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#202 : Exorcisme

Réalisation: Bradley Buecker -  Scénario: James Wong


A la veille d'Halloween, pendant que Wendy est désespérée d'avoir signé l'internement de Lana, le Docteur Thredson arrive à Briarcliff pour examiner le cas de Kit, lorsqu'il est interpellé par les méthodes utilisées dans l'établissement et décide d'en examiner le fonctionnement. Un nouveau patient est amené à Sister Jude.


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Tricks And Treats

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AHS Episode 202 "Tricks And Treats" - Promo


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AHSA Episode 202 "Tricks And Treats" - Promo FX UK


AHS: Asylum Episode 202 "Tricks & Treats" - Séance d'électrochocs de Lana

AHS: Asylum Episode 202 "Tricks & Treats" - Séance d'électrochocs de Lana


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Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Grace Bertrand (Lizzie Brocheré)

Grace Bertrand (Lizzie Brocheré)

Dr. Oliver Thredson (Zachary Quinto)

Dr. Oliver Thredson (Zachary Quinto)

Shelley (Chloe Sevigny)

Shelley (Chloe Sevigny)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 24.10.2012 à 22:00
3.06m / 1.7% (18-49)

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Briarcliff - Aujourd’hui

Dans l’asile désaffecté

Theresa court en hurlant dans l’asile pour échapper à Bloody Face qui la traque dans les couloirs. Elle essaye de traîner son mari pour s'enfuir, mais Bloody Face la rattrape. Elle s'enferme dans la chambre noire où le bras de Leo a été arraché et, impuissante, regarde Bloody Face poignarder Leo à plusieurs reprises avec un pic à glace.


En 1964 - Chez Lana

La petite amie de Lana, Wendy, est avec ses amies Barb et Lois, un autre couple de lesbiennes, lorsque l’on frappe à sa porte. Son amie Lois ouvre la porte à des enfants déguisés venus réclamer des bonbons. Ils sont en avance d’un soir pour Halloween. Wendy sanglote, elle se sent coupable d’avoir signé les papiers ayant permis l’internement de Lana. Elle est déterminée à la faire sortir. Ses deux amis, offrent de passer du temps avec elle, mais Wendy leur dit qu'elle préfère rester seule pour le moment.


Plus tard dans la nuit, Wendy prend une douche et allume un joint. Elle ferme une fenêtre et se dirige dans une autre pièce, où elle se retrouve face à face avec Bloody Face qui la poignarde malgré ses supplications. 


À l'asile

Les gardes réveillent tout le monde et leur commandent de sortir de leurs chambres pour pouvoir les inspecter. Pepper cachait de la nourriture. Et ils trouvent des notes cachées dans la taie d'oreiller de Lana. Lana rétorque à Sœur Jude qu’elle n’en a pas besoin car elle a une excellente mémoire et Sœur Jude lui laisse entendre que cela ne durera pas. 

Sœur Jude va voir le Dr Arden pour lui demander d’administrer une thérapie par électrochocs à Lana, ce qui étonne le Docteur car Sœur Jude disait qu’il s’agissait d’une pratique barbare. 

Lana crie et lutte contre le traitement. Le Docteur Arden permet à Sœur Jude de mettre les électrodes crâniennes en place, et envoie de l'électricité à travers le corps de Lana. Elle remue violemment et Sœur Jude semble sur le point de se sentir mal. 

Des employés conduisent Kit dans la salle commune pour rencontrer le Dr Oliver Thredson (Zachary Quinto), le psychiatre envoyé par le tribunal. 

Kit dit au Docteur Thredson il n'est pas fou et que sa femme n'est pas morte, les hommes de l'espace la détiennent. Le Docteur Thredson diagnostique une maladie mentale aiguë.

Le Dr Arden surprend Sœur Mary Eunice à l’extérieur. Elle veut connaître les créatures affamées qu'elle nourrit. Il veut s'assurer qu'elle n'a rien dit à Sœur Jude et lui offre une pomme d'amour. Elle tente de résister, mais cède à la tentation.

 Shelley les voit de sa chambre quand ils reviennent dans l’asile.

Lana écrit des notes pour elle-même après son traitement. Elle entend Kit parler à Grace d’un projet d’évasion.

Le Dr Thredson se présente à Sœur Jude, voulant parler des conditions de vie des malades dans l'asile. Il a vu des punitions corporelles et le traitement pas électrochocs de Lana et il les trouve épouvantables. Il préconise de véritables thérapies. Elle lui rappelle qu'il est là pour examiner un patient, et lui conseille de ne pas se mêler de ce qui ne le regarde pas.


Sœur Jude va à la rencontre de parents qui veulent faire soigner leur fils. Le Dr Thredson les rejoint malgré les objections de Sœur Jude. La mère décrit son fils de 17 ans, Jed, dont le caractère a changé rapidement. Le Docteur pense d’abord à une crise d’adolescence. Mais la veille, son père l'a trouvé dans la grange après qu’il a éventré une vache et mangé son cœur.

Alors qu’ils vont voir Jed, Sœur Jude menace le Docteur Thredson.


Jed est enfermé dans une cellule. Pendant un instant il a peur et demande à sa mère où il est, et la seconde suivante il se met à parler une langue inconnue et s'en prend au Docteur Thredson, Ses yeux semblent jaunir. Le Docteur dit que Jed doit être immédiatement mis sous traitement médicamenteux. Sœur Jude pense que ce n’est pas de l’aide d’un médecin dont a besoin Jed.


Lana et Grace prennent des bains de vapeur forcés. Grâce coupe ses entraves et libère Lana. Lana dit à Grace qu’elle connaît un moyen de s’échapper. Grace veut que Kit vienne avec elles, mais Lana refuse de faire libérer un meurtrier. Lana se sent trahie par sa petite amie et a des problèmes de confiance, ce que Grace peut comprendre.



Shelley dit au Docteur Arden qu’elle l'a vu avec Sœur Mary Eunice et lui demande de la laisser sortir 15 minutes. Le Docteur refuse et Shelley lui fait des avances mais le Docteur lui dit être dégoûté par son attitude. Elle lui raconte qu’elle aime le sexe depuis longtemps. Qu’elle s’est enfuie avec un musicien de jazz qu’elle a épousé puis trompé avec deux marins, et qu’il l’a faite internée.


Le Docteur Thredson explique aux parents de Jed que l'hôpital du comté pourrait être mieux pour leur fils. Mais ils lui répondent qu’un spécialiste a déjà été appelé. 

Sœur Jude présente en des termes peu aimables le Docteur Thredson à Monseigneur Howard qui lui dit avoir besoin de lui pour assister à l’exorcisme en tant que représentant du corps médical. Le Docteur est évidemment opposé à ces méthodes. Le père Malachi, l’exorciste, se dit ravi d’avoir un sceptique avec lui.


Dans la salle commune, Lana écrit des notes pour elle-même. Grace lui demande de lui dire où se trouve le tunnel avant qu’elle n’ait oublié mais Lana refuse. Kit s’empare des notes de Lana car il a vu arriver les gardes venant signaler que le couvre-feu a été avancé. 


Sœur Jude, le Dr Thredson, Mgr Howard et le prêtre exorciste préparent Jed pour l'exorcisme. Le prêtre demande à Sœur Jude de sortir en disant que ce n’est pas la place d’une femme. Jed commence à parler en charabia et à avoir des convulsions.


Chez le Docteur Arden

Le docteur Arden prépare un dîner romantique à son domicile. Une prostituée qu’il a appelée arrive. Il trouve l'anticipation de l’acte charnel plus érotique que l'acte lui-même. Seulement la jeune femme n’apprécie pas Chopin et le vin comme le Docteur l’espérait, bouleversant sa vision d’une soirée romantique. Il commence à découper le rôti, disant combien elle doit se sentir plus en sécurité maintenant que le tueur de femmes a été pris. Mais elle ne se sent pas en sécurité, avec le Docteur.


A l'asile

Le Docteur Thredson surveille les signes vitaux de Jed. Puis Jed le regarde dans les yeux et dit avec une voix qui n’est pas la sienne qu'il est fier de lui. La Bible s'envole des mains du prêtre. Puis, comme Jed parle de vol, le Père Malachi décolle de son fauteuil roulant et s'écrase contre le mur.


Mgr Howard demande à Sœur Jude de veiller sur Jed pendant qu’ils s’occupent de l’exorciste. Jed semblant souffrir, la nonne entre dans la chambre malgré les consignes de Mgr Howard, mais aussitôt l’attitude de Jed change. Il devient agressif et la porte se referme sur Sœur Jude.

Il se moque d'elle et lui dit qu'elle a été avec 53 hommes.


Flashback : On voit Sœur Jude dans une robe rouge chantant pour de jeunes soldats dans un club. Elle embrasse l’un d’entre eux qui la rejette ensuite.


Jed lui demande de lui parler de la petite fille en bleu qu’elle a croisée un soir où elle était tellement ivre qu'elle ne pouvait pas retrouver son chemin.


Flashback : Sœur Jude conduit alors qu’elle est ivre et écrase une petite fille dans une robe bleue.

Sœur Jude voit la petite fille dans sur un lit de l’asile et Jed l’accuse d’être une meurtrière. Il crie jusqu'à ce qu'elle se précipite sur lui, pour le frapper.


Dr Thredson et le Père Thomas reviennent dans la chambre de Jed. Mgr Howard fait sortir Sœur Jude et lance de l’eau bénite sur Jed. Le Docteur Thresdon lui administre un calmant.


Les lumières s'éteignent à l'asile et toutes les portes des cellules des malades s'ouvrent dans le milieu de la nuit. Kit trouve Grace et Lana qui ont décidé de profiter de l’occasion pour essayer de s’enfuir. Lana redit à Kit qu’elle ne veut pas qu’il vienne avec elles, alors Grace et Kit décident de tenter leur chance tous les deux. Lana hurle que le tueur s'échappe. Les gardes interviennent et battent Kit. Grace fusille Lana du regard.


Le Docteur Thredson commence les gestes de réanimation sur Jed qui a fait un arrêt cardiaque mais il ne répond pas. Il est mort. Sœur Mary Eunice regarde la scène depuis le pas de la porte. Un crucifix tombe du mur dans la chambre de Jed. Sœur Mary Eunice s'effondre sur le sol.



Chez le Docteur Arden

Le Docteur demande à la call-girl d’essuyer tout son maquillage et de mettre des habits de nonne. Elle fouille dans ses affaires et trouve des livres et des photos de femmes ligotées dans des poses licencieuses ; certaines sont horribles.



Le Docteur qui attend de l’autre côté de la porte s’impatiente et entre finalement dans la pièce. La call-girl effrayée parce qu’elle vient de découvrir tente de partir, mais il lui ordonne d’aller sur le lit. Il commence à s'approcher d'elle. Quand il est assez proche, elle lui mord le bras, lui donne un coup dans l'entre jambe et s'enfuit.



À l'asile

Sœur Jude annonce la nouvelle aux parents de Jed.


Le lendemain, le Docteur Arden vient prendre des nouvelles de Sœur Mary Eunice. Il essaie de ne pas lorgner sous sa chemise de nuit. Elle l'interroge sur les créatures. Elle se couvre devant lui, mais quand il s'éloigne, elle rejette ses couvertures et le crucifix sur le mur saute. 


Sœur Jude félicite Lana pour avoir appelé les infirmiers. Comme récompense, elle va pouvoir assister à la punition de Kit et Grace. 

Lana s'excuse auprès de Grace, qui lui répond vertement. Kit endosse la responsabilité de la tentative de fuite et demande à Sœur Jude de ne pas blâmer Grace. Sœur Jude accepte, elle va donner les coups prévus pour Grace à Kit, en plus de la vingtaine qu’elle lui destinait déjà. Grâce et Lana frissonnent en assistant à la punition.


[Fin de l'épisode]

(Present Day)



(Theresa runs screaming for her life in the asylum to get away from Bloody Face, who stalks her through the halls. She drags her dismembered husband and tries to get away.)

Theresa: Leo, Leo, come on, get up.

(Bloody Face grabs Leo. She locks herself in the dark room where Leo's arm was ripped off.)

Leo: Help me!

(She watches helplessly as Bloody Face stabs Leo repeatedly).



(Wendy’s home.)

(Somebody knocks.)

Barb: Don't answer it. There's a killer of women on the loose.

Lois: They caught that guy. Threw him in the nuthouse.

Wendy: In Briarcliff. He's in there with Lana. I have to recant. I'm recanting tomorrow.

Lois: That might be tough.You signed a document. Not that anyone would blame you.

Wendy: I'm gonna be sick.

Barb: Lois, don't. You don't know who's out there.

(Lois opens the door.)

Children: Trick or treat.

Lois: Check out the mass murderers, Barb.

Wendy: Is today Halloween?

Lois: Tomorrow. These little monsters are just getting a jump on the competition.

Wendy: I don't have any candy.

Child: That's okay, Miss Peyser. We'll come back tomorrow.

Wendy: God, the job, the kids, Halloween... Nothing makes sense without her. I just hate myself.

Lois: Hey, you want me to stay over tonight?

Wendy: No, I-I'll be okay. I just need a hot shower and a good night's sleep. And tomorrow I'm gonna get her out of that place.

Barb: You can say that you made a mistake. You got scared and you hit the panic button.

Wendy: I have to get her out.


(Later that night, Wendy takes a shower and lights up a joint.)


♪ Wishing and hoping ♪

♪ And thinking and praying ♪

♪ Planning and dreaming ♪

♪ His kiss is the start ♪

♪ That won't get you into his heart ♪

♪ So if you're thinking how great ♪

♪ True love is ♪

♪ All you've got to do is ♪

♪ Hold him and kiss him and squeeze him ♪

♪ And love him, yeah, just do it ♪

♪ And after you do ♪

♪ You will be his ♪

♪ You will be his ♪

♪ You will be his. ♪)


(She shuts an open window in her house and walks into another room -- where she comes face to face with Bloody Face.)

Wendy : I'm... I'm a schoolteacher. The children - they won't understand.





Guard 1: Everybody, up and out! Now!

Guard 2: Come on, stand out in the hall.

Sister Jude: Room search, Miss Winters.We find it keeps our charges honest.

Guard: Food violation.

Sister Jude: Oh, Pepper. Now, tell me, why is it we don't allow food in the rooms?

Pepper : Rats!

Sister Jude: That's right, Pepper. Why can't you get that through your pointy little head? Huh?

Shelley : Hey, Sister. I have a cucumber in my room. But not because I was hungry.

Sister Jude: Stifle yourself, Shelley. I'll be with you in a minute. Find anything, Frank?

Frank (guard): No, looks clean to me.

Sister Jude: Check the pillowcase.

Frank: Uh-huh. Here we are.

Sister Jude: What do we have here? "October 28. Strip-searched and deloused. Denied phone call." Who would you like to call, Miss Winters? The American Civil Lesbians Union?

Lana: My editor knows I came here to write a story. And, boy, do I have a great scoop for him now.

Sister Jude: Ah, yes. You know, I've read your columns about baked beans, gallivanting geese who lost their way home. Riveting. Too bad your ambition outweighs your talent.

Lana: I don't need those, Sister. I have an excellent memory

Sister Jude: Yeah? We'll see about that.


(Sister Jude visits Dr. Arden.)

Dr. Arden: Ah. Sister Jude. Always a pleasure to lay one's eyes on your sunny visage.

Sister Jude: We have a problem.

Dr. Arden: The little sapphic reporter? Yes, I noticed she'd been giving you fits.

Sister Jude: I believe that her memories are her worst enemy. They're terrorizing her, impeding repentance.

Dr. Arden: So you would like to help erase some of them.

Sister Jude: Bring her a little peace of mind. Correct. Is electroshock therapy something you would suggest?

Dr. Arden: My... that is quite a turnaround, Sister. The last time I suggested electroshock therapy, you accused me of being a sadistic barbarian.

Sister Jude: I prayed about it. When I wasn't praying for you to find a halfway decent haberdasher. And I came to the understanding that this therapy is just another tool in His bountiful tool chest.


(Cut to Lana screaming and fighting the treatment.)

Lana: Get them off! Help me! Help me! Please let me go. Stop! Get off! Get off of me! This woman is a kidnapper. She's a kidnapper. She blackmailed my lover into committing me. Please help me! I don't belong here! Get me out of here!

Dr. Arden: You're right. She is a noisy one.

Lana : Help me!

Dr. Arden: Given your interest, Sister, perhaps you'd like to assist. Just hold these by her temples. You're not squeamish, are you? Sister. (Arden lets Sister Jude hold the electroshock nodes in place as they send electricity through Lana's body.)


(Orderlies roughly bring Kit into the common area to meet Dr. Oliver Thredson.)

(♪ Dominique-nique-nique s'en allait tout simplement ♪

♪ Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪

♪ En tous chemins, en tous lieux, ♪

♪ Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪

♪ Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪)


Dr. Thredson:Gentlemen.

(♪ Certains jours un hérétique, ♪

♪ Par des ronces le conduit ♪)

Dr. Thredson:I can handle it from here. Thank you.

(♪ Mais notre père Dominique ♪

♪ Par sa joie le convertit ♪)

Dr. Thredson: Mr. Walker, Dr. Oliver Thredson. (They shake hands.)

(♪ Dominique-nique-nique s'en allait tout simplement ♪

♪ Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪)


(Dr. Thredson types a report.)

Dr. Thredson: Patient is 24 years old.



Dr. Thredson: All right if I call you Kit?

Kit : Sure.



Dr. Thredson: Completed grades K through 12, no higher education. Patient is believed responsible for the murders of multiple women, including his wife.



Dr. Thredson: Seems unreasonable to me that a man should be denied the right to smoke.



Dr. Thredson: Victim’s bodies were discovered in a remote field; drained of blood, decapitated. The murders may have started as a purging of racial guilt at what his conditioning would have viewed as an illicit coupling.



Dr. Thredson: Do you know why I'm here, Kit?

Kit: You're the headshrinker the courts sent to see if I'm crazy. If you say I am, they leave me here to rot, and if you say I'm not, they put me on trial, and then fry me.


Dr. Thredson: Patient is manipulative.



Kit: Trouble is... I'm not crazy. And I didn't kill those ladies.

Dr. Thredson: What about your wife?

Kit: Alma's not dead. That body didn't have a head.

Dr. Thredson:None of the bodies had heads, Kit. Initially, you told police that you were...

Kit: I know what I said! But it wasn't Alma. See, I know that now. 'Cause I'm starting to remember. And I saw her. After they took us, she was alive.

Dr. Thredson: They? The men from outer space?

Kit : They have her.



Dr. Thredson: Diagnosis: acute clinical insanity.



(Dr. Arden surprises Sister Mary Eunice outside.)

Sister Mary Eunice:Dr. Arden, you're like a shadow.

Dr. Arden: How is my favorite little helper today?

Sister Mary Eunice:They had quite the ferocious appetite last night. Did you hear them?

Dr. Arden: No.

Sister Mary Eunice:Expected to find the basket torn to pieces. Please, Doctor, you must tell me - what are these creatures?

Dr. Arden: All in good time. You haven't said anything to Sister Jude, now, have you?

Sister Mary Eunice:No, of course not. It's our secret.

Dr. Arden: Good. A small token of my gratitude.

Sister Mary Eunice:Oh! A candy apple. Looks delicious, but... mm-mm, I can't.

Dr. Arden: Go ahead. Have a bite. Oh, Sister, life is too short for regrets. Take a taste.

Sister Mary Eunice:No, I really shouldn't. Sister Jude says sweets lead to sin.

Dr. Arden: I said... take a taste.

(Shelley watches from her room as they come back inside.)


(Common area.)

(♪ Dominique-nique-nique s'en allait tout simplement ♪

♪ Routier, pauvre et..)

(Lana remembers her treatment).

(♪ Dominique-nique-nique s'en allait tout simplement ♪

♪ Routier, pauvre et..)

(Lana’s traitement)

(Lana writes notes to herself after her treatment. She hears Kit talking to Grace.)

Grace: Did you do what I said? Did you toss your shit at him? Did you at least spit at him?

Kit: I can't do it. I can't fake crazy. What I need to do is escape this place now before he files that report and I'm screwed.

Grace: There is no escape. I gave you your way out.

Kit: Think. Think hard. There's got to be a way out of this place. I need to find Alma. Now, what about the bakery? Aren't there delivery vans?

Grace: How does that work? You disguise yourself as a giant loaf of pumpernickel?


(Dr. Thredson introduces himself to Sister Jude.)

Dr. Thredson: Sister Jude? I'm Dr. Oliver Thredson.

Sister Jude: Ah, the court- appointed psychiatrist. You've seen our killer of women, I trust. So what's it going to be? We gonna spare the taxpayers the expense of a trial or will I have a bed opening up?

Dr. Thredson: I haven't made a determination yet. Might we speak privately about the conditions here?

Sister Jude: Conditions? What conditions might those be?

Dr. Thredson: In just the short time that I've been here, I have witnessed appalling things. (He's seen her beatings and Lana's EST.) Abuse. Malpractice. Candidly, I'm shocked.

Sister Jude: It's a madhouse, Doctor. What did you expect?

Dr. Thredson: I expected some form of treatment. Therapy. Sister, your hospital still administers electroshock therapy to treat homosexuality. It's barbaric. Behavior modification is the current standard.

Sister Jude: Tomato, "tomahto." You know, Dr. Thredson, let me remind you, your job here is to write a recommendation to the court regarding the sanity of one patient. So I suggest you do your job and let me do mine. Now if you'll excuse me, there's another unfortunate family who requires our care.


(Sister Jude goes to meet with parents who want to commit their son.)

Mrs. Potter: Jed's been a good boy. He's always listened. He's never talked back. Our problem started a month ago.

Sister Jude: Mrs. Potter, you needn't worry. Good boys gone bad is my area of expertise I've had great success in curbing the chronic masturbator.

(Dr. Thredson joins them.)

Dr. Thredson: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. We weren't finished our conversation, Sister Jude. I didn't realize you had company. I'm Dr. Thredson, psychiatrist here. I'm at your service.

Sister Jude: You need to leave, Doctor.

Mrs. Potter: Uh, Sister Jude, please. Our boy is troubled; we could use a doctor's opinion.

Dr. Thredson: How can I help?

Mrs. Potter: Jed just turned 17. Over the last month, he's grown listless, moody. Sometimes he doesn't get up from bed for days. And then, the next moment, it's like someone tied a live wire to his body.

Dr. Thredson: Adolescence can be a time of conflict and rebellion.

Mrs. Potter: No, Doctor. Jed... ...sees things. He hears voices that aren't there.

Mr. Potter: I'm afraid he'll bring us harm. Yesterday, we heard terrible cries coming from the barn. (We see the barn) When I got there, I found Jed covered in blood, speaking a language no one could understand. Then I saw what he had done. He had ripped opened the belly of our best Guernsey.


Mr. Potter: Jed?

(Sister Jude’s office)

Mr. Potter: Ate her heart. It was unholy. It was... it was like some... thing had stepped inside my boy's body and taken over his soul.

Sister Jude: (to Thredson) Nothing? For a man whose profession relies on talk, talk, talk, you appear to be at a loss for words, Doctor.

Dr. Thredson: I-I would need to see him in order to provide an accurate diagnosis.

Mrs. Potter: We brought him here.

Sister Jude: Let's go see the boy now. (to Thredson, face to face) Dr. Thredson, you are but a guest in our institution. Don't wear out your welcome the first day.


(Jed is locked up in a cell.)

Jed: Mother, where am I? I'm scared.

Mrs. Potter: Jed, this is a hospital. Doctors are here to help you.

Dr. Thredson: Jed?


Dr. Thredson: Jed needs to be immediately medicated.

Sister Jude: No, Doctor. That's not what this boy needs.


(Lana and Grace take forced steam baths.)

Lana: This hurts my burns.

Grace: The harder you fight, the hotter it feels.

Lana: What are you doing under there?

Grace: Colonel Mustard in the library with the wrench. (Grace cuts her way free and lets Lana out of her tub.) I like the view from this window. All the bare trees. Bleak and beautiful.

Lana: Do you ever dream of escaping?

Grace: All you new people. There is no way out.

Lana: What if I said I know a way?

Grace: You'd be full of shit.

Lana; There's a tunnel. It's real. I came in through it.

Grace: Wow. They really messed with your mind. What meds are you on?

Lana: I need someone to help me pull off an escape. But nobody else can know.

Grace: We have to take Kit.

Lana: Absolutely not. He's a vicious murderer. They can make you believe anything.

Grace: There have been plenty of killers here. Kit's not one of them.

Lana: He can't come. That's my line in the sand.

Grace: You have trouble trusting people, yes?

Lana: You would too if the person you loved most in the world betrayed you. Threw you away forever.

Grace: I know what that's like.



(Shelley comes on to Dr. Arden.)

Shelley: I saw you flirting with Our Lady of Perpetual Virginity. You want to see my candy apple?

Dr. Arden: Get your filthy hands off me!

Shelley: Come on, Doc. Bend me over a bread rack and pound me into shape.

Dr. Arden: You're a dirty little slut with a poisonous tongue.

Shelley: I just want to go outside for 15 minutes in the sun. Please. I just want to feel the sun on my skin. I'll do anything.

Dr. Arden: No. Whores get nothing.

Shelley: Men like sex, no one calls them whores. I hate that word. It's so ugly! I'm into pleasure. Ever since I was five years old and I slipped my fingers inside for the very first time. I could do it all day. My mother made me wear mittens to bed.

Dr. Arden: Because you're a little slut.

Shelley: No. Because she didn't understand me. So I ran away from home, met some jazz musicians, real free thinkers. I fell in love with the bass player. Mistake. As soon as he put a ring on my finger, I was his property. He could screw every Betty in town, and I had to stay home and scrub his dirty drawers. So come fleet week, he gets home and finds me in bed with two Navy guys. And I told him, "It's not for self, but for country." He decked me flat out, threw me in the car and locked me in the nuthouse. And the sickest part is, they let him. Because I like sex. That's my crime.

Dr. Arden: Am I supposed to be moved by that pathetic tale of woe?

Shelley: Please. I'm just asking for five minutes in the sun. A little fresh air.

Dr. Arden: You make me sick. Whore.


(Outside, a man comes.)



Dr. Thredson: In my estimation, the county hospital might be better equipped to treat your son.

Mrs Potter: They already called in the specialist.

Dr. Thredson: Mr. and Mrs. Potter, are you aware what kind of specialist is on his way here?

Mr Potter: The monsignor explained the situation to us.

(Sister Jude arrives with a man.)

Sister Jude: I've instructed Sister Mary Eunice to observe lights out at 7:00.

Dr. Thredson: Excuse me.

Sister Jude: I will not tolerate tomfoolery from the residents tonight.

Mgr Howard: A wise precaution, Sister.

Dr. Thredson: Monsignor.

Mgr Howard: Ah, this must be...

Sister Jude: The tiresome Dr. Thredson.

Mgr Howard: Dr. Thredson. Sister Jude was just sharing with me your concern.

Dr. Thredson: It is 1964. For God's sake, an exorcism? You can't be serious.

Mgr Howard: The times may have changed, Doctor, but the nature of evil has not.

Dr. Thredson: You expect me to stand by as some witch doctor comes in here...

Mgr Howard: Stand by? On the contrary, Doctor. What I expect is for you to assist.

Dr. Thredson: I beg your pardon?

Mgr Howard: You may view us as... backward and barbaric, but the Church requires a licensed physician to be present at all exorcisms. As a psychiatrist, you're also a medical doctor.

Dr. Thredson: You are mistaken if you think that by making me an accomplice to this I won't report what I've seen here.

Father Malachi: An unbeliever. Good. I like having one in the room. Ups me game.


(In the common room, Lana writes more notes to herself.)

(♪ Dominique-nique-nique s'en allait tout simplement ♪

♪ Routier, pauvre et chantant ♪

♪ En tous chemins, en tous lieux, ♪

♪ Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪

♪ Il ne parle que du Bon Dieu ♪)


Grace: You're asking for it.

Lana: I have to write it down or I'll forget.

Grace: Then you better tell me now, Lana. Before you forget, tell me where the tunnel is.

Lana: No. We go together. That's the only way. And not a word to him. That's my deal.

(Kit sees the guards coming and grabs Lana's notes from her so they won't be found on her.)

Kit: There you go.

Lana: What the hell are you doing?

Guard: Okay, everybody, let's go. Sister Jude wants everyone to get an extra good night's sleep, so the common room is closing early.

Lana: (to Kit)Thank you. But give me back my notes.

Kit : What's the matter, don't you trust me?

Guard: Let's go!

Lana: No woman should trust you.

Guard: Come on, up and at 'em! Move your feet!

Kit: They can't find these on you.

Guard: Let's go!


(Sister Jude, Dr. Thredson, Father Howard and the priest prepare Jed for the exorcism.)

Jed: Please... Please, no, stop, please!

Father Malachi: Make it tight now.

Jed: You're hurting me. Why are you hurting me?

Father Malachi: Don't listen to it. The demon is a liar. If it speaks to you, do not answer, just do your job.

Dr. Thredson: My God, this boy's pulse is almost nonexistent.

Father Malachi: Prayer book, Sister! Your work here is done, my daughter. Go sit with the parents. This is no place for a woman.

Sister Jude: I'm stronger than you think.

Father Malachi: The Potters will be needing some of that strength.

Mgr Howard: Godspeed... Sister Jude.

Sister Jude: Yes, Father.

(Sister Jude goes.)

(Jed starts spewing gibberish and writhing.)

Father Malachi: All right, gentlemen, it's time to do God's work.


(Dr. Arden’s home)

(Dr. Arden prepares for a romantic dinner at his home. The girl arrives.)

Prostitute: Stanley?

Dr. Arden: May I?

Prostitute: Oh... Thank you. Mm-hmm. Are we having dinner? You only booked me for an hour and a half.

Dr. Arden: Actually, I find the anticipation far more erotic than the act itself.

Prostitute: I find a big cock even more erotic.

Dr. Arden: I f you're going to be vulgar, I'd just as soon you not speak at all.

Prostitute: I'm sorry. I can be classy, if you want. It's just that most men like to hear me talk dirty.

Dr. Arden: Of all the composers from the Romantic Era... I love Chopin the most.

Prostitute: Oh.

Dr. Arden: Are you familiar with this waltz?

Prostitute: No...

Dr. Arden: "Les Adieux." It was inspired by his childhood sweetheart who refused his hand in marriage. Can you hear the longing?

Prostitute: Oh... yes.

Dr. Arden: To us. To... an evening of romance.

Prostitute: To us.

Dr. Arden: This is a Chateau St. Estephe, one of the finest bottles of cabernet sauvignon you will ever taste in your entire life.

Prostitute: Yes, well, you'll have to forgive me, Stan. I have to keep my wits about me. I don't drink alcohol on dates, and I don't kiss - not on the mouth. Hey... what do you say I dance for you? Come on, Stan... I can really shake it if you've got something with a beat.

Dr. Arden: You... will sit down. In your line of work, it must have been frightening meeting strange men... what with a killer on the loose, skinning and decapitating women. A great weight must have been lifted now that he's been captured and you're perfectly safe.


(Exorcism’s room)

Father Malachi:...we exorcise you... ...every Satanic power, every legion... every congregation...

Dr. Thredson: Heart rate increasing, blood pressure rising...

Jed: Oliver... look at you. I see what you've become. I'm glad I gave you up.

Father Malachi: Don't listen to it, Doctor.

Jed: Lose your place, old man?

Mgr. Howard: We honor You in Jesus Christ...

Jed: Stick it up your ass, Father!

Father Malachi: Ominus immundus spiritus.

Jed: Every impure spirit, yes. We already heard that bit. Now skip ahead. You're boring the hell out of me.

Father Malachi: Ominus spiritus...

(The Bible goes flying out of the priest's hands.)

Jed: And the Lord said to the cripple, take up thy bed and fly!

(Father Malachai goes flying out of his wheelchair and crashes into the wall.)



Mrs. Potter: Our boy... How's our boy?

Mgr. Howard: He's fighting. Very hard. Sister Jude, will you join me? We've taken Father Malechi to the infirmary. I may have to say last rites. (Jed is locked up in a cell.) Watch over him. I'll be back. And pray, Sister. Speak only to God.

Jed: I can't see! It burns! I can't see! Mommy, please! Somebody! Somebody help me! Please! I can't see! Please! Someone help me. Somebody help... (to Sister Jude) It drives you crazy, doesn't it? To be the smartest person in the room, with no willpower because of that smelly clam between your legs. Oh, that's why you became a whore, isn't it, Sister? You're wearing red knickers right now. Come on, Sister, put me in your mouth. You've had 53 cocks in there already. You were the town pump, weren't you, Sister?


(Flash to Sister Jude in a red dress in a club performing for young soldiers.)

♪ A little bit later on ♪

♪ A little bit later on ♪

♪ Just wait and you'll see how lonely you'll be ♪

♪ A little bit later on... ♪

(Sister) Jude: Come on, boys. Who wants to dance with me? Hello, soldier. (They kiss.) Take me home.

Soldier: I can't. The baby's sleeping.



Sister Jude:In the name of Jesus Christ, strengthen me, the intercessor...

Jed: Tell me about the little girl in blue, Judy. The young girl, the innocent. And you so drunk you couldn't find your way home.


(Flashback to Sister Jude drunk driving home and running over a little girl in a blue dress.)

♪ Give me Eastern trimmin' where women are women ♪

♪ In high silk hose and peek-a-boo clothes ♪

♪ I'm all yours in buttons and bows... ♪

(Sister) Jude: Oh, my God.

♪ Buttons and bows ♪

♪ Frills and flowers and buttons and bows ♪

♪ And rings and things and buttons and bows... ♪


(Back at the asylum)

The little girl in a cell :You never even bothered to get out of the car.

Jed: You are a murderer, Judy. You're a murderer! Murderer! Murderer!

(She rushes at him, hitting him.)

Sister Jude: Shut up! You shut up! Shut up! Liar!

Jed : Hit me harder, you old whore. Don't listen to it! That's right, Father, protect your whore.

It's you she thinks of when she touches herself at night. You're a liar! Oh, yes. Protect your whore. Cover yourself!

Sister Jude : I was weak...

Mgr. Howard: I'll purge the demon myself. Go, be with the parents. Go.

Jed: Little piggies...

Mgr. Howard: O Lord Jesus Christ...

Dr. Thredson: There's no more time for prayers, Monsignor. His heart can't handle it!

Mgr. Howard : Help him! Help him now!

Dr. Thredson: I'm going to sedate him!


(The lights go out in the asylum and Lana's door rattles. All the doors of the prisoners' cells open in the middle of the night.)

Grace: What's happening?

Lana: I don't know. It's a power failure. This is our chance.


(Front of Jed’s cell)

Sister Mary Eunice: Sister Jude! Sister Jude, there's trouble in the wards. Something's gone wrong.

Dr. Thredson: He's in cardiac arrest.


(Kit finds Grace and Lana running for a way out.)

Lana: I think it's just through that door.

Kit: Grace.

Grace: Come on. Lana knows a way out.

Lana: No. He can't come with us. Get away from us.

Kit: I read what you wrote about me. I'm not a killer or a psychopath.

Lana: You're a liar. Get away from us.

Grace: Stop. I'm not leaving without him.

Lana: I'm not setting him loose so he can kill again.

Grace: You're wrong. We'll go find the way out ourselves. Come on.

Lana: Help! He's escaping! The killer is escaping! Help me! In the hallway! He's trying to get out!

(Guards come and beat Kit.)

Grace: No! Stop it!

(Grace gives Lana the mother of all death stares.)


(Jed’s cell. Dr. Thredson starts CPR on Jed.)

Dr. Thredson: Four, five, six, seven. He's dead.

(Sister Mary Eunice watches the scene in the doorway and drops to the floor.)

Sister Jude : Sister?


(Dr. Arden's house)

Prostitute: Almost ready.

Dr. Arden: Is that trashy makeup gone?

(He makes his call girl wipe off all her make up and put on a nun's habit.)

Prostitute: Clean as a virgin.

(She snoops in his things and finds his smutty books and photos of women tied up in poses; some are gruesome.)

Dr. Arden: What is taking you so long? (Waiting outside the room, he gets impatient and busts in.)

Prostitute: Holy shit. I'm just... Oh!

Dr. Arden: I told you not to touch anything.

Prostitute: You don't have to pay me; I just have to get the money...

Dr. Arden: You're not going anywhere, Sister. Now, pick those up and go lie on the bed. I told you to lie on the bed. Did you take off your panties like I asked you? (She nods.) Now... ...slowly... ...show me your mossy bank. Slowly.

(In the asylum, Sister Jude breaks the news to Jed's parents.)

Mrs. Potter: Shh, shh. No! Oh.


(Dr. Arden checks on Sister Mary Eunice in her bed.)

Dr. Arden: I'm so sorry, Sister. I didn't mean to frighten you. I was only trying to protect your modesty.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, you could never frighten me, Doctor. You make me feel safe.

Dr. Arden: I heard about your fainting spell. I wish I could have been there.

Sister Mary Eunice: I did ask for you, but I know how busy you are. Saving lives.

Dr. Arden: Yes. Well, I'm here now with strict instructions. Rest and relaxation.

Sister Mary Eunice: But what about the creatures?

Dr. Arden: Forgive me. It's a bit disconcerting to see you out of costume.

Sister Mary Eunice: Oh. I'm sorry, Doctor. I would hate to distract you from the important work of the day.

Dr. Arden: Don't be silly. To me, the human body is nothing more than a complex machine. Like a clock, full of... cogs and sprockets. Now, uh, you try to get some rest. I'll check back with the nurse in a few hours.

(She covers herself up for him, but when he walks away, she tosses off her covers. The crucifix on the wall jumps.)


(Sister’s Jude office)

Lana; Are you going to cane me? If so, can we get on with it?

Sister Jude: Now, why would I cane you?

Lana: I've learned to assume the worst.

Sister Jude: It was a long night for all of us. A lesson in the power of Satan. One can never let one's guard down. Until last night, I considered you a corrupt little opportunist, but God always surprises me. I know what it took for you to call the orderlies. It couldn't have been easy, but you did it anyway, and for that, you deserve something special. Open the door. Go ahead. Open the door and see your treat. (Lana opens the door.) Bring them in. These two (Kit and Grace)didn't show your courage and wisdom and as such will be punished. Your reward is you will not.

Lana: You're so twisted.

Sister Jude: Don't make me change my mind, Miss Lana Banana. Which of these would you like to see on our Grace's bare behind, and which one on our doe-eyed James Dean copycat? Go ahead, pick one. Oh, come on, Miss Winters, live large.

Lana: I'm so sorry, Grace.

Grace: Screw you, Judas bitch.

Kit: Stand up, Grace. Stand up. I'm the guilty one here, Sister; she was a pawn. She's not the one who deserves to be punished. I am. She was just trying to help a friend.

Sister Jude : (to Grace)He seems to think you're just one big scoop of melting strawberry ice cream. Go stand over there. (to Kit) So that was 20 lashes each. So that makes 40 for you, Sir Galahad.

(Grace and Lana shudder as she canes him.)



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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Mercredi 17 avril à 22:00

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12.08 : Little Gold Man (inédit)
Vendredi 19 avril à 21:50

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Mercredi 24 avril à 22:00

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12.09 : The Auteur (inédit)
Vendredi 26 avril à 22:45

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12.07 : Ave Hestia (inédit)
Mercredi 10 avril à 22:00
0.31m / 0.1% (18-49)

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12.06 : Opening Night (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
0.24m / 0.0% (18-49)

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Nouveau design tout sur le quartier Malcolm! Tout avis est la bienvenue

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La chasse aux gobelins est en cours sur Doctor Who, venez (re)découvrir la série

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Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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