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#211 : Le Lait maternel

Réalisation: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon - Scénario: Brad Falchuk


Au présent, Johnny reçoit la visite d'une prostituée venue lui donner le sein. A Briarcliff, Kit retrouve Grace et son enfant le temps d'une demande en mariage avant que Monseigneur Timothy décide de faire placer l'enfant en orphelinat. Pendant ce temps, Mère Claudia fait délivrer Lana en lui rendant ses affaires. Mais alors que le Docteur Thredson cherche à faire accuser le Docteur Arden pour les meurtres de Bloody Face, Lana écoute les aveux de ce dernier concernant la mort de Wendy avant que la police n'arrive. Kit, Grace et le bébé sont à leur tour délivrés de Briarcliff mais une surprise les attend chez Kit. La grossesse de Lana se poursuit jusqu'à l'accouchement et sa prise de décision finale.


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3.5 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Spilt Milk

Titre VF
Le Lait maternel

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AHSA - Inside The Asylum "Spilt Milk" #Making Of

AHSA - Inside The Asylum "Spilt Milk" #Making Of


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Claudia (Barbara Tarbuck)

Claudia (Barbara Tarbuck)

Mgr. Timothy Howard parle avec Claudia

Mgr. Timothy Howard parle avec Claudia

Mgr. Timothy Howard lit le journal

Mgr. Timothy Howard lit le journal

Mgr. Timothy Howard lit le journal en détail

Mgr. Timothy Howard lit le journal en détail

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)

Kit Walker (Evan Peters)


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 09.01.2013 à 22:00
2.51m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 211 "Spilt Milk"


De nos jours

Le fils de Bloody Face fume un joint chez lui. Une prostituée arrive, Pandora, elle a eu un bébé il y a trois semaines. Il lui demande si elle a bien compris ce qu’il voulait. Elle confirme qu’il a été clair et qu’il aura droit à son biberon de lait. Elle enlève son haut et il la tète.





Le Dr Thredson sort Kit de sa cellule pour l’emmener voir son fils. Le Dr Thredson dit qu'il comprend la valeur de l'amour pour un bébé.


Dans la salle commune

Pepper protège Grace et le bébé de la curiosité des autres patients. Pepper menace le Dr Thredson mais celui-ci l’envoie dans la salle d'hydrothérapie pour la calmer. Il se montre préoccupé par l’allaitement du bébé.


Il laisse Kit et Grace seuls avec leur bébé. Kit a du mal à comprendre ce qui s'est passé. Grace se souvient d’avoir été abattue par Frank et d’avoir vu une lumière blanche brillante. Elle s’est réveillée sur une table d'examen, entourée par une lumière blanche. Un extraterrestre qui ressemble à un cerveau avec deux tentacules l’a examinée et lui a mis le bébé dans son ventre. Elle explique que le temps fonctionne différemment là-haut, c’est pour cela que le terme est venu si vite. Elle dit à Kit qu’ils ne sont pas cruels. Mais quand il pose des questions sur Alma, elle dit qu'ils ne sont pas parfaits et qu’elle est désolée.


On voit Grace qui flotte dans un bassin d'eau avec les extraterrestres et aperçoit Alma qui flotte.


Grace raconte à Kit qu'il est spécial et que leur fils l’est aussi. Grace dit qu’il va changer la façon dont les gens pensent. Kit demande à Grace de l'épouser. Elle accepte.


Mgr Howard arrive avec des religieuses et des infirmiers, ils sont là pour prendre le bébé. Kit tente de combattre, mais ils l'emportent. Le Dr Thredson prétend être désolé et dit vouloir aider Kit.


Dans la boulangerie

Mère Claudia vient s’entretenir avec Lana. Elle lui explique que Sœur Jude a attiré son attention sur elle et qu’elle va l’aider à s’enfuir avec son dossier pour étayer ses dires. Lana découpe un sac de farine et sort l'enregistrement des aveux du Dr Thredson qu’elle emporte avec elle.



Lana dit au revoir à Sœur Jude, et promet de revenir la chercher.


Hall d’entrée de l’asile

Lana descend les escaliers dans ses vêtements de ville et transporte l’enregistrement dans son sac. Le Dr Thredson parle avec Kit en bas de l’escalier. Il dit à Kit que s’il récupérait l’enregistrement il ferait endosser les crimes de Bloody Face par feu le Dr Arden. Kit voit Lana et détourne l’attention du Docteur Thredson juste assez pour laisser passer Lana.


Mère Claudia attend Lana près d’un taxi et lui remet son dossier médical. Le Dr Thredson arrive juste à temps pour voir Lana s’en aller.


Lana plaque la bande contre la fenêtre du taxi pour que le Dr Thredson voit qu’elle emporte les preuves avec elle.


Maison du Dr Thredson

Le Dr Thredson arrive chez lui paniqué. Lana l’attendait dans le noir avec une arme à la main. Elle lui dit que la police a l’enregistrement et qu’elle sera bientôt là.



Il dit qu'il est soulagé, que vivre avec des secrets n'est pas sain. Elle lui promet qu'il va payer pour tout le mal qu’il lui a fait à elle et à toutes les autres femmes qu'il a assassinées. Il enlève son manteau et se fait un martini.


De nos jours

Chez le fils de Bloody Face

Johnny arrête de téter la prostituée qui lui dit qu’il doit faire une fixation sur sa mère, ou avoir une carence en calcium. Il fait une pause pour fumer une cigarette et dit à Pandora qu’il fait une fixation sur sa mère qui ne l’a jamais aimé, qui n’a pas aimé son père, qui n'aimait personne.



Maison du Dr Thredson

Nous voyons un pistolet dans le tiroir près du bar où Thredson a préparé sa boisson. Lana lui demande ce qu'il a fait avec le corps de Wendy. Il a eu des relations sexuelles avec le cadavre de Wendy puis l'a découpée et a dispersé tout ce qu’il n’a pas pu brûler.


De nos jours

Chez le fils de Bloody Face

Johnny se met en colère en évoquant sa mère et se jette sur Pandora pour l’étrangler.



Maison du Dr Thredson

On entend les sirènes de police qui approchent. Elle lui dit qu'il ne verra jamais son bébé. Il s'attend à échapper à la chaise électrique pour maladie mentale et à être envoyé dans une institution.


Soudain, Lana lui tire dans la tête parce qu’elle estime que la prison serait trop douce pour lui.



Lana est venue fleurir la tombe de Wendy avec ses amies Barb et Lois. Lana explique que la police a trouvé des cendres dans le four de Thredson, et même si les restes de Wendy ne sont pas entièrement là elle avait besoin d'un endroit pour se souvenir d'elle. Lana dit qu'elle a des choses à boucler, puis qu’elle va déménager à New York. Elle se reproche son ambition d'obtenir une bonne histoire qui a conduit à la mort de Wendy.


Barb donne le nom d’un médecin à Lana pour "se débarrasser de son petit problème". Des journalistes photographient les trois amies, alors Lana dit au revoir à Barb et Lois qui sortent par derrière pour ne pas être associées à Lana dont l'orientation sexuelle est maintenant de notoriété publique. Lana sort par l'entrée principale où elle ne tient pas compte des photographes et des journalistes. Elle leur dit seulement de lire son livre.


A l’asile

Salle commune

Les patients font la queue pour leurs médicaments, y compris Sœur Jude, qui n'est pas encore remise de son traitement par électrochoc. Elle renverse le plateau de pilules tenu par une religieuse et dit à tout le monde de ne pas les prendre.


Bureau de Mgr Howard

Mgr Howard lit les titres des journaux relatant les événements révélés par Lana. Des reporters campent dehors mais Mgr Howard refuse de faire des commentaires. Frère James vient lui parler du comportement de Jude.


Salle commune

Mgr Howard vient voir Jude qui se tient près du juke-box où elle danse sur "Love Potion Number 9" par The Searchers. Il débranche l’appareil. Jude lui demande s'il se rend compte de l'ironie ; il a donné sa vertu non pas à une femme, mais au diable. Il lui dit qu’il n’a pas l'intention de quitter l'église car il a trop de choses à offrir encore. Elle se moque de lui et de sa stupide ambition.


Elle dit être plus lucide maintenant qu’elle ne l’était quand elle dirigeait Briarcliff. Mgr Howard ordonne qu’elle soit mise à l’isolement.


Cellule de Kit

Carl apporte à Kit ses papiers de sortie et lui dit que Lana a tué Thredson. Kit demande à voir Mgr Howard.


Bureau de Mgr Howard

Kit va voir Mgr Howard pour récupérer son fils. Il exige que Mgr Howard laisse sortir Grace, sinon il va commencer à parler aux journalistes.


Mgr Howard dit qu’il ne peut pas libérer une criminelle, mais Kit demande seulement que lui soit remis le corps de Grace puisqu’elle est officiellement morte. Le Dr Arden a en effet signé le certificat de décès de Grace après que Frank lui ait tiré dessus.


Maison de Kit

Un taxi s’arrête devant chez Kit qui en sort avec Grace et le petit Thomas. La clef est toujours là où il l'a laissée. A l'intérieur on voit encore les dégâts causés par le passage des extraterrestres.


Ils entendent un bruit dans l'autre pièce. Kit va inspecter les lieux. Dans la chambre, il trouve Alma tenant un bébé.


Dans un appartement

Lana rencontre un médecin, elle a pris la décision de se débarrasser du bébé. Le médecin est prêt à procéder à l’avortement. Lana revoit toutes les horreurs dont elle a été témoin. Soudain, elle dit au médecin d'arrêter. Elle ne veut plus de mort.



Lana parle avec deux policiers de toutes les personnes qui ont disparu de Briarcliff. Elle veut revenir pour aider Sœur Jude qui pourra confirmer ses dires. Mère Claudia a été transférée à Puerto Rico dès les premiers remous de l’affaire.


Bureau de Mgr Howard

Les policiers montrent une ordonnance du tribunal à Mgr Howard, leur permettant de parler avec Sœur Jude. Il dit qu'elle est morte. Il raconte qu’elle s’est pendue avec ses draps et a été incinérée. Lana dit qu’il est responsable de sa mort aussi surement que s’il avait lui-même fait le nœud autour de son cou. Il lui dit qu'elle aurait dû venir deux semaines plus tôt.



Les repas sont préparés pour les patients et servis dans les chambres. Un plateau est apporté dans le coin le plus sombre de Briarcliff. Le plateau est glissé par la porte d'une cellule sans fenêtre, où Jude se trouve enfermée. Elle prie.


Dans un hôpital

Une infirmière amène à Lana son fils nouveau-né. Elle avait demandé à ne pas le voir, mais il est allergique au lait en poudre et n’arrête pas de pleurer. Lana regarde son fils crier et se ravise. L’infirmière lui donne le bébé et Lana le fait téter en regardant le crucifix au-dessus d'elle.


[Fin de l'épisode]

Present day

(Son of Bloody Face smokes a bowl of weed at home.)

(Dogs barking in distance.)

(footsteps approaching - knocking)

(His hooker arrives.)

Pandora: Johnny, right?

Johnny: Pandora?

Pandora: That's me, honey. New and improved. Had my baby three weeks ago.

Johnny: Just wanted to make sure. The pictures on the Web site don't show your beautiful face.

Pandora: Oh, you won't be looking at my face. Not once these triple D's come out to play, and trust me, I haven't had one complaint yet.

Johnny: You understand what I want, right?

Pandora: Mm-hmm. You were, um you were very clear. I've been saving up all day, honey. Even gave my baby a bottle of formula so there's no way I'll run dry. Ooh. They're so juicy right now, they're ready to burst.

Johnny: If you hear the sound of crying, will they leak?

Pandora: Mmm.

Johnny: 'Cause I I heard that about new mothers and breast milk.

Pandora: If I hear my baby cry, I get this uncontrollable feeling, like a faucet opening, and then I find myself

Johnny: Mmm.

Pandora: with a soaking wet bra.

Johnny: Breast-feeding is so important for early development.

Pandora: Mm. I'm gonna take care of you, Johnny. All you need is just a little mothering. (She takes her top off.)

Johnny: Yeah.

Pandora: But you don't have to cry to be my baby. Mmm. Are you hungry, baby? How bad do you want to taste this?

Johnny: I'd kill for it.

Pandora: Then come to Mama.

(He goes in to nurse.)







(Dr. Thredson comes to get Kit from his cell.)

Dr. Thredson: Rise and shine.

Kit: What time is it?

Dr. Thredson: Well, it's time for you to spend some quality time with your baby, Papa.

Kit: What have you done with him?

Dr. Thredson: He's received his smallpox inoculation, and he's on the schedule for circumcision later today. Carl, you want to help Kit up? He looks a little weak in the knees. And let's get him cleaned up.

Kit: What have you done with him?! What's your endgame, Thredson? Just tell me now.

Dr. Thredson: Kit, you have a very limited understanding of me. If there's anything in this world that I hold sacred, it's a child's need for love and protection. You and I would both move heaven and earth for our children.


(♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Our day will come ♪)

Common room

Pepper: Don't do that around the baby. Go to the corner! All of you, move back! Move back!

(♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

We'll share the joy ♪

Falling in love can bring ♪

No one can tell me that I'm.. ♪)


Grace: I want to name him Thomas after my grandfather.

Kit: Yeah. I like that.


(♪ I love you so ♪ )

Dr. Thredson: How's your milk production, Grace? If you're having any trouble with your let-down reflex, there are some things that we can do to help with that.

Pepper: I know everything you're up to. You don't fool me for one second.

Dr. Thredson: Carl, Pepper seems a bit agitated. Why don't we take her for a quiet soak in the hydrotherapy room? And turn up the temperature ten degrees. See if that helps with her nerves. Everyone else, we'll have a group therapy session in the cafeteria. We'll all have a chance to share our feelings about the new baby. You two, enjoy your precious miracle.

(Dr. Thredson leaves.)

(♪ Our dreams have magic ♪

♪ Because we'll always stay ♪

♪ In love this way ♪

♪ Our day ♪ Will come. ♪

(baby crying)


Kit: Am I crazy, or does he look a little like me?

Grace: He looks exactly like you. You want to hold him?

Kit: Grace I There are so many questions. I don't even know where to begin. Grace: It comes back to me in pieces, but they're like shards of broken glass. They don't they don't fit together.

Kit: Just tell me what you remember. Anything.

(Grace remembers being shot.)

Grace: I prayed for death. I thought my prayers were answered when I saw a bright, white light. Just like old people talk about. I thought it was heaven.

(An alien that looks like a brain with two tentacles examined her and then probed her, putting the baby inside her.)

Grace: I felt like I was being torn in half. I didn't think I could survive it. But it was him. Our baby. They were putting him inside me.

Kit: How did he grow so fast?

Grace: Time works differently up there. It felt like a hundred years to me. They're not like us, Kit. They're not cruel.

Kit: And Alma? You said you saw her, she was alive.

Grace: They're not perfect, Kit. They make mistakes.

(Grace floats in a pool of water with the aliens and sees Alma floating there.)

Grace: I'm so sorry, Kit. I know how much you loved her. All the plans you made. To have children, build a life. You wanted all that with Alma, not me.

Kit: What did they want with her? With either of you?

Grace: Our only link is you.

Kit: What? What?

Grace: You're special, Kit. Our baby is special. People will listen to him. He's going to change the way people think.

Kit: Well, I don't know about all that. I just want to be a decent father to him. Alma would want that. She'd want me to do the right thing. Marry me, Grace.

(She smiles.)

Kit: That a yeah?

Grace: Yeah.

(They kiss.) (Monsignor comes in.)

Grace: Maybe the monsignor can marry us.

(Monsignor Howard brings in a group of nuns.)

Mgr. Howard: Grace. Kit. I'd like to introduce you to Sister Colette. She's here from St. Ursula's Home for Lost Children. I'm sorry to say she's here for the baby.

Sister Colette: We have an excellent track record at placing lost children in loving homes.

Grace: He's not a lost child-- I'm his mother, this is his father.

Nun: A pair of crazies in an asylum. Not exactly a Norman Rockwell.

Grace: You're not taking him.

Mgr. Howard: I'm sure this is difficult for you, but we have to consider what's best for the child.

Kit: That's bullshit! A baby belongs with its mother, everybody knows that.

Nun: Give me the baby.

Kit: Forget it!

Nun: Give me the baby!

Kit: Stop!

(Kit tries to fight, but they take him away.)

Kit: You call yourself Christians?!

Grace: My baby!

(Thredson watches smugly.)

Kit: I'll get him back for you, I swear!

Dr. Thredson: Kit, I am so sorry. I can only imagine the heartache of having your only son ripped from your arms. Maybe I can help.



Mother Claudia: Lana Winters?

Lana: Yes?

Mother Claudia: Please come with me.

Lana: Why?

Mother Claudia: I'm taking you out of this place, but we must be quick.

Lana: I don't know you.

Mother Claudia: My name is Mother Claudia. I am a friend.

Lana: I don't have friends in this place.

Mother Claudia: You have at least one. (She looks at Jude.) She told me what she did to you. And she's asked me to make it right.

Lana: You can't make it right.

Mother Claudia: No. But maybe you can. In some measure. Your patient file. Documentation of every foul thing that was done to you here.

Lana: Trust me when I tell you it can't possibly all be in that file.

Mother Claudia: Which is why you need it for your exposé. It's irrefutable proof that you were here. When your story comes out, there are those who will try to deny even that.

Lana: You want this place shut down.

Mother Claudia: I want it pulled down and the earth salted.

Lana: Now the clothes you wore when you were admitted, along with your personal effects, are in the lavatory next door. There's a taxicab on its way here now that will take you wherever you want to go. But we must hurry.

Lana: All right. Hang on. (Lana cuts into a bag of flower and takes out the recording of Thredson.) That goes with me. There's just one more thing.

Lana: Sister Jude. It's Lana Winters. Your friend Mother Claudia's taking me out of this place, and she says that's because of you. I'm coming back for you, Jude. I won't leave you here.



(Lana walks down the stairs in her street clothes, carrying the tape in her purse. Thredson talks to Kit at the bottom.)

Kit: We both know if I get you that tape, I'm done for. You won't really do anything to help me.

Dr Thredson: You're wrong, Kit. Get me that tape, and I will not only see to it that your son is not swallowed by the system, but I will also do everything in my power to secure your freedom, so you can be with him again. You and Grace, together as a family. I mean it.

Kit: Well, how do you figure to do that?

Dr Thredson: Well, for one, the police are going to need a new, credible suspect for the Bloody Face killings.

Kit: I got one for 'em.

Dr. Thredson: So have I. Dr. Arthur Arden. I understand he's come under suspicion a number of times already, and with his sudden disappearance his guilt is plausible.

Kit: But Lana she, uh (Kit sees Lana and diverts Thredson just enough to let Lana pass.) she'll never tell me where that tape's at. I made her swear not to.

Dr. Thredson: Just talk to her. Try to get her to see reason.

Kit: Yeah, well, what if she won't? I mean.. she can be pretty stubborn when she wants.

Dr. Thredson: She's a spirited girl. If anyone can reach her it's you.

Kit: Okay. I'll try.

(Lana walks out the front door as Kit tells Thredson he'll try to get the tape. Mother Claudia shows Lana into the waiting cab and hands her her file just as Thredson walks out the front door.)

(Lana holds the tape up to the window for him to see, and flips him the bird as the cab drives off.)


Dr. Thredson’s house

Lana: In a hurry, Oliver? Quick trip out of town? (Lana's waiting for him, holding a gun on him.)

Dr. Thredson: Good. You are here. Saves me the trouble of having to look for you. Did you come here just to bring me the tape?

Lana: The police have the tape. They're going to be here very soon. It's over. You've been exposed.

Dr. Thredson: That's it?

Lana: It's done.

Dr. Thredson: I knew this would happen one day. I wondered how I would feel. I thought I would go crazy, but I'm actually relieved Living with secrets is not… healthy. I was right, Lana. I knew you were the one.

Lana: I am the one. I am the one that's going to put your ass in that electric chair. You're gonna pay for every sick thing you did to me, to Wendy, and to every other woman you murdered. Where do you think you're going?

Dr. Thredson: Making myself a drink. Care to join me?

Lana: Sit down.

Dr. Thredson: There is no alcohol where I'm going. I'm not gonna let you take away my last chance to have a martini. You sure you won't change your mind?

Lana: You think I'm crazy. Oh, wait. That'd be you. I think we established that when you chained me to the bed and called me Mommy.


Present day

Son of Bloody Face’s home

Pandora: Go ahead, baby, you can call me Mommy. You'd be surprised how many how many… men have mommy issues.

Johnny: You think that's my problem?

Pandora: From the way you drained my tit? I'd either say that you have a mommy fixation, or.. a calcium deficiency. (laughs) Oh, honey, I'm just kidding. I just want to slow you down. Make sure you're enjoying yourself.

Johnny: You're right. I'm fixated. I'm stuck on that cold bitch.

Pandora: Oh, honey.

Johnny: You tell me all about her.


Back in Thredson's house

Johnny: (VO) She never loved me. She didn't love my father. There was only one person she ever loved.

(We see a gun in the drawer near where Thredson was making his drink.)

Lana: Tell me what you did with Wendy's body. Nobody cares about a spinster schoolteacher. Not the cops, nor the school, or her family. Everyone knows what she was. What we were together. And I'm the only one who gives a damn. She deserves a proper burial.

Dr. Thredson: Her story's pretty complicated. Are you sure you want to hear all the details?

Lana: I want to know everything.

Dr. Thredson: She was the first body I had that remained intact. I put her on ice just for you. I was gonna dispose of the body, but… once I realized how well things were going with us, I thought she could come in handy. For practice, you know.

(We see Thredson with Wendy)

Dr. Thredson: (VO) It was awkward at first. Every approach I made felt false, artificial. I felt like she was watching me. Being judgmental. I must confess, I couldn't do it. I thought about plucking out her eyes. But then I thought, that's not real, (flashback ends) I need to make this work. (Flashback) (VO) So I turned her around. (We see Thredson having his way with her cold, dead corpse.) And finally it happened. More than once. It was a triumph. Better than I ever thought possible, Lana. Wendy allowed us to create this life you have growing inside of you. It's a little miracle, if you think about it.

(flashback ends)

Lana: Where is her body, goddamn it?

Dr. Thredson: Well, after you left me, I had to dispose of all the evidence. So what I couldn't burn, I cut up. There are pieces of her scattered from Plymouth to Springfield. But you know what, Lana? We'll always have Paris.


Back in the present

Son of Bloody Face's house

(It’s Thredson’s house.)

Pandora: Let go, baby. Cry your heart out. There's no shame in tears.

Johnny: It's my mother. She's the one! The only one who can make me feel this way. Every time I think about her, it makes me want to do things. Bad things!

Pandora: Johnny Don't let that bitch ruin our whole night. Now, look at me. I have a rockin' body and a titty full of milk. Let me help you forget about her.

Johnny: You think it's easy? You think it's easy?

Pandora: Come on, baby.

Johnny: I can't forget.

Pandora: Come on, I'm about to burst out of my skin. Do me a favor and just give me some relief. (He starts to choke Pandora.)Please! Oh, God. No! Please, baby, oh, stop. Stop! Stop!

Johnny: You know what bitch did, don't you?

Pandora: Stop, stop, please!


Back in 1964

Thredson's house

Dr. Thredson: Time for a refill.

(sirens wailing in distance)

Lana: They're here. Drink up. This is your last taste of alcohol.

Dr. Thredson: Now that you're out of Briarcliff, you'll never keep that baby, will you?

Lana: Not a chance in hell.

Dr. Thredson: So I shouldn't expect a little Oliver to come visit every few months?

Lana: Oh, even if I had this thing, you'd never see him. You're gonna fry in that chair.

(sirens wailing)

Dr. Thredson: I hardly think so, Lana. I'm clearly insane. I'll be institutionalized. At the very worst, I'll live a long life in prison. Maybe I'll even start some therapy groups. God knows there are some disturbed individuals behind bars. As for you I have no use for you anymore. Best you should just be known as my last victim.

(Suddenly, Lana fires, blowing his head off.)

Lana: Prison's too good for you.



(Lana with friends, Barb and Lois, visiting Wendy's grave.)

Lois: I can't believe the cops didn't find anything connected to her. No bones, nothing.

Barb: Jesus, Lois, is this really the place? Really?

Lana: It's fine. They found a lot of ashes in the furnace. I know maybe it's not all Wendy, but I just needed a place to visit… a place where I can remember her.

Barb: Of course. You did the right thing, Lana.

Lois: So, are you going to move back into your house? 'Cause it's a big place, and if you need a roommate

Lana: I have a couple of things I need to tidy up, and when I'm finished, I've decided to move to New York. I can't help but feel this is my fault.

Barb: Don't do that, Lana. It is not your fault. This was the work of a crazed maniac. A man you had to kill in self-defense.

Lois: If anyone, it was that nun.

Lana: No. It was the story. I was going to do anything to get that story. I just didn't realize how much it was going to cost.

Barb: You still have the address I gave you? She's a real doctor. A good one. She'll take care of your little problem.

Lana: Thank you. Both of you. I don't know what I would do

(bulbs popping)

Lois: Shit, they found us.

Photograph: Hey.

Lois: Goddamn vultures. Oh, sorry, Lana. I forgot you're one of 'em.

Lana: No, we are vultures. Attracted to the scent of rotting meat. If you don't want to be linked to the "Sapphic Reporter," you should leave through the back gate.

Lois: Yeah, I better. No one in my family suspects.

Barb: Sorry to abandon you. I still have a job because my lecherous boss thinks he has a chance with me.

(After her lesbian friends leave out a side door, Lana exits by the front entrance where she ignores photographers and reporters snapping pictures as she leaves the mausoleum.)

Reporter 1: Miss Winters, can you give us any more details about how Bloody Face tortured you - when you were his captive?

Reporter 2: Sources tell me you've obtained the services of Cohen and Mathews-- they're the best lawyers in town.

Reporters: Are you planning to sue? Any truth to the rumors that you received electroshock treatment daily? Lana, do you have any comment about your reported homosexuality? Please, Miss Winters! Miss Winters, talk to us!

Lana: All I can say is read my book.

Reporters: Miss Winters…Book? Miss Winters!



Common room

(♪I guess there's no more sunshine in my heart ♪ )

(The patients line up for their meds, including Sister Jude, who's still not right after her shock treatment.)

Jude: Don't take that! It's a horse tranquilizer!

Nun: Come now, Judy. These pills are perfectly safe. You signed for them yourself.

Don't you remember?

(She knocks the tray of pills out of the nuns hands.)

Jude: Don't take these pills-- they turn your brains to mush.

Monsignor Howard’s office

(Monsignor Howard reads the newspaper headlines: Horror at Briarcliff and Monsignor Howard refuses to comment on the hiring of "Bloody Face" at Briarcliff.)

(knock on door)

Mgr. Howard:Come. Brother James, those reporters who were here when I arrived, have they been removed from the premises?

Brother James: From the immediate grounds. There's nothing I can do about those camped outside the gates.

Mgr. Howard:Hopefully if we remain resolute in our silence, they'll eventually tire and go away.

Brother James: Monsignor, there's been a disturbance in the Common Room. I think it requires your attention.


Common room

(Monsignor Howard visits Jude in the common room, rocking out to "Love Potion No. 9" on the juke box.)

(♪ I took my troubles down to Madame Rue ♪

♪ You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth ♪

♪ She's got a pad ♪

♪Down on 34th and Vine ♪)


Mgr. Howard: Jude? Carl said you caused quite a commotion. It's a good thing you and I are friends or you'd be in solitary right now.

Jude: She got one thing right, that Devil of yours. This jukebox has a strange healing effect, it keeps the joy alive.

(He pulls the plug.)

Mgr. Howard: What did you want to see me about?

Jude: Have you fully recognized the irony here? You relinquished your virtue not to a loving woman, but to the Devil. It's so perfect-- it's perfect, it's perfect.

Mgr. Howard: I don't want to hear you talk like this. I don't know this person.

Jude: What have you decided to do? Renounce your vows?

Mgr. Howard:Not at all. I'm going to stay the course. I have too much to give, too much to offer. I can't just throw it all away.

Jude: I thought you hung the moon, Timothy. I had impure thoughts, I'll admit to that. But I would have done anything for you, I would've done anything you asked me to do, that's how much I believed in your fantasy of the magic carpet ride to Rome.

Mgr. Howard: Believe me, Jude, it's not a fantasy. Brother Matthew? Carl?

Jude: Can you imagine the disillusionment, the shame and the disgust I feel now that I see through you and your stupid, pitiful, naked ambition?

Mgr. Howard: Shut your filthy mouth! You're an embarrassment.

Jude: (laughs) It's an extraordinary thing. You know that? You throw me in the madhouse, you strip away everything I have, everything I know, you treat me like a rabid dog, like a madwoman. And you know what happens? I'm blessed with the gift of total clarity. I am more sane now as a madwoman than I ever was as the head of Briarcliff.

Mgr. Howard: You sound mad as a hatter. Oh, Carl. Jude needs some time alone to reflect and pray for guidance. Take her to solitary.

(Jude laughs.)

Mgr. Howard: You will not prevail, Timothy. My God would never allow it.



In solitary

(Carl the orderly brings Kit his release papers.)

Carl: Sign here. And here.

Kit: What for?

Carl: Your release papers. They're letting you out, Kit.

(Woman yells in distance)

Kit: Thredson-- they caught him? Lana gave them the tape?

Carl: Yeah, and she did one better. The lezzie blew his head off. It's all over the papers. Reporters are hanging off the rafters, trying to sniff out the "Corruption at Briarcliff. "That's why you're suddenly a free man. Clothes from the Salvation Army. They should fit you-- just leave what you're wearing on the bed.

Kit: Wait. I have to see the monsignor.


Monsignor Howard’s office

Mgr. Howard: Mr. Walker, I can't tell you how pleased I am that justice has finally been served. I'm only happy to have been a small part of that.

Kit: This isn't justice.

Mgr. Howard:I  don't understand. You're a free man. What more could you want?

Kit: I want my son back.

Mgr. Howard: Your son?

Kit: You took him from our arms. He's got two parents-- me and Grace. And we aim to raise him as a family.

Mgr. Howard: That's hardly possible, is it? Given that you've just been released and Miss Bertrand's confined here.

Kit: That's why you're gonna let her out.

Mgr. Howard: I beg your pardon?

Kit: You're gonna let Grace out of this place. Then you're gonna call over to St. Ursula's and tell them little Thomas' folks are coming to pick him up. If you do that, we'll never bother you again. Otherwise, I might have to start talking to those reporters And believe me, I have a lot of stories.

Mgr. Howard:I  bet you do. Be reasonable, you can't seriously expect me to release an axe murderess back into the community.

Kit: I'm not asking you to. All you got to do is release her body to me.

Mgr. Howard: Her body? Is this a riddle? Grace isn't dead.

Kit: Look at her file. In it you'll find a death certificate made out by Dr. Arden before he disappeared. Frank McCann signed it as a witness.

Mgr. Howard: Her death certificate?

Kit: Officially, if anybody ever asks, Grace Bertrand died here. It's already taken care of. You don't got to lie. I don't got to tell the truth. You can make all your problems go away, Father. Nobody ever needs to know.


(Cut to a cab pulling up at Kit's house with Kit, Grace and baby Thomas.)

(birds chirping)

Kit: Wait. Let me get the door. Here you go.

Grace: This is yours?

Kit: Home sweet home.

Grace: 'Kay, this is your home, too.

Kit: Come on. I thought maybe, uh we could get a horse.

Grace: A horse?

Kit: Yeah, as long as you take care of it. I don't know jack shit about horses. (chuckles) Still there. (the key) Don't expect a castle.

Grace: Open the goddamn door.

(Inside still shows the after effects of the aliens' visit.)

Kit: I never got a chance to clean up. I'm sorry.

Grace: Don't be. We can do it together. It's a great house. And it's not Briarcliff. Kit: It's not Briarcliff.

(They kiss. They hear a noise in the other room.)

Kit: Hello? Hey!

(In the bedroom, he finds Alma holding a baby.)



In a flat

(Lana meets with a doctor.)

Doctor: You okay? You're sure this is what you want?

Lana: Oh, yes. There's no doubt about it. This is not a baby I want to carry around inside me. In a different life, I would have loved to have had a baby. But my lover was murdered… by the man who raped me… and got me pregnant.

Doctor: Oh, my God. I'm glad you found me. Let's get started. Remove everything from the waist down.

Lana: I take it everything's been sterilized.

Doctor: I soak them in boiling water. There's an electric teakettle. Those sterilizing machines are too cumbersome to smuggle out of the hospital. Don't worry, it'll be fine. Now, open your legs, Jane. I'm gonna have to ask you not to make any more sounds. As I explained to you earlier, we can't afford to draw attention to ourselves.

Lana: I'm sorry.

Doctor: A little wider, honey. A little wider, honey.

(Lana pictures the million horrors she's witnessed as the doctor prepares.)

Lana: Stop! I can't. No more death. No more.


Police station

Detective 1: That's a lot of dead people.

Detective 2: If that's what they are.

Lana: I'm not saying they're all dead. I'm saying they all disappeared from Briarcliff in the last two years, all under suspicious circumstances. Five of them in just the short time I was there.

Detective 1: Should you be upsetting yourself, uh, Miss Winters?

Lana: I'm fine. I'm not upsetting myself; you're upsetting me. You're not listening to what I'm saying.

Detective 1: No, we are listening. I'm just not sure what you want us to do.

Lana: I want you to get me back in there. There is one person there who can substantiate every allegation I've made-- she used to run the place.

Detective 2: Sister Jude?

Lana: She's a patient there now. She's being held against her will. They won't let me see her. They won't even let me in the front door.

Detective 1: Well, they are a private institution.

Lana: Yes, but if you got a court order

Detective 2: What about this Mother Superior? The one you say got you out-- Claudia. Can't she help you?

Lana: Transferred to Puerto Rico. The moment she started making noise, the Archdiocese got rid of her.

Lana: (whispers) Please. Will you help me?

Detective 1: That's his baby, isn't it? Bloody Face-- he's the father.

Lana: This baby doesn't have a father.

Detective 1: You're one tough cookie, you know that?

Lana: I am tough. But I'm no cookie.


Monsignor Howard’s office

(Cut to police bringing a court order to Monsignor Howard)

Detective 1: Timothy Howard?

Father James: I'm sorry, Monsignor.

Mgr. Howard: What's the meaning of this?

Detective 1: This is a court order giving us access to one of your patients.

Lana: Sister Jude-- we want to speak to her right now.

Mgr. Howard: I'm afraid that's impossible.

Lana: I don't give a shit how many pills you've got her doped up with.

Mgr. Howard: Sister Jude is dead.

Lana: I don't believe you.

Mgr. Howard: Brother James, fetch me the paperwork on Sister Jude, please?

Lana: He's lying.

Mgr. Howard: I only wish I were. It was the saddest day I've ever experienced when I walked into her room and found her like that. She'd done it during the night. Fashioned a rope from her bedsheets. A summary of how she was found. Her death certificate. And this number indicates the can in storage containing her ashes.

Lana: You had her cremated?

Mgr. Howard: She died outside a state of grace. I could give no last rites, no absolution. She was, tragically, denied a Christian burial. Though I keep her in my personal prayers.

Lana: You murdered her. You might as well have tied the noose yourself.

Mgr. Howard: I wanted only good for Sister Jude. You must believe that. Lana: I don't.

Mgr. Howard: Perhaps if you had come here two weeks ago with this court order, you could have said something to her to convince her to go on. Sadly, you did not.


(Down in the bakery, meals are prepared for the patients and brought up to the rooms. A solitary tray is brought to the darkest corner of Briarcliff. The tray is slid through the door of a windowless cell, where Jude sits inside, praying.)


Jude: St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help for the hopeless, pray for us.


In a hospital

(A nurse brings Lana her newborn son. Baby cries.)

Nurse: Lana? Lana? I'm sorry, Lana. I hate to do this to you, but

Lana: What are you doing? I asked not to see him.

Nurse: I know, but he's allergic to the formula and he's been crying like this for seven straight hours.

Lana: That's not my problem.

Nurse: I know. I just took a chance. I couldn't bear to see him suffer. I thought maybe if he suckled a bit, he might calm down. I'm sorry. It seemed worth a try.

Lana: Give him here.



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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

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Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
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12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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