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#203 : La Tempête

Réalisation: Michael Uppendahl -  Scénario: Jennifer Salt


Léo et Teresa se font attaqués par un mystérieux homme masqué qui se voit tué à son tour. En 1964, une tempête fait rage et Sister Jude décide de calmer ses patients par une séance de cinéma alors qu'elle est tourmentée par son passé. Sister Mary Eunice commence sa perversion au sein de l'asile pendant que Lana, Kit et Grace tentent de s'échapper.


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La Tempête

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AHS Episode 203 - Nor'Eeaster Promo

AHS Episode 203 - Nor'Eeaster Promo


Inside The Asylum- Nor'Easter #Making Of

Inside The Asylum- Nor'Easter #Making Of


Photos promo

Grace et Kit discutent en jouant aux échecs

Grace et Kit discutent en jouant aux échecs

Soeur Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe)

Soeur Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe)

Soeur Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe)

Soeur Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe)

Soeur Jude (Jessica Lange) parle avec le Dr. Arthur Arden

Soeur Jude (Jessica Lange) parle avec le Dr. Arthur Arden

Soeur Jude (Jessica Lange)

Soeur Jude (Jessica Lange)


Logo de la chaîne FX Networks

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 31.10.2012 à 22:00
2.47m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Briarcliff - De nos jours

A l’asile

Theresa impuissante voit depuis l'intérieur de la cellule Bloody Face poignarder Leo avec un pic à glace. Elle essaye d’attraper le téléphone de Leo sur le sol, lorsque Bloody Face enfonce la porte. Il s’approche d’elle, mais Léo se lève miraculeusement et lui vient en aide. Après une lutte, Leo se retrouve avec l’arme et la plonge dans la poitrine de Bloody Face. Theresa la prend et le poignarde à son tour pour faire bonne mesure.

Elle aide Leo à aller vers la sortie et appelle les secours, mais alors qu’ils avancent dans le couloir ils voient Bloody Face. Ils se tournent, et un autre Bloody Face est debout juste derrière eux. Ils sont deux portant des masques. Ils ont aussi des armes à feu et l’un tire sur les jeunes mariés. Ils enlèvent leurs masques.

L’un est excité par les meurtres, l'autre est effrayé. Ensuite, ils remarquent le bras arraché de Leo et se demandent ce qui pourrait avoir fait ça. Le vrai Bloody Face apparaît alors.



Sœur Mary Eunice apporte le courrier et avertit Sœur Jude qu’une tempête arrive. Sœur Jude est perturbée en voyant un journal de 1949 avec un article sur la disparition de la jeune fille qu’elle a renversée. Contrairement à son habitude, Sœur Mary Eunice est impertinente avec elle quand elle demande d'où il vient .


Le Dr Arden étudie les fragments de la puce extraite du cou de Kit, quand tout à coup ils se réassemblent spontanément.


Sœur Jude essaye d’extérioriser son anxiété dans la boulangerie en pétrissant de la pâte, mais elle revit son accident. Le Dr Thredson vient lui demander de recourir à la compassion au lieu des châtiments corporels.

Le Dr Thredson demande le rapport d'autopsie de l'enfant possédé qui selon lui indiquera qu'il est mort de cause naturelle. Sœur Jude émet un doute sur le fait qu’il soit naturel de mourir d'une crise cardiaque à 17 ans. Le Dr Thredson l'accuse d'avoir un esprit soupçonneux parce qu’elle n’a pas la conscience tranquille. Elle l'accuse d’avoir laissé le journal, mais il dit ne pas savoir de quoi elle parle.


Sœur Mary Eunice fait une annonce pour les patients dans la salle commune au sujet de la tempête et du film qu'ils vont voir ce soir, "Sign of the Cross". Elle se délecte à l’avance de ce film plein de sexe et de morts de chrétiens.

Une des malades regarde ses yeux rougeoyants et l’appelle Satan.


Kit et Grace commencent à faire des plans pour s'échapper pendant le film. Grâce accuse encore Lana d’avoir fait échouer leur dernière tentative, mais Kit fait preuve de plus de compréhension, en disant qu'il aurait fait la même chose à sa place.

Kit est convoqué par le Dr Arden.


Frank (Fredric Lehne), le garde, fait son rapport à Sœur Jude sur le Dr Thredson. Il n’a rien trouvé de suspect. Sœur Mary Eunice fait irruption dans le bureau de Sœur Jude avec le vin de la communion en disant qu'elle pense que quelqu'un en boit en cachette. Elle sait que Sœur Jude a renoncé à l'alcool en 1949. Sœur Mary Eunice goûte le vin pour vérifier qu’il n’a pas été coupé avec de l’eau et semble beaucoup l’apprécier. Sœur Jude remarque qu'elle porte du rouge à lèvres rouge vif, et Sœur Mary Eunice lui dit que c'était un cadeau pour elle du Dr Arden, mais qu’elle a voulu l’essayer.


Pendant ce temps, dans une salle d'examen, le Dr Arden montre à Kit la puce qu'il lui a retirée. Le Dr Arden pense qu'elle veut revenir en Kit. Il commence à le sonder avec des aiguilles, l'accusant d’avoir été envoyé pour l'espionner par les Allemands, les Juifs ou même des agents américains. Il lui recoupe le cou au même endroit.


La patiente qui avait peur de Sœur Mary Eunice dans la salle commune récite son chapelet en espagnol dans sa chambre. Sœur Mary Eunice arrive et lui dit de prier à genoux. Elle crie sur la femme en espagnol. Pendant que la femme prie, Sœur Mary Eunice prend une paire de ciseaux et la poignarde dans le cou, puis dans la poitrine.


Sœur Mary Eunice dépose le cadavre à l'extérieur, là où elle nourrit les créatures. Elle attend dans la tempête et voit un homme recouvert de sang qui se cache dans les bois.

Sœur Mary Eunice va voir le Dr Arden, inquiète pour les créatures. Il lui dit qu'elles iront mieux au printemps. Soudain, elle change d’attitude et s'offre à lui sur son bureau. Il la repousse et la jette dehors.

Le Dr Thredson met en place l'écran de cinéma dans la salle commune. Lana lui dit qu’elle a besoin de faire passer un message à l'extérieur à sa petite amie Wendy. Il lui fait remarquer que c’est lui demander de trahir Sœur Jude, mais il prend son message.

Dans la boulangerie, Shelley demande à Grace de l’aider à s’échapper elle aussi.


Sœur Jude apporte le rouge à lèvres au Dr Arden. Il raconte que la pureté de Marie Eunice a été corrompue. Ils se blâment mutuellement pour son changement de comportement. Sœur Jude lui dit qu'il ne parviendra pas à s’en tirer. Sœur Mary Eunice entend tout dans le couloir.

Seule dans le noir, dans son bureau, Sœur Jude répond au téléphone. Elle entend la voix d'une jeune fille l’accusant de l’avoir laissée sans même sortir de sa voiture. Sœur Jude s'excuse et raccroche. Elle voit sur son bureau des lunettes cassées comme celles de la jeune fille et sanglote. Elle boit le vin de communion laissé par Sœur Mary Eunice.


Le Dr Arden entend un reportage radio sur d'étranges lumières apparaissant dans le ciel. La puce bouge dans son bocal.


Ivre, Sœur Jude crie à tous les patients de s'installer pour le film. Frank lui dit que la Mexicaine est manquante. Sœur Jude lit ses remarques préparées sur le film. Le Dr Thredson s’assoit à côté de Lana et tapote sa main.

Lorsque la foudre tombe, Sœur Jude dit aux patients de ne pas avoir peur. Elle est au bord des larmes au moment où elle termine de réciter "You'll Never Walk Alone" et commence à parler d’une fille fragile et seule. Elle réalise ce qu'elle dit et annone qu’elle va chercher la disparue.


Le Dr Thredson dit à Lana qu'il pense que quelque chose aurait pu arriver à Wendy. Il y a certaines similitudes entre la disparition de Mlle Pizer et d'autres victimes. Et il a trouvé du sang chez elles. Il a fait part de ses soupçons à la police, mais les policiers pensent déjà tenir le coupable.


Grâce demande à Frank l'autorisation d'utiliser les comodités.

Quand Lana voit que Grace, Shelley et Kit sont partis, elle trouve une excuse pour quitter la salle elle aussi.

Sœur Jude trébuche dans les couloirs à la recherche de la "Mexicaine".

Lana trouve les trois absents essayant de s'échapper et demande à se joindre à eux parce que quelqu'un qu'elle aime est en danger. Ils remarquent Carl bloquant le chemin et Shelley offre de le distraire, mais fait promettre à Lana d'écrire son histoire.

Le Dr Arden utilise le rouge à lèvres pour dessiner sur la statue de la Vierge Marie.


Lana conduit le groupe vers le tunnel.

Le Dr Arden pousse la statue de la Vierge Marie et la traite de prostituée.


Shelley arrête de faire une fellation à Carl et l'assomme avant de s’enfuir.

Sœur Jude pense voir un extraterrestre et trébuche.

Shelley tombe nez-à-nez avec le Dr Arden.


Dans le tunnel, Lana, Kit et Grace décident qu'ils ne peuvent plus attendre Shelley. Ils trouvent la sortie du tunnel et se dirigent vers la route.


Les autres malades regardent toujours le film. Le Dr Thredson préoccupé par la disparition de certains patients prévient Frank qui à son tour avertit Sœur Mary Eunice.


Le Dr Arden conduit Shelley à son bureau et commence à se déshabiller. Elle dit qu'elle ne veut pas et il tente de la violer, mais elle se met soudain à rire quand elle remarque son étonnamment petit "matériel". Il est furieux et la frappe avec un serre-livres


Dehors, Grace, Kit et Lana trouvent des morceaux de la mexicaine disparue et voient les créatures mâcher des morceaux de chair. Ils courent de nouveau, mais vers le tunnel.


Sœur Mary Eunice trouve Sœur Jude endormie dans sa chambre et lui parle de la fuite de certains malades. Sœur Jude interrompt le film. Lana, Grace et Kit sont de retour sur leurs sièges avec des vêtements humides et des chaussures boueuses, mais Shelley est toujours manquante.


Shelley se réveille dans la salle d’opération du Dr Arden, attachée à une table. Il lui dit que tout le monde pense qu'elle s’est échappée par la forêt, et que personne ne la cherche. Il tire le drap la recouvrant pour lui montrer ses jambes : il l’a amputée pour qu’elle ne s’échappe pas.


[Fin de l'épisode]


Present Day

(Theresa watches helplessly from inside the locked room as Bloody Face hacks at Leo.)

Leo: Help me.

Theresa: No!

(She goes for Leo's phone on the floor but Bloody Face busts the door down.)

(He starts to come after her, but Leo miraculously rises and comes to her aid, knocking Bloody Face down and getting the knife free. After a struggle, Leo ends up with the knife and plunges it into Bloody Face's chest. Theresa takes it and stabs him a few more times.)

Theresa: Come on, come on. We gotta get out of here. We gotta get to the car. Come on, baby, get up. Ready? (Leo groans.) Come on. Come on. Let's go let's go.

(She takes Leo's phone and dials.)

Woman (phone): 911, what’s your emergency?

Theresa: What? (Another Bloody Face.) Oh, no. No!

(They turn around and another Bloody Face is standing right behind them. There are two of them. They have guns, and shoot the newlyweds.)

911 Operator: Are those gunshots? Ma'am, what is your location? Can you hear me?

(The horror freak punks remove their masks.)

Bloody Face 1: You shot 'em, man.

911 Operator: Please answer me, ma'am.

(One Bloody Face hangs up.)

Bloody Face 2: That was so sick.

Bloody Face 1: Shit. Sh….

Bloody Face 2: Did you see how they dropped? It was like a sack of potatoes. It was like bang! Lights out! That's what you get for stabbing Joe.

Bloody Face 1: This ain't funny, man. This shit went way too far.

Bloody Face 2: Come on, man. It went as far as it could go. Now don't puss out on me, Cooper!

Bloody Face 1: Devon check it out. His arm's been ripped off. I mean, what the hell could have done that?

(Distant clang)

(Footsteps approaching)

(The real Bloody Face appears.)




En 1964

(Sister Jude’s office. “The Favre Requiem” plays, somebody knocks at the door.)


Sister Mary Eunice: I have today's mail. There's a storm coming, Sister Jude. Big fat storm.

Sister Jude: Oh Where did this come from? (An old newspaper with an article about the disappearance of the young girl she ran over.)

Sister Mary Eunice: The mailbox.

Sister Jude: No, you ninny, I mean who brought it here?

Sister Mary Eunice: The mailman.


Dr. Arden’s laboratory

(He examines the microchip fragments that crawled out of Kit, which reassembles itself.)

Announcer (radio): We interrupt "The Favre Requiem" to bring you a severe weather warning. There's a nor'easter storm approaching the entire Eastern seaboard. The eye of the storm is expected to hit Friday night. Many areas have been evacuated, but if you're still at home, fill empty containers with clean drinking water and stay put. We'll bring you another update within the hour.



(Sister Jude kneads, reliving her accident.)

Dr Thredson: Everything all right, Sister?

Sister Jude: Inclement weather always upsets the natives. They're fragile souls.

Dr Thredson: That's why you should stop using corporal punishment. I mean, at our meeting yesterday, Mr. Walker couldn't even sit down. I realize you're likely unfamiliar with the work of B. F. Skinner, but positive reinforcement has proven to be far more effective. In lay terms, Sister, a little compassion would go a long way.

Sister Jude: Me? I'm a beacon of compassion. In fact, I spent all morning on the phone with St. Angela Parish, to borrow their movie projector. I thought a movie could distract our charges when the storm hits.

Dr Thredson: I wouldn't have figured you for a movie buff.

Sister Jude: Even I can concede that there are a few exceptions to the usual Hollywood dreck. The Archdiocese is loaning us a copy of The Sign of the Cross.

Dr Thredson: I'm impressed. And if I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to ask. Oh… yes. As attending physician of Jed Potter, I'll need his autopsy report for my files.

Sister Jude: I'm very busy, Doctor. But I'll try to locate it.

Dr Thredson: I'll bet it says he died of natural causes.

Sister Jude: If it's natural for a 17-year-old boy to die of a heart attack.

Dr Thredson: You have quite a suspicious mind, Sister. Bordering on delusional. Or maybe it's just a form of projection. A defense to protect your own guilty conscience.

Sister Jude: It was you, wasn't it? The newspaper, where did you get it?

Dr Thredson: What newspaper?

Sister Jude: That office we gave you-- I need it back. You've had more than enough time to advise the courts. You've got two weeks, and you're out.


Common room

(♪ Enflamma de toute école

Filles et garçons pleins d'ardeur

Et pour semer la parole,

Inventa les Frères-Prêcheurs

Dominique, nique, nique

S'en allait…)


Sister Mary Eunice: Sister Jude has asked me to make an announcement. There's a big storm heading our way. And when it hits, half of you are going to be too afraid to move. And other half won't be able to stop moving. It would be chaos. And that won't do. So, Sister Jude has arranged for a distraction. A movie, on Friday night, when storm will be at its worst. We're all going to be together in the dark, watching The Sign of the Cross, a movie full of fire, sex, and the death of Christians. What fun.

Patient: (to Sister Mary Eunice)  Go away… Satan!



Kit: There won't be a lockdown this Friday night if we're all supposed to be watching a movie.

Grace: We were just caught trying to escape.

Kit: Which means they won't be expecting it to happen again so soon.


(Lana comes.)

Grace: (to Lana)You ruined our chance of getting out of this place.

Lana: I'd do it again, if it means I can stop him from killing any more.

Kit: Can't say I blame you. I'd have done the same thing if I believed what you believe. But I'm innocent.

Carl: Walker. Dr. Arden wants to see you.


Sister Jude’s office

Frank: He had lunch in his office-- tuna fish sandwich, by the way, some oatmeal cookies.

Uh, then he made a phone call to the doctor's office about, uh, removing a mole.

Sister Jude: Was anything suspicious, Frank?

Frank: Nothing, Sister. Dr. Thredson seems like he's on the up-and-up.

Sister Jude: Well, I'll determine that.

(Sister Mary Eunice busts into her office carrying the communion wine.)

Sister Mary Eunice: You won't believe …

Sister Jude: Hold your water, Sister. I'm finishing up something here. Keep watching, Frank. Assume the worst.

Frank: Roger that, Sister.

Sister Jude: What are you doing? (She serves wine.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Someone's been drinking the communion wine. I think it might be Spivey. I saw him sneaking out of the chapel. Taste it, Sister. I'm sure it's been watered down.

Sister Jude: You know I don't imbibe.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, of course. How could I forget? Since 1949, when you had a calling from Jesus Christ our Lord, which inspired you to renounce alcohol, and turn your back on all worldly pleasures. I'll taste it.

Sister Jude: What's that on your face? On your mouth, to be exact?

Sister Mary Eunice: (She drinks.) Mm. I might have been mistaken. It tastes rich.

Sister Jude: Put that wine down. You look like a streetwalker. Are you wearing lipstick?

Sister Mary Eunice: Mm-hmm. It's called "Ravish Me Red" It suits my porcelain complexion, don't you think?

Sister Jude: Hand it over.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, it's for you, actually. I hope you don't mind that I tried it first.

Sister Jude: We don't wear makeup.

Sister Mary Eunice: Mm. And I told him that. But Dr. Arden insisted. He said, "Red is Sister Jude's favorite color, and she'll understand just why I want her to have it.


In an exam room

Dr Arden: Do you recognize this, Mr. Walker? It certainly seems to recognize you. It's what came out of you during your last visit. And so desperately wants to get back in.

Kit: What are you doing? (He starts probing him with needles.)

Dr Arden: I assume it works on some sort of magnetic principle. Have you noticed any other lumps or protrusions?

Kit: No.

Dr Arden: Who are you working for?

Kit: What?

Dr Arden: Come, come, Mr. Walker. Let us not play games. This is not the first attempt to infiltrate my labs.

Kit: I don't know what you're talking about!

Dr Arden: You were approached by someone. Someone who knew you were being sent here. They implanted this technology in you, in order to spy on me. No, you're wrong. Was it the Stasi? The East Germans have a particular talent for surveillance. KGB? I understand there are even some elements within the U.S government. Oh, yes. Jews, and fellow travelers. Who was it?

Kit: It was no one. I swear.

Dr Arden: You can swear all you like, Mr. Walker, but I will get to the truth. In here, we have all the time in the world.

(He slices Kit's neck wound open again. Kit yells.)


Patient’s cell

(The patient who was afraid of Sister Mary Eunice as Satan is praying in her cell when the nun enters.)

Patient : (The Our Father) Padre nuestro, que estàs en el cielo, Santificado sea tu Nombre ; venga tu reino ; hàgase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.

Sister Mary Eunice: Why are you so fearful, my child?

Patient (spanish): Go away Satan! Go away.

Sister Mary Eunice: I can't imagine what you're so afraid of. Get on your knees and we'll pray it all away.

Patient: No no.

Sister Mary Eunice: On your knees!!

Patient: (spanish) TheDevil! Spare me! Let me go! Please. Let me go!

Sister Mary Eunice: (spanish) Repeat after me. Father in Heaven. Ever-ligin source of all that is good.

(The woman repeats.)

Sister Mary Eunice: (spanish) Keep us faithful in serving you.

(The woman repeats.)


(Sister Mary Eunice takes out a pair of scissors and stabs her first in the neck, then in the chest.)



(Sister Mary Eunice dumps the body where she feeds the monsters. A creature covered in sores and boils, lurks in the woods.)



(Dr Arden’s office. Somebody knocks at the door.)


Dr Arden: Who is it? (door opens) (opera music plays)

Sister Mary Eunice: You wanted to see me?

Dr Arden: Little Sister. My ray of sunshine. Come in. Please. So, tell me how are you doing?

Sister Mary Eunice: I did a feeding last night. The creatures are getting hungrier. I'm worried, Doctor. What will happen when it's freezing? And now this storm?

Dr Arden: We only have to get them through the winter. I can't tell you how much your compassion for these creatures means to me.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, please. You know you got me in here just so you can undress me with your eyes. Imagine sucking on my rosebud tits.

Dr Arden: Don't talk like that.

Sister Mary Eunice: Come on, big boy. Show me what you got. A little bride of Christ has had an awakening. Not to the Lord but to the power of sex lust desire.

Dr Arden: Stop it.

Sister Mary Eunice: Put your mouth where you want to. Don't let it go to waste, Doc. I'm all juicy.

(She offers herself up to him on his desk. He slaps her.)

Dr Arden: Shut your filthy mouth.

(She laughs.)

Sister Mary Eunice: I didn't know you were such a sad little pantywaist.

Dr Arden: Get out of my office!


Common room

(♪ Dominique, nique, nique

S'en allait tout simplement,

Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪)


Dr. Thredson: (sets up the movie screen in the common room.) A little lower on the right there. Perfect. Thank you, gentlemen.


(♪ En tous chemins, en tous lieux,

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu,

Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪)


Lana: Dr. Thredson? My name is Lana Winters. Can I have a word with you? In private?


(♪ S'en allait tout simplement,

Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪)


Dr. Thredson: (to a patient) Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Thank you. (to Lana) Miss Winters, I know a little about your case, but I'm not authorized to discuss your treatment. Unfortunately, I'm only officially here to evaluate one patient.

Lana: No, it's not about me. I'm going to go out on a limb here. But I've been watching you, and I know you're not one of them. I'm desperate. I need to get a message to my friend on the outside-- Wendy Peyser

Dr. Thredson: Your friend-- she's the reason why you're in here?

Lana: She hasn't written or called. I know Sister Jude is keeping her away from me. If I could just see her, I could straighten this out. Dr. Thredson you are my last hope. Will you help me give her this message?

Dr. Thredson: You're asking me to betray Sister Jude who is the administrator of this sanitarium.

(He takes her message.)



Shelley: I saw you guys conspiring upstairs. You're plotting your next escape.

Grace: I don't know what you're talking about.

Shelley: (to Pepper) Are we talking to you? (to Grace) I can help. I'm smart. Smarter than that stuck-up bitch reporter. Come on, Grace. I got to get out of here.

Grace: Why? So you can screw more guys?

Shelley: You think, as a little girl, I dreamed I'd waste my life away in the bughouse? I want to go to Paris, France. They're 20 years ahead of us. Here, I'm a freak. There I'd be celebrated.

Haven't you read Delta of Venus? Anais Nin embraced her sexuality without apology. You're from there-- you must know what I'm talking about.

Grace: We left when I was nine. But my mother and sister, we speak French at home.

Shelley: I'm gonna get out of here with or without you. We could help each other. Please?

(Man yells in distance.)

Man: No, no.

Orderly: Come on.


Dr Arden’s office

Sister Jude: Feathering your love nest?

Dr Arden: The radio said there was a danger of the bridge being washed out by the storm.

I thought it prudent to spend the night. Sister Jude, I've had a very long, particularly strange day. Whatever it is you wanted, I'm sure can wait till tomorrow.

Sister Jude: (She brings the red lipstick.) "Ravish Me Red"? (thunders crashes) Sister Mary Eunice told me everything.

Dr Arden: I admired her purity. Her innocence. I never had any. Even as a boy. Now it's gone. It's been taken from her.

Sister Jude: Are those tears?

Dr Arden: Sister Mary Eunice has been corrupted. It's this place. Those patients. That loathsome Shelley. She's a wretched influence.

Sister Jude: If she's been corrupted, it's because of you. Your leers are quite transparent. She's a sensitive child. Your perversion has awakened something in her that she can't begin to understand.

Dr Arden: My feelings for her are nothing if not entirely pure. She came in here and propositioned me! Exposed herself to me, like a whore.

Sister Jude: I see through your game. You're trying to drive me from my position, so you can take over. First the newspaper and now, lipstick? But it's not gonna work because you don't know what you think you know.

Dr Arden: You're coming apart at the seams, Sister. Perhaps it would be best if you took a leave of absence.

Sister Jude: I'm on to you.

(Sister Jude tells him he won't succeed in running her off. Sister Mary Eunice hears it all in the hallway.)


Sister Jude’s office

Sister Jude: Blessed are thee, blessed are thou among women

(Alone in the dark she answers the ringing phone.)

Sister Jude: Briarcliff Manor Hello? Hello? Who is this?

Young girl's voice: You left me there.

Sister Jude: Who who is this?

Girl: You never even bothered to get out of the car.

Sister Jude: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. (She sees broken eyeglasses like the girl was wearing on her desk and sobs.) No, no. (She reaches for the communion wine.)

(Later, she drains the last drops of the wine.)


Dr Arden’s office

(Dr Arden hears a radio report.)

Announcer: Travel warnings continue for Freemont and Braintree Counties. Flooding expected in Miranda and parts of Cape Cod. Stay indoors. We have more on those strange lights sighted over parts of Wasagee County. Residents continue to insist these are not lightning strikes. Fears of a possible downed aircraft have put local emergency rescue workers on the alert. So far, the cause of the strange activity remains a mystery.

(The microchip creature dances in its jar.)


Common room

(Patients clamoring. Drunk Sister Jude blows her whistle.)

Sister Jude: Take your seats! Take your seats! No more dillydallying! Sit down! Sit down! Is everyone accounted for?

Frank: The Mexican wasn't in her room, so I was gonna go look for her.

Sister Jude: No, I want you to stay here. I'll go, after I introduce the picture.

Frank: Okey-doke.

Sister Jude: Welcome, one and all, to Briarcliff Manor's inaugural movie night. Whether this evening marks the start of a, of a beloved trend, tradition, or just another bitter disappointment, is entirely up to you. Now settle in, relax, and return with me now to ancient Rome as we present the 1932 Cecil B. DeMille classic, The Sign of the Cross, starring Miss Claudette Colbert as the Empress Poppea (Dr Thredson sits next to Lana and pats her hand.)or "Po-ppea," and as the Emperor Nero, the incomparable Mr. Charles Laughton who I understand is an enormous whoopsie.

(Thunder crashes, patients scream.)

Sister Jude: Now none of that! None of that! None of that. Chin up! Chin up high! Hey! Now don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky the bright silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain. (She chuckles.) Though your dreams may be tossed and blown walk on, walk on with hope in your heart. And you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk a But she was alone. (She's near tears.) A tiny, little fragile thing out, out in the world, in the gloaming. And the storm that came was not rain and it was not wind. It was something altogether else. (She remembers the accident.)

(Thunders crashes, patients clamor.)

(Sister Jude realizes what she's said and wraps up.)

Sister Jude: Lights. (to Frank) I'm off to find the Mexican.


Dr Thredson:What the hell was that all about?

Lana: She's bats, or hadn't you noticed?

Man (in film): Burn, Rome, burn!

Lana: Did you speak to Wendy? What?

Dr Thredson:I tried to phone you, but there was no answer. So I went to check on her. (We see Dr Thredson in Lana’s house) (to Wendy) Hello? (to Lana) I rang the bell, but the door was unlocked, so I let myself in. (to Wendy) Hello? Is anyone here? Miss Peyser? Wendy? Miss Winters, I know how alarming this is, but I'm afraid something might have happened to your friend.

Lana: What do you mean?

Dr Thredson:There were certain similarities between Miss Peyser's disappearance. Shh! and some of the other victims. Shh!

Lana: Other victims? What are you saying?

Man (in film): Yes, Divine Caesar, these rumors about my setting fire to the city

Dr Thredson:That I have some

Sister Mary Eunice: Shh! Shh!

Man 1 (in film): Couldn't we shift the blame to?

Man 2 (in film): The Christian?

(Patients yelling.)

Dr Thredson:That I have some concerns, concerns which I've related to the police. But unfortunately, they're so invested in the idea that they've already caught their maniac that they won't even entertain the idea. But maybe they haven't.

(Man yelling.)

Orderly: Sit down and watch the movie! Hey, Bernie?

Lana: But they have caught him, haven't they?

Grace: (to Frank) Do you think I could use the bathroom really quickly?

Frank: What is it with you people?

Lana: Haven't they?

Dr Thredson:To be honest, I'm not so sure anymore.

Grace: I'm having my period.

Frank: Ah, I don't want to hear it. Don't make me come with you, okay?

Grace: Yeah. Thank you.

Woman (in film): Which perfume, Empress?

Empress (in film): The jasmine and the acacia.

(Various patient wolf whistling.)

Woman (in film): There are so many beautiful women in Rome.

Lana: It's really not appropriate for me to be seeing this considering my condition. Sister Jude will understand. I'm going to the ladies'.

Poppea: Dacia, you're a butterfly with the sting of a wasp. Take off your clothes. Get in here and tell me all about it.



(Sister Jude stumbles around the hallways looking for "The Mexican.")

Sister Jude: Hello? Where's that goddamn Mexican? (distant clank) Who's there? Who's there?


Shelley: We picked a hell of a night for it.

Kit: Yeah, it's good. Perfect, in fact. The storm will cover our tracks. All we have to do is go through those doors, through the staff lounge and into the boiler room.

Shelley: And that'll take us where, Narnia?

Grace: There's an old tunnel that leads into the woods-- assuming it's really there.

Lana: It's there. That touched nun brought me through it. I'll show you; just take me with you

Grace: Screw you. You had your chance.

Lana: (to Kit) I was wrong about you. I'm sorry. But someone I love may be in danger. I know you can understand that.

Grace: We have to take her down. She'll raise the alarm.

Kit: No, she won't. She's coming with us.

Grace: What?!

Kit: We don't have time to argue. Come on. Shit. Carl's out there.

Lana: What are we gonna do?

Kit: Whatever we have to. We may not get another chance. We're going through that door.

Shelley: You're not taking down Carl. He was a Marine. He fought in Korea. I'll make sure you get through the door. Just, just try and wait for me.

Grace: Wait for you?

Shelley: If you can't, if I don't make it out, make sure you write the story that blows the doors off this place. Don't forget about me.

Carl: Shelley, what are you doing out here?

Shelley: I got bored.

Carl: Yeah, you're always bored. You need to be in that movie with the others. Go on.

Shelley: I've already seen it. The Christians get eaten. I'd rather be eating something else.

Carl: Shelley, I don't have time. The Mexican's missing. Jude's out here looking, too.

Shelley: Did you check the hydrotherapy room?

Carl: What?

Shelley: Come on, Carl I'll help you look. You never know where she might be hiding.

Carl: Shit, Shelley.

Kit: Come on.



Sister Jude: Stop! Damn it, I said stop!



(Dr. Arden uses the red lipstick to draw on the marble statue of the Virgin Mary.)

Dr Arden: There you are whore.


(Lana leads the group to the exit tunnel in the basement.)

Grace: I don't see a door.

Lana: It's here. Come on.


Dr Arden: Whore. Whore (He knocks the lipstick smeared Virgin Mary over.) Whore!


(Shelley stops servicing Carl.)

Carl: Hey, why'd you stop?

(She knocks him out.)

Shelley: I'm sorry, Carl. I gotta get out of here.


(Sister Jude screams; she thinks she sees an alien as she stumbles.)

(Thunder crashing.)


(Shelley runs smack into Dr. Arden.)

Dr Arden: (to Shelley) Where do you think you're going whore?



Down in the tunnel

Kit: We waited as long as we can. Something must have happened to her. Any minute now, they're gonna notice we're missing from that movie, if they haven't already.

Lana: We'll get her out. Her and everybody else. I'll expose every sick thing going on here.

Grace: Let's go.

(They run out of the tunnel and into a driving storm.)

Grace: I didn't think I could feel this good ever again, and I hate the rain.

Kit: Come on, we have to get as far away from here, while we still can.

Lana: From what I remember, the road's a couple miles north of here. That way, through the trees.

Grace: I don't trust you. Once we get to the road, that's as far as you go with us.


Common room

(Woman screaming in film)

Man (in film): It's our time! It's our time!

Woman (in film): We're not afraid.

Man (in film): Stand up there! (whip cracks)

Woman (in film): Go proudly! Singing! There is no death, only a crossing over to the Father.

(Lions growling in film.)

Dr Thredson: (to Frank) Excuse me.

Frank: What?

Dr Thredson: There appear to be some patients missing. Have you been aware of that?

Frank: Oh, shit.

Pepper: Pepper pee.

Frank: Yeah, go on. Go pee. (to Sister Mary Eunice) Excuse me, Sister. I think we might have a problem.

Sister Mary Eunice: Now? But the Christians are about to be eaten.



Dr. Arden’s office.

Shelley: I was just going to the infirmary. I think I'm going to vomit.

Dr Arden: That's fine. Go ahead. We can play doctor right here.

(Dr. Arden starts undressing.)

Shelley: No, I'm not in the mood.

Dr Arden: You're always in the mood. I must be the only guy in here who hasn't had you yet.

Shelley: That's not true. What's more, I'm the one who does the choosing.

Dr Arden: Not tonight. Turn around and spread your cheeks.

Shelley: I thought I repulsed you.

Dr Arden: Any port in a storm. Now bend over!

Shelley: I don't want to. I want to go back to the movie.

Dr Arden: (with mock sympathy) Oh…

Shelley: (yelling) No! No! No! Help! Rape!

Dr Arden: (scoffing) Rape. Help! That's rich, coming from you.

(Shelley screams.)

Dr Arden: Go ahead, scream your head off. No one's going to hear you in here.

(He throws her over his couch and tries to have his way with her.)

Shelley: Help!

(Laughing, then muffled snickering. She notices his startlingly small equipment.)

Dr Arden: Don't you dare laugh at me

Shelley: (laughing) What happened?

Dr Arden: Shut up!

Shelley: Were you in an accident? Oh, you're seven feet all, I thought you'd be hung like

Dr Arden: Shut up!

(He knocks her out with a bookend.)


Outside the asylum

(Lana screams.)

Grace: I think we found the Mexican!

(Eerie growling in distance)

(Kit sees creatures chewing on bits of flesh.)

Kit: (screaming) Run!

Lana: What are they? What's chasing us!

Kit: Don't look back! Just run! Come on! Go! Run, run! Into the tunnel!


Sister Jude’s room

(Knocking on door)

Sister Mary Eunice:Sister Jude? Sister Jude? Sister you need to wake up.

Sister Jude: What's going on?

Sister Mary Eunice:Frank said I had to fetch you. There's a big problem. They're very worried.

Sister Jude: Oh, my God in Heaven. They've seen it, too.

Sister Mary Eunice: Seen what, Sister?

Sister Jude:What?


Common room

Sister Jude: (to Frank) Please explain to me how three patients could just get up and walk out of here right under your nose.

Frank: I guess I was just watching the movie.

Sister Jude: Yeah.

Man (in film): renounced his faith.

Sister Jude: Movie night is at an end.

(Audience protesting)

Patient: But the picture's not over.

Sister Jude: Yeah, well, they all die. Satisfied? Now, listen up. There will not be another movie night nor any other special privileges in the foreseeable future. And for that, you can thank the three scofflaws who abused my good will. (Lana, Grace and Kit are back in their seats with wet clothes and muddy shoes, but Shelley is still missing.) A sex-crazed deviant, a Mexican, and a pinhead won't get far in this storm. (to Frank) I hope they all drown out there. (to everybody) Lights out in ten minutes.

Frank: All right, let's go.


Dr. Arden's treatment room

(Shelley wakes up strapped to a table.)

Shelley: Please let me go. Sister Jude will look for me.

Dr Arden: Oh, they are looking for you. In the woods. You see, they all think you ran away last night, along with several of the others. In fact, Sister Jude thinks you're the ringleader.

Shelley: Please if you let me walk out of here, I won't tell them anything.

I promise! I'm afraid that's quite impossible.

Dr Arden: You were a very naughty girl last night. You tried to fly away, so I had to clip your wings. But not to worry. My surgical training was impeccable.

(He pulls back the sheet covering Shelley to show her her legs: they've been amputated.)



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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Mercredi 17 avril à 22:00
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12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

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12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !