geste. Le Docteur Arden dit qu’il va voir ce qu’il peut faire.



Bureau de Sœur Jude

Sœur Mary Eunice profite d’un feu de cheminée en écoutant de la musique. Sœur Jude se faufile derrière elle et appuie un rasoir sur son cou. Sœur Mary Eunice se moque d'elle et se libère facilement. Elle fait voler les cannes de Sœur Jude et le disque par télékinésie. Le Dr Arden les interrompt. Sœur Mary Eunice lui demande d'appeler la sécurité. Sœur Jude est reconduite de force vers la sortie.

Dans l’escalier

Le Dr Arden glisse quelque chose dans la main de Sœur Mary Eunice et lui dit qu'ils ont un problème avec Frank.


Cellule du Père-Noël meurtrier

Sœur Mary Eunice apporte au patient un costume dans sa cellule sombre.



Salle commune de l’asile

Sœur Jude prépare les patients pour la visite d'un photographe à Noël. Le Père-Noël meurtrier demande à Sœur Jude d’être libéré de ses menottes, mais elle refuse parce qu’il a tué 18 personnes de cinq familles en une seule nuit. Un des employés de l’asile distribue des petits cadeaux et le photographe arrive. Quand l’employé s'approche du Père-Noël fou, celui-ci se jette sur lui et le mord dans le cou.



Cellule du Père-Noël meurtrier

Sœur Mary Eunice tente le patient avec un costume de Père-Noël. Elle sait que plus jeune, alors qu’il était en prison pour avoir volé du pain, il a été violé par cinq hommes sur fond de chants de Noël et que c’est ainsi qu’il a perdu son esprit de Noël. Elle lui donne le choix : être la victime ou le vainqueur.



Bureau de Sœur Mary Eunice

Tard dans la nuit, Sœur Mary Eunice fume une cigarette et écoute de la musique lorsque le Docteur Arden vient lui offrir un cadeau. Elle s’attend à un mauvais parfum, mais elle découvre de magnifiques boucles d'oreilles en rubis. Elles appartenaient à une femme juive qui pour les cacher dans le camp de concentration, les avalait chaque jour. Le Docteur avait surpris son secret en la regardant fouiller ses excréments. Elle est morte dans d’atroces souffrances à cause d’une hémorragie interne et le Docteur Arden les a récupérées en l’opérant. Sœur Mary Eunice est ravie du cadeau, malgré son origine. Le Docteur est déçu qu'elle ne recule pas devant tellement d’horreur comme elle l’aurait fait auparavant.



Lana vomit dans un bassin. Une infirmière l’assure que Sœur Mary Eunice donnera suite à sa promesse d'aller tout raconter à la police. Lana demande qui est de l'autre côté d'un paravent. C'est Kit.


Bureau de la Mère Supérieure

Sœur Jude tente de convaincre la Mère Supérieure, elle doit revenir à Briarcliff. La Mère Supérieure reçoit un appel, il y a un visiteur pour Sœur Jude.



Sœur Jude est surprise de voir que c’est le Docteur Arden qui l’attend. Il pense que malgré leurs différends, ils ont le même attachement pour Briarcliff et lui demande d’intervenir pour stopper Sœur Mary Eunice. Il la supplie de l'aider. Elle accepte, pour Sœur Mary Eunice, et lui fait promettre qu'il va suivre ses instructions.


Dans la salle commune de l’asile

Monseigneur dévoile une magnifique étoile pour le sommet du sapin. Il confie à Sœur Mary Eunice qu’il n’aurait pas pensé que Leigh Emerson (le Père-Noël) aurait pu être ainsi laissé avec les autres. Au même moment, Emerson dit des horreurs à une patiente.


Dans une maison

Kit rapporte à la maison un sapin pour Alma et leur bébé à naître. Il parle à l'enfant quand il lève les yeux et voit Grace à la place d'Alma. Il s'excuse car il se sent responsable de sa mort, mais elle ne lui en veut pas.


Infirmerie de l’asile

Lana chuchote son nom au chevet de Kit. Elle se rend compte que s’il est toujours poursuivi, c’est que la police n’est pas au courant de ce qu’elle a confié à Sœur Mary Eunice. Kit lui dit que Grace est morte. Lana lui enlève sa perfusion de calmant. Elle lui dit que le Docteur Thredson est Bloody Face. Elle va chercher un téléphone pour appeler la police. Elle lui promet de revenir.




Dans la boulangerie

Le Docteur Arden permet à Sœur Jude d’entrer dans l’asile alors que la fête de Noël se poursuit. Elle lui demande de faire venir Sœur Mary Eunice dans son bureau et de ne pas intervenir.


Dans la salle commune

Frank apporte une échelle pour mettre l'étoile sur le dessus de l'arbre. Monseigneur Howard félicite Sœur Mary Eunice pour le travail qu'elle a fait. Alors qu’il s’apprête à partir, Frank tombe de l'échelle à cause d’Emerson qui essaye de l’attaquer avec l’étoile en cristal. Mais deux infirmiers parviennent à l’arrêter et il est reconduit dans sa cellule.


Le Docteur Arden vient demander à Sœur Mary Eunice de se rendre dans l’ancien bureau de Sœur Jude.


Bureau du Docteur Thredson

Lana trouve un téléphone et compose un numéro quand elle se retourne et voit le Docteur Thredson debout derrière elle.


Cellule de Leigh Emerson

Frank jette le Père Noël dans sa cellule et tombe sur Sœur Mary Eunice qui attendait dans le couloir. Elle demande s’il lui a causé des difficultés, et Frank dit que non. Elle sort un rasoir et l’égorge sous les yeux d’Emerson.


Bureau de Sœur Jude

Sœur Jude prie dans son bureau. La porte s'ouvre. Elle s'attend à voir Sœur Mary Eunice, mais c’est Emerson qui se trouve devant elle.


Dans le couloir, Sœur Mary Eunice verrouille la porte derrière lui et se tourne vers le Docteur Arden. Il espère que désormais sa loyauté ne fait plus de doute.

Sœur Jude court vers la porte et la trouve verrouillée. Le Père-Noël prend un coupe-papier et l’agite devant elle. Il est en colère contre elle pour l’avoir mis à l’isolement. Elle crie et appelle au secours mais le Docteur Arden s’en va.


Bureau du Docteur Thredson

Le Docteur Thredson arrache le fil du téléphone du mur. Il explique à Lana que depuis son départ il a très soigneusement nettoyé sa maison et qu’elle est un témoin peu fiable. Il lui reproche le fait qu’il lui a raconté son histoire. Il met le cordon du téléphone autour de son cou. Elle se débat et se défend. Il la maitrise et lui dit que sa peau sera le début d’un nouveau Bloody Face. Mais Kit fait soudainement irruption et l’assomme.


Bureau de Sœur Jude

Le Père-Noël jette Sœur Jude contre le placard où elle range ses cannes et ses fouets et il s’ouvre. Le Père-Noël se souvient des coups de fouet administrés par Sœur Jude et choisit son instrument. Il la jette contre le bureau et commence à la battre.


Bureau du Docteur Thredson

Lana veut tuer le Docteur Thredson, mais Kit l’en empêche parce qu’il est la seule chose entre lui et la chaise électrique.


Au sous-sol

Le Docteur Arden transporte le corps de Grace à l'incinérateur quand retentit un son aigu et qu’une intense lumière l’aveugle. On voit des bras d’extraterrestres. Lorsque la lumière aveuglante s’arrête, le corps de Grace a disparu.



Bureau de Sœur Jude

Le Père-Noël pousse Sœur Jude sur un lit avec de mauvaises intentions.


Flash-back : On voit Sœur Jude attraper le coupe-papier sur le bureau pendant qu’il la frappait.


Le Père-Noël commence à monter sur le lit et elle le poignarde dans le cou.



Salle de stockage

Lana et Kit cachent le Docteur Thredson dans une salle de stockage abandonnée. Lana dit à Kit de retourner à l’infirmerie avant que l’on s’aperçoive de sa disparition.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Outside a store

 (A bell-ringing Santa Claus is collecting money.)

Little boy:Tommy's is full of holes, and the tail is falling off. I want my own, just like Fess Parker.

His mother: Is that all Christmas is to you, presents? Put this in the can. (He puts money in a kettle.)

Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! (Santa gives the boy a candy cane.) Now, you be good and listen to your mom and maybe that coonskin cap will be under your tree Christmas morning, huh?

Mother: They're closed. Come on, I think the Star Market is open until 9:00. (They leave.)

(Switches clank, Christmas music winds down and stops. The Santa packs up for the night.)

Man: Whew! He's gonna be pretty steamed at you if he doesn't get that hat.

Santa: Well, if he's good enough, his mother will end up giving it to him. If he's naughty, he'll blame himself.

Man: It's never your fault, hmm? It's all about the list. Some kid doesn't get their Renco Frogman, but you can't blame Santa. Pretty nifty win-win you set up for yourself.

Santa: Hey, buddy I'm just ringing the bell two nights a week, to get out of the house till my wife falls asleep.

(The stranger takes out a gun and shoots Santa.)



Inside a house

(A little girl comes downstairs to see blood-stained Santa in her living room, minus a beard.)

Girl: Santa?

Santa: Oh. Hi, sweetie. This is a fantastic train set. The farm even has tiny little hay bales.

Girl: It's my dad's.

Santa: Mm-hmm.

Girl: Where's your beard?

Santa: I shaved. It was scratchy.

Girl: Why are you here? Christmas isn't for six days.

Santa: That's what you get for letting Rudolph organize your calendar. And it would explain the lack of milk and cookies.

Girl: Why didn't you come through the chimney?

Santa: What's your name, sweetie?

Girl: Susie.

Santa: Susie. That's a lovely name. Well, Susie, none of it makes much sense, does it, huh? Flying reindeers, shimmying down chimneys, every good Christian house in the world in one night, Huh? They call me crazy.

Susie: Are you hurt, Santa?

Santa: Oh, no, no, no, no. No, this isn't Santa's blood. You want to take me to Mom and Dad?

(Susie’s parents’ bedroom.)

Susie: Merry Christmas, Daddy.

Father: It's not Christmas yet, baby. Haven't you been keeping your advent calendar?

Susie: It's wrong. Santa's here.

(Santa puts a gun to her mom's head.)

Santa: I think we should all go downstairs. Milk and cookies time for you and me, Susie.

(Downstairs, he wraps them in Christmas lights.)

Father: What do you want? Money? I have a safe upstairs, under the bed, with $5,000 cash in it. Jewelry, too.

Santa: You want to know why I chose your house? Your Christmas decorations. Christ, man, I mean, what are you trying to prove out there, hmm?

Father: What's wrong with a little Christmas spirit?

Santa: You know, you're right. You're right. You know what tonight needs? A little more jingle bells.

(Santa whacks him with a handbell.)

Mother: Stop! What do you want?

Santa: I'm "Santee" Claus! I'm here to bestow a little Christmas spirit upon you because what is Christmas about if it's not about families being together? Do you appreciate that right now? Do you? Don't you feel wonderful about being - with your family, huh? Huh? Yeah. Yes?

Father: Yes.

Santa: Yes?

Mother: Yes.

Both: Yes.

Santa: So... I'm gonna tell you what Santa's gonna leave under your tree tonight. He's gonna leave a little terror. A little rape.

Father: You keep your hands off of her.

Santa: Who said anything about her? You know the difference between that Santa Claus and me? He only comes once a year.

Mother: Please leave us.

Santa: I have to finish my list, huh? It wouldn't be Christmas without one big ticket item from Santa's sack. And I'm feeling so full of the Christmas spirit, I am gonna let you choose which one of you I kill first.

Father: No, please. Stop. Y-You don't have to do this.

Santa: You know what? I'm not feeling very Christmassy.

(Santa shoots them both.)








Common area

(Gene Autry’s “Here Comes Santa Claus” plays)

(♪ Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus ♪

♪ Right down Santa Claus Lane ♪

♪ Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer ♪

♪ Bells are ringing, children singing ♪)


(Sister Mary Eunice whistles.)

Sister Mary Eunice: I have an exciting announcement, people. Christmas is back. After last year's debacle, Sister Jude told you we'd never celebrate Christmas here again. Well, I say "Bah Humbug." We need a little Christmas, and luckily, we are under new management. Line up. So jump in bed. Now!


(♪And cover your head ♪ 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight ♪)

Sister Mary Eunice: Let's go. That mean old Grinch tossed out all of our ornaments. So, we'll need to improvise. Mr. Deakins.


(♪ Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus ♪)


Sister Mary Eunice: You wear dentures, don't you?


(♪ He'll come around when chimes ring out ♪

♪ It's Christmas time again ♪

♪ Peace on Earth will come to all ♪

♪ If we just follow the light ♪

♪ So let's give thanks to the Lord above ♪

♪ 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight ♪

♪ Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus ♪

♪ Right down Santa Claus Lane ♪

♪ Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer ♪)


Sister Mary Eunice: You see? We all make a little sacrifice for the greater good. (She collects patients' dentures and hair ribbons cut right out of their hair to improvise ornaments.) That's the spirit of Christmas.

(Dr Arden sees Sister Mary Eunice and goes out.)


(♪ Peace on Earth will come to all ♪

♪ If we just follow the light ♪

♪ So let's give thanks to the Lord above ♪

♪ 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight. ♪ )



(Frank prays over Grace's dead body.)

Frank: O, Lord, I beg of you, through your loving-kindness, have mercy on the soul of Grace. Through Christ our Lord. (Grace seems to wake up.) Oh. Grace I swear to you, I'm gonna make things right. You have my solemn word.

(Doctor Arden appears.)

Frank: Doctor, I've been thinking

Dr Arden: You want to be careful, Frank. That can be dangerous.

Frank: I think we should call the police I think we should tell them what happened, about Kit Walker, about Sister Felicity, about that monster.

Dr Arden: And what about you? You shot and killed an unarmed woman, Frank. Are you quite sure you want to bring the authorities into this?

Frank: Yeah, I'm ready to face whatever consequences come from it.

Dr Arden: I'll see what I can do.


Sister Jude’s office

(Sister Mary Eunice sits in front of the fire listening to carols.)

(Sister Jude sneaks up behind her and holds a straight razor to her neck.)

Sister Jude: I've been asking myself how is it the Devil can move so freely here among the sacred icons? How does a demon wear a crucifix and not burn the flesh it inhabits? And then I realized it's her. You're using Mary Eunice-- her purity-- as a shield. What if I were to slit this soft throat and release her soul to Heaven, then where would you go, foul thing?

Sister Mary Eunice: Might just jump into you. You made a big mistake coming back here. Sister Jude: No, you made a mistake. And I'm about to send you back to the hell that made you.

Sister Mary Eunice: Yeah? What are you gonna do? Cane the Devil out of me?

(Mary Eunice flings canes and a record at her.) This demon, it tricks you


(Knocking on door.)

Dr Arden: Sister, may I have a word?

Sister Mary Eunice: Dr. Arden call security. We have an intruder.


(Sister Jude is taken away.)

Sister Jude: You're making a mistake, Doctor. Because you deny God, you can't see the Devil right in front of you.

Dr Arden: See that she doesn't come back on the property. (to Sister Mary Eunice) We have a problem.

Sister Mary Eunice: I can handle Jude.

Dr Arden: I didn't mean Jude, although I wouldn't underestimate her, if I were you. Our former Irish cop is feeling the need to confess.

Sister Mary Eunice: I've got it under control.



(hinges creaking)

(A nun brings crazy Santa a present in his dark cell.)

Crazy Santa: Oh, Sister Jude. I thought you never wanted to see me again.

Sister Mary Eunice: Jude is gone. (She takes a Santa suit out of the parcel.)There's been a change in management.



Common area

(Sister Jude prepares the patients for a photographer's visit at Christmas.)

Sister Jude: Try to remain presentable. There's a photographer coming from the Gazette to take our picture. I would like to see bright, shining faces delighting in your bag of chestnuts and your new hymnal

Crazy Santa: Sister?

Sister Jude: gifts from the Monsignor himself.

Crazy Santa: The-The-These cuffs, huh? They're heavy, and they dig in. Where's your Christmas spirit, Sister?

Sister Jude: What do you take me for, an idiot? Huh? You killed 18 people from five families in one night. You might expect to remain in irons for the rest of your life.

Crazy Santa: Well, I don't want to be in your shitty picture, then. I don't want to be any part of your damn lie.

Sister Jude: Yeah, what lie is that?

Crazy Santa: Nothing like a picture of happy, shiny faces to take away the guilt of locking us away.

Sister Jude: You got that backwards, Mr. Emerson. The picture is to remind the public that without Briarcliff, you would be out there, living among them. And that's why you will be front and center, shackled and under control. (to Frank) What's he doing?

Frank: Who, Sean? (one of the orderlies) He's handing out the presents like you asked.

Sister Jude: He's wearing that silly hat and that ridiculous beard. Now, I thought I very was clear about how I wanted Christmas celebrated.

Frank: All respect, Sister, I really don't see the problem with it. The-The patients love it, it makes Sean and the boys happy. And St. Nicholas was a saint.

Sister Mary Eunice: The photographer's here! Sister Jude, the newspaper photographer is here.

Sister Jude: I thought we decided that you would bring him in when we were ready.

Sister Mary Eunice: I'm sorry. Are we not ready?

(When the orderly approaches Santa, he bites down on his neck.)

Sister Jude: Take him to the hole!


Back in Leigh Emerson’s cell

Crazy Santa: Oh, you really don't want me out there with other people this time of year.

Sister Mary Eunice: Not as yourself. Your beard goes perfectly with the suit.

Crazy Santa: Jesus, you don't know what Christmas means to me?

Sister Mary Eunice: I do now, Leigh. I know you were a petty criminal thrown in jail for shoplifting a loaf of bread, and while you were in there, the jailers went caroling in the cell block, and five men held you down and took your virginity. Well the first one did. The others took your dignity, and your self-esteem and most importantly (whispering) your Christmas spirit. But then you got out and you found the suit, and it gave you everything you were missing.

Crazy Santa: You see, I-I knew who deserved to live and who deserved to die. Who was naughty, who was nice.

Sister Mary Eunice: And you had the power, Leigh. You can have it again. Who do you want to be? The victim or the victor?


Late at night

(Sister Mary Eunice smokes a cigarette and listens music in her office.)

Dr Arden: Sister. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Sister Mary Eunice: Come on in, Arthur. I was just thinking about my Christmases. There were so many of us that all we got was a tangerine and socks. Did you celebrate Christmas in your Nazi household?

Dr Arden: We had wonderful Christmases when I was a boy. They're some of fondest childhood memories. And in that spirit, I've brought you a Christmas present since you've now become my family.

Sister Mary Eunice: You're joking! How adorable! Is it Tabu perfume?

Dr Arden: Open it. I think you'll be pleased.

Sister Mary Eunice: Well, knowing you, it's probably some cheap toilet water from the Woolworth's. Yardley's Lavender. Christ, why even get my hopes up. Well la-dee-da. Mother of God, are they real?

Dr Arden: Very.

Sister Mary Eunice: Rubies are the most glamorous of all. You couldn't have found them in this dreary town. Are they family heirlooms?

Dr Arden: They belonged to a Jewess in the camp. She was always reminding people that she was a woman of considerable means, and that her husband was an influential and wealthy doctor in Berlin. She was constantly complaining to me about her stomach problems, and as a doctor, I thought I ought to do something about it. So I followed her, one day, to the latrine, thinking I might diagnose her condition if I had a stool sample. She was in there, on her hands and knees, picking through her own feces to retrieve those earrings. She confessed to me that she swallowed them every day, day after day, carrying them around inside of her, as if, someday, she might return to her former grandeur. Poor, ridiculous woman, she died from internal bleeding. The earrings were very hard on her intestines. Obviously, I retrieved them. I knew someday I'd meet someone who was worthy of their exceptional beauty.

Sister Mary Eunice: You were very clever to retrieve them, Arthur. Look how beautiful they are on me. They bring out the rose in my cheeks. Oh you're such a sap. (chuckling)

Dr Arden: Not exactly for the reasons you may think, but a sap nonetheless. I so dearly hoped you'd throw them back in my face, that you couldn't bring yourself to touch those shit-stained earrings. I was hoping there'd be a glimmer of horror, a glimmer of that precious girl who was too afraid even to take a bite of my candy apple.

Sister Mary Eunice: You're pathetic. And gee whiz, I just hate to break it to you but you're no angel either. Now I have work to do, and you're either with me, or you're against me. And if you're against me, even God can't help you.



(Lana throws up in a bed pan.)

Nun: The cook has a terrible habit of forgetting to wash his hands. I keep telling him.

Lana: I haven't eaten anything. I'm just upset. I need to know if Sister Mary Eunice talked to the police.

Nun: If Sister Mary Eunice says she's going to do something, then you have to believe it has been done. You need to stop fretting.

(whispering voice)

Kit (muttering): You died.

Lana: Who is that back there? (the other side of a divider)

Nun: Another unfortunate soul. Nothing you need to worry yourself about.

Lana: I feel much better. Thank you. (She stands up.)


(church bell tolling)

Mother Superior’s office

Mother Superior:I  don't know what to do for you, Jude. You've lost your credibility at Briarcliff. I want to help you, but I don't know how.

Sister Jude: You've got to help me get back into Briarcliff.

Mother Superior: I don't know, Jude.

Sister Jude: Look at me. Don't I look different? I'm not running anymore, and God had a plan for me all along: to be a soldier in His army, but we're losing that war. Did you know The National Broadcasting Company is showing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer this very week? Nothing about Christ, nothing about the nativity story. This country's turn towards unadulterated blasphemy frightens me. It worries me deeply, but that's how the Devil works. Bit by bit, he turns our eyes away from God, but he can't have her! No.

Mother Superior: I will do what I can. I promise, Jude.

(phone ringing)

Mother Superior: Yes? Thank you. (hangs up) (to Sister Jude) You have a visitor.



(Sister Jude is surprised to see Arden waiting for her.)

Dr Arden: I can't remember the last time I was in a house of worship.

Sister Jude: Why are you here?

Dr Arden: You and I got off on the wrong foot right from the very beginning. Perhaps it's because we're both such strong personalities. But although our ideologies may differ, I believe our commitment to Briarcliff is equally matched.

Sister Jude: What is this?

Dr Arden: I think you must know how hard it was for me to come here, to turn to you, of all people.

Sister Jude: I don't have time for the prologue. Just say it!

Dr Arden: You were right. About Sister Mary Eunice. She's in desperate trouble. I had hoped to come up with a medical explanation for it, but I can't. She doesn't know I'm here.

Sister Jude: You're afraid of her.

Dr Arden: No. No? That's not it. I have my work to do. I can't be baby-sitting a deranged nun all day long.

Sister Jude: That's what you came for? A baby-sitter? Yeah. Well, go to hell.

Dr Arden: You were right about me, too. I don't believe in God. But I do believe in evil. I've seen it up-close and personal.

Sister Jude: I have no doubt.

Dr Arden: That's why her purity meant so much to me. She had this light in her. The light's gone out. Please-- and that's not a word I use often-- I'm begging you, please help me.

Sister Jude: I'm doing this for her, not you. You must follow my every instruction. No questions asked. You swear to me?

Dr Arden: I swear.



Common room,

(♪ O, holy night ♪)

Mgr. Howard: There you go.

Patient: Thank you.

(♪ The stars are brightly shining ♪)

Mgr. Howard: Merry Christmas. I'd like to present you all with this star, this beacon of Bethlehem. (The Monsignor takes out a shiny crystal star for the top of the tree.) It was hand-crafted for the Archdiocese of Boston. I've decided that this year, it should hang on your tree. (applause) (to Sister Mary Eunice) Yes, please. What a triumph. You've renewed these halls, Sister. Even your tree shows imagination and resourcefulness filled with the very icons of their lives. It reminds me of Marcel Duchamp and the school of found object art. So clever and forward-thinking. (whispering) Just what's been missing.

Sister Mary Eunice: (whispering) Thank you, Monsignor. I've had these ideas for a while.

Mgr. Howard: Oh, and Leigh Emerson. Mm. I must confess, I was more than a little concerned with your instincts to offer him Christmas largesse. Yes. But look at him. A renewed soul.

Leigh Emerson: (to a patient) What do you say, we blow this pop stand, go savage a few elves and then suck on each other, hmm?

Mgr. Howard: So, Arthur?

Dr Arden: Monsignor.

Mgr. Howard: There is a palpable spirit of love and joy in this room. What say we put aside our difficulties and celebrate this successful transition? Our young Sister Mary Eunice is quite a treasure, isn't she?

Dr Arden: That she is, more than you can possibly imagine.

Sister Mary Eunice: Frank, we need you up here, and, uh, bring the ladder. (Sister Mary Eunice sighs.) I want to hang this star before the entertainment portion of our party. We are watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer tonight.

Mgr. Howard: Oh, what a treat.




(♪ Christmas ♪

♪ Snow's coming down… ♪)

Alma: Is it big?

Kit: Big enough to break my back.

(Kit brings home a tree. Alma is pregnant.)

(♪ Christmas ♪

♪ Lots of leaves all around ♪

♪ Christmas ♪

♪ Baby, please come home ♪)

Kit: Hands off, woman. I got a bun in that oven.

Alma: Really? I thought I was just eating too much pie.

Kit: Keep eating. I want that kid to pop out fat and happy.

Alma: What if it's a girl?

Kit: But it's not.

Both: (they Kiss) Mm! Mmm.

(♪ They're singing deck the halls ♪)

Alma: But what if it is a girl?

Kit: Then I'll love her to the moon and back. I just have a hunch. I want to teach this kid baseball. And football.

Grace: And how to change a tire. (He looks up and see Grace instead of Alma.) What? I can't teach him.

Kit: Grace.

Grace: What's this about?

Kit: I'm so sorry, Grace. I should have stayed gone. If I hadn't come back

Grace: Shh. Who cares about that? Dance with me.

(They dance and kiss.)

Lana: (whispers) Kit…


Back in Briarcliff

Lana: (whispers) Kit, can you hear me? They're saying you escaped custody. I heard on the radio there's a manhunt. The police are still looking for you. Oh, God. (He has been drugged and dreams.)If they don't know you're here, they don't know what happened to me, either. No one is coming for either of us. And he's still out there.

Kit: Grace?

Lana: No, Kit. It's Lana. I haven't seen Grace. I don't know where she is.

Kit: Dead.

Lana: What?

Kit: Grace is dead.

Lana: We have to get you out of here. We both have to get out of here. They've got you doped up. I just have to get to a telephone. I need to call the police.

Kit: They're gonna fry me.

Lana: No. No one is going to fry you, Kit. You're innocent, and I can prove it. It was Thredson.

Kit: What?

Lana: He murdered those women, not you. He took me, Kit. He showed me where he did it. It was him. That's why he got himself appointed to your case-- to get you to confess to crimes that he committed.

Kit: Did he hurt you?

Lana: They need to know. They have to get there before he does it again. And before he destroys the evidence. I have to get to the phone.

Kit: Lana? Are you really here?

Lana: I'm really here. And I'm coming back.



Down in the bakery

(Dr Arden lets Sister Jude in.)

Sister Jude: You kept your word, Dr. Arden. Where is Sister Mary Eunice now?

Dr. Arden: In the common room, hosting a Christmas party.

Sister Jude: She should be stopped, for that reason alone.

Dr. Arden: You sure you don't need any help?

Sister Jude: No. Only I can reach her. I just need time. Bring her to my office. Lock the door. And don't let anyone interrupt us.

Dr. Arden: Consider it done.

Sister Jude: I never thought I would see it.

Dr. Arden: What's that?

Sister Jude: The day you and I would work together.



Common room

Frank: Coming through. (crowd chatter)

Mgr Howard: Sister Mary Eunice, you really have stepped out from the shadow of Sister Jude, shining brighter than anyone could imagine.

Sister Mary Eunice: Thank you, Monsignor. Oh, if you could stay just a little bit longer, Frank is about to put your star on the tree.

Mgr Howard: Oh, no, Sister, like the mythical jolly old elf, I, too, have more than one visit on this festive night, but I am happy and grateful to leave Briarcliff in your capable hands.

Frank: Okay, hand me the star.

(Frank falls off the ladder.)

All: Oh!

(Santa goes for the star. He tries to attack Frank, but two orderlies hold him down and Frank kicks him.)

Man: Get down!

Sister Mary Eunice: (to Mgr.) Two steps forward, one step back. (to Frank) Frank, you all right?

Frank: Yeah. I'm fine.

Sister Mary Eunice: Can you take him to solitary?

Frank: I'd be glad to. Get him up. Turn him around. All right.

(They take Santa back to his cell.

Dr Arden comes for Sister Mary Eunice.)

Dr Arden:Sister Mary Eunice, there's a pressing matter in your office that needs your attention.



Dr Oliver Thredson’s office

(Lana finds a phone and is dialing when she turns around and sees Thredson standing behind her.)

Dr Thredson: Hope you're not planning on making a toll call.



Leigh Emerson’s cell

(Frank throws Santa in his cell.)

Crazy Santa: Hey, Frankie, what about the outfit?

Frank: Sister's instructions were just to throw you back in your hole. Do not open until the next Christmas after never. Go rot in there, you bastard.

Sister Mary Eunice He give you any trouble?

Frank: No, Sister.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh (whispers) I think he did.

(She takes out a straight razor and slashes Frank's throat as Santa looks on from inside his cell.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Now how did this get in the building? I pray we're not looking at a rampage.

(Crazy Santa laughs.)



Sister Jude’s office

(Sister Jude prays in her office. Her door opens. She expects Sister Mary Eunice, but sees disheveled Crazy Santa instead.)

Sister Jude: What are you doing here?

Crazy Santa: I'm here to open my present.

(Out in the hall, Sister Mary Eunice locks the door behind him and turns to Arden.)

Dr Arden: I trust now my loyalty is no longer in question.


Crazy Santa: Ho, ho, ho. (He grunts and picks up her letter opener.)

(Sister Jude runs to her door.)

Sister Jude: Dr. Arden, open this door!

Crazy Santa: I'd put the lion's share of blame on that sexy Little Sister. She really doesn't like you.

Sister Jude: What's this all about?

Crazy Santa: You left me in that hole to rot.

Sister Jude: But you're out now. Anything is possible. Let me pray with you.

Crazy Santa: I think I'd rather tell you about my fantasies, like the one where I jam this gigantic crucifix up your ass, or the other one where I take my rotting teeth and my foul-breathed mouth and chomp down on your dried-up.

Sister Jude: Help me! Please!

Crazy Santa: Oh, Sister, where's your sense of Christmas spirit? I'm just beginning to feel the comfort and joy!

Sister Jude: Help me! Dear God, someone help me! Anyone, help me!

(Out in the hall, Sister Mary Eunice and Dr Arden listen.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Does this offend your delicate sensibilities?

Dr Arden: Actually, I find it rather tedious. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more pressing matters to take care of.

(Sister Mary Eunice sighs softly.)



Dr Oliver Thredson’s office

(Dr Thredson unplugs the phone from the wall.)

Lana: How did you find me?

Dr Thredson: Well, you were in a car accident, Lana. The details were in all the papers. "Escaped mental patient returned to ward."

Lana: You'll never get away with it, not as long as I have a voice.

Dr Thredson: Is that what you were doing on the phone? You were going to call the police? You know what I've been doing since you left me? I've been mourning. You made me kill Bloody Face. I've been through every inch of my house with a toothbrush cleaning up-- no bone, no skin, no drop of blood escaped my scrutiny, and the furnace has been burning red-hot, believe me.

Lana: You haven't made me disappear. I'm a witness.

Dr Thredson: To the courts? An unreliable one at best. In fact, I was just gonna let you talk. With no hard evidence, who do you think they'll believe, the doctor or the patient? But then I thought about how you betrayed me. I opened my heart to you, I told you my story, and you used it to confuse me. You made me give you my intimacy, and that is a wrong that I need to make right.

Lana: You're insane. Everyone is gonna be able to see that.

Dr Thredson: I've lost so much recently, I feel like I've been set adrift in the open sea-- but now that you're here so close to me again, well I feel like I've been found.

(He puts the phone cord around her neck. She struggles and fights back.)

Dr Thredson: Shh. Do you believe in fate, Lana?

Lana: Hmm!

Dr Thredson: We've been drawn together like magnets, and I must admit I didn't fully understand why until now. But like the Phoenix, who had to turn to ashes Bloody Face had to burn so he could be born again. And your skin will be the start of a whole new Bloody Face.

(Lana wails.)

(He's dragging her out the door when Kit cracks him on the head.)



Sister Jude’s office

(Crazy Santa throws Jude around.)

Crazy Santa: It's just you and me, Sister. God's off having schnapps with the nice Santa.

Sister Jude: I'm not the enemy.

Crazy Santa: You're not the only enemy, you just happen to be the one I'm focusing on right now. Whee!

(Crazy Santa throws her into her caning closet. She falls down)

(“Carol of the Bells” playing)

(He remembers her whipping him and selects his instrument from the caning closet.)

Crazy Santa: I take that back. Maybe God is here, and he's giving me a sign.

(“Carol of the Bells” continues)

Crazy Santa: (trying a cane) Oh, yeah. Yeah. (He drags her to the desk.)My welts never healed. No sunlight, no medicine, no bathing, and you never, ever checked on me! Not once! They're putrid now. They're seeping pus. (Sister Jude groans.) Maybe I'll have you lick them after I'm done, huh? Remember what you said? Huh?


Siter Jude : We're going to soften you up so God doesn't have to work so hard to enter you with His light. (She canes him.)

(Flashback ends.)

Crazy Santa: Guess what? There is no God. But there is a Santa Claus.

(cane striking)



Dr Oliver Thredson’s office

Lana: We have to kill him.

Kit: Wait, wait, wait a second Wait a second stop it Stop!

Lana: You have to let me do this.

Kit: We need him. He's the only thing standing between me and the electric chair.

Lana: Why is there still a manhunt? Why haven't they turned you in?

(Down in the basement, Arden is wheeling Grace's body to the incinerator when there's a high pitched alien whine and bright light and suddenly Grace's body is gone.)



Sister Jude’s office

(Santa drags Jude to the bed, with bad intentions.)

Crazy Santa: Are we having fun yet? Have you softened up enough to receive the light? Except it won't be God and, actually, it won't be light.

(Flash back to her bent over the desk, reaching for the sharp letter opener.

Crazy Santa: (caning her) Again!

(Flash back ends)

(Santa starts to climb on top of her on the bed and she stabs him in the neck.)



(Lana and Kit drag Thredson to an abandoned storage room.)

Lana: This isn't going to work forever.

Kit: Look at the dust-- it's a junk room. They practically never come in here. But you're right-- we'll have to think of something.

Lana: I'll finish. Get back to the infirmary before they realize you're gone. One day, I'll bury you.




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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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