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#307 : Tous morts

Réalisation: Bradley Buecker -  Scénario: Brad Falchuk


Alors que les effets de sa chimiothérapie se font douloureusement sentir, Fiona accepte un rendez-vous avec le Tueur à La Hache. Zoe rend sa langue à Spalding puis l'interroge et le tue après qu' il ait admis que Fiona est la véritable meurtrière de Madison. Madison et Kyle, liés par leur statut de morts-vivants, débutent une relation dans laquelle ils entrainent Zoe. Après une soirée avec Delphine LaLaurie, Queenie s'interroge sur sa place dans la Coven. Elle rend visite à Marie Laveau qui lui propose de rejoindre sa communauté à condition qu' elle lui livre Delphine.


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4.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
The Dead

Titre VF
Tous morts

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





Photos promo

Zoe regarde dans les objets de la maison

Zoe regarde dans les objets de la maison

Madison fume dans les escaliers

Madison fume dans les escaliers

Zoe essaye de venir en aide à Kyle

Zoe essaye de venir en aide à Kyle

The Axeman (Danny Huston)

The Axeman (Danny Huston)

The Axeman et Fiona

The Axeman et Fiona

Spalding est attaché au lit

Spalding est attaché au lit


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.11.2013 à 22:00
4.00m / 2.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 307 "The Dead"


Avant que le bus ne se retourne

Salon de tatouage

Kyle, ivre, est avec deux autres membres de sa fraternité qui se font tatouer. Kyle ne veut pas se faire tatouer par peur de la réaction de sa mère et parce qu’il a de grands projets. Il veut devenir ingénieur et construire des digues pour que la catastrophe qu’a engendré le passage de Katrina ne se reproduise pas. Et il ne veut pas arborer un tatouage idiot lorsqu’il rencontrera des personnages importants. Jim se fait tatouer des caractères chinois signifiant "début et fin" sur sa cheville, et Billy un trèfle sur son bras.


De nos jours

Miss Robichaux's Academy - Dans la serre

Kyle crie quand il voit les tatouages de ses amis sur son corps. Zoe vient voir comment il va. Elle a un pistolet caché dans son dos.

Dans la maison

Madison critique la génération Y et son indifférence face à la souffrance physique et émotionnelle. Mais elle, elle ne peut réellement plus rien ressentir, ni l’ivresse, ni la douleur physique, ni le plaisir de manger. Elle se sent vide.

Dans la serre

Zoe parle à Kyle. Elle lui explique qu’elle a commis une erreur en le ramenant à la vie et lui reproche d’avoir tué sa mère. Mais quand Kyle s’empare de son pistolet et tente de se suicider, elle l’en empêche.

Dans la cuisine

Tard dans la nuit, Queenie a une petite faim mais trouve le réfrigérateur vide. Madison a tout mangé. Mme LaLaurie arrive et est déçue, elle aussi avait un petit creux.

Jumpin' Jacks

Queenie a conduit Madame LaLaurie dans un fastfood et elles savourent des cheeseburgers. Queenie est excédée par les réflexions de Madame LaLaurie sur son poids. Madame LaLaurie dit qu’elle ne cherche pas à être désagréable mais qu’elle est déroutée par ce siècle. Queenie aussi se sent perdue. Elle est venue de Detroit pour être avec ses « sœurs sorcières » et se retrouve seule au milieu de la nuit avec une raciste immortelle. Madame LaLaurie pense que les autres sorcières ne l’ont jamais vue comme une sœur, parce qu'elle est noire.


Miss Robichaux's Academy / Chez Hank

Hank appelle Cordelia au milieu de la nuit pour lui demander de le laisser revenir à la maison. Elle lui dit d'aller au lit. Il boit seul, entouré par un arsenal.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia se lève au milieu de la nuit et appelle Madame LaLaurie. Madison se cache, mais rattrape Cordelia quand elle est sur le point de tomber dans les escaliers. Cordelia touche Madison et avec son don de double vue, voit sa propre mère l’égorger.


Appartement du Tueur à la hache

Le Tueur à la hache ramène Fiona chez lui, un petit appartement en désordre. Il met du jazz et cite Faulkner : « Je me rappelais que mon père avait coutume de dire que le but de la vie c'est de se préparer à rester mort très longtemps. ». Elle remarque la photo d'un jeune pianiste accrochée au mur.

Elle ignore le cafard dans la salle de bain, mais est perturbée par la perte de ses cheveux. Elle ne remarque pas le mort dans la baignoire. (Le pianiste de la photo, plus âgé.)

Elle commence à l'embrasser, mais s’écarte quand elle se retrouve avec une poignée de cheveux dans la main. Elle s’apprête à partir, mais il parvient à la retenir en faisant un parallèle entre le sexe et le saxophone dont il joue très bien. Ils font l’amour.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Zoe a conduit Kyle dans une chambre et lui enlève ses chaînes. Elle veut essayer de lui apprendre à communiquer en lui montrant des cartes avec des photos et des mots simples. Mais Kyle s’énerve et parvient à dire qu’il n’est pas stupide. Il essaye de manger mais il a du mal à se servir de la cuillère et jette sa nourriture à travers la pièce.

Madison arrive et dit à Zoé que Cordelia veut lui parler. Madison restée seule avec Kyle lui pose des questions sur la mort. Elle n’a pas vu de lumière mais elle se sent encore plus vide maintenant qu’elle est revenue. Ils ont cette expérience de la mort en commun. Ils s’enlacent.


Chez Marie Laveau

Queenie va voir Marie Laveau, qui lui dit que les sorcières blanches ne seront jamais ses amies. Elle invite Queenie à se joindre à elle, à condition qu’elle lui livre Madame LaLaurie. Queenie dit qu’elle va revenir, mais s’inquiète de ce que Marie veut faire à Madame LaLaurie.


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia dit à Zoe que ce qu’elle a fait avec le Tueur à la hache signifie qu’elle a un grand pouvoir et qu’elle va attirer l'attention de leur plus grande ennemie : Fiona. Elle avertit Zoe que Fiona va essayer de la tuer si elle pense qu'elle est la prochaine Suprême, comme elle l'a fait avec Madison pour essayer d'absorber son pouvoir. Cordelia conseille à Zoe de tuer Fiona. Quand Zoe remonte dans sa chambre, elle trouve Kyle et Madison en train de faire l’amour.


Appartement du Tueur à la hache

Au petit matin Fiona se rhabille et s’apprête à quitter l’appartement du Tueur à la hache. Elle mentionne négligemment que le cadavre dans la baignoire va bientôt commencer à sentir. Il lui répond qu’elle n’est pas un ange non plus, mais qu’elle a toujours eu quelqu'un pour nettoyer derrière elle. Il lui révèle alors qu’il la connaît depuis des années, il l’observe depuis qu’elle a huit ans.


Flash back : A l'Académie, une jeune sorcière prénommée Helen s’en prend aux plus petites dont Fiona âgée d’une huitaine d’années. Fiona tient tête à Helen, et lorsque celle-ci lui demande de renverser son verre de lait sur sa tête elle refuse et le jette sur Helen. Helen fait alors tomber Fiona de sa chaise. Quand Helen s'éloigne, un meuble tombe sur elle.


Retour chez le Tueur à la hache. Fiona comprend enfin comment le meuble est tombé et veut savoir pourquoi il a fait ça pour l'aider. Le Tueur à la hache lui explique qu’il l’a d' abord aimée comme une fille, puis qu'il l'a vue grandir, et que ses sentiments ont changé de nature. Il est tombé amoureux d’elle. Il dit qu'il veut seulement lui faire plaisir mais Fiona est en colère et lui demande de hanter quelqu'un d'autre.



Miss Robichaux's Academy - La chambre de Spalding

Spalding se réveille attaché à son lit. Zoe lui demande comment il se sent, et il répond. Sa langue est de retour dans sa bouche.

Flash back : Zoe trouve une chose humide et visqueuse dans une boîte au fond de l'armoire. Myrtle a maintenu la langue de Spalding en bon état mais n’a pas pu la restaurer. Zoe, elle, y est parvenue.

Zoe l'interroge, sachant qu'il ne peut pas mentir. Elle demande qui a tué Madison. Il résiste puis révèle finalement que c’est Fiona. Zoe sort un couteau et le poignarde dans la poitrine. Il était la dixième génération de Spalding au service de la communauté des sorcières.


Queenie demande à Madame LaLaurie la pire chose qu'elle ait jamais faite.

Flash back : Madame LaLaurie et son mari sont servis à table par Sally, une jeune esclave. Madame LaLaurie sait que Sally a récemment donné naissance à un petit garçon. Il ne fait pas de doute que Monsieur LaLaurie et Sally sont assez intimes. Plus tard dans la nuit, Madame LaLaurie applique son traitement de beauté à base de sang et dit à Sally qu'il vient d'un jeune bébé…

Madame LaLaurie avoue à Queenie qu'elle a tué le bébé parce qu’il était le fils de son mari, et que Sally s'est suicidée le lendemain matin. Elle confie à Queenie qu’elle a encore beaucoup de choses à apprendre sur l’époque et le monde et qu’elle est reconnaissante d'avoir quelqu'un, une véritable amie, pour la guider.


Chambre de Fiona

De retour à l’école, Fiona se met en colère quand elle constate à nouveau qu’elle perd ses cheveux. Elle sort une tondeuse et s’apprête à se raser la tête, mais s’arrête.

Salle de bains

Zoe sous la douche essaye de se débarrasser du sang de Spalding. Madison lui demande ce qu’elle pense du fait qu’elle ait couché avec Kyle. Madison pense que Zoe ne sera pas en mesure de lui faire du mal parce qu'il est déjà mort, mais elle ne veut pas renoncer à lui car c’est avec lui qu’elle s’est sentie bien pour la première fois depuis son retour. Madison conduit Zoe dans la chambre où Kyle attendait. Zoe les rejoint dans le lit.

Club de jazz

Le Tueur à la hache termine son concert et trouve Fiona qui l’attendait pour lui offrir un verre.

Cornrow City

Queenie prétend conduire Mme LaLaurie chez le coiffeur et la livre à Marie Laveau. Madame LaLaurie est stupéfaite par la trahison de Queenie. Marie enferme Mme LaLaurie dans une cage et remet à Queenie une serpe pour lui faire la première entaille.


Plus tard, Marie applique sur son visage le soin de beauté spécial à base de sang.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Tattoo studio


Kyle (drunkenly): (singing) ♪ Meet you all the way♪ ♪Yeah, ah (humming) ♪ Take you all the way♪ ♪ Do-do-do Rosanna, yeah ♪ ♪ Take you all the way ♪ (song plays in the background) Ooh-hoo-hoo (laughs) ♪ Oh, yeah Take you all the way Oh, yeah ♪

Seriously. Toto is amazing.

Jim: Toto sucktitude.

Kyle: I will not argue about this, bro. Toto is amazeballs.

Billy: Shut up about your incredibly gay crush on your incredibly gay band and get over it.

Jim: Seriously. Kyle, what are you gonna get? Look, check mine out. (tattoo)

Kyle: I see. (Chinese characters)

Jim: It means "Beginning and End."

Kyle: (chuckles) You know, dude, most of those don't even mean what the chart on the wall says they mean. You might have "I'm a freaking idiot" on your leg right now. (laughter) Seriously. You're going to go out for Chinese food in a pair of shorts, and the whole wait staff is gonna be laughing their asses off at you.

Billy: What the hell does "Beginning and End" mean, even if that is what it says?

Jim: It's my life philosophy. It means, live right goddamn now.

Kyle: You're full of shit. (laughter)

Billy: Yeah, seriously, Kyle, get something.

Kyle: No, dude. My mom would kill me.

Billy: Oh, it's cool. Oh, I'd totally bang her to take her mind off of it. (laughs)

Kyle: Oh, I got plans. I'm not going to grow up and work for Daddy, or sell pot to undergrads all my life. You guys know why the levees broke during Katrina?

Jim: 'Cause the little Dutch boy ran out of fingers?

Kyle: The levees were built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. But they built them for shit. And where I'm from still hasn't recovered, and probably never will.

Billy: What in the hell does you getting a tattoo have to do with Katrina?

Kyle: I'm going to be an engineer. And I'm going to make sure shit like that never happens again. I don't want to walk into some big meeting with a mayor or a governor and roll up my sleeves and have a little Saints logo or a…. or a Wile E. Coyote or anything that's gonna make him think that I'm anything other than his knight in shining armor. I got one life, and I'm not wasting it.

Jim: I think it's a pretty cool idea, Kyle.

Kyle: Thank you, Jimmy.

Billy: Yeah, I do, too. That's why I want to wish you the luck of the Irish. (a shamrock on his elbow)

Kyle: I didn't know you were Irish.

Billy: I'm not.

Kyle: You can't drink or fight. You're a little bitch.

Billy: It looks good, right?



Present Day



(Kyle screams as he sees those tattoos on his body.)

Kyle: I… (panting)

(Zoe comes to check on him.)

Kyle: Ooh. Wh..? (panting) What am I? (crying)

(Zoe's carrying a gun behind her back.)




Miss Robichaux's Academy



Madison: (voice over) I am a Millennial. Generation Y. Born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us "the Global Generation." We are known for our entitlement and narcissism. Some say it's because we're the first generation where every kid gets a trophy just for showing up. Others think it's because social media allows us to post every time we fart or have a sandwich for all the world to see. But it seems that our one defining trait is a numbness to the world, an indifference to suffering. I know I did anything I could to not feel. Sex, drugs, booze. Just take away the pain. Take away my mother and my asshole father and the press and all the boys I loved who wouldn't love me back. Hell, I was gang raped, and two days later, I was back in class like nothing happened. Most people never get over stuff like that, and I was, like, "Let's go for Jamba Juice." I would give everything I have or will ever have just to feel pain again, to hurt. Thank God for Minor League Fiona and her herb garden. One advantage of being kind of dead is that you don't have to sweat warning labels. There was this one brown liquid that I thought made my nipples tingle for a second, but I think it was psychosomatic, because I polished off the rest of it and didn't feel shit. I tried every eye of newt and wing of fly until I found something that made me not look like Marilyn Manson anymore. (sighs) And that's the rub of all of this, isn't it? I can't feel shit. (She holds a lighter to her hand to her flesh and lets it singe.) I can't feel anything. We think that pain is the worst feeling. It isn't. How can anything be worse than this eternal silence inside of me? I used to not eat for days. Or eat like crazy, and then stick my fingers down my throat. (She eats everything in the fridge.) Now, no matter how much I binge, I can't fill this hole inside me. I can't take it anymore. I think I'm going batshit. I need to do something.



(Kyle is crying)

Zoe: Hey. You know how this has to go, right?

Kyle: (quiet muttering)

Zoe: You were a great guy, Kyle. But you died. (Kyle grunts) I didn't let you go when I should have. I don't understand my power yet. (Kyle gasps) It's new. I used it to bring you back. (Kyle is crying) You killed your mother, Kyle. There's only one way left to fix this. (He gets the gun away from her and sticks it in his own mouth.)

Zoe: No! No. (She grabs it away as he fires.) I don't want you to die.

(Kyle groans)



(Queenie goes on a fridge raid.)

Queenie: Goddamn nothing!

Mme LaLaurie: I heard a noise. Thought we had vermin.

Queenie: Ain't no self-respecting rat gonna live here. Ain't nothin' to eat.

Mme LaLaurie: Nonsense. These larders are bursting to full. Well, that is disappointing. I was feeling a tad peckish myself.


Jumpin' Jacks

Man: Welcome to Jumpin' Jacks. May I take your order?

Mme LaLaurie: Who said that?

Queenie: Girl, relax. It's just a guy at the window. Let me get two Jumpin' Jacks with cheese, two fries, large, and two strawberry cyclones.

Man: Would you care to super size your order for $1.99?

Mme LaLaurie: Do we dare? (Queenie laughs) Hell, yeah! Lord in heaven, the most delicious food I have eaten in my entire life! And that's saying something.

Queenie: (laughs) I know, right?

Mme LaLaurie: I'm starting to understand why you're so enormous.

Queenie: You're not exactly svelte yourself, okay?

Mme LaLaurie: I didn't mean to give offense.

Queenie: Yeah, but you do, Miss Daisy. All the damn time.

Mme LaLaurie: It's this century. It still does perplex me so.

Queenie: You think I'm any less perplexed? I dragged my ass all the way here from Detroit to be with my, quote, "sister witches." And instead, I'm sitting in a fast-food parking lot at 3:00 in the morning with an immortal racist. (laughs) How did that happen?

Mme LaLaurie: Those girls-- they're never gonna see you as their sister.

Queenie: Let me guess. 'Cause I'm fat? No, ma chère. 'Cause you're black. Black as coal.



Cordelia’s bedroom / Hank’s home

(phone ringing)

Cordelia: Hello?

Hank: Shit. It's late.

Cordelia: Hank.

Hank: I miss you, baby. I want to come home.

Cordelia: Go to bed, Hank. (She hangs up.)

Hank: I'll see you soon, baby.

(He's drinking alone, surrounded by an arsenal.)



Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia: Delphine? Delphine? (Cordelia gets up from bed. Hallway, Madison hides.) Delphine? (soft thudding) (footsteps) Spalding? Who is it? I know you're there. (Cordelia is about to fall down the stairs.)

Madison: Whoa! Whoa! Hold it there! (She stops her.)

Cordelia: Madison.

(Cordelia grabs her.)


Madison: Stop yelling at me!

Fiona: Do it! Do it! Do it! (screaming)

(Cordelia sees her own mother slitting Madison's throat.) Flashback ends.]

Cordelia: Oh. (gasps loudly) Fiona.



The Axeman’s apartment

Axeman: I wasn't expecting company.

Fiona: I wasn't expecting Buckingham Palace.

Axeman: A woman like yourself deserves to be surrounded by beauty and grace. (jazz plays) Sit down. All I have to offer is some decent bourbon, and hopefully, good company. The reason for living was to get ready to stay dead a long time.

Fiona: Faulkner.

Axeman: As I Lay Dying.

Fiona: I get it. You're not just any old broke-down sax man, you're a college-educated one.

Axeman: I've… led a solitary life. (She laughs.)

Fiona: Come on, you don't really expect me to believe that.

Axeman: You know, when I was coming up in the clubs, uh… musicians weren't so respected.

Fiona: Hmm.

Axeman: They were considered, uh, poor, indigent, and had to be content, uh, being the back-door man never invited to stay the night.

Fiona: It's more dangerous that way.

Axeman: Yeah. And you like danger. I can tell that about you. And I like it.

Fiona: Who's he? (photo on the wall)

Axeman: We call him Prince. Prince of the Ivories. (young piano player)

(He lights her cigarette.)

Axeman: I hope you understand, Fiona, that this is a… a rare night, uh, a celestial creature like yourself, uh gracing this humble abode. In short… hot damn.

(both laughing)

Fiona: You're gonna have to excuse me a minute.

Axeman: It's not very inviting in there.



Fiona: Ugh.

(She is unsettled by the clump of her hair that comes out)

Axeman: (outside) Another bourbon?

Fiona: Absolutely. (She doesn't notice the dead man in the bathtub.)


Main room

Axeman: Is the bourbon smooth enough? (chuckles) Women don't usually like a harsh whiskey.

Fiona: Well, never assume anything about me. My taste in whiskey, or… men.

Axeman: May I assume that you'd like to kiss me? (She starts to kiss him, but she bails when her hair falls out.)

Fiona (whispering): This was a mistake. I ran out of sleeping pills. It was a bad idea.

Axeman: Don't go. This is not just a one-night stand.

Fiona: That is exactly what it is: a one-night stand.

Axeman: It could be our destiny.

Fiona (laughing): No Do you actually think my destiny is here in this roach-infested shithole?

Axeman: Well, life is full of surprises.

Fiona: Well, I've had enough surprises for two lifetimes. I'm through with surprises.

Axeman: Were you surprised that you wanted to kiss me?

Fiona: Oh… No, you don't want anything to do with me. I am a wretched human being. A miserable, mean goddamn bitch, I always have been. I've had three husbands. I've destroyed every decent relationship I have ever had, including one with my daughter.

Axeman: Love transforms.

Fiona: Come on, you don't believe in love.

Axeman: Okay, let's table love, then. What about sex? Good, old-fashioned, great sex. (She laughs) You know, that's why I took up the saxophone.

Fiona: You really are good with the ladies.

Axeman: Oh, I'm good. (She laughs.) The joke was they always watched the bass player. (We see alternately the Axeman with Fiona and the Axeman playing jazz.) But they should've watched my fingers on the keys (She giggles) (playing jazz melody) my body in perfect synchronization (She laughs.) an extension of my instrument (plays low notes) no effort at all, just one with it. The way my lips and tongue wrapped around my instrument was impeccable. My embouchure (laughing) that's how I calibrate, hit those clear, high notes. (playing upbeat jazz) (They make love. During a climax, the light bulbs start exploding.)



Miss Robichaux's Academy


(Zoe chains Kyle up.)

Zoe: I want to trust you, Kyle. You need to learn how to communicate. When you're hungry, when you're tired, when when… you feel like you might do something bad. When you're hungry, I want you to say "food". (showing him flashcards with single words on them.)

Kyle: "Food." Food.

Zoe: Good. When you're tired, you can say you can say "bed."

Kyle: Not! S.. stupid.

Zoe: I know you're not. You're not stupid.

Kyle: Mm-mm.

Zoe: Everything you know, it it's stuck in your head. I'm trying to help you, so you can function like a person.

(He gets frustrated trying to feed himself and flings his food across the room.) (He screams.)

Zoe: No! Stop. Shh.

Kyle: grunting, shouting

Madison: (comes in) Jesus, who's this?

Zoe: Don't you remember? It's Kyle. We used a spell, brought him back to life? You killed him.

Madison: Oh, uh… Cordelia wants to see you. Uh, actually, that would be impossible, but she does want to talk.

Zoe: She knows you're alive?

Madison: She knows a lot more than you think. Go. I'll take care of him.

(Zoe leaves.)

Madison: Huh? Looks like we had to put you back together. Lucky I picked out all the best pieces.

(He shouts)

Madison: You were dead. So was I. I didn't see a light, did you? Mine was cold and dark and then nothing. But we both came back. To this. Somehow, it feels more empty here. You know exactly how I feel. (He sniffs) You've been wondering if it was worth the trouble. And I've been wondering the same thing. (sniffling)



Marie Laveau’s salon

♪ You say you're leavin' Won't be back no more ♪

Marie: Here, Walter. You got some good ones for me today? (chuckles) Ooh (fishes) Yeah give me three of them. (laughs) Are you gonna come in? Or you just gonna stare from the doorway, Queenie?

Queenie: How do you know my name?

Marie: Black witch come to town, I'm gonna hear about it. Surprised it took you this long to come see me.

Queenie: You doin' some kind of voodoo with them fish heads?

Marie: It's Sunday night. I'm makin' gumbo.

♪ You have somebody else ♪

Queenie: I never even had gumbo.

Marie: Not surprised. Livin' over there in wonder bread land. They probably feed you Shake 'n Bake and watermelon for dessert. Hmph.

Queenie: They don't care that I'm black. I just think that they just don't like me.

Marie: Oh they care plenty. Hmph. Their power is built on the sweat of our backs. The only reason you and I in this country is 'cause our great-great-grandpas couldn't run fast enough. We'll never be welcome here. And those witches are the worst.

Queenie: They're not so bad.

Marie: No? Even right now, they got evil sleeping under their roof, eatin' alongside of 'em. I locked that horror in a box and buried her in the ground. Fiona Goode digs her up, gives her a warm bed and three meals a day.

Queenie: Delphine? Fiona made her my slave.

Marie: Slave's too good for her. You heard the stories, I'm sure. That ain't the half of it. Ask her what she done. You ask her. Then you see. You want to come live with us? With your own people? The price of admission is Madame Delphine LaLaurie. Bring her to me, and you will have a home.

Queenie: I never said I wanted to come join you.

Marie: Voodoo doll belong in the house of voodoo. And I know you didn't cross the line and break the truce for no bowl of gumbo. Every man, woman and child in this house know what it feel like to have to live as second best to some pretty little white girl. You come here, and you ain't never got to feel that way again. More than that, you mix your witch with our voodoo and even the Supreme won't be able to touch you.

Queenie: I should get back. What are you gonna do to her? If I bring Delphine to you?

Marie: Oh, don't you worry about that, child. Now you just get you home 'fore it get dark.



Miss Robichaux's Academy

Cordelia: You go into the hospital, and you wonder if you'll ever come out again. You come out, and you wonder, "Goddamn, what have I been doing all these years?" Tea?

Zoe: No, thank you.

Cordelia: I would say everything is different now but it's not. Everything around here is exactly the same. Only difference is now I see it. The Axeman was a bad spirit. You not only brought him here, you sent him packing, which means you are one hot shit witch. Power like yours does not go unnoticed. Which means you've got a bull's-eye on your back, kiddo, and our biggest enemy is locked, loaded, and looking at you.

Zoe: Marie Laveau.

Cordelia: My mother.

Zoe: But she's on our side.

Cordelia: Fiona Goode has been on the same side her whole life: her own. Now, I don't know if you are the next Supreme, nobody does, but if she jumps to that conclusion, right or wrong, she will slit your throat just like she did to Madison.

Zoe: Nobody knows who killed Madison, not even Madison.

Cordelia: She doesn't, but I do. My mother killed her because she thought Madison was the next leader of our coven. She wanted to absorb her power, her life force. So if she even thinks you're next… you're next.

Zoe: Holy shit.

Cordelia: Right? Fiona is fading, growing weaker. Which only makes her more dangerous. A wounded animal will rip you apart if it's cornered.

Zoe: So what do we do?

Cordelia: It's simple. We're going to kill my mother. Kill her once, kill her good, kill her dead.

(When Zoe goes back to her room, she finds Kyle and Madison having sex.)


The Axeman’s apartment

(Fiona gets dressed to leave.)

Axeman: Where do you think you're going? We've only just begun.

Fiona:(chuckles) You know, it was a charming evening, but, uh, that dead body in your bathtub is going to start putting off some very noxious odors soon.

Axeman: Just a few fumes. You're no angel. (She chuckles) Although you always did have someone tidy up after you, didn't you?

Fiona: It was fun, our little romantic game, but I've called the police, and they're gonna be coming shortly.

Axeman: Oh, you'd never do that. You hate the coppers. We're one and the same, you and me. When was the last time that your body made a light show, huh? My guess is never. You're afraid. You're afraid of your own pleasure. It makes you feel weak, like you need somebody. That's why you're going.

Fiona: You're drawing ridiculous conclusions. I don't even know your name and I don't care to.

Axeman: You don't know me, but there's nothing I don't know about you. Your secrets, your dreams, everything. I've been watching over you since you were eight years old.


[Flash back to the Academy


(An older witch taunting eight-year-old Fiona at the breakfast table)

Helen: You think you're special, little witch? What's your name?

Fiona: Fiona Goode.

Helen: Do you know what happens to scrawny little girls who stick their heads up above the others? They get it chopped off.

Fiona: I'm not afraid of you, Helen.

Helen: Pick it up. (glass of milk) Now hold the glass above your head. You know what to do. (dump milk on herself)

Fiona: No! (Fiona flings it at Helen.)

Helen: You little shit!

Fiona: No! (Helen knocks her out of her chair.)

(When Helen walks away, a bookcase falls on her.)

(girl screams)

Flashback ends.]


Fiona: That was you?

Axeman: That bully had it coming.

Fiona: I knew I didn't do it. Why did you help me? Who are you? What are you?

Axeman: At first, I saw you as the daughter that I never had. (We see the Axeman in Fiona’s bedroom watching her since she was 8 years old.)I wanted to protect my, my little flower. But you are no hothouse orchid. There's nothing fragile about you, Fiona. As you, as you grew, I began to see the-the fire in your belly and the steel running down your back. You were the most fearsome thing that ever lived. And while others only saw the ruthless manipulator, I saw so, so much more. And my feelings… became complicated. And I fell in love… But not like a father… like a man.

Fiona: I don't believe in ghosts.

Axeman: Nor did I feel like one. I felt like I was locked in an airless closet for eternity. And when you arrived, you gave meaning to my endless, tortured days. All I want to do is give you pleasure. You deserve it. Baby, you've lived through so much.

(They kiss. She slaps.)

Fiona: Jesus Christ you call that a seduction, huh? What an idiot, telling me my life story, how you watched me grow old. What was that, a mercy lay?!

Axeman: It was a, a culmination.

Fiona: Zip me up. (He does) No, you keep your distance, lover boy. Go haunt someone else's life!


Miss Robichaux's Academy

Spalding’s bedroom

(Spalding wakes up tied to his bed.)

Zoe: Hey, Spalding. How are you feeling?

Spalding: Fine. I feel fine. How am I? Whose tongue is this?

Zoe: Yours. I found it the other day, hidden away. (Flash back to Zoe finding it wet and slimy in a box in the back of the closet.) At first, I didn't realize what it was. I mean, a severed tongue, stored away for 40 years? You'd think it'd be shriveled up like a slice of beef jerky by now. But it wasn't. It was wet, alive because someone enchanted it. Isn't that right?

Spalding: Yes.

Zoe: "M. S." Myrtle Snow. She wanted you to tell the truth. But that was the last thing that you wanted to do. So you cut it out of your own head. Answer me!

Spalding: Yes!

Zoe: Bet you didn't know that she kept it. But Myrtle wasn't witch enough to restore it. But I'm not Myrtle.

[Flashback to Zoe restoring Spalding’s tongue

Zoe: Infernales, curare hominem. Restitue eum ad naturam. Infernales, curare hominem. Restitue eum ad naturam.

Flashback ends.]


Spalding:(chuckles) What do you want from me, hmm?

Zoe: The only thing that you can't refuse me. The truth. Did you kill Madison Montgomery?

Spalding: M-Madison Montgomery is alive.

Zoe: That wasn't the question.

Spading: No! I didn't kill her.

Zoe: But you know who did.

Spalding: Yes! I do!

Zoe: Say the name.

Spalding: Please don't make me!

Zoe: Say the name. (groaning) Say it.

Spalding: (spitting sound) Fiona! Fiona Goode! I say her name. I bless it! As long as there is a tongue in this head, I will say it! I will always say her name! Fiona Goode! Our Supreme!

Zoe: She's not your Supreme, Spalding. She's your employer. You're not a part of this coven.

Spalding: My family has served this coven for ten generations. I have devoted my life to it.

Zoe: Not anymore. (She takes out a knife and stabs him in the chest.) You're done talking.



Mme LaLaurie: Care for a nibble?

Queenie: I'm not here for that. I need to ask you something. What's the worst thing you ever did?

Mme LaLaurie: The past is best left buried.

Queenie: I feel like maybe we have a connection. And my mama always said that in order to be a true friend, you have to see the ugly to appreciate the good.

Mme LaLaurie: You think we could be true friends? (Queenie nods.) I perhaps had one slight regret.


[Flashback to Mme LaLaurie and her husband being waited upon by Sally, a young slave.

Mme LaLaurie: Sally? I've missed your presence for the last fortnight. Rumor has it that you gave birth to a baby.

(We see Monsieur LaLaurie grabbing her butt.)

Sally: Yes, ma'am, a healthy baby boy.

Mme LaLaurie: Oh, Ida says he's beautiful with a complexion as light as cream. What's the boy's name?

Sally: Haven't settled on one yet, ma'am.

Mme LaLaurie: Hmm.

M. LaLaurie: I've always been fond of "Pierre" as a boy's name.

Mme LaLaurie: (chuckling) Have you now? Kitchen's too hard for a new mother. Now that Borquita is serving her punishment, I need a new handmaiden. Would you come to my boudoir tonight? Help me with my beauty treatments?

Sally: Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.


Mme LaLaurie’s boudoir

Mme LaLaurie: Elixir de jeunesse. This little jar came all the way from Paris. Madame Lafayette swore it took ten years off her face. I could've saved a fortune if I'd only seen the bitch in broad daylight. They're all worthless. Every single one. Except this. My own concoction. The formulation of which I will carry with me to my grave. Let's play a game. Can you guess one of the secret ingredients?

Sally: It looks like blood, ma'am.

Mme LaLaurie: Very good. You're a smart girl. But this batch is extra special. Can you guess why? Came from a boy. Newly born. Youth begets youth. I know who's been between your legs, whore. You needn't bother to give that baby a name.

Flashback ends.]


Queenie: You didn't.

Mme LaLaurie: Couldn't have a high yellow bastard growing up in my house, laying claims to our fortune. The poor girl, next morning she threw herself off the balcony. Cracked her head open on the pavement. Cracked it open like an egg. (We see the corpse.)We buried her with her baby. It was the right thing to do.

Queenie: You have no idea what doing the right thing even means.

Mme LaLaurie: I'm learning, Queenie. You must understand. It wasn't only a different time. It was a different world. I'm just I'm grateful. To have someone. A true friend. To guide me.


(Back home, Fiona gets angry as her hair continuing to fall out and takes out clippers. But she stops.)



(Zoe washes Spaulding's blood off in the shower.)

Madison: What have you been up to?

Zoe: Nothing. Do you mind?

Madison: No, I don't mind. But you do.

Zoe: What are we talking about?

Madison: Come on, Zoe. What you walked in on before.

Zoe: None of my business.

Madison: You brought the dude back from the dead. You must like him a little.

Zoe: Brought you back, too.

Madison: Starting to wish you hadn't?

Zoe: Look, it's not like we can be together anyways.

Madison: Why not? It's gonna be different with Kyle. He already died once. It's gonna take more than just that thing between your legs to kill him.

Zoe: Don't be disgusting. So, what? You're done with him?

Madison: Not even close. Being with him is the only time I felt anything since I came back. I'm not giving him up. But that doesn't mean you have to, either.

Zoe: Right. We'll just take turns.

Madison: Come here.

(Madison leads Zoe to the bedroom, where Kyle is waiting. Zoe joins the two of them in bed.)


Jazz bar

(saxophone playing)

(The Axeman finishes his set at a club and finds Fiona waiting for him.)

Fiona: Can I buy you a drink?

Axeman: Yeah.



Cornrow City

Mme LaLaurie: I must confess my nerves do flutter a bit when I think of changing my hair styling.

Queenie: Girl, you had that same old stanky hairstyle for over 150 years. It's time to switch it up, okay?


Marie Laveau’s salon

Mme LaLaurie: Uh oh!

Queenie: Hello? We're here.

Mme LaLaurie: (gasps) Ah.

Marie: Madame LaLaurie. Welcome back. It's been such a long time.

Mme LaLaurie: (to Queenie) No. You don't know this woman. What she will do to me.

Queenie: Yes, I do. It's the reason I brought you here, you dumb bitch.

Mme LaLaurie: No. No! No, no! (yelling)


Mme LaLaurie: (Locked into a cage in Marie's workshop) No! No! No, please! Please! No!

Marie: (to Queenie) Ma chérie, it's been such a busy day, I forgot to apply my Retin-A. You care to make the first cut? (She hands Queenie a knife.)

Queenie: I'd love to.

Mme LaLaurie: Wha? No! You stay away from me! You stay away from me, you hear me?! You stay away!



(Later, Marie applies her special blood-based beauty treatment.)

Marie: Beautiful.



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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Mercredi 17 avril à 22:00

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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

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12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

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12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
0.24m / 0.0% (18-49)

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Nouveau design tout sur le quartier Malcolm! Tout avis est la bienvenue

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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