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#303 : Succession

Réalisation: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon -  Scénario: James Wong


Madison et Nan essaient toutes deux de séduire Luke, leur nouveau voisin. Mais la première rencontre avec la mère de celui-ci, Joan Ramsey, une religieuse fanatique, vire au désastre lorsque Madison développe un nouveau pouvoir. Après avoir entendu parler de l'incident, Fiona est persuadée que Madison est la prochaine suprême et se rapproche d'elle. Zoe rend visite à la mère éplorée de Kyle et décide de lui ramener son fils. Cordelia, ayant appris par son médecin qu'elle ne pourra jamais avoir d' enfant, demande de l'aide à Marie Laveau. Fiona oblige Mme LaLaurie à être la bonne des étudiantes, provoquant des tensions entre cette dernière et Queenie.


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The Replacements

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AHS: Coven Episode 303 "The Replacements" - Promo VOST

AHS: Coven Episode 303 "The Replacements" - Promo VOST


Photos promo

Joan Ramsey (Patti LuPone)

Joan Ramsey (Patti LuPone)

Delphine est devenue la gouvernante de l'académie

Delphine est devenue la gouvernante de l'académie

Fiona prépare quelque chose

Fiona prépare quelque chose

Joan parle avec Fiona

Joan parle avec Fiona

Zoe parle avec Alicia Spencer (Mare Winningham)

Zoe parle avec Alicia Spencer (Mare Winningham)

Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga)

Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga)

Spalding et Joan Ramsey

Spalding et Joan Ramsey

Joan Ramsey (Patti LuPone)

Joan Ramsey (Patti LuPone)

Zoe Benson et Alicia Spencer

Zoe Benson et Alicia Spencer

Cordelia parle avec Fiona

Cordelia parle avec Fiona

Delphine, Queenie et Nan

Delphine, Queenie et Nan


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 23.10.2013 à 22:00
3.78m / 2.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 303 "The Replacements"


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

De nos jours

Fiona se réveille au milieu de la nuit et descend chercher de l’alcool qu’elle avale en même temps que des pilules.


Dans le salon, Fiona adolescente (Riley Voelkel) demande à la Suprême Anna Leigh (Christine Ebersole) quand elle a su qu’elle serait la prochaine Suprême. Anna lui explique que Mimi DeLongpre, la Suprême régnante, a réuni le conseil pour la faire proclamer Suprême quand elle avait 29 ans. Fiona voulait parler du jour où elle a compris que c’était sa destinée. Anna Leigh lui confie l’avoir su quand elle avait son âge, mais met en garde Fiona : avoir quatre ou cinq pouvoirs ne signifie pas que l’on est la Suprême.

Fiona est prête à prouver qu’elle est la nouvelle Suprême et reproche à Anna Leigh de ne pas vouloir être remplacée. Fiona rappelle à Anna Leigh qu’elle est affaiblie par son diabète, des problèmes cardiaques et une insuffisance hépatique. Mais Anna Leigh ne veut pas céder. Fiona lui tranche la gorge. Spalding le majordome muet, voit tout.


De nos jours

Dans un bar

Fiona espère se faire draguer comme elle l’était toujours dans sa jeunesse, mais les hommes présents lui préfèrent des femmes plus jeunes.

Dans le cabinet d’un médecin

Fiona va voir un chirurgien esthétique qui lui explique en quoi consiste exactement un lifting.


Chez la mère de Kyle

Zoe va voir la mère de Kyle pour lui faire part de ses condoléances. La mère de Kyle (Mare Winningham) est une hippie qui chasse sa tristesse avec de la marijuana. Elle raconte à Zoe qu'elle allait se pendre quand elle a reçu son coup de téléphone. Zoe lui assure qu'elle va revoir son fils.


Devant la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Depuis le balcon Queenie, Madison et Nan regardent les nouveaux voisins emménager. Elles sont très intéressées par le garçon de la famille (Alexander Dreymon), surtout quand il enlève son T-shirt trempé de sueur. Mais sa mère (Patti LuPone) qui cite les Écritures lui demande d’aller se couvrir.


Dans la chambre de Mme LaLaurie à la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Mme LaLaurie est en train de pleurer parce qu’elle vient de découvrir que les Etats-Unis ont élu un homme noir à la Présidence. Fiona dit à Madame LaLaurie qu’elle a beaucoup à apprendre et qu’elle va être leur nouvelle bonne. Mme LaLaurie proteste mais cède devant la menace de retourner dans son cercueil.


Dans la salle à manger de la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Quand Mme LaLaurie arrive pour servir le petit-déjeuner Queenie reconnaît celle qui l'a assommée avec un chandelier. Mme LaLaurie tient des propos racistes et le ton monte entre elles. Fiona arrive et dit à Queenie de considérer Mme LaLaurie comme son esclave personnelle à partir de maintenant.

Dans le bayou

Misty écoute de la musique en compagnie de Kyle. Ce dernier est réveillé mais ne semble pas capable de réagir à ce qui l’entoure. Zoe arrive et constate que les cicatrices de Kyle ont presque toutes disparues, sauf celles sur son cou. Misty attribue la guérison à la boue. Kyle ne peut pas encore parler et ne semble pas reconnaître Zoe, mais il tend la main et lui caresse les cheveux. Zoe veut ramener Kyle chez sa mère mais Misty y est opposé. Kyle semblant préférer partir avec Zoe, Misty capitule. Zoe promet de revenir, mais Misty ne s'attend pas à la revoir.


Chez les nouveaux voisins de la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Nan et Madison apportent un gâteau à leurs nouveaux voisins. Nan a fait le gâteau selon les goûts du jeune homme, Luke. Et Madison espère le séduire avec une tenue très sexy. La mère de Luke les interrompt et rappelle à son fils qu’ils doivent aller à l’église. Madison se montre peu respectueuse de la foi de ses nouveaux voisins et entreprend de couper le gâteau. La mère de Luke essaye de lui prendre le couteau qui vole à travers la pièce. Elle ordonne aux filles de partir et leur interdit de revenir. En partant Madison met le feu aux rideaux de la pièce grâce à ses pouvoirs.


Chez les médecins

Cordelia retourne voir le spécialiste de la fertilité. Son mari Hank ne sait pas qu'elle est là. Le médecin lui annonce qu'il y a un problème avec son sang.

Chez son chirurgien esthétique, Fiona reçoit des nouvelles similaires. Son système immunitaire est en révolte.

Cordelia écoute son médecin lui annoncer qu’elle ne peut pas avoir d’enfant.


Dans la voiture de Zoe

Zoe reconduit Kyle, toujours amorphe, chez sa mère. Elle le laisse sous le porche, appuyé contre la porte. Sa mère en le découvrant crie puis l'aide à entrer dans la maison.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Joan Ramsey, la nouvelle voisine, rend visite à Fiona et lui apporte une Bible. Elle raconte à Fiona que deux de ses filles ont envahi son espace et que l’une d’entre elles était habillée de manière scandaleuse, elle est préoccupée par l’influence qu’elles pourraient avoir sur son fils. Fiona se moque de ses principes. Joan la prévient qu'elle est prête à appeler la police pour l’agression avec arme et l'incendie criminel ce qui attire l'attention de Fiona. Madison se joint à elles et raille Joan.

Quand Joan quitte la maison, Fiona demande à Madison d’allumer sa cigarette, et elle le fait depuis l’autre bout de la pièce. Fiona est intéressée par la jeune fille.


Dans la chambre de Kyle

La mère de Kyle entre dans sa chambre pour vérifier qu’il va bien. Elle l’a vu sous la douche un peu plus tôt et a remarqué que son corps était différent. Elle s’allonge contre lui et commence à l’embrasser sur la bouche.


Salon de coiffure de Marie Laveau

Cordelia va voir Marie Laveau au sujet de son problème d’infertilité. Marie lui explique que ce n’est pas une sinécure.

Marie décrit le rituel qui implique des dizaines de personnes jouant du tambour et chantant autour d'un feu. Elle aura besoin de deux onces de sperme de Hank, et devra manger le piment le plus fort qui soit pour attirer l'attention des dieux. Puis elle égorgera une chèvre sur le corps de Cordelia.

Marie explique à Cordelia que cela coûte 50 000 dollars et qu’elles doivent le faire une nuit de pleine lune. Le taux de réussite est de 100%. Cordelia dit qu'elle fera tout pour obtenir l'argent. Marie éclate alors de rire. Cordelia est la fille de son ennemie jurée, elle ne l’aidera pas, même pour tout l’or du monde.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Quand Zoe rentre à l’école, Nan lui dit qu’elle sait qu'elle pense à Kyle et qu’elle l'aime. Zoe reçoit un appel de la mère Kyle qui lui dit que son fils est revenu, mais qu’il n’est plus le même.


A la terrasse d’un café

Fiona et Madison prennent un brunch. Madison confie à Fiona que sa mère l’a faite travailler dès sa plus tendre enfance et qu’elle est une droguée et une égoïste. Fiona reconnaît ne pas avoir été une bonne mère pour Cordelia, mais dit qu’il est trop tard maintenant. Elle le regrette, d’autant qu’elle a plein de choses à transmettre. Madison lui demande de lui apprendre.

Fiona regarde de l’autre côté de la rue et dit à Madison de faire croire à l’homme qui est sur le trottoir qu’il sera en parfaite sécurité au milieu de la rue, malgré les voitures. L’homme traverse la rue sans se soucier des voitures. Madison ne sait pas si c’est elle ou Fiona qui a réussi ce tour.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

Dans la cuisine, Queenie expose à Mme LaLaurie ce qu’elle veut pour le dîner. Mme LaLaurie lui dit qu’elle va avoir du mal à trouver un homme si elle continue à manger comme ça.

Mme LaLaurie entend un bruit à l'extérieur qui la fait sursauter. Elle regarde par la fenêtre et voit son minotaure. Elle hurle et verrouille la porte. Queenie dans un premier temps ne la croit pas, puis elle voit elle aussi la créature.

Queenie lui demande ce que c’est. Mme LaLaurie lui dit alors qui elle est, et ce qu’elle a fait puis supplie Queenie de la laisser se cacher. Queenie entaille la main de Mme LaLaurie avec un couteau et trempe une serviette dans son sang.

Queenie sort de la maison et attire le minotaure avec la serviette ensanglantée. Lorsqu’il s’approche, elle lui explique qu’elle le comprend ; elle sait que tout ce qu'il voulait, c'était de l'amour, tout comme elle. Elle s'offre à lui. Il se glisse derrière elle en la caressant et soudain met sa main / sabot sur sa bouche.



Dans la chambre de Kyle

Sa mère annone à Kyle qu’elle a invité Zoe pour le dîner. Il est assis sur le sol, se balançant d'avant en arrière, il ne dit toujours rien. Elle reconnaît qu'elle a été possessive mais dit qu’elle est prête maintenant à le laisser vivre sa vie.

Puis elle lui demande pourquoi il ne répond pas, ce qui s'est passé et pourquoi son corps est différent. Elle commence à se frotter lascivement contre lui et Kyle crie: "Non!" Il hurle et la frappe avec un trophée, encore et encore.


Dans un bar

Fiona et Madison jouent au billard et boivent dans un bar. Fiona regarde les hommes s’intéresser à Madison. Elle se souvient de quand elle était jeune et jolie et attirait tous les regards.


Maison de Kyle

Zoe se rend chez Kyle pour le diner, la porte est ouverte. Elle trouve Alicia sur le sol le crâne fracassé et Kyle debout, recouvert de sang.


A la Miss Robichaux's Academy

De retour à l’école Fiona dit à Madison qu'elle est la prochaine suprême. Elle peut le sentir parce qu'elle va mourir. Les pouvoirs de Madison sont de plus en plus forts tandis que Fiona s’affaiblit, elle a un cancer. Fiona se moque de la suggestion de Madison d’avoir recours à une chimiothérapie. Elle veut mourir comme elle a vécu, avec style, même si elle reconnaît ne pas avoir été une bonne Suprême.

Fiona dit que son mentor Anna Leigh était majestueuse et puissante, et qu’elle lui a appris tout ce qu'elle savait. Elle avoue à Madison qu’elle a remercié Anna Leigh en lui coupant la gorge, là où elles se tiennent maintenant.

Fiona a conservé le couteau pendant toutes ces années et le donne à Madison, en lui disant de l'utiliser. Madison refuse de tuer Fiona et elles commencent à se disputer. Puis, soudain, Fiona tranche la gorge de Madison.

Encore une fois, Spalding a tout vu. Il remet à Fiona un mouchoir pour qu’elle s’essuie les mains et elle lui dit d'enterrer Madison.

[Fin de l'épisode]

Miss Robichaux's Academy

Present day

(Fiona wakes up in the middle of the night and goes for pills and booze in the living room.)

(glass shatters)

Woman (distantly): Fiona.



Woman: Fiona! I thought you had gone with the other girls down to Jackson Square to burn your bra.

Teenage Fiona: Why? So I can gag on the toxic fumes coming off all that burning Playtex? No, thanks.

Woman: Fiona, you're wicked.

Teenage Fiona: When did you first know you were destined to become the next Supreme?

Supreme: I was just 29 years old when the reigning Supreme at the time, MiMi DeLongpre, called a Council and I performed the Seven Wonders and was unanimously proclaimed to be the true born heir of the Supremacy.

Teenage Fiona: I wasn't talking about the Council. When did you know? In your bones?

Supreme: Well, I will tell you. By the time I was your age, I had already been manifesting multiple powers. It's not unusual for a talented witch to manifest four, even five innate gifts once she starts to flower. But that does not make you the Supreme. Only the mastery of the Seven Wonders could prove that.

Teenage Fiona: So let me prove it.

Supreme: (scoffs) Don't be a fool. You're still a child. Even if you are next in line.

Teenage Fiona: I am ready.

Supreme: And I say you're not.

Teenage Fiona: Because you don't want to be replaced by me.

Supreme: Careful, girl. Don't test my wrath.

Teenage Fiona: They say when a new Supreme starts to flower, the old Supreme begins to fade. You've been fading Anna Leigh.

Supreme: Shall I show you my power? You're weak, Anna Leigh. We both know why. Diabetes, heart trouble, liver failure. God knows what else. As I get stronger, you get weaker.

(Anna slaps Fiona.)

Supreme: You vicious little gash. I've seen the ruin you will bring this coven if you are allowed to take power now. You're a selfish, craven little child, Fiona. And I will make it my mission to ensure that you will never take the throne. I'll see you burn in hell first.

Teenage Fiona: Fine, save me a spot. (Fiona slits her throat)

(Spalding the mute butler, sees it all.)


Present day

(Fiona is watching Anna Leigh’s portrait.)

(Spalding is watching Fiona.)

Fiona: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

(She leaves.)




Present day

Fiona: It's a dance, a dance no one ever had to teach me.

(jazz music playing)

(Fiona waits at a bar to be picked up.)

Fiona: (Voice-Over) A dance I've known since I first saw my reflection in my father's eyes. My partners have been princes and starving artists, Greek gods and clowns. And everyone of them certain they lead. But it's always my dance. I make the first move, which is no move at all. I've always just understood that they will eventually find themselves in front of me. Primitive, beautiful animals. Their bodies responding to the inevitability of it all. It's my dance and I have performed it with finesse and abandon with countless partners. Only the faces change. And all this time, I never suspected the night would come when the dance would end.


A surgeon's office

Fiona: I always respect a good hard slap. Just don't make me look like a goddamn trout when I walk out of here. Is that the video?

Doctor: Yes, as we discussed. But please let me underline that this is an instructional video shot for surgeons.

Fiona: If I am going to commit to butchery, I want to see exactly how the sausage is made.

Doctor: As you can see, the human face isn't attached to the skull at all. After I make the initial incision here, then I'll have the freedom to stretch and tighten the skin. Then fat cells harvested through liposuction are packed in the cheekbones to create fullness.


In a house

Woman: So, what made you come to see me? No one else has bothered

Zoe: I've been feeling so haunted. It all seemed so unfair, so random. You know, a truly decent person like him. I can't even imagine what it must be like for you. Losing your son.

(Kyle’s mother smokes weed.)

Kyle's mom: He had a stash in his room. I've been sleeping in there.

(Zoe refuses to smoke.)

Zoe: I'm driving.

Kyle's mom: (exhales) They didn't tell me he had a girl.

Zoe: It wasn't romantic, Mrs. Spencer.

Kyle's mom: I see. Well, you're a good friend. That's what matters. God bless him. When his father left, he became the man of this house. He worked part-time as an SAT tutor. He did repairs. People said that's a lot of pressure to put on a boy. He was just a he was a natural gentleman in his bones.

Zoe: Yeah.

Kyle's mom: Yeah.

Zoe: He was like that.

Kyle's mom: Can I share something with you? I don't want to burden you.

Zoe: Of course. That's why I came.

(phone ringing)


(Kyle’s mom is on the verge of hanging herself.)

Kyle's mom (VO): I almost didn't answer. (ringing continues)  But something told me I should.

flashback ends.]

Kyle's mom: You were a saint to make that call, you sweet girl.

Zoe: I wish I was as sweet as you think.

Kyle's mom: (crying) I wish I could hold him again. And kiss him. If only to say good-bye.

Zoe: You'll see him again.

Kyle's mom: I envy you believers.

Zoe: I don't know how it works either. But I'm telling you, Mrs. Spencer. Kyle has not left us.


Outside Miss Robichaux's Academy


La-la- la-da-la-da




(Queenie, Madison and Nan watch the new neighbors move in shirtless.)

Nan : He's cute.

Queenie: Like butter on a stick.

Madison: What are you two yapping about?

Nan: Our new neighbors moving in next door.

La-la-la-da-la-da …

Woman: Where's your modesty? Put your shirt on.

Boy: It's totally wet, Mom.

Woman:"Hell is naked before him and destruction hath no covering."

La-la-la-da-la-da …

(She spots the girls staring at him.)

Woman: Get in the house, put on a clean shirt.

La-la-la-da-la-da …


Madame LaLaurie’s bedroom

Barack Obama (TV) : I believe we can build on the progress we've made.

Mme LaLaurie: (crying) Oh, no

Barack Obama (TV): And continue to fight for new jobs, new opportunity, a new security for the middle class…

Mme LaLaurie: Why, oh, Lord, my God have you forsaken this once proud country?

Fiona: (comes in) Oh, God. Are you blubbering again? Eternal life and all you can do with it is stuff your face and cry.

Mme LaLaurie: That magic box lies. Somebody somebody in there they just said that that-that Negro is the President of the United States.

Fiona: I voted for him. Twice. We've also had black secretaries of states, Supreme Court justices, and even the poet laureate.

Mme LaLaurie: Lies.

Fiona: You know, you've got a lot to learn. And you're gonna learn it right here inside the walls of this school.

Mme LaLaurie: Oh, God help me.

Fiona: Congratulations, kiddo. You… are the new maid.

Mme LaLaurie: Maid. Have you any idea with whom you are speaking?

Fiona: Yes. The maid unless you want to go back in the box.


At the dining room

Nan: Can't stop thinking about our new neighbor. He's nice. He's waiting for someone.

Queenie: Maybe he likes a little chocolate.

Madison: It's hilarious to listen to you virgins get all hot and bothered.

Nan: I'm not a virgin. (Queenie chuckles) I'm not. I get it on all the time. And guys find me hot.

Madison: Look at you. Who'd have thought we'd have so much in common? So what's your story, Queenie? Who popped your chocolate-covered cherry?

Nan: No one yet. She's a virgin.

Queenie: Shut up, Nan. I'm saving myself.

(Mme LaLaurie comes to serve.)

Queenie: You the bitch that blindsided me with that candlestick.

Mme LaLaurie: How dare you open your foul mouth to me, Negress.

Queenie: Excuse me?

Mme LaLaurie: I may be a maid, but there are limits to my servitude.

Queenie: You best put that food down in front of me before I Frisbee this plate at your head.

(LaLaurie hurls it against the wall.)

Queenie: Cracker bitch!

Fiona: Hey! What the hell is going on here?

Madison: Miss Aryan Sisterhood came between Queenie and her food.

Mme LaLaurie: I will not stoop to serve her kind.

Fiona: You know, Delphine, from now on you are gonna be Queenie's personal slave. (Queenie chuckles.) And, Queenie, you ask her to do whatever you need done: make your bed, scrub your toilet. I don't give a shit.

Queenie: Sweet.

Fiona: There's nothing I hate more than a racist.


Misty’s place in the bayou

("Sara" by Fleetwood Mac playing)

Misty (singing along): ♪ Wait a minute, baby Stay with me awhile. Said you'd give me light But you never told me about the fire. ♪ (to Kyle) Stevie didn't really find her voice until she and Lindsey joined Fleetwood Mac. That's the thing. Can't be your best self until you find your tribe. I'm still looking for mine.

Drownin' In the sea of love

(Zoe knocks.)

Zoe: Misty?

Misty: Zoe. Come see. (She undresses Kyle.)

But now it's gone

It doesn't matter what for

When you build your house

Zoe: How did you do that?

Misty: It's the humic acid in the mud. Burns, scrapes, bug bites. I put Louisiana mud on anything. This one's really deep. I tried. That's the best I could do.

And it was just like

A great dark wind

Zoe: Kyle it's Zoe. Do you remember me?

I think I had met my match

He was singing

And undoing

(Kyle's still not talking and doesn't seem to recognize Zoe, but then he reaches out and strokes her hair.)

Zoe: Misty, I have to take him home. His mother's a wreck. Maybe seeing her will help heal him in some way.

Misty: I healed him. Me. I… I bathed him and and… fed him and nursed him to health.

Zoe: You did. And I owe you big time.

Misty: Well, then s-stay stay for dinner.

Zoe: Another time. I promise.

Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh

(Zoe raises Kyle. Kyle grunts.)

Said, "Sara You're the poet in my heart"

Misty: No. No. No, he's not ready yet. (grunting) He needs me. We're connected. Kyle, when she abandoned you, I was there. You can't just replace me.

(Kyle roars.)

Zoe: Let him go. Let him let him go. He wants to go home. Okay. I'll come back for you. I promise.

(She leaves with Kyle.)

Misty: (alone) No, you won't.

Hold on

(Misty sobs)

The night is comin'

And the starling flew for days…

(Misty dances)


Outside Miss Robichaux's Academy 

(Nan and Madison bring a cake to their new neighbors.)

Madison: What do you expect to get with that stupid cake?

Nan: Just being neighborly. What do you expect to get with that dress?

Madison: Laid. He's gonna be my fall fling.

(doorbell rings)

Nan: Welcome to the neighborhood. We're from next door. My name is Nan.

Madison: Madison.

Like: Thanks. I'm Luke. Come in. This looks amazing. Homemade?

Nan: I bake.

Madison: The cake's just an excuse. I saw you moving in. You looked pretty good without a shirt. Made me interested in the rest of the package.

Like: Is this lemon?

Nan: It's yellow cake with butter frosting. I knew it'd be your favorite.

Luke: It's the one thing I can't resist.

Madison:  Are you seriously ignoring me for dessert?

Luke: I get the feeling you're used to being the center of attention.

Nan: This is Madison Montgomery. She's famous.

Luke Well, we don't have TV. Or Internet. (thinking) Sweet.

Luke’s mom: Well, is this the welcoming committee? And you brought baked goods. Aren't you darling? Well, we'd love to visit, but we're running late for church. We'll take the cake to share.

Madison: Church? It's not even Sunday.

Luke: Bible study.

Luke’s mom: It's how we maintain our personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Madison: You know that's all a crock of shit, right? I mean, why wait for some phony happily-ever-after when you can have your piece now, I say. What about you, Luke?

(Madison starts to cut the cake, but Luke’s mother reaches for the knife. They each grab for it until Madison uses her magic to fling it across the room.)

Luke’s mom: I forbid you to talk to my son or to set foot in this house again.

Nan: I didn't say anything.

Luke’s mom: Both of you! Get out of my house! We'll pray for you.

(As they're leaving, Madison lights the drapes on fire.)

Nan: I didn't know you could do that.

Madison: Neither did I until now.


Gynecologist’s office

Cordelia: Hank doesn't know I'm here. He's out of town bidding on a construction project. We tried alternative methods, but they didn't take. So here I am. I'm glad you came.

Doctor: I was actually gonna call you. Oh? Your, uh, blood work came back. Ms. Foxx, we have a problem.


Surgeon’s office

Fiona: What kind of problem?

Doctor: The kind that rules out you having any sort of elective surgery. Now or for the foreseeable future.

Fiona: I'll find another doctor.

Doctor: I can assure you no reputable surgeon's gonna take you on. Your blood work is alarming, and your immune system seems to be in some kind of free fall.


Gynecologist’s office

Doctor: You simply can't have a baby.

Cordelia: There's got to be something you can do.

Doctor: I know how disappointing this must be. Times like these I wish I had a magic wand I could wave. But I don't.

Cordelia: That's right. You don't.


Zoe’s car

(Zoe drives reanimated Kyle back in to town to see his mother.)


La-la-la-da-la-da La-da, la-da

Zoe: I know this is the right thing, Kyle. She's the one person in the world that you'll remember. Everything will make sense when you see her.

(Zoe helps a wobbly Kyle to his front porch and leaves him propped against the door.)

(dog barking in distance)

(doorbell buzzes)

(Kyle’s mom comes. She screams then sobs.)

Kyle’s mom: Oh! Oh! (sobbing)

(She helps Kyle in the house.)


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Fiona is taking pills and drinking.)

(Footsteps approaching)

(Spalding comes in with Luke’s mother and grunts.)

Fiona: Well, who do we have here?

Joan: Joan Ramsey. My… son Luke and I moved into the old colonial next door. I'd like you to have this.

Fiona: Hmm.

Joan: I always bring a copy of the Good Book whenever I come into someone's house for the first time.

Fiona: How devout of you. May I offer you a drink?

Joan: No, I don't imbibe. I don't know if this is a school or a rehab facility or what it is, but two of your girls invaded my property. One of them was dressed so scandalously I'm-I'm worried about the long-term effect it might have on Luke.

Fiona: You know, I've never understood you Bible-thumpers and your hypocrisy towards sex. I know, behind closed doors, you are the biggest perverts of all.

Joan: Your student threw a knife at me. It missed my head by three inches.

Fiona: Yeah. She has to work on her aim.

Joan: I didn't come here to listen to your drunken mocking. Those girls had better not come around my placain. I will call the police and I will press charges. Assault with a deadly weapon, arson.

Fiona: Arson?

Joan: The trashy one lit my curtains on fire. I don't know how she did it, but she did it.

Madison (coming): I conjured the Devil.

Joan: That's her. You stay away from my boy.

Madison: Hmm, good luck keeping him away from me. He's so backed up all I'd have to say is "panties" and he'd jizz his jeans.

Joan: Stay away from my family. (to Fiona) In Jesus' name.

(Madison chuckles.)

Fiona: Madison. Have you got a light? (Madison lights her cigarette from across the room.) (She chuckles.) Well done.

Madison: Right? Who knew I could do that? (chuckles)

Fiona: Come here. Sit down. Let's talk.


Kyle’s house

Kyle’s bedroom

Kyle’s mom (knocking): Are you asleep? I can't believe you're really here. I nearly died from missing you, baby. I was just thinking something. It's keeping me awake. Before, when you went to go take a shower


(water running)

(faucet creaks)

Kyle is taking a shower. His mom comes with a towel. He yells.

Flashback ends.]

Kyle’s mom: You're a different person. Your body. You look like someone else. I don't understand what's happening. But that-that doesn't matter. Doesn't it? You're still my beautiful boy. We're together again. (She starts making out with him.) Let it all go. I'm here now.



(hip-hop music blaring)

(car horn honks)

Woman: I said if you want breakfast, you better carry your ass downstairs and make it yourself. Ain't nobody frying no eggs.

(Cordelia comes in Marie Laveau’s salon.)

Cordelia: I'm looking for Marie. I'm here to consult with her? About a fertility problem?

Woman: Chinwe, Mambo here?

(Cordelia meets Marie.)

Marie Laveau: You want a Coca-Cola?

Cordelia: No, thank you. Thank you for seeing me right away. I've heard about you since I was a child. Full disclosure I'm from

Marie Laveau: Darling. I know who you are.

Cordelia: Okay. So tell me about your fertility spell.

Marie Laveau: Oh, don't know nothing about that.

Cordelia: Marie? If you know who I am, then you know I am well-aware of the Pochaut Medecine.

Marie Laveau: Hmm. Then you know that spell ain't no picnic for anyone involved. (drums beating)

(We see the ritual, which involves dozens of people drumming and chanting around a fire.)

Marie Laveau: (VO) On the day of, you bring us two ounces of your husband's baby gravy in a mason jar. We use a Guinea pepper… hotter than Hades. (We see Marie eats the pepper.) When the gods see this willingness to suffer to sacrifice, they pay attention. (goat bleating) (Then a goat's throat is slit over Cordelia's naked body.) When it's over, I sleep for four days and four nights.

Cordelia: How soon can we do it?

Marie Laveau: Got to be a new moon. And $50,000 in cash up front.

Cordelia: Jesus.

Marie Laveau: We have a 100% success rate.

Cordelia: I'll find it somehow. Borrow it, rob a bank. When's the new moon?

Marie Laveau: (laughing) Ain't gonna do no Pochaut Medecine on you. Not for $50,000. Not for $100,000. You were born into the wrong tribe. You the daughter of my sworn enemy. (laughs)

Cordelia: Fiona has got nothing to do with me. She has no idea I came to see you.

Marie Laveau: Ooh. Hmm.

Cordelia: You are my one real shot at this point.

Marie Laveau: Too late for tears. Damage is done. Waltzing in here like she the Queen of England. Talking about hammer and nails, looking to start a war.

Cordelia: Fiona was here?

Marie Laveau: She done messed with the wrong witch. And she knows it. And now you know it. (laughing)


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Zoe comes home.)

Nan: You like him.

Zoe: Excuse me?

Nan: You're thinking about a boy. I can tell.

Zoe: You know it's rude to get in people's heads like that.

Nan: You think I like having to hear other people's thoughts all the time? I don't.

Zoe: So stop.

Nana: Wish I could. These help. (earphone)

(phone rings)

Zoe: Hello?

Kyle’s mom: (on phone)  Zoe, it happened.

Zoe: Oh, hey, Alicia.

Alicia: (on phone) Kyle's come back to me. Except…

Alicia: (TV plays indistinctly)… it's not Kyle.

Zoe: I'll be right over.


A sidewalk cafe

Madison: I'm not gonna apologize.

Fiona: Whatever for?

Madison: For whatever it is you want me to. That's why we're here, isn't it?

Fiona: People in our position have no need to apologize. Our actions speak for themselves. I'm curious. Have you always known you were special? Child actor, poised beyond your years?

Madison: My mother put me to work ever since I could talk. I hated it. It's hard to stop when you're the only one in your family making money, you know.

Fiona: You didn't have a good relationship with her?

Madison: The last time I saw her, she snorted half my coke, and then let the cops bust me for it. She's a selfish bitch.

Fiona: Hmm. So was I. Ask Cordelia. I was a horrible mother. And I regret it.

Madison: She's not dead. You can change.

Fiona: I've tried. But I think it's too late. I have so much to give. So much to teach.

Madison: Teach me.

(Fiona smiles.)

Fiona: Self-preservation, it's the most primal instinct of the human psyche. So, what would it take to make a person disregard their will to survive?

Madison: I don't get it.

Fiona: Use your imagination. (Fiona looks across the street.) Make what you want him to do so much more attractive than what he's actually doing. Make him believe he's safer in the middle of the street. (A man walks into the middle of the street ) (car horn honks) (tires screeching) (car horn honks)

Madison: Did I do that or did you?


Miss Robichaux's Academy


Queenie: I sure do love chicken potpie. For dessert you can make me a peach cobbler. (crunching)

Mme Lalaurie: You never gonna catch a man that way. Let alone find one to love you. You were my daughter, I'd padlock that icebox and throw away the key. Peach cobbler won't keep you warm at night.

Queenie: My problem ain't food, you dumb bitch. It's love. Dr. Phil says that kids from broken homes use food to replace love. It's comforting.

Mme Lalaurie: Well, I think you best look for a new physician.


(Madame Lalaurie hears a noise outside that startles her.)

Mme Lalaurie: What was that?

Queenie: What was what?

Mme Lalaurie: Something is out there.

Queenie: Ain't nothing out there. Get back to work before I smack you, slave.

(dog barking)

(She looks out the window and sees her minotaur. She screams)

Mme Lalaurie: No, it can't be. God help me. (She locks the door.)

Queenie: What the hell are you doing?

Mme Lalaurie: He's out there! We have to hide.

Queenie: What are you talking about? Who's out there?

Mme Lalaurie: My houseboy.

Queenie: Your what?

Mme Lalaurie: No, don't unlock that! He'll ravage both of us.

Queenie: Bitch, you don't make a bit of sense.

(He screams)



(hooves clicking)

Queenie: (she sees him.) What the hell is that thing?

Mme Lalaurie: It's Bastien. My houseboy. He was a beast in life. Now evermore so. Enchanted no doubt by the same dark magic which has kept me alive.

Queenie: Who are you?

Mme Lalaurie: I am Madame Delphine LaLaurie. Mistress of the house LaLaurie.


Delphine LaLaurie's former residence

Tour guide: The Code Noir was replaced by the Madame's own code of terror.

Flashback ends.]

Queenie: Who brought you back-- Fiona?

Mme Lalaurie: The witch freed me only to make me a slave.

Queenie: You deserve worse if half of what they say about you is true.

Mme Lalaurie: You unhand me.

Queenie: Did you do that to him?

Mme Lalaurie: He violated my daughter. Please, (kneeling) we have to hide. I beg you have mercy. Please, don't… don't let him take me.

Queenie: Get up. Get up! Oh, wait Get out of here. You go hide, I'll take care of this. Slave, wait. (Queenie slices LaLaurie's hand, dabs the blood with a towel.) (Lalaurie screams) Get out of here.


(Queenie opens the door.)

Mme Lalaurie: Oh, God, God

(Queenie heads out to face the minotaur with the towel.)

Queenie: Come on. Come on. (He grunts.) Come on. (gasps) (snorts) I won't hurt you. (chuffing) Come on. (snorting) Over here. (He snorts and chuffs.) She told me what you did to her daughter. You just wanted love. And that makes you a beast? They call me that, too. (…) But that's not who we are. (…) We both deserve love like everybody else. (…) Don't you want to love me? (She offers herself to him. He walks around behind her, caressing her, but the clamps a hand over her mouth.)


Kyle’s bedroom

(He sits on the floor, rocking back and forth, not saying anything.)

Alicia: Kyle, honey? I have a little surprise for you. I invited your friend Zoe to come join us for dinner tonight. What do you think of that? Hmm? She's a sweet girl. I don't know why you didn't tell me about her before. Did you think I'd not approve? I certainly hope you don't feel like you have to keep secrets from me. (sighs) I've been possessive. I do know that. I never meant for it to go so far, or go on for so long. But I think maybe you needed it as much as I did. But now it's time for you to move on with your life, and I understand that, and I want that. (He stands up.) Jesus, Kyle! Why won't you talk to me?! What's happened to you? They were so sure you were dead. They said they identified your body. Your body. I know your body, Kyle. I know it. (She rips his shirt.) And this it's different! You're different! Who are you, if you're not my son?! (crying) My son. My son. My sweet baby boy. (She kisses him.) No one knows you like I do. Not even that girl. She doesn't know how to please you. Not like I can. (She starts rubbing on him.) Mama knows how to please you, baby. It's okay.

Kyle: No!

Alicia: Kyle! No!

Kyle: (yelling) No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

(He grabs a trophy and bludgeons her to death with it.)



(Fiona and Madison go to a bar and play pool, drinking as every man in the place stares at them.)

Come on over, baby, whole lot of shakin' goin' on

Yeah, come on over, baby

Baby, you can't wrong

Honey, I ain't fakin' I got a whole lot of shakin' goin' on

Well, I said shake it I said, shake it, baby, shake it

I said shake, don't you let it break now

Shake it, shake it, shake

Come on over

Whole lot of shakin' goin' on

Let's go, it's time now

(instrumental interlude)

♪ Well, come on over, baby

We got chicken in the barn Ooh!

Whose barn? What barn? My barn

Come on, baby

You know, I got the bull by the horn, oh, yeah

I ain't fakin', whole lot of shakin' goin' on

Easy now, say shake


(Fiona imagines when she was the pretty young thing everyone stared at.)

Now let's go one time

Shake it, baby, shake it

Shake it, baby, shake, come on now

Shake, don't you let it break

But you got to shake, oh, baby, shake

(Fiona watches Madison coerce men into doing her bidding and discreetly pours out her own alcohol.)

Come on over, whole lot of shakin' going on.

(song ends)


Kyle's house

(Zoe goes to Kyle's house.)

(dog barking in distance)

(doorbell buzzes)

(She goes inside.)

Alicia: Hello? Hello? (light buzzes off) (floorboard creaks) Alicia?

(She finds Alisha with her face caved in and Kyle standing there spattered in blood. She screams.)


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Madison and Fiona arrive drunk.)

Fiona: Oh. Ooh. Ladies. Oh, you're looking well tonight. (She talks about portraits.)

(They laugh.)

Fiona: Let me give you some advice. (laughs) Get your portrait painted when you're young. Just look at these old bats. Mine is gonna go over here. And yours'll go over there.

(Madison laughs)

Madison: Doubt I'm even graduating this shit show. No way they're gonna commemorate me.

Fiona: Well, they'll have to… because you're the next Supreme.

Madison: Wait. Are you serious? How do you know I'm the next Supreme?

Fiona: Because I am the old one. And I'm dying. My time is up, and you're killing me. Your powers-- you've been feeling them growing?

Madison: Yeah, l-like crazy.

Fiona: Have you ever wondered why?

Madison: Uh, apart from my being awesome?

Fiona: I'm the source. My life force is literally pouring out of my body and into yours. This is no mystical mumbo-jumbo. This is real. (laughs) I have cancer. I won't last the year.

Madison: I have connections. My agent can get the best oncologist in the country here in a flash.

Fiona: Chemo? (laughing) Oh. Oh, no, no. No, no, no, I'm not going out bald and shriveled and… begging for morphine. No. I've lived a disreputable life, but I've done it in style, and I'll die likewise. I don't belong on these walls. I took my inheritance too soon and squandered it. All that… power, all those gifts. I just took it and poured it back into myself and dressed it up in Chanel. I was a shitty Supreme. (laughs) But, now, my mentor, Anna Leigh Leighton-- now there was a Supreme. She was majestic and powerful. She taught me everything I know. You know how I thanked her? By cutting her throat. Right where I'm standing. With this. I've kept it all these years. (laughs) And now, I give it to you.

Madison: Why? I don't want that.

Fiona: Yeah. Come on, here.

Madison: No.

Fiona: Don't be afraid. Use it. Kill me for the sake of the coven.

Madison: No. No.

Fiona: Yes. Come on. Don't be afraid. Do it! Come on, now, do it!

Madison: I can't!

Fiona: Yes, you can, you stupid girl!

Madison: No!

Fiona: Do it! And feel my power flow into you! I know, because I was standing where you're standing!

Madison: Stop yelling at me!

Fiona: Do it! Do it!

Madison: No!

Fiona: Do it! (Then suddenly Fiona drags it across Madison's throat, slitting it.)

(Again, Spalding watches. He hands Fiona a handkerchief.)

Fiona: Bury her deep. God knows what all that shit in her body will do to the lawn when it comes up in the spring. (…) This coven doesn't need a new Supreme. It needs a new rug.



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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !