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#301 : Les Sorcières de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Réalisation: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon -  Scénario: R. Murphy, B. Falchuk


Après avoir appris d'une façon tragique qu'elle est une sorcière, descendante de la lignée des sorcières de Salem, une jeune fille, Zoe est envoyée à la Miss Robichaux's Academy, une mystérieuse école de La Nouvelle-Orléans qui enseigne aux jeunes sorcières comment survivre dans le monde moderne. Elle y fait la connaissance de la directrice, Cordelia Foxx, ainsi que des trois autres pensionnaires: Queenie, Nan et Madison. La mère de Cordelia, Fiona Goode, qui est la Sorcière Suprême, revient à La Nouvelle Orléans sous prétexte d' assurer la protection de son clan après qu'une jeune sorcière du nom de Misty Day ait été brûlée vive. Mais elle cherche en réalité un moyen de retrouver sa jeunesse. Fiona, qui apprend que Mme LaLaurie, une mondaine des années 1830 tristement célèbre pour avoir torturé ses esclaves, est toujours vivante et enterrée dans la cour de sa maison, la libère de sa tombe, dans l'espoir de lui arracher le secret de sa vie éternelle.


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Les Sorcières de la Nouvelle-Orléans

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AHS: Coven Episode 301 "Bitchcraft" - Promo VOST

AHS: Coven Episode 301 "Bitchcraft" - Promo VOST


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Vêtement porté à l'académie

Vêtement porté à l'académie

Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange), Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), Nan (Jamie Brewer), Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga) et Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe)

Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange), Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), Nan (Jamie Brewer), Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga) et Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe)

Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange) marche dans la Nouvelle Orléans

Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange) marche dans la Nouvelle Orléans

Nan (Jamie Brewer)

Nan (Jamie Brewer)

Fiona suivi des filles se promènent dans La Nouvelle Orléans

Fiona suivi des filles se promènent dans La Nouvelle Orléans

Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts)

Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts)

Zoe Benson parle avec Kyle Spencer (Evan Peters)

Zoe Benson parle avec Kyle Spencer (Evan Peters)

Kyle Spencer (Evan Peters)

Kyle Spencer (Evan Peters)

Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga)

Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga)

Zoe et Kyle en pleine discussion

Zoe et Kyle en pleine discussion

Zoe Benson

Zoe Benson

Zoe et Kyle profitent de la soirée

Zoe et Kyle profitent de la soirée

Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates)

Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates)

Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates)

Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett)

Madison et Zoe arrivent à la soirée de fraternités

Madison et Zoe arrivent à la soirée de fraternités

Fiona Goode suivi de Madison Montgomery

Fiona Goode suivi de Madison Montgomery

Madison, Zoe, Nan et Queenie visitent un musée

Madison, Zoe, Nan et Queenie visitent un musée

Spalding (Denis O'Hare)

Spalding (Denis O'Hare)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 09.10.2013 à 22:00
5.54m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Résumé long de l'épisode 301 "Bitchcraft"




Au cours d’une fête dans sa maison de la Nouvelle-Orléans, Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) présente ses trois filles à des prétendants potentiels, mais sa fille cadette Pauline (Raeden Greer) met tout le monde mal à l'aise quand elle parle de façon suggestive de ses « talents particuliers ».

Après la fête, Madame LaLaurie effectue son rituel nocturne en se badigeonnant le visage de sang, lorsque son mari Louis (Scott Michael Jefferson) l’avertit que Pauline a été surprise avec un esclave, Bastien (Ameer Baraka). Madame LaLaurie furieuse frappe sa fille et envoie l'esclave dans sa salle de torture située au grenier. Puis elle fait mettre une tête de taureau sur la tête de Bastien. Elle explique à son mari que l’idée lui est venue de son amour pour la mythologie grecque. Son personnage préféré a toujours été le minotaure et elle est ravie d'avoir enfin le sien.



Chez Zoe

Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga) profite de l’absence de sa mère pour emmener chez elle son petit ami, Charlie (Kurt Krause). Ils commencent à faire l’amour quand Charlie se met à saigner abondamment puis à convulser. Il meurt.


Les médecins ont déclaré qu’il était mort d’un étrange anévrisme, mais la mère de Zoé (Arabella Field) lui explique que c’est arrivé parce qu’elle est une sorcière. Sa mère lui annonce qu’elle va aller dans un pensionnat spécial à la Nouvelle Orléans, et quelques secondes plus tard, une femme (Frances Conroy) et trois hommes escortent Zoe hors de chez elle.



À la Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, Zoe est accueillie par trois silhouettes portant des masques et des manteaux à capuche qui lui font peur. Ces trois créatures se révèlent être les trois seules élèves de l'Académie. Zoe reconnaît l'une des trois élèves, Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), une star de cinéma, tandis que les deux autres se présentent comme étant Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) et Nan (Jamie Brewer).


Cordelia Foxx (Sarah Paulson), la directrice, arrive pour montrer sa chambre à Zoe et lui explique l'histoire de l'Académie. Elle fut construite en 1790, et a été un hôpital militaire durant la Guerre Civile avant d'être reprise en 1868 par la Suprême. L’Académie est en réalité un refuge pour les sorcières qui de tout temps ont été maltraitées par la population. Cordelia lui explique également qu’une sorcière ordinaire nait avec quelques dons naturels, et qu’à chaque génération une sorcière possède d’innombrables dons, certains disent tous. Elle est la Suprême.


Cordelia explique que leur survie est importante en raison de la diminution de la population des sorcières, et qu’elles doivent faire attention à ne pas se faire prendre. Elle raconte aux filles l’histoire d’une sorcière nommée Misty Day (Lily Rabe) qui avait le pouvoir de résurrection et qui a été brûlée vive il y a quelques mois par des fidèles pentecôtistes cajuns.


Los Angeles

Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange) visite un centre de recherche médical financé par son défunt mari et se montre très intéressée par un sérum expérimental qui lui rendrait sa jeunesse. Malgré sa position, le Dr David Zhong refuse de lui donner le sérum, qui bien que prometteur va demander encore plusieurs années de recherche. Mais elle parvient à le convaincre.


Cinq jours plus tard, le médecin lui rend visite à son appartement et elle l'insulte parce que le médicament n’a pas fonctionné. Elle ferme la porte de l’appartement par télékinésie et le projette à travers la pièce. Puis elle l’embrasse et le vide de sa vitalité. Le médecin meurt et elle rajeunit, temporairement.



Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies

Pendant le dîner, servi par Spalding (Denis O’Hare), le maître d’hôtel muet, les filles discutent de leurs pouvoirs. Madison raconte avoir tué un réalisateur en lui faisant tomber un projecteur sur la tête et Queenie le lui reproche. Madison renverse l’assiette de Queenie sur elle par télékinésie. Queenie révèle alors ses pouvoirs de poupée vaudou vivante en se poignardant la main avec un couteau, ce qui blesse Madison. Queenie menace ensuite de se trancher la gorge, mais Nan arrive à la calmer. Madison déclare à Zoe qu’elle vient de devenir sa meilleure amie et l’invite à aller à une fête.


Pendant ce temps dans la serre, Cordelia prépare une potion avec des plantes quand elle est surprise par l'apparition soudaine de sa mère, Fiona. Cordelia est froide avec à sa mère, qui s’avère être la Suprême, parce qu’elle l’a abandonnée à l’école. Fiona quant à elle est déçue par le manque d'ambition de Cordelia. Fiona informe sa fille qu'elle envisage de rester et d'enseigner aux filles comment survivre, car elle pense qu’elle ne fait pas un assez bon travail.


Maison d’une fraternité étudiante

Des étudiants membres d’une fraternité arrivent dans un bus privé à une fête. Lorsque Madison entre dans la maison, elle attire l'attention de tout le monde. Accaparée par des fêtards elle laisse Zoe seule. Zoe rencontre Kyle (Evan Peters), un des étudiants, et bien qu’ils semblent se plaire tous les deux, Zoe lui dit qu’elle ne veut pas discuter plus longtemps avec lui.


Pendant ce temps, Madison est droguée par l’un des membres de la fraternité de Kyle. Il l'entraîne dans une chambre où se trouvent d’autres frères et ils la violent. Zoe commence à s’inquiéter de ne plus voir Madison et demande à Kyle de l’aider à la chercher. Kyle les surprend et pourchasse les violeurs jusqu’à leur bus. Kyle tente de les faire rester et de récupérer des preuves, mais il est assommé. Zoe trouve Madison et tente ensuite de rattraper le bus, mais échoue. Madison sort et renverse le bus par télékinésie.


Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies

Le lendemain de la fête, le journal télévisé nous apprend que deux membres de la fraternité ont survécu, mais leur identité n’est pas mentionnée. Zoe espère que Kyle a survécu et est bouleversée, tandis que Madison semble n’avoir aucun remords pour ses actions. Fiona rejoint les quatre étudiantes et ne reproche pas à Madison d’avoir tué les étudiants mais seulement d’avoir été imprudente. Elle projette Madison à travers la pièce pour la punir de son insolence et annonce qu’elles vont aller sur le terrain pour une fois.


Dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Les étudiantes suivent Fiona dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans lorsque Nan entend une voix et quitte le groupe pour visiter la Maison des LaLaurie.


Maison des LaLaurie

La guide leur apprend que Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett), une sorcière vaudou noire, s’est vengée de ce que Mme LaLaurie avait fait à son amant en lui donnant à boire une potion qui devait la prémunir contre les infidélités de son mari et qui l’a en réalité terrassée. On découvre à travers un flashback que Marie était l'amant de l'esclave que Mme LaLaurie a transformé en minotaure. A l'extérieur, Nan dit à Fiona qu'elle entend Mme LaLaurie parler sous les dalles du jardin.



Zoe a quitté le groupe de visiteurs pour aller à l'hôpital voir si Kyle est l'un des deux survivants du bus. Elle voit que les deux rescapés sont un frère noir, et le frère qui a initié le viol de Madison.


Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies

Fiona s’installe dans la maison au grand dam de sa fille.


Maison de la fraternité

Zoe se rend à un mémorial où les gens déposent des fleurs pour Kyle.


Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies

Madison pleure seule sous la douche.



Zoe décide que, puisqu’elle ne peut pas vivre de véritable amour, elle va utiliser sa malédiction pour se venger. Elle parvient à obtenir une érection du violeur inconscient, puis grimpe sur lui et il meurt comme Charlie.


Maison des LaLaurie

Fiona a utilisé deux hommes pour déterrer le cercueil de Mme LaLaurie. Elle l’ouvre et trouve à l’intérieur Mme LaLaurie enchainée et bâillonnée, mais vivante. Elle la délivre de ses chaines et lui demande de la suivre.


[Fin de l'épisode]

New Orleans


(During her house party, Delphine La Laurie introduces her three daughters to potential suitors.)

Mme LaLaurie: Gentlemen, I want you to meet my daughters, Marie Louise Pauline, Marie Louise Jeanne, and from my first marriage, Marie Delphine Lopez. But everyone calls her Borquita. What they may lack in outer beauty, they more than make up for with their many talents. Borquita is a huge help to me with the domestics. While Jeanne excels in petit point. My youngest, Pauline, well, her major talent has yet to reveal itself.

Pauline: Perhaps my talent is in the boudoir, Mother dear.

Mme LaLaurie: I guess we'll find out on your wedding night, mon petit.


(After the party Mme LaLaurie brushes blood on her face in her bedroom.)

M. LaLaurie: Mon chéri.

Mme LaLaurie: When the blood dries, my skin is supposed to be tight as a drum. Just look at this wattle. This blood's not fresh. Borquita! S'ak pase'w la?

M. LaLaurie: Mon chéri, something happened during the dinner party.

(Pauline was caught with a slave.)

(Madame LaLaurie goes to her daughter Pauline and beats her ferociously.)

Mme LaLaurie: Stupid slut! I invite all the eligible bachelors just to meet you and you spread your filthy legs for the houseman! You might as well rut with the family dog!

Pauline: You can't control me, Mother.

Mme LaLaurie: The hell I can't! The hell I can't. You know what we're going to say? We're going to say he took you by force. Like the savage he is.

Bastien (the slave): No, ma'am, I did no such thing.

Mme LaLaurie: Yes, that's what happened.

Bastien: Miss Pauline came on to me. And I told her I belong to someone else.

Mme LaLaurie: Keep that mongrel quiet. Haul him upstairs.

Bastien: No. No. No.


(She drags him upstairs, where she has a dozen black men in wooden cages, including one with his eyes and mouths sewn shut.)

Mme LaLaurie: Bonsoir, my pets. Did y'all miss me? Hush up. Or I'll rip your lips open and stuff more shit in there.

A slave: Why? Why are you doing this to us?

Mme LaLaurie: Because I can? Oh Now we gonna have flies up here.

M. LaLaurie: There. That should do it.

Mme Lalaurie: Bastien. You want to rut like a beast then we're going to treat you like one. Where's my pickaninny with the head?

(Bastien whimpering frantically.)

Mme Lalaurie: (to a slave with a bull head) Put it on him.

(He puts a hollowed bull head on Bastien’s head.)

M. LaLaurie: Darling, you have outdone yourself. However did you think this up?

Mme Lalaurie: My great literacy began with Greek mythology. I used to sit on Daddy's lap and he would read me those stories full of their vengeful Gods and wondrous miraculous creatures. But the Minotaur was always my favorite. Half-man, half-bull. And now I have one of my very own.





(Zoe brings her boyfriend to her empty house.)

Charlie: Are you sure about this?

Zoe: Come on. My mom gets home at 6:00.

(At Zoe's bedroom, they slowly undressed each other.)

Charlie: It just sucks being somebody's first. I don't want to hurt you.

Zoe: I'll be okay.

(They continued to kiss and caress each other.)

Charlie: You okay?

Zoe: Charlie? (Blood starts dripping from his nose.) Charlie? (He begins bleeding heavily and convulsing.) Charlie, Charlie, what's wrong? Charlie! Charlie?!



(Zoe rides a train.)

Zoe: It's a cliché, but like all clichés, it's the truth. Your life can change overnight. Or in a moment. The official word on Charlie's death was a brain aneurysm. But the doctors had never seen anything quite like it before. The blood… all that blood.


Flashback in Zoe’s house

Zoe’s mother: It's not your fault, baby. It's ours. There's something I should have told you a long time ago. I prayed it would skip your generation. Your great-grandmother had the same genetic affliction.



(She reads through an old history book.)

Zoe: So apparently I'm a witch. It runs in my family, but it doesn't show up in every generation, or in every girl. Like my cousin Amanda, she's just bulimic. We read about the Salem Witch Trials in, like, fifth grade. Guess I should have paid more attention.


[Footage from a movie. A young woman is hanged.

Crowd: Hang her! Drown her! Burn her!

Chief magistrate: Mercy Osbourne, you have been sentenced to death. May God have mercy on your wretched soul.]


Zoe: Those girls weren't even witches. The real witches were cunning and careful not to be caught. In fact after that, they got the hell out of Dodge. They fled. As far South as they could.

[Footage from the movie. The young woman is burned.]

Zoe: That's how eventually New Orleans became the new Salem.



Flashback in Zoe’s house

Zoe’s mother: There's a school there. A boarding school for girls like you. You'll be safe.

Zoe: You're sending me away?

Zoe’s mother: I'm sorry, baby. We can't keep you here anymore. It's too dangerous.

(Three men escort Zoe away.)

Zoe: What's going on? Mom, what's going on? What is this? Mom! Mom No, what is this?! Mom Mom!

Woman: We'll handle it from here.

Zoe’s mother: Can't I drive her to the station?

Woman: She's our daughter now, Nora. You've done all you can. A long good-bye would only make things worse. By the way, these drapes. I'm just mad for tartan.


New Orleans

Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies

Zoe: Hello? [The house seems empty.] Hello? Hello?

(Zoe is attacked by three hooded figures who scare her.)

(Two figures in capes pass by her, another one grabs her and throws her on a table. He draws a ceremonial knife, holding it over her head.)

Masked figure 1: O dark father, we offer this flesh up to you, blood, life, and all.

Zoe: Get the hell off me!

(They stop.)

Masked figure 1: Jesus, Sabrina, relax. (She takes off her mask.)We're just messing with you.

Zoe: Holy shit. Are you…

Madison: Madison Montgomery, movie star.

Masked figure 2: Shit. (She takes off her mask.) When's the last time you made a movie, girl?

Masked figure 3: (She takes off her mask.) I'm Nan. Hi.

Zoe: Zoe.

Masked figure 2: Queenie.

Madison: So bored now.

Zoe: So, is this all of you?

Cordelia: (comes in) At the moment. (to Zoe) Cordelia Foxx, headmistress. (to Madison, Nan and Queenie) All right, girls, there's a van full of groceries in the driveway that needs unloading. I'll show Zoe to her room. Then we meet for Midday Gathering. Let's go. (to Zoe) Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies was established as a premiere girls' finishing school in 1790. During the Civil War, it was converted into a military hospital. Afterwards, it came under new management. Our management. In 1868, Marianne Wharton, a prominent East Coast society matron, early suffragette, author of several popular children's books-- and, as it happened, the reigning Supreme of that time—(Zoe’s room) purchased this facility, retaining the name as a cover, establishing a safe haven where young witches could gather to learn. In its heyday, the academy was home to as many as 60 girls. Over the years, those numbers dwindled.

Zoe: Why?


Living room

(Cordelia with her four students.)

Cordelia: We're a dying breed, Zoe. Many of the families who knew they carried the bloodline made a choice not to reproduce.

Zoe: So, what's a Supreme?

Cordelia: An average witch is born with a few natural gifts. But in each generation there is one woman who embodies countless gifts. Some say all of them. She is the Supreme.

Zoe: Are you the Supreme?

(Madison, Nan and Queenie laugh.)

Cordelia: No. I'm like you. Just a witch. And a teacher. I'm here to help you identify your gifts and teach you how to control them.

Queenie: She means to suppress them.

Cordelia: Not suppression. Control.

Madison: She thinks it's still the 1600s.

Cordelia: No. Back then, our kind understood the dangers. (We see a crowd listen to an open air preacher.) Today, so many families know nothing of their ancestry. Too many girls aren't lucky enough to have found us or weren't identified in time for us to have found them. Like that poor Cajun girl just outside Lafayette a few months back. Misty Day. She wasn't much older than any of you. And she had a gift, the power of resurgence. Misty could reach into that place between life and death and draw a soul back from the precipice, back to this side, back to life. (Misty resurrects a bird. One woman sees her.)

Preacher: It's dark magic!

Cordelia: To some, this appeared to be the God-touched power of resurrection.

Preacher:To cast you in to darkness and sin!

Cordelia: To others, necromancy.

Preacher: To cast you into separation from God!

(Misty faints.)


Living room

Zoe: So what happened to her?

Cordelia: The same thing that's happened to women like us throughout the centuries.


Back to Misty

(She is dragged through a field.)

Misty: Let me go! Let me go! (She’s tied to a ladder.) It's you that will end in flames. I swear it! (She is burned alive by religious extremists.)


Living room

Cordelia:We are under siege, ladies. Our lives, our very existence is always at risk. Know this or face extinction.



(A woman comes in and sits in a luxurious office.)

Doctor: This is Allegra. (He shows her video footage of a monkey) She is the equivalent of a human female in her late 80s. Allegra suffers from acute bradycardia, her kidneys are failing, she's lost the ability to swallow. Allegra, in short, is dying. Now, several hours after this video was taken, we injected Allegra with our Serum RM47. We expanded on the University of Wisconsin studies on induced pluripotent stem cells. Meet Allegra today.

Woman: I'll have what she's having.

Doctor: And you will. Sooner than you'd think. We should be ready for human trials in two years' time.

Woman: This afternoon. Preferably in the next half hour. I have a dinner engagement.

Doctor: I'm sorry, but, uh… well, that's impossible.

Woman: I hear you like to get sauced at biochemistry conventions and brag about how you're gonna win the Nobel Prize for the work you're doing here, research that has been entirely funded by my late husband's money. I have made you rich, soon to be famous. I want that medicine. I paid for it, and I want it. Now.

Doctor: You can't smoke in here. Fiona you are a very beautiful woman. But if you're just looking for something cosmetic, I can recommend a plastic surgeon.

Fiona: What I need is an infusion of vitality. Of youth. I want that drug, David, and I want it now.

Doctor: Even if I wanted to give it to you, I couldn't. What we do here is not magic. I'm sorry.


Fiona’s room

(She takes cocaine.)

Announcer: (TV) Last night, communities across the county held candlelight vigils praying for Misty's safe return. However, sources close to the family have declined to comment on the fact that authorities now believe they have found the last known location of the missing girl. It is rumored that Misty Day may have been burned at the stake, though no official statement was released.

(Knocking. Fiona opens the door.)

Doctor: You made me leave my daughters' violin recital early.

Fiona: You've been injecting me with your shitor five days now and nothing nothing has changed. How do I know you're not just shooting me up with some sugar water?

Doctor: I have risked my career giving you these drugs. They could kill you. I could go to jail.

Fiona: Double the dosage.

Doctor: Pull our funding.

Fiona: Give me more!

Doctor: We are organic matter. We are animals. We rot, we die! I will tender my resignation in the morning.

Fiona: No! (She telekinetically closes her patio doors.)

Doctor: What is this? How are you doing this? Get away from… get away from me! (She telekinetically tosses him around the room.) No. Please. My children.

Fiona: Don't be such a baby.

(She kisses him to drain his life off of him. She appears to have gone younger by this, but slowly becomes more wrinkled after a while. )

Miss Robichaux's Academy

(The butler serves the girls dinner.)

Madison: Hey, Jeeves. Can I get some iceberg lettuce with a side of blue cheese?

Queenie: Girl, be nice to Spalding. Poor bastard ain't got no tongue.

Madison: Is that true, Jeeves? Did you use your tongue for something wicked? Or maybe you just suck at going down. Oh, come on, Jeeves. Show us your stub! Maybe we can put it to use! (to Zoe) So, new girl… what are you in for?

Nan: Her boyfriend.

Queenie: Nan, shut up before you get your ass in trouble.

Madison: Did you kill him?

Zoe: No. It was an accident.

Nan: It was an accident, Zoe. And you will find love again. A strange and unexpected love.

Queenie: Girl, are you deaf or just stupid?

Madison: Tell us about this accident. And don't spare all the gory details.

Zoe: So, why are you here?

Madison: My agent staged an intervention. Ever since my drunk and disorderly, I get blamed for all kinds of shit that I didn't do.

Nan: But you did it. You killed the man.

Madison: I get it, bitch, you're clairvoyant. Do you want to know what happened?

[Flash to Madison on a movie set.

Madison: Hi, boys. So glad you all could come. Gee, is it hot in here?

Director: Cut, cut. You're still not hitting your mark.

Madison: I'm using the space.

Director: That's a light. If you don't hit your mark, that light can't hit you.

(Madison uses her magic to loosen the screws of a spot overhead and it falls, killing him.)]

Madison: The light hit him just fine.

Queenie: All he said was "hit your mark." Why don't you just do the world a favor and take an acting class, you D-list, Botox bimbo.

(Madison telekinetically overturns Queenie’s plate. Queenie jabs a knife in her own hand and Madison's starts to bleed.)

Madison: Ow! Stop it, you bitch!

Queenie: Stop what? I don't feel nothing. I'm a human voodoo doll. You like this?

Nan: Stop! You're you're gonna get in trouble. Queenie, stop!

(Queenie holds a knife to her throat.)

Queenie: I'll do it.

Nan: Come on. Let's take a walk.

Queenie: A walk? Fine. I'm not hungry anyway.

(Nan whisks Queenie away.)

Madison: Like anyone believes that. Well, that was disturbing. Given the choices around here, it looks like you're my new best friend. (Madison’s phone vibrates) Do you own any clothes that don't come from the Gap?

Zoe: Not really. Why?

Madison: You can borrow something of mine. Frat party tonight. Just got the tweet.


Meanwhile in the greenhouse lab

(Cordelia is mixing up a potion and she is surprised by Fiona.)

Fiona: Ooh! You dropped your cocktail.

Cordelia: I thought you were in Switzerland.

Fiona: L.A. It's tragic. The glamour's gone. They put a shopping mall on Sunset and Vine.

Cordelia: I don't have a broom.

Fiona: That's ironic.

Cordelia: Los Angeles? Why do you look so jet-lagged?

Fiona: I happen to look wonderful.

Cordelia: Let me make you something. It's a restorative I've been experimenting with. This will fix you right up.

Fiona: Delia, with her potions and powders. You know, one of my greatest disappointments in life is that you never fully realized the extent of your power.

Cordelia: I've done pretty well.

Fiona: You are the only child of the Supreme. You have royal blood running in your veins. You could be ruling the world.

Cordelia: I like my little kingdom here, thank you.

Fiona: Yeah, well, your little kingdom is a mess.

(Cordelia offers her a potion but she gives it to the cat.)

Cordelia: No! Oh You bitch. It wouldn't have killed you.

Fiona: Just put me in a coma for a couple days?

Cordelia: Or weeks. Look, why don't you just go away? I don't want you here. How else do you want me to say it?

Fiona: You're still angry. I can tell.

Cordelia: My God, you are the Supreme.

Fiona: I was just on this wonderful spiritual retreat with Shirley MacLaine in Sedona. It was all about forgiveness.

Cordelia: You dumped me here.

Fiona: You were sent to an elite boarding school. Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. You know, I've often thought that my big mistake with you was waiting so long before sending you away.

Cordelia: Enough. Show yourself out.

Fiona: No. I'm not going. I'm staying. I'm here to help you. Do you know that not a young woman was burned at the stake? It's Salem all over again. There is a storm coming. And you are leaving these poor girls under your charge completely unprepared for it.

Cordelia: I am aware of what's happening. My entire teaching philosophy…

Fiona: Has been an abject failure. You teach them to cower. And to hide in the shadows. Well, there are no shadows, not anymore. Do you really think with Twitter and Facebook that a witch does anything at all she won't be videotaped and turned into some viral freak show like a dog who says "I love you"?

Cordelia: No, no, no. This is my life. You can't come in here and piss all over it. I will call the council.

Fiona: Do. Call the council. And then you can explain to them why you think it's a bad idea for the Supreme to teach them.

Cordelia: When are you gonna die and stop ruining my life?

Fiona: I'm here. I'm staying. So why don't we make the best of it?


On a Frat’s bus

Young man 1: Okay, animals, all right, let's listen up, okay? All right, we're gonna go over a few ground rules, gents. The no puke rule will be strictly enforced. I will not be drinking too much tonight, so if I see any of you are in danger of hurling in public, I will send you back here to the penalty box. That also goes.. for public urination and public exposure. Believe me, Dalton, nobody's interested in seeing your dick, no matter how small it is! Now, we're still on probation for the slightly misguided Blue Mooning episode, and those pricks at the administration are just looking for a reason to cut our balls off, guys. So I will sacrifice one night of a drunken stupor so my brothers can live to party another day!

Young man 2: The administration can suck my cock! Yeah! One, two, one, two, three!

All: We are KLG! One, two, one, two, three! We are KLG!

(They come in a giant frat house.)


Fraternity’s house

Main room

(Dance music playing.)

Young woman: Oh, my God, that's Madison Montgomery.

Young man 2: Now, that's what I'm talking about. That's prize tuna right there.

Young man 1: She's way out of your league.

Madison: What's a girl got to do to get a drink around here?

Young woman: Come with me.

Young man 2: Can't get a bite if you don't dangle your bait in the water.

(Young man 1 notices Zoe.)

Young man 1: Thought you looked thirsty.

Zoe: Is that your superpower? You can sense dehydration?

Young man 1: One of them.

Zoe: Ah. Frat boy, right? I think frats are full of fascists.

Young man 1: I don't mind being reduced to a stereotype, but… I'm on a scholarship. My mom lives down in the Ninth Ward. Besides, didn't you come here with a movie star?



(One of Kyle's frat buddies approaches Madison.)

Madison: You want to be my slave tonight?

Young man 2: What's in it for me?

Madison: Are you stupid? Slaves get nothing. Now why don't you get me another drink?

(He goes.)

Young man 2: (to another frat brother) It's on. (He puts drug in her drink.)

(He drags her into a room with the other frat brothers.)


Main room

Young man 1: Really? A finishing school?

Zoe: Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies.

Young man 1: Wow.

Zoe: I don't want to talk about me anymore, okay?

Young man 1: You're the first hot girl I ever met who didn't want to talk about herself. There's got to be something wrong with you. I know. You have a boyfriend.

Zoe: No, I don't. Kyle, I like you. But it's not gonna work out. Have you seen Madison?


(Upstairs, the frat guys take turns raping a totally out-of-it Madison.)


(Zoe looks for Madison.)


Zoe: Hey, I can't find her anywhere.

Kyle: What, you think she ditched you? I'll look around upstairs. Hang on.


(Kyle goes upstairs to look and finds them videotaping the gang rape.)

Young man 2: Brush her hair back so I can see her face.

Kyle: What the hell are you doing?! Get off her!

Young man: Wait your turn, man.

Kyle: Are you out of your mind?!

(They fight. They all run to the bus, leaving Madison on the bed.)

(Zoe comes in the bedroom.)

Zoe: Madison? Shit! Hey. Madison, hey. Hey, did they give you something? Whoa, whoa. It hurts. Okay, look, stay here, okay? I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let 'em get away with this.



Kyle: Give me the phone, Brener.

Brener: Eat shit, Kyle.

Kyle: Give me the phone, Brener. That's evidence.

Brener: Eat shit, Kyle.

Kyle: I'm calling the cops.

(Kyle is knocked unconscious.)

Driver: Hey, hey. What's going on back there?

Brener: Get him off the bus.

Young man: Come on, man.

Brener: All right, everybody shut up! All right, everybody shut up! First thing, delete the videos from your phones. We stick together.

(Zoe attempts to run after the bus.)

Zoe: Stop!

(Madison goes out and flips the bus, crushing it.)


The next day

Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Nan, Queenie and Zoe are watching TV.)

TV reporter:The Louisiana campus is still in shock over the tragic bus crash last night. Nine members of the fraternity Kappa Lambda Gamma were on board. Seven of the boys died on the scene. Two were rushed to Troost Medical Center where they remain in critical condition. Officials will not confirm the identities of the deceased.

(Madison turns off the TV.)

Nan: Hey, I was watching that!

Madison: Why? It's yesterday's news. (to Spalding) They got any Greek yogurt?

Zoe: (quietly to Madison) We have to tell somebody what happened. The one I met-- Kyle-- Madison, he tried to stop it. Shh. Okay, and he was on that bus.

Fiona: What are we talking about? The college boys? Taken in the prime of their lives.

Such a tragedy. Almost makes you want to cry, doesn't it? But, then, the world's not gonna miss a bunch of assholes in Ed Hardy T-shirts.

Madison: Who are you?

Fiona: You know, I've got to hand it to you. A bus flip? That's not easy. But you were a sloppy, little witch bitch.

Madison: Go to hell, you stupid hag.

(Fiona hrows her against a wall.)

Queenie: Say that.

Fiona: Now, I've read all your files. And you're never gonna become great women of our clan sitting around here at Hogwarts under the confused instruction of my daughter. We're going on a field trip. Jesus. Go change your clothes. Wear something black…



Madison: Where are we going? It's too hot. My freaking vagina is sweating.

Fiona: To Popp Fountain. A kind of holy place for our order. Back in the 1970s, Mary Oneida Toups led an alternative coven down here. She and her sister witches would gather there, proudly and publicly, very much in the spirit of the times. But it was damaged during Katrina. And the authorities used this as an excuse to declare this sacred space a safety hazard. It's been closed off ever since.

Zoe: I don't understand. What are we supposed to do if we can't get in?

Fiona: Tear the wall down. When witches don't fight, we burn.

Madison: This is seriously the worst field trip ever.

Fiona: Each one of you has a unique gift, but that's not nearly enough to be a real witch.

Madison: And you're a real witch?

Nan: She's the Supreme.

Fiona: You know that one-- she's smarter than all of you put together.

Voice (whispering): Help me. Help me.

(Nan wanders away from a tour.)


Delphine LaLaurie's former residence

Tour guide: The New Orleans Preservation Foundation is proud to present the haunted home tour of the notorious Madame LaLaurie. This very house, the center of New Orleans high society, was also a place of abject horror.

Zoe: (to Fiona) You want me to get her (Nan) ?

Fiona: No.

Tour guide: Oh, excuse me. You can't just barge in on the tour without purchasing a ticket.

Fiona: You're giving us a tour for free.

Tour guide:For free. Of course. The Code Noir, a decree that dictated the conditions of slavery, did not exist on these grounds. It was replaced by the Madame's own code of terror. And the torture she inflicted on her slaves would spawn

Tourist: Wasn't this house owned by the guy in Face Off?

Tour guide: Correct, the actor Nicolas Cage was a previous owner. Madame LaLaurie was infamous for her vanity. She fought the rigors of age with a sacrament of expensive creams from Europe and something else far more exotic.


19th century

(As the tour guide talks, we see Mme LaLaurie running out of her special blood for her face.)

Mme LaLaurie:Oh, I'm running out. We gonna have to get some more.

Borquita: No! Please don't make me.

Mme LaLaurie: You think I want to do this?! You can blame your father and his fresh-faced whore. Unless you'd like to split your inheritance with an endless parade of colored bastards.

(We see Borquita cutting out the pancreas of slave.)



(The tour continues to the attic.)

Tour guide: The secret ingredient to the Madame's beauty ritual was a poultice made from human pancreas. This is the infamous chamber of horrors. No flash photography, please. The attic where Madame LaLaurie inflicted heinous torture upon her slaves. And where she ultimately met her own demise.



19th century

Mme LaLaurie: Get off my property!

Woman: I've heard that you are in need of my services.

Mme LaLaurie: What could a Negress have that I would ever want?

Woman: Mo pélé Marie Laveau. I have the cure for your husband's affliction. His compulsion for young ladies.

Mme LaLaurie: I'll have you flogged for your insolence!

Marie Laveau: A love potion to ensure fidelity.

Mme LaLaurie:If the potion entrances as you promise, your future's assured.

Marie Laveau: To our future together.

Mme LaLaurie: Salud. (She drinks.) Mmm. It's like honeysuckle. Oh. Ooh. Oh. Ooh, yes. Oh, no. Oh, God! What did…? (She writhes on the floor.)Get it Get it out of me.



Tour guide: Unbeknownst to Madame LaLaurie, a slave she had brutally mutilated was Marie Laveau's lover, and she came to exact her revenge.


19th century

(Marie Laveau goes up to the attic and sees her lover strung up with the bull's head on.)

Marie Laveau: (to Bastien) Mon Cher, what has she done to you? (crying)



Tour guide: The potion inflicted its cruel justice, and she got what she richly deserved. But her body was never found. To this day, no one knows the final resting place of Madame LaLaurie.


Out in the garden

Fiona: What do you hear?

Nan: The lady of the house. (beneath the cobblestones.)



Zoe: Please. Please let it be him, please. (She sees that the leader of the gang rape lived.) It should have been you, asshole! (She closes his room door.)


Miss Robichaux's Academy

(Fiona has her things moved into the house.)

Fiona: It's the second door on your left down the hall. Make sure you stack 'em vertically.

Cordelia: I'm responsible for those girls. What if something had happened?

Fiona: Well, nothing did.

Cordelia: Where's Zoe Benson?

Fiona: How would I know that? (horn honking) Oh, that's my taxi. Here, darling. Make sure you tip them generously when they're done.

Cordelia: Where are you going?

Fiona: Out. Don't wait up.

Cordelia: I have half a mind to enchant the locks after you leave.

Fiona: Don't make me drop a house on you.


Fraternity’s house

(Zoe goes to a memorial, where people lay flowers for Kyle.)

Zoe: When the levees broke, the people of New Orleans were tested. Those who stayed, stayed for a reason. With that came a sense of purpose and community. That's what happens in a crisis. All the bullshit falls away, and what's left is just so raw and vulnerable. (Madison cries alone from her trauma in the shower.) It's agony to let people see you so exposed. It takes a huge amount of trust, and for most of us, that trust was shattered long ago. But, like it or not, we need each other. And we need each other desperately. My mother was right. The world isn't safe for a girl like me. But maybe I'm not safe for the world, either. And since I'll never be able to experience real love, might as well put this curse to some use.

(In the hospital, Zoe climbs on top of the unconscious rapist and rides him until he dies.)


Madame LaLaurie's garden

(Fiona spells two men to dig up her coffin.)

Fiona: Excellent work, gentlemen. Just set it down right here. Well, I'd thank you, but you're never gonna remember any of this anyhow. (She opens up the coffin to find Madame LaLaurie inside -- bound, gagged, alive, and unaged.) Come on, Mary Todd Lincoln. I'll buy you a drink.



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