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#312 : Va en enfer

Réalisation: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon -  Scénario: Jessica Sharzer


La dernière vision de Cordélia remet l'avenir de la Coven en question. Avec la fin du règne de Fiona approchant, les filles manifestent de puissants nouveaux dons. La recherche de Queenie pour Marie Laveau la conduit jusqu'en enfer, et à en revenir. 


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Go to Hell

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Va en enfer

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AHS: Coven Episode 312 "Go to Hell" - Promo VOST

AHS: Coven Episode 312 "Go to Hell" - Promo VOST


Photos promo

Myrtle Snow arrange les fleurs

Myrtle Snow arrange les fleurs

Queenie trouve une trace de sang

Queenie trouve une trace de sang

Queenie se sent suivie dans le cimetière

Queenie se sent suivie dans le cimetière

The Axeman se promène avec sa hache pleine de sang

The Axeman se promène avec sa hache pleine de sang

Misty, Zoe, Kyle, Cordelia, Queenie et Madison voit The Axeman

Misty, Zoe, Kyle, Cordelia, Queenie et Madison voit The Axeman

The Axeman plein de sang

The Axeman plein de sang


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 22.01.2014 à 22:00
3.35m / 1.8% (18-49)

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Résumé long de l'épisode 312 “Go to Hell”


Un vieux film en noir et blanc sur les sorcières de Salem illustre les Sept Merveilles, sept actes de magie si avancée que la magie devient un art : la télékinésie, le concilium ou contrôle mental, la transmutation (ou téléportation), la divination, le vitalum vitalis (la transmission de la vie), le descensum (la capacité à aller en Enfer et à en revenir), la pyrokinesie.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona explique que tenter de réaliser les Sept Merveilles peut être mortel. Queenie pense qu'elle veut juste savoir qui sera la prochaine Suprême pour la tuer. Mais Fiona prétend être fatiguée de tout cela.

Queenie veut savoir où Marie Laveau est passée et n’apprécie pas que Fiona réponde en manquant de respect à Papa Legba. Fiona donne alors une leçon de respect à sa façon à Queenie en la privant d’air. Elle lui indique qu’elle pourra essayer de réaliser les Sept Merveilles samedi.


Cordelia va voir Madison à la recherche de réponses concernant Misty. Elle a touché des objets dans sa chambre mais n’a pas eu de flash. Elle essaie de toucher Madison, mais celle-ci se téléporte à l’autre bout de la pièce, puis se vante de maitriser la transmutation. Cordelia lui conseille de ne pas trop se réjouir, les pouvoirs de sorcières augmentent toujours en temps de crise. Lorsque Cordelia essaie à nouveau de toucher Madison, elle se déplace encore. Cordelia veut savoir ce qu'elle cache. Madison permet finalement à Cordelia de la toucher, mais Cordelia ne voit rien.


Queenie va dans la serre de Cordelia et entend la voix de Marie jurant de se venger. Il y a du sang partout sur le sol. Queenie retourne dans la maison, lit un livre de vaudou, s'allonge sur son lit et récite une formule. Elle se voit flotter au-dessus d’elle, puis tout à coup, elle est de retour dans le fastfood de Détroit où elle travaillait avant de rejoindre l’Académie.

Il y a une longue file de clients, et Papa Legba se tient debout près de la caisse. Il lui dit qu'elle est de retour dans le pire moment de sa vie, son propre enfer. Elle veut des informations sur Marie Laveau, mais il l'avertit de revenir rapidement de l’autre côté si elle ne veut pas être coincée.


Un client se met à hurler et soudain Queenie est assise sur son lit et Papa Legba est dans sa chambre. Maintenant qu'elle a prouvé ses pouvoirs, elle veut des réponses. On voit Madame LaLaurie couper Marie en morceaux, suivant la propre idée de Marie pour se débarrasser de Madame LaLaurie.

Queenie veut connaitre un moyen de tuer un immortel. Papa Legba dit qu’il doit respecter le pacte passé avec Marie. Mais Queenie lui fait remarquer que Marie ne pourra pas exécuter sa part du marché puisqu’elle est en morceaux, donc, techniquement, leur accord est devenu caduc.


Maison des LaLaurie

Madame LaLaurie fait le guide pour les touristes venus visiter sa maison. Elle explique que Madame LaLaurie était une hôtesse merveilleuse, une excellente cavalière et une femme charitable. Lorsqu’un touriste demande s’ils pourront visiter la chambre de torture dans le grenier, elle dit que cette partie de la maison est en travaux et qu’il n’y a jamais eu de salle des tortures. Elle affirme que Madame LaLaurie était une femme en avance sur son temps, une visionnaire incomprise et détestée pour cela.

Queenie attend à l'extérieur. Une fois la visite terminée, elle entre dans la maison.

Dans un flashback on voit Madame LaLaurie suivre la visite guidée et écouter la guide la comparer à Jeffrey Dahmber, Ed Gein et Jack l'Eventreur. Dans le grenier, la guide dit qu'elle a tué 150 esclaves. Lorsque le groupe est parti, Madame LaLaurie raconte à la guide qu'elle a oublié son sac à main dans le grenier. Quand elles se retrouvent toutes les deux dans le grenier, Madame LaLaurie tient à corriger une erreur, elle n’a pas tué 150 esclaves mais 62, elle tenait un registre. Madame LaLaurie prend un marteau et frappe la guide.


Dans le grenier, Queenie lui demande de laisser la femme s’en aller et dit qu'elle va lui donner une chance de faire les choses bien et de commencer à faire amende honorable.

Mais Madame LaLaurie dit qu'elle a appris tout ce qu'elle a besoin de connaître sur le pardon aujourd'hui grâce à la «boîte magique». Et on la voit regarder à la télévision des publicités de Paula Deen et les excuses d’Anthony Weiner. Madame LaLaurie dit qu'elle ne s'excusera pas parce qu'elle n'est pas désolée et que pour elle un homme de couleur ne sera jamais l’égal d’un blanc. Queenie la poignarde en plein cœur.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Fiona pose pour son portrait officiel qui sera accroché à côté de celui des autres Suprêmes et est horrifiée quand elle se met à saigner du nez. Elle pense qu'elle n’en a plus pour très longtemps, peut être deux semaines.


Plus tard, Cordelia va voir sa mère dans sa chambre pour lui parler du fait que Queenie va tenter les Sept Merveilles. Fiona lui parle de ses yeux. Elle dit à Cordelia qu’elle ne peut pas perdre ses pouvoirs, qu’ils sont innés. Fiona lui donne un collier qu’elle tient de sa mère et Cordelia comprend que Fiona lui fait ses adieux.

Fiona met le collier autour du cou de Cordelia et Cordelia a une vision de Madison gisant sur le palier, avec la gorge tranchée. Zoe est empalée contre le mur. Misty est morte sur le piano, et Queenie git sur le sol avec un pied de table dans sa bouche. Puis Cordelia se voit avec une blessure par balle à la tête et sa mère se penchant sur elle pour reprendre le collier sur son cadavre. Elle ne dit rien à ce sujet à sa mère.




Appartement du tueur à la hache

Cordelia rend une visite au Tueur à la hache pour l'avertir que sa mère ne l’aime pas. Elle lui raconte ce qu'elle a vu et lui prend la main. Elle lui dit que Fiona ne va pas s'enfuir avec lui, elle dispose d'un billet d'avion pour un départ dans deux jours et d'un passeport.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia touche tout ce qu'elle peut trouver dans la chambre de Misty, en essayant d'obtenir une image d’elle. Elle voit Misty qui chante du Fleetwood Mac dans un cercueil. Puis elle voit la tombe.


Au cimetière

Cordelia est au cimetière avec Queenie et lui fait ouvrir la tombe et le cercueil. Misty ne respire pas. Queenie insuffle la vie à Misty.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Myrtle dit à Madison que Cordelia et Queenie sont allées sauver Misty. Myrtle demande qui pourrait être assez horrible pour avoir enseveli la pauvre fille. Madison joue les innocentes.

Zoe et Kyle sont de retour. Ils expliquent qu’ils étaient assis sous un arbre en Floride quand un homme sans-abri a réclamé qu’ils lui rendent sa place. Kyle l'a tué. Madison pense qu'ils sont revenus parce que Zoé ne pouvait pas gérer Kyle. Et nous voyons Zoe redonner vie à l'homme. Zoe est revenue parce qu’elle pense être la prochaine Suprême.

Misty, Queenie et Cordelia arrivent à leur tour et Misty se rue sur Madison. Elle ne veut pas utiliser sa magie sur elle, et elle la frappe. Elles se battent jusqu’à ce que Kyle intervienne pour les séparer.

Soudain, le Tueur à la hache maculé de sang se précipite vers eux, brandissant sa hache. Mais toutes les sorcières font front et il est propulsé dans l’escalier.

Ils se demandent d’où le sang provient. Cordelia touche les trainées de sang et a une vision du visage en sang de sa mère.

Flashback : Fiona s’approche du Tueur à la hache chez lui. Il lui dit que Cordelia lui a rendu visite.

Lorsque Fiona va dans la cuisine, il fouille dans son sac et trouve le billet d'avion. Elle le voit et lui dit qu'il a été une agréable distraction. Elle avoue qu'elle ne sait rien de l'amour, mais qu’il a été le meilleur amant qu'elle ait jamais eu. Elle lui dit aussi d’être réaliste, quand celle qui devait être la prochaine Suprême sera morte, elle aura 30 ans de vitalité en plus jusqu'à la prochaine, et elle compte bien profiter de ce temps supplémentaire.

Il l’attrape par les cheveux et lui dit qu'il l'aime et qu’il sait qu'elle l'aime. Elle nie et ajoute qu'elle était malade et avait juste besoin de ressentir quelque chose. Il la jette sur le lit, mais elle le repousse. Elle commence à lui raconter une histoire remontant à son enfance quand le Tueur à la hache arrive derrière elle lui plante sa hache dans le dos.

La vision de Cordelia prend fin.

Cordelia annonce que Fiona est vraiment morte, il l’a donnée à manger aux alligators dans le bayou. Queenie demande qui va le tuer. Kyle se porte volontaire, mais Madison ramasse sa hache et lui assène un coup. Zoe, Queenie, et Misty utilisent la magie pour saisir des couteaux de cuisine et le frappent avec frénésie.

Maison des LaLaurie

Pendant ce temps, Delphine LaLaurie est transportée par deux esclaves dans sa chambre de torture au grenier et enfermée dans une cage. Elle entend la voix de sa fille Borquita dans la cage d’à côté et lui dit qu'elle regrette.

Borquita demande pourquoi ils font cela, et Marie Laveau répond que c’est parce qu’ils le peuvent. Borquita se plaint d’avoir soif et Marie entaille le cou de Madame LaLaurie pour remplir une coupe de sang et la lui fait boire. Madame LaLaurie supplie Marie de laisser ses enfants, mais Marie prend un tisonnier rougi dans les flammes et lui demande de choisir par où elle va l’introduire dans sa fille.


Soudain, Marie se met en colère, se demandant comment elle en est arrivée là alors qu'elle ne voulait pas blesser Borquita. Papa Legba apparaît et lui dit qu'elle doit le faire. Il explique à Madame LaLaurie qu’elle va passer l'éternité chez lui, en enfer. Il rend à Marie le tisonnier en lui ordonnant de se remettre au travail.

Miss Robichaux's Academy

Kyle accroche le portrait de Fiona sur le mur. Cordelia dit que Fiona a été une très mauvaise Suprême qui a esquivé toutes ses responsabilités, y compris sa tâche la plus importante : identifier son successeur.

Et maintenant il est temps de savoir de qui il s’agit.


[Fin de l'épisode]

(An old timey black and white movie reel of the Salem Witches plays.)

Title cards: “Guided by ancient tradition witches survive only if united under a strong, singular authority”

“Every generation needs its leader The Supreme. No simple test could ever determine the sovereign among us. We rely upon seven.”

“The Seven Wonders”

“The "Seven Wonders". Seven acts of magic so advanced, each pushes the boundaries of craft into art."


“Control of the mind, also known as…” “Concilium”



“Vitalum Vitalis” “… The balancing of scales between one life force and another…”

“Descensum” “…A perilous descent into the nether worlds of afterlife…”



Fiona: (voice over)Your highest honor comes at the greatest price. Death is not uncommon. And danger inescapable. Attempting the Seven Wonders can get you killed.


Miss Robichaux's Academy



Fiona: But perform them… and you are the next Supreme.

Queenie: I don't even need to read your mind to know what you're doing. You want us to perform the Seven Wonders so that you can find the next Supreme and then kill her.

Fiona: Poor, sweet, dumb, paranoid girl. The awful truth is I am tired.

Queenie: Mm-hmm. Where's Marie Laveau?

Fiona: That's not our business.

Queenie: It's mine. The only other black witch in this place goes missing, I want to know what happened.

Fiona: She's probably off in some unholy nether realm. Cavorting with that half-baked Beetlejuice. Papa Legaboo-boo, whatever the hell his name is.

Queenie: Legba! He's a deity. Show some respect.

(Fiona chokes the air out of Queenie.)

Fiona: Respect is something that is definitely lacking around here. I will grant you that. You will show me respect! Your Supreme until the moment I am replaced. So rest up, little girl. Take your vitamin B-12s. Your trials begin Saturday morning. You will perform the Seven Wonders. Or you will die trying.





Madison’s bedroom

Cordelia: Madison? I need your help.

Madison: Jesus, Cordelia. You look like shit. I can't believe you did that to yourself.

Cordelia: I've been in Misty's room trying to see something. I've held her boots, hair from her brush. Nothing.

Madison: I hate to be the Debbie Downer, but maybe she's gone.

Cordelia: Or maybe my gift of the sight hasn't come back. (She tries to touch Madison, but Madison zooms across the room.)

Madison: Whoa! That was cool! I did transmutation. I didn't even have to think about it. It just happened.

Cordelia: I wouldn't read too much into it, Madison. You can manifest multiple powers without being the Supreme. Our powers always spike in times of crisis. This is one of those times. Madison, I need to touch you.

Madison: Tell the truth, Cordelia. You into girls now?

Cordelia: The last time I touched you, I saw things. What are you afraid I might see? Nothing stays a secret for very long in this house, Madison. (Flashback: Madison tossed Misty in a coffin.) It will come to light whether you want it to or not.

Madison: I don't have any secrets.

Cordelia: Then walk over here.

Madison: Knock yourself out. Boom, boom.

(Madison finally walks over and lets Cordelia touch her, but Cordelia sees nothing.)



(There's blood all over the ground.)

Marie: (voice over) That damn buttermilk biscuit! Thinks she can take me down. Hell no! I'm the queen-- I will rise again! Mark my words. My people gonna come for you. Rip you apart.

Queenie: Marie?!


Queenie’s bedroom

(Queenie reads through a voodoo book.)

Queenie: Spiritu duce, in me est. Deduc me in tenebris vita. Ad extremum ut salutaret 'nferi. Descensum.

(She sees herself floating over herself, then suddenly she's back in the fried chicken place.)

Manager: What you doing, girl? Give me the box of chicken. Today, please. Listen, watch the counter for me. I'm going on break, okay?

Queenie: What am I doing here?

Manager: Been asking myself the same thing for 20 years. Just watch the counter.

Queenie: What the hell? You're Papa Legba. You live in a chicken shack?

Papa Legba: No, darling. It's not the hell. It's your hell. This was the worst time of your life. Waiting on people who treated you like the piece of trash you thought you were. No power. No respect. And no future that you could see. Just grease in your hair and the smell of lard in your nose.

Queenie: Look… I came to talk to you about Marie Laveau. I was told you hang out together.

Papa Legba: She ain't here. There's this thing about being immortal. Your hell's on Earth.

Customer: Hey, dude! Just order and get out of line! I've been waiting forever for my chicken!

Papa Legba: And you can wait some more! Don't make me put you in the fryer. Now, go to the back of the line! (to Queenie) See? Everybody got to pay in the end. He gets to smell the delicious chicken and never get a bite. Took some skills to come down here before your time. Most people be afraid they couldn't get back.

Queenie: Wait! I'm not done with you!

Papa Legba: It's almost sun up. Unless you want to stay here forever, you better hurry and get back.

Queenie: What are you talking about? I've been here five minutes.

Papa Legba: Time… moves differently in here.

Woman: I want the jumbo box with butter corn. No wings, no thighs. Give me only breasts and legs. Yo! You listening to me? I'm talking to you, bitch!

(Queenie sits up on her bed with a start to see Papa Legba in her room.)

Papa Legba: Ah! You made it back. I'm impressed.

Queenie: Now that I've proven my power, you're gonna give me some answers.


[(We see Mme La Laurie hacking Marie into bits.)

Mme LaLaurie: You remember how you told me you were gonna cut me up in little pieces and plant me all over the place? I thought that was a honey of an idea.]



Queenie: There's got to be a way to kill her.

Papa Legba: So long as the voodoo queen live, so do Madame LaLaurie. More marshmallows.

Queenie: Then you need to take Marie Laveau out of the equation for me.

Papa Legba: Can't do that. Me and Marie Laveau-- we got a deal.

Queenie: I thought your deal was that every year she needs to perform a service for you.

Papa Legba: So it is.

Queenie: Well, she's not gonna be doing anything while she's chopped into 50 pieces and those pieces are scattered all over the city. Technically, you can say she's already in breach, right?

Papa Legba: You are one crafty witch.


LaLaurie’s house

(Mme LaLaurie leads a tour.)

Mme LaLaurie: The elegant and universally admired Madame Delphine LaLaurie was not only a brilliant hostess for high society soirées. But she was also renown for her remarkable equestrian abilities and her tireless charitable works.

Tourist 1: Says here she was a serial killer.

Mme LaLaurie: That's a misprint.

Tourist 2: When do we get to see the attic torture chamber?

Mme LaLaurie: That part of the house is closed off for renovations.

Tourist: Oh, great.

Mme LaLaurie: And there is no torture chamber. The attic was used for storage. And occasionally for the firm, but humane correction of Madame LaLaurie's domestics. These wild tales of barbarity you've heard are nothing more than lies invented by her many enemies. Madame Delphine LaLaurie was a woman ahead of her time. A visionary. Misunderstood. And hated for it. This way, please.

(Queenie waits outside.)

Tourist: What a total rip-off.

Mme LaLaurie: Thank you for coming.

Queenie: Psst!

Mme LaLaurie: Queenie. How did you find me?

Queenie: Wasn't hard. You're a cliché, Delphine. A dog returns to its vomit. I see you finally got that makeover. Guess you figured you could makeover a little history, too.

Mme LaLaurie: On the contrary. I'm here to set the record straight. This historical site was nothing but a house of lies before I came back.



Tour guide: This very house, the center of New Orleans high society, was also a place of abject horror. Madame Delphine LaLaurie earned her place in history alongside such monsters as Jack the Ripper, Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Tourist: (to Mme LaLaurie on the tour)She even looks like a monster.

Tour guide: The inhuman LaLaurie is said to have murdered as many as 150 slaves right here. Many times while there were extravagant parties going on just below, the sounds of music and revelry drowning out the cries of torment.

Mme LaLaurie: Horseshit.

Tourist: You don't believe it?

Mme LaLaurie: Nobody's gonna waste their time with some uppity Negro and miss a fabulous party. It beggars all belief.

Guide: Thank you for coming.

(tour group leaves)

Mme LaLaurie: Excuse me?

Guide: Yes?

Mme LaLaurie: I seem to have mislaid my pocketbook. I think I set it down upstairs.



Guide: I don't see anything. Are you certain?

Mme LaLaurie: By the way, it wasn't any 150 slaves that died up here. I can tell you that.

Guide: I'm sorry?

Mme LaLaurie: It was 62. I kept a ledger.

Guide: I-I don't understand.

Mme LaLaurie: The information you've been feeding these people? It's inaccurate. I want my money back.

Guide: Do not touch the display items! Ma'am, I am gonna have to ask you to leave now.

Mme LaLaurie: My own house?

(She picks up a claw hammer and jams it into the tour guide's head.)

Flashback ends.]


Queenie: You have to let this woman go. (guide moans)

Mme LaLaurie: What you gonna do?

Queenie: Offer you a second chance.

Mme LaLaurie: You don't mean it.

Queenie: You will never be able to pay for your crimes. But I'm willing to walk you into the local office of the Urban League. You can offer your services as a volunteer. You can help the descendants of the people you brutalized.

Mme LaLaurie: Are you out of your simple mind?

Queenie: It's your only chance for redemption.

Mme LaLaurie: Redemption? (She laughs.) I know how redemption works in this century. I seen it all on the magic box. (TV)

[(We see her watching clips of Paula Deen after using the N-word, and Anthony Weiner apologizing.)

Reporter: Paula Deen was asked, "Have you ever used the 'N' word yourself?" "Yes, of course," she stated. "But it's been a really long time."

Mme LaLaurie: (voice over) Agree to be publically humiliated-- all is forgiven.

Anthony Weiner: (TV) Last Friday night I tweeted a photograph of myself to a woman in Seattle, and I'm deeply sorry.

Mme LaLaurie: (voice over)People have gotten soft, weak, lily-livered. All anybody has to do nowadays is shed some tears,]

Mme LaLaurie: say some words…

Queenie: It's called repentance.

Mme LaLaurie: Oh, repentance my ass. You think a man jack among them was well and truly sorry? Not a one. Sorry they got caught is all. Y'all nothing but a pack of sniveling hypocrites, as far as I can see. Not me. I won't profess to be sorry, 'cause I'm not.

Queenie: I don't believe that. I was getting to you before. I know it.

Mme LaLaurie: You made me weep. But not as you would have it for my supposed sins. I wept for the state of this world. A world of lies. A world that makes promises it cannot keep. To tell a colored man that he can be equal to a white man? There's the real cruelty. I'm not going anywhere.

Queenie: Actually you are. (She stabs Delphine in the heart.)

Mme LaLaurie: Ow!

Queenie: Straight to hell.

Mme LaLaurie: It's impossible! I'm immortal.

Queenie: Wrong.

Mme LaLaurie: I don't want to die.

Queenie: Tough shit. Who does?


Miss Robichaux's Academy


Main room

(Fiona sits for her official Supreme portrait.)

Fiona: I want my portrait hung just there.

Myrtle: Yes, I knew you'd occupy a prominent place on the wall. And I didn't want some garish paint-by-numbers by a local. That's why I flew Claude in from London. He's done everyone. Margaret Thatcher. Sting.

Fiona: What are you doing back there?

Myrtle: You have to balance the frame. The negative space makes you like more drawn. Claude trusts my taste.

Fiona: Well, I don't. (She is horrified to get a bloody nose.) I'm sorry.

Claude: Do you need a break?

Fiona: No. No, I'll be fine. Just a minute.

Fiona: (thoughts) Oh, God. This is the face they'll be stuck with. I probably have two weeks left on Earth. So what the hell am I doing here?


Fiona’s bedroom

(Cordelia goes up to her mother's room.)

Cordelia: Goddamn it, Mother. What's this I hear about Queenie performing the Seven Wonders on Saturday?

Fiona: Cordelia, please. Maybe we could be kind to one another for a change, huh? My God, look at you. My beautiful little girl.

Cordelia: Oh. (laughs)

Fiona: Did you really think self-mutilation would restore your power?

Cordelia: Right up until I tried it.

Fiona: You cannot lose your power. You never will. It's inside of you. And it is not something I gave to you. As much as I'd like to, I cannot take credit for that. It's all you.

Cordelia: You are just full of surprises, Fiona Goode, you know that?

Fiona: Well, I have one more. It's from the vault.

Cordelia: What is it?

Fiona: It was my mother's. Her most precious heirloom.

Cordelia: Grandmother's necklace?

Fiona: Do you remember?

Cordelia: Yes. Of course I do.

Fiona: When I was a little girl, I used to gaze up at her wearing this necklace. Thinking to myself I will never grow to be so transcendent.

Cordelia: Oh, I know the feeling well.

Fiona: Here, take it.

Cordelia: You're saying good-bye?

Fiona: Yes, I am. Hmm. And I mean it this time. We both knew it was coming. Here. Lift your hair. I want to put it on you.

(Fiona puts the necklace around Cordelia's neck and Cordelia has a vision of Madison lying dead on the stairway landing, with her throat slit. Zoe is impaled on something on the wall. Misty is dead in the kitchen, and Queenie is dead with a table leg in her mouth on the floor. Then Cordelia sees herself with a bullet wound to her head and her mother leaning over her and taking the necklace from her dead body.)

Fiona: What's the matter?

Cordelia: Nothing. I'm fine. I just.. Wasn't there a ring that Grandmother used to wear with this? I feel so selfish asking.

Fiona: Well… if not now, when, huh?

Cordelia: Right.


Axeman’s apartment

Axeman: Just because you witches can open the locks with your hocus-pocus it doesn't make it polite. A man shouldn't be disturbed when he's playing with his instrument. You don't have your mother's features.

Cordelia: Oh, you know who I am?

Axe man: Oh, yes, of course. We spent quite an evening together.

Cordelia: It's not safe to love my mother, you know. I speak from experience. She can't love anyone but herself.

Axeman: I'm sure the transcendence of my relationship with your mother is hard for you to understand. But I'm happy that she told you about us.

Cordelia: She didn't tell me anything. I saw everything. Everything. And she's gonna kill all of us and leave you behind, too.

[(She takes his hand and sees him with Fiona)

Fiona: Unzip me.

Axeman Sitting on a porch drinking gin rickeys.

Cordelia: (voice over) She's not going to run away with you. Whatever fantasy you have about who she is and what you are to her, it's all bullshit.]


Cordelia: She used you. All she does is use people.

Axeman: It's nothing. It's just a piece of paper. It's as as light as air.

Cordelia: That flight leaves in two days. You think she might have let you know that you were leaving town that soon. I don't suspect you have a passport ready. She's going to regain her power, and when she does, she's not going to waste her time on some halfway decent musician in a $12 suit. You feel that? That empty… heartbroken feeling? That's what it feels like to get close to Fiona.


Miss Robichaux's Academy


Misty's room

(Cordelia feels everything she can find.)

Cordelia: Come on, Misty, give me a hint.

Misty: (softly) And I saw my reflection (Cordelia inhales deeply) In the snow covered hills Till the landslide brought me down

Cordelia: I see you. I see you. Where are you? (She sees Misty singing inside a coffin.)

Misty: (softly) Take my love, take it down (echoes) Climbed a mountain and turned around…

(She sees the tomb.)



Queenie: How the hell are we gonna get her out of there?

Cordelia: With a jackhammer, if we have to.

Queenie: I'm gonna go find a maintenance man.

Cordelia: No, no, just us.

Queenie: You mean, just me, and I don't have a jackhammer.

Cordelia: Stop being so literal and remember who you are. When the rest of the world sees a wall, we see a window. That's it. Keep going.

(She busts the brick down and opens the casket.)

Cordelia: Is she alive?

Queenie: It's hard to tell. Misty! She's not breathing.

Cordelia: Oh, God.

Queenie: Okay, okay. Vitalum vitalis.

(Queenie breathes life back into Misty.)


Miss Robichaux's Academy


Myrtle: That's deadly nightshade you're about to ingest through your nostrils. I wouldn't sniff around unless you're looking for a bout of delirium.

Madison: Sounds like every Saturday night since I was 15. Where is everybody?

Myrtle: Our beloved Cordelia has regained her second sight. She's off with Queenie to try and rescue Misty Day. Apparently, the poor girl has been entombed. Who would have been cruel enough to commit such an atrocity?

Madison: I have no idea. I just hope they get to her in time. I heard people die after three days without water.

(Zoe and Kyle return.)

Myrtle: Please tell me this is a hallucination driven by my bouquet of Atropa belladonna. Zoe, you can't possibly be back at the Robichaux Academy. I won't allow it. You were supposed to spend your days in romantic splendor with your true love. You're just like Halston when he sold his brand to J.C. Penney. You've forsaken your destiny.

Zoe: No, Myrtle, I've embraced it.



Zoe: (voice over) We made it to Florida. What better than the Sunshine State to cast the darkness out of our lives?

Kyle: You bit it off.

(both laugh)

Homeless: Hey, you're in my spot! Get out of here! I want to sleep!

Zoe: We're leaving.

Homeless: You, don't talk to me! Don't talk to me!

Zoe: Kyle, no!

(Kyle kills him.)

Flashback ends.]


Madison: What a surprise. Your pit bull mauled somebody. Is that why you came back, because you can't handle him?

Zoe: No. I came back because there's no escaping what I am.



Zoe: Vitalum vitalis.

(We see Zoe breathing life back into the homeless man.)

Flashback ends.]


Zoe: I came back because I'm clearly the next Supreme.

(Madison scoffs.)


(Misty walks in with Cordelia and Queenie and immediately attacks Madison.)

Misty: You bitch. Oh! You thought I was some dumb swamp rat you could leave behind to die?

Madison: Um, yes.

Myrtle: Oh! Girls, stop these vulgar fisticuffs at once. It's beneath us. Cordelia?

Cordelia: I'm good.

Misty: I don't want to waste my magic on you. I can do you with my hands.

Madison: You hit like a girl!

Queenie: This is awesome!

Zoe: No, it's not. Stop!

Misty: Come on. Get up, Hollywood.

Madison: Ow!

Kyle: Enough! (He breaks it up.)

(Axeman runs at them, wielding his axe.)

Axeman: You! You must pay for what you've done!

Madison: Wow, did you walk into the wrong house.

(All the witches turn on him at once, flinging him into the stairs.)

Queenie: Who the hell is this guy?

Cordelia: I know that voice. It's the Axeman.

Myrtle: I thought you banished his soul to the appropriate nether realms?

Cordelia: No, he's on the mortal coil.

Axeman: I'll kill all of you!

Myrtle: Is that blood?

Misty: Not his.

Myrtle: Then whose?

(Cordelia reaches down to the ground and sees a vision of her mother's blooded face.)

[Fiona: How could you do this to me? ]

Cordelia: This blood is my mother's.



Axeman’s apartment

Fiona: It's quiet. I don't remember the last time I was here when there wasn't music playing.

Axeman: You pack your wader boots?

Fiona: What?

Axeman: 'Cause I want to take you fishing.

Fiona: Fishing.

Axeman: Yeah. Yeah, fishing. For catfish.

Fiona: Catfish. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Axeman: When you fry them, the batter, it has to be crunchy, never greasy.

Fiona: I don't like catfish. I loathe all bottom-feeders.

Axeman: Well, then I'll take you boar hunting. While you're sitting on a porch drinking gin rickeys, huh?

Fiona: Gin rickeys. Unzip me.

Axeman: Your daughter she paid me a visit.

Fiona: Oh Please tell me she's in the bathtub.

Axeman: She's pretty, but she doesn't have your cheekbones. She came, I guess, to… to rile me up. I imagine she wanted me to do her dirty work for her.

Fiona: What is the world coming to, huh, when the Supreme's daughter has to outsource her own killings?

(When Fiona goes into the kitchen, he goes into her purse and finds her plane ticket.)

Axeman: We had a deal. It wasn't on paper it wasn't stamped by a notary, but we had a deal! Fiona: And what, Cordelia has convinced you otherwise? Why do they insist on always putting me in seat 1A? Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag, huh? I mean, I was gonna tell you. You have been the most delightful distraction. A life preserver. But I'm gonna be on dry land soon.

Axeman: Can't you at least pretend? Just just humor me for a while?

Fiona: I guess I loved you. Huh. Although I really don't know anything about love, if I'm gonna be honest. But you were the sweetest of lovers. The best I ever had. And I'll miss that. Let's be realistic. When the new Supreme is dead, I'll have 30 years of vitality until another one comes along. And the doors of every palace are going to open for me. I mean, hell, I know you've got all this to offer, but come on, you and I both knew that this would never…. (He grabs her roughly by the hair.) Ah! Son of a…. Let go of me!

Axeman: I love you!

Fiona: Oh, Jesus

Axeman: I know you love me!

Fiona: I don't! Christ, I was sick! I just needed to feel something. That was all! Ah. Shit.

Axeman: I made you die those little deaths for the first time in your sorry life. I made you sing when you had no tunes left in you. (He throws her to the bed but she pushes him off.)

Fiona: Get off of me! Get off of me, get off of me, you son of a bitch!

Axeman: No!

Fiona: Christ. No tears, old boy.

Axeman: What you're doing is a crime against humanity. A betrayal of the true heart of love.

Fiona: Well, I've never been one for love, true or otherwise. I live in a floating world, you know? Always… two steps ahead of heartbreak. When I was eight years old my mother brought me a little calico cat. (He drives his axe through her back.)

Flashback ends.]


Madison: Holy shit. So she's really gone. Does anyone feel any different?

Myrtle: Where's the body?

Cordelia: In the swamps. He fed her to the alligators.

Zoe: Jesus.

Misty: Well, that's it, then. Even I can't bring somebody back once they're gator shit.

Queenie: Okay. So who wants to do this? Somebody's got to kill this creep.

Myrtle: Oh, bloody-blood-blood all day in this place. Is that really necessary?

Madison: Yeah. He's a psycho mass murderer.

Myrtle: Is there anyone here of whom that could not be said? This poor troubled soul has saved this coven by doing away with Fiona. And as Cervantes once said, "Where there is music, there can be no evil."

Kyle: Cervantes never meant this asshole. Come on. Come on. I'm coven guard dog. I'll kill him.

Madison: No. I'll do it.

(Madison picks up the axe and nearly hacks him in half.)

Misty: We really don't need a man to protect us.

(Zoe, Queenie, and Misty use magic to grab kitchen knives and attack in a stabbing frenzy.)

Zoe: Nobody messes with our coven!


Mme LaLaurie’s attic

(Mme La Laurie is hauled into her own attic torture chamber by two slaves and locked in a cage.)

Mme LaLaurie: Please, no! Let me go! No! Wait, please No God, why this?

Borquita: Mother?

Mme LaLaurie: Borquita, my sweet child. I know I mistreated you in the past… but there's no greater pain than being this close and not not… being able to reach you. And to comfort you. Oh, I'm… consumed with regret.

Borquita: Why are they doing this to us?

Marie: Because we can. Behold the kingdom of the family LaLaurie!

Borquita: Please I'm so thirsty. Please have mercy.

Mme LaLaurie: Give her something to drink, you animal!

(Marie Laveau slits Mme LaLaurie's neck and feeds the blood to Borquita.)

Marie: Mm… Are you hungry, too? I'll slice off one of your mama's fingers and feed it to you!

Mme LaLaurie: You monster. Yes, I have sinned. I gave no quarter. But torturing a mama's babies in front of her? Even when I killed that little high yellah bastard, I spared his mammy from seein' it. (Marie takes a hot poker.) Oh, please, no. Have mercy on my soul!

Marie: This ain't for you! But I will let you choose whether I slide it down her throat or up her backside.

Borquita: No, please! Mother!

Borquita and Mme LaLaurie: No! Oh, no!

Mme LaLaurie: Oh, God, please, not my baby.

Marie: How did I get here? No, no, no, no. I don't want to do that. That girl ain't never done nothing to me. I don't want to do this!

Papa Legba: You will do as you are tasked. It is your soul's purpose, because I own it.

Mme LaLaurie: Who is this man? What is this place?

Papa Legba: Congratulations, Madame Delphine LaLaurie. You have been granted your sweet release from the world of the mortal. And as punishment for your crimes of murder, torture, passion, fashion and being an all-around no-good miserable bitch, you… will spend all of eternity here in my home.

Mme LaLaurie: It is my home.

Papa Legba: No it's mine. Welcome to hell.

Marie: No, that can't be true. I can't die! We have a contract!

Papa Legba: One you can no longer fulfill.

Marie: But I was good to people. I protected so many.

Papa Legba: How many little babies did you bring to me every year? No one gets away with sin. Eventually… everybody pays. Everybody suffers. Now get back to work. (He reignites the hot poker and hands it back to Marie.)

Borquita: No! Please! Mother! No!



Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Kyle hangs the picture of Fiona on the Supreme wall.)

Cordelia: How does she look?

Myrtle: Magnificent. I wish you could see it.

Cordelia: I can. I can see it through you. She was so beautiful.

Zoe: She was a great Supreme.

Queenie: A lot to live up to.

Madison: One of the best.

Cordelia: She was a force to be reckoned with, but she was a horrible Supreme. She shirked all of her responsibility, including the most important: identifying her successor. So it will be up to us to find our new leader. And the only way is through the test of Seven Wonders. And since it could be any one of you, you will all be tested. The Seven Wonders. Sunday at dawn it begins. Everyone participates. And by next week, we will have a new Supreme.




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Logo de la chaîne Canal+ Séries

12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

Dernières audiences
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12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

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12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
0.24m / 0.0% (18-49)

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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