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#206 : Les origines de la monstruosité

Réalisation: David Semel -  Scénario: Ryan Murphy


Monseigneur Timothy Howard est appelé pour faire face aux expériences du Docteur Arden qui semblent bien loin de ce qu'il avait prévu, pendant qu'une petite fille aux tendances criminelles est abandonnée à Briarcliff aux bons soins de Sister Mary Eunice qui montre de l'intérêt pour son histoire. Pendant ce temps, Lana est enfermée dans l'antre de Bloody Face et apprend avec horreur son lourd passé. Sister Jude reçoit la confirmation de Goodman mais celui-ci lui demande d'obtenir une dernière pièce à conviction.


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The Origins of Monstrosity

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Les origines de la monstruosité

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Inside The Asylum - "Origins Of Monstrosity" #Making Of

Inside The Asylum - "Origins Of Monstrosity" #Making Of


AHS Episode 206 "The Origins of Monstrosity" - Mary Eunice chante "You don't owe me"

AHS Episode 206 "The Origins of Monstrosity" - Mary Eunice chante "You don't owe me"


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Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Soeur Mary Eunice parle avec le Dr Arthur Arden

Soeur Mary Eunice parle avec le Dr Arthur Arden

Soeur Mary Eunice parle avec le Dr Arthur Arden

Soeur Mary Eunice parle avec le Dr Arthur Arden

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell)

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes)

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes) n'est pas content

Mgr. Timothy Howard (Joseph Fiennes) n'est pas content

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) regarde Soeur Mary Eunice préparer

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) regarde Soeur Mary Eunice préparer

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) pose des questions à Soeur Mary Eunice

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) pose des questions à Soeur Mary Eunice

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) écoute Soeur Mary Eunice

Jenny Reynolds (Nikki Hahn) écoute Soeur Mary Eunice


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 21.11.2012 à 22:00
1.89m / 0.9% (18-49)

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Résumé long de l'épisode 206 " The Origins of Monstrosity "


Alors que l’écran est encore noir on entend un appel au service de secours. Quelqu’un demande d’envoyer des secours à Briarcliff car il a été très occupé. L'opératrice demande qui il est, et il lui répond qu’ils sauront son nom en arrivant sur place.


De nos jours

Dans l’asile abandonné

La police arrive à Briarcliff suite à l’appel au 911 et trouve les cadavres de trois faux Bloody Face  suspendus au plafond.



 A l’asile

Mme Reynolds (Amy Farrington) conduit sa fille à Briarcliff. Elle explique que Jenny (Nikki Hahn) a toujours été une enfant anormale, qu’elle n’a jamais pleuré. Elle raconte à Sœur Jude qu’elle a envoyé Jenny jouer avec une camarade et que la petite fille a été retrouvée poignardée dans la poitrine avec des ciseaux. Jenny a accusé un homme avec une veste marron et une barbe. Mais il y a deux jours en faisant la lessive elle a trouvé une mèche de cheveux de la victime dans la poche de Jenny.

Sœur Jude lui dit qu’elle aimerait pouvoir l’aider, mais ils n’accueillent pas les enfants à Briarcliff.



Chez le Dr Thredson

Lana se réveille en pensant qu'elle est de retour dans son lit avec la photo de Wendy sur la table de nuit. Puis elle voit le Dr Thredson à côté d’elle lui préparant un croque-monsieur. Elle est enchaînée au lit dans le sous-sol du médecin.


Il lui explique que sa mère l’a abandonné quand il avait cinq ans et qu’il a grandi dans un orphelinat, privé d’amour et de chaleur humaine. Il explique qu’il a beaucoup souffert du manque d’affection, il semble vraiment perturbé et effrayant.

Elle prend une bouchée du sandwich et le complimente. Elle dit qu'elle apprécie le geste de bonté. Elle ajoute qu’elle sait ce que c'est que d'être abandonné, elle s’est sentie comme ça à Briarcliff. Le Dr Thredson est ravi en entendant ces paroles, il pense avoir trouvé la bonne personne.


Il lui explique ensuite qu’il a choisi d’étudier la psychologie pour essayer de comprendre pourquoi il n’était pas comme les autres et en apprendre davantage sur lui-même.

Flash-back à l'école de médecine, où sa classe va étudier un cadavre. Il s’agit d’une femme qui avait l’âge de sa mère lorsqu’elle l’a abandonné.

Plus tard dans la nuit, seul avec le corps, il lui enlève sa chemise et se serre contre elle, pour savoir ce que c’est qu’un contact maternel.

Mais il a été déçu car elle sentait le formaldéhyde et sa peau était froide. Il avait besoin de quelqu'un d'un peu plus "animé".


Flash-back : on le voit assommer dans la rue une femme sortant d’une bibliothèque, un crime dont il a essayé de convaincre Kit qu'il l’avait commis. Il l’a enlevée et découpée alors qu'elle était encore en vie.

Lana commence à pleurer et il lui assure que maintenant qu’elle est là tout ceci est derrière lui. Et il l’appelle Maman.


A l’asile

Sam Goodman appelle Sœur Jude au téléphone. Il lui dit qu’Arthur Arden est bien Hans Gruper. Il a ses papiers de la Croix-Rouge, mais a besoin de ses empreintes digitales pour confirmer que c'est lui. Il lui conseille d'être très prudente.

Sœur Jude se tourne et trouve Jenny debout dans son bureau. Sa mère l’a laissée là.


Dans un hôpital

Mgr Howard va dans un l'hôpital pour donner les derniers sacrements à une femme qui a été contrôlée positive à la tuberculose. La personne qui le reçoit l’averti qu'elle a un aspect particulièrement choquant. 


Il découvre une femme couverte de furoncles et de plaies, à bout de souffle. Il s’approche d’elle et murmure "Shelley?"




A Briarcliff

Mgr Howard visite Briarcliff avec le père James après que l'église l’ait racheté. Le Docteur Arden supervise le service de tuberculose.



Monseigneur Howard donne les derniers sacrements à une malade, puis il aide le Docteur à descendre le cadavre au crématorium.

Le Dr Arden lui explique qu’il réalise des recherches pour développer un stimulant du système immunitaire et lutter contre les maladies telles que la tuberculose. La phase suivante est celle des essais humains. Monseigneur Howard dit qu’il ne sera pas facile de trouver des volontaires, mais le Docteur Arden a déjà réfléchi à la question et sait comment il pourrait tester son stimulant. Il suggère au prêtre que la démarche ne passerait pas inaperçue, notamment à Rome.



A l’hôpital

Monseigneur Howard étouffe la pauvre Shelley avec son chapelet.



A l’asile

Monseigneur Howard est de retour à Briarcliff et jette son chapelet sur le tourne disque du Dr Arden qui écoutait de la musique classique. Le prêtre lui dit que sœur Jude avait raison à son sujet, qu’il est un monstre. Le Dr Arden dit que ce qu'il a fait à Shelley, il l’a fait au nom du progrès. Mgr Howard hurle qu’il l’a mutilée.


On passe alors à la découverte par le Dr Arden de Spivey en train de se masturber furieusement en épiant Sœur Mary Eunice à travers un trou dans le placard à balai. Spivey dit que Sœur Mary Eunice lui a dit de venir la regarder.



Le Docteur Arden continue sa discussion avec Mgr Howard sur ses recherches combinant la syphilis et de la tuberculose. Il lui explique que pour lui, ses expériences représentent le prochain stade de l'évolution humaine. Il emmène Mgr Howard voir Spivey, sanglé sur sa table, couvert de furoncles et de plaies. Il dit essayer de faire en sorte que les humains puissent résister aux retombées nucléaires quand les Russes feront exploser leurs bombes.

Mgr Howard dit qu'il va le dénoncer, mais le Dr Arden le menace de révéler TOUS les petits secrets de Briarcliff et dit qu’ils ont tous les deux intérêts à ce que certaines choses restent secrètes.



Dans la boulangerie

Sœur Mary Eunice parle avec Jenny. Elle ne croit pas que Jenny soit innocente du meurtre de Josie. «Je sais tout, je suis le diable», explique-t-elle joyeusement à la petite fille avant de la féliciter.

Mary Eunice se souvient d’être allée à une fête au bord d’une piscine où toutes les filles portaient des peignoirs de bain. Une jeune fille a dit qu’elles allaient toutes les ôter en même temps, ce qu’elles ont fait après un décompte, mais Mary Eunice était la seule à ne pas porter de maillot de bain sous son peignoir. Elle a été humiliée devant tous les participants de la fête.

Elle raconte aussi à la petite fille qu’elle ne croit pas en Dieu et déverse sa haine contre Sœur Jude, cette alcoolique qui porte de la lingerie rouge sous son habit de nonne.

Jenny est inquiète à l’idée d’être enfermée dans sa chambre, mais Sœur Mary Eunice lui dit se se rappeler qu'elle est plus intelligente qu'eux. Elle a juste besoin d'apprendre à se défendre.


Bureau de Sœur Jude

Mgr Howard vient voir Sœur Jude pour lui annoncer qu’il l’a recommandée pour un foyer pour jeunes filles difficiles à Pittsburgh. Sœur Jude reconnait avoir eu une passe difficile mais dit s’être reprise. Elle accuse le Docteur Arden d’être à l’origine de sa disgrâce. Mgr Howard réfute l’implication du Dr Arden dans sa décision et ne veut pas écouter quand elle essaie de lui dire qu'elle avait raison au sujet du passé du Docteur.



Chambre de Sœur Jude

Sœur Mary Eunice vient dire à Sœur Jude que la mère de Jenny l’a ramenée chez elle. Sœur Jude lui explique qu’elle va devoir quitter Briarcliff et lui demande de lui apporter la bouteille de cognac et deux verres très propres.


Maison du Docteur Thredson / Prison

Depuis la prison Kit appelle le Docteur Thredson chez lui, lui rappelant ses promesses. Celui-ci rétorque en disant qu'il doit assumer la responsabilité de ses actes. Au sous-sol, Lana tente de se libérer de sa chaine. Kit se met à hurler que le Docteur est un menteur.


Le Docteur Thredson revient au sous-sol en colère contre Kit, puis remarque que Lana a essayé de briser sa chaine. Il l'accuse d'essayer de l'abandonner et lui attache les bras.

Il met son masque de Bloody Face et vient vers elle avec un scalpel.




Sœur Mary Eunice a mis le déshabillé rouge de Sœur Jude et danse en fredonnant "You Don't Own Me" de Lesley Gore. Elle répond au téléphone et se fait passer pour Sœur Jude auprès de Sam Goodman.


Sœur Jude est descendue voir le Dr Arden dans son antre en emportant le cognac et lui offre de porter un toast.




Sœur Mary Eunice rend visite à Sam Goodman.


Plus tard, Sœur Jude se rend dans la chambre de motel de Goodman. Elle trouve la porte ouverte et le téléphone en train de sonner. Elle entre et répond au téléphone, mais personne n'est au bout du fil. Puis elle voit Goodman sur le sol de la salle de bains, un morceau de miroir planté dans son cou. Il parvient à dire à Sœur Jude que la coupable est l’une de ses religieuses.




Sœur Mary Eunice apporte les dossiers de Goodman au Docteur Arden. Elle lui dit qu'elle a pris soin de tout prendre, mais a gardé certains éléments de preuve au cas où il tenterait de la doubler. Il fait valoir qu'il n'est pas un monstre, mais un visionnaire. Elle dit en être convaincue et que tout ce qu’il a à faire c’est de lui faire confiance de toute son âme.


Quelque part à l’extérieur

Jenny se trouve à côté du cadavre de sa mère, qui a été poignardée. Elle dit à la police qu’un homme avec une barbe et une veste marron est le responsable. Il a d’abord égorgé son frère et sa sœur avant de poignarder sa mère. Elle aurait voulu les aider mais il l’a menacée de la tuer elle aussi.



Chez le Dr Thredson

Dans le sous-sol de l'horreur, le Docteur Thredson coupe la chemise de Lana sur elle, lui disant qu'elle va crier à la première incision puis sera sous le choc. Il déplore d’en arriver là alors qu’il avait de si grands espoirs pour elle. 

Dans un flashback, on voit qu’il était présent lors de l'arrestation de Kit Walker, et qu’il a écouté la journaliste lorsqu’elle disait vouloir en savoir plus sur Bloody Face et comprendre pourquoi il a fait ça alors qu’il a été le précieux bébé d’une femme qui réclamait sa maman. C’est pour cela qu’il pensait qu'elle pouvait comprendre.



Lana lui dit alors qu’il ne doit pas se sentir coupable, que l'amour d'une mère est inconditionnel, et l’appelle mon bébé. Il enlève son masque et cesse de couper ses vêtements. Il essaye de retenir ses larmes. Il dit qu'il a besoin de colostrum et essaie de la téter tandis qu’elle hurle en silence.


De nos jours

Dans l’asile abandonné

La police décroche les corps des trois adolescents qui imitaient Bloody Face. Dans une autre pièce ils trouvent le corps de Leo puis entendent son téléphone sonner. Le téléphone est encore dans la main de Leo, au bout de son bras sectionné. Un des policiers répond au téléphone. C'est Bloody Face qui dit avoir tué les imposteurs.


Un des policiers annonce que Leo était en lune de miel, tous se demandent alors où est son épouse.


On voit Theresa attachée à une table, et un homme portant le masque de Bloody Face debout à côté d’elle.



[Fin de l'épisode] 

Black screen

(phone rings)

Woman: (phone) 911. What is your emergency?

Man: (phone) You need to send a car to Briarcliff. They're waiting.

911 Operator: (phone) Who's waiting?

Man: (phone) I've been a very busy boy.

911 Operator: (phone) Can you give me your name?


In present day

Abandoned Briarcliff Manor

(Police respond to the Briarcliff call.)

Policeman 1: Hello?


Man: (phone) You'll know my name when you see them. They were imposters. (line clicks)


Policeman 1: Police. Anybody here?

Policeman 2: Jesus, Bobby. Holy shit.

(They see three Bloody Face impostors strung up from the ceiling.)








(A woman brings her daughter to Briarcliff.)

Woman: I used to think it must be my fault. My own child, who lived inside me for nine months, someone I nursed and bathed and held and sang lullabies to. I have two other children, Sister, both of them perfectly normal.

Sister Jude: She sounds like quite a handful, Mrs. Reynolds, but we do not have a children's ward here.

Mrs. Reynolds: Oh, but she's more than a child, Sister. In fact, that's the problem. She's always seemed like an adult. Do you know that she's never cried? Not once, not even when she was a little baby. I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone. Jenny and her little friend, Josie, were playing after school. I had told them to go out into the woods to gather leaves. We were gonna make a fall wreath. See, Josie was the only one who would play with Jenny, and I wanted it to go well.


(Flashback: We see Josie ending up stabbed through the chest with scissors.)

Jenny: (to her mother)I tried to stop him, but he was bigger than me, and he said he would kill me, too, if I didn't stand very still and be quiet.

Jenny: (to policeman) He was tall, he had a beard and a brown jacket.

(Flashback ends)


Sister Jude: And they never found the bearded man with the brown coat, I take it?

Mrs. Reynolds: They searched. Two days ago, I was doing the laundry, (voice breaks) and I found this in her pocket. (lock of Jenny's friend's hair) I can't go to the police. Sister, I can't. She's my daughter.

Sister Jude: Oh, Mrs. Reynolds… One of my dreams for Briarcliff has been to open a children's ward. There are so many little souls who could use our help. But we can do nothing until that time. Prayer is your strength and your ally.

Mrs. Reynolds: Could you just meet with her? She's right downstairs with her coloring book. Sister, just help me understand, where does this evil come from? Could she have been born that way?




(Someone prepares a breakfast. Lana wakes up, thinking she's back in her own bed, with soft sheets and Wendy's photo on the bed stand.)

(man sighs)

Dr Thredson: Is there anything more heavenly than waking from a nap to the smell of croque-monsieur? (She's chained to the bed in his basement.) I bet this is what your mother made you after school on a rainy day. (She creams.) (He yells too.) You can scream all you want. No one will hear you. Obviously, the basement is soundproof. Believe me, girls with bigger sets of lungs than yours have tried before.

Lana: Where's Wendy? What did you do with her body?

Dr Thredson: I put her somewhere where she'll never be found. It wouldn't do to have her body pop up now that Kit Walker has confessed to all those horrendous murders. Can I tell you a secret? Nutmeg makes all the difference in the world. (He serves Lana.) Croque-monsieur and tomato soup. The perfect mommy snack. Only I didn't have a mother to make this for me. Well, of course, I had a mother, but I never knew her. She was about your age when she abandoned me.

Lana: You grew up in an orphanage?

Dr Thredson: Yeah. In the system. Where all my basic needs were met: food, water, a rudimentary education. And with the help of a leather crop, learning the difference between right and wrong. They followed all the rules. Especially the rules against affection or any unnecessary bodily contact, because touch would certainly spoil the child.

(She’s eating.)

Lana: This is good.

Dr Thredson: You're right. This is good.

Lana: It's delicious. I'm not trying to patronize you, Oliver. I just want you to know how much I appreciate this act of kindness. I know what it's like to be abandoned. That's how I felt at Briarcliff.

Dr Thredson: (with glee) I was right about you. You're the one. Lana, I've always been self-aware. I knew I was different from the other kids. I was smarter. But I was also more afflicted. It's what led me to study psychiatry to better understand my disorder.

(Flashback starts to medical school) It wasn't until medical school that I had my first breakthrough, though. (His class see a cadaver.)

Student : Hey, Thredson, from what I hear, this is the closest you'll get to a girlfriend this quarter. (laughter)

Dr Thredson: I would laugh along with my idiot colleagues, but I knew the woman on the table wasn't my girlfriend.

Professor: I trust you gentlemen have reviewed the material in preparation for today.

Dr Thredson: She was my mother. She was 33 years old, the same age as my mother when she abandoned me.


(Back to 1964)

Dr Thredson: The same age as you, Lana.


(Flashback continues)

Dr Thredson: Now, I knew logically, rationally, that the woman on the table wasn't my mother. But somehow, in the cosmic joke that is my life, I felt like she could be. And it was poetic justice that I would be meeting her for the first time on a slab in my gross anatomy class. (Alone with the body late at night, he took off his shirt and hers and pressed against her.) It was then that I knew what I was missing. A mother's touch. Skin-to-skin contact.

(Back to 1964. Lana touches his hand.)

(Flashback continues.) It's what I was craving. It's what I was missing my whole life. Oh, but she smelled of formaldehyde. (He sniffs.) And her skin, even after I removed it, was cold and stiff. (flashback ends) Have you ever read or heard about the Harlow studies? Baby rhesus monkeys were separated from their mothers after birth, and they were given two substitute mothers: a wire mesh one with milk and the other covered in terrycloth. Every monkey preferred the terrycloth-covered mother, even if it didn't have milk.

Lana: Because of the warmth?

Dr Thredson: Because of the skin. Even monkeys know the difference. I tried, I really tried. But that cadaver did nothing to quiet my craving. I needed someone a little more lively.

(Flashback to him knocking out a woman on the street, a crime he tried to convince Kit he had committed. He took her home and cut her open while she was alive.)

(Flashback ends. Lana sobs.)

Dr Thredson: Warm living skin. No, no, no, no, no. It's okay. It's okay, because now that you're here, all of that work is behind me. Mommy.



Sister Jude’s office

(phone ringing)

Sister Jude: Hello? Sister Jude.

Sam: (in his room at the motel) It's Sam Goodman.

Sister Jude: Sam, I tried calling you, but you never got back to me.

Sam: I was working on your case.

Sister Jude: Yes, but I-I-I asked you to stop. I mean, this girl, this mental patient, she wasn't Anne Frank. I mean, she just made the whole thing up.

Sam: Well, somehow, she got it right. He is Hans Gruper. He was an SS officer and a physician at Auschwitz.

Sister Jude: What? Did you say she got it right?

Sam: After the liberation, he obtained a laissez-passer from the International Red Cross under the name Arthur Arden.

Sister Jude: Oh.

Sam: I have the original documents from the Red Cross, but I need Gruper's fingerprint to establish a match. Be careful. The man is dangerous and a flight risk. These men are always on their guard. The moment they get nervous, they disappear. As soon as you have the print, bring it directly to the motel. (He hangs up.)

(Sister Jude turns around to find a little girl standing in her office.)

Sister Jude: Who are you?

Jenny: I'm Jenny.

Sister Jude: (groans) I told your mother, we don't have a children's ward here. Where is she?

Jenny: She's gone. She kissed me on the cheek and said, "Be good, Jenny".

Sister Jude: Sister Mary Eunice! I need help here.




(Monsignor Howard comes to a hospital to give last rites to a woman.)

Man: Monsignor, thank you for coming.

Mgr Howard: Oh, it's my pleasure. I consider it a privilege to perform last rites.

Man: Oh, thank God you're a man of compassion. We called several priests in the area, but they were all in a panic over the news reports. Especially after they published those grim pictures of her.

Mgr Howard: What exactly is wrong with her?

Man: No one knows. Our doctors have ordered a battery of tests. But she did test positive for TB.

Mgr Howard: Oh, I didn't realize there were still new cases.

Man: I should warn you the sight of her is quite shocking.

Mgr Howard: We're all God's creatures.

(Patient room – faint breathing)

Man: I'll be in the hall if you need me.

(Mgr Howard goes in to see a woman covered in boils and sores, gasping for breath.)

Mgr Howard: Hi, child. (closer) Shelly?





(Monsignor Howard checks out Briarcliff after the church purchased it with Father James. Dr Arden is overseeing the TB ward.)

Mgr Howard: Oh, look at that, Father James. This will make a splendid dayroom for our residents. All right, I thought all TB patients had been cleared out.

Dr Arden: These are the incurables, those whose tuberculosis was too far advanced for any of the new miracle drugs to have an effect.

Mgr Howard: God bless.

Dr Arden: Well, he hasn't yet (They shake hands.) Dr. Arthur Arden, Briarcliff's Tubercular Ward's supervising physician. Former supervising physician, I should say

Mgr Howard: Father Timothy Howard…

Dr Arden: Yes, I know who you are. You're the new owner.


Dr Arden: Sally Starns. She was actually a nurse here at one time. She won't live till morning, not if she's lucky.


(Monsignor Howard gives last rites.)

Mgr Howard: Through this holy anointing, may the Lord and his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. It's all right, my daughter.

Patient: The Prince of Peace…

Mgr Howard: …opens his arms to you.


(Monsignor Howard helps Dr Arden wheel the body downstairs to the crematorium.)

Dr Arden: Back when the epidemic was at its worst, we'd sometimes move more than.

Mgr Howard: Oh. How did you manage to keep up with all the burials?

Dr Arden: There were no burials. Most of the people here have long since been forgotten We incinerate the bodies in the crematorium out back and store the ashes in here.

Mgr Howard: All these wasted lives. All these wasted opportunities. I suppose it will be a relief for you to finally leave this place.

Dr Arden: The end of my tenure at Briarcliff also means the end of my research.

Mgr Howard: Research?

Dr Arden: I've been working on an immune booster. It's a sort of bacterial cocktail, if you will. It would actually inhibit most disease from ever taking hold in the human body.

Mgr Howard: What would you need to further your work?

Dr Arden: Human trials would have been the next step.

Mgr Howard: I assume it would be difficult to find volunteers.

Dr Arden: From the general public, yes. But there are those whose lives otherwise serve no purpose. Through our work together, they would have contributed to the greater good. A good that would not go unnoticed. Even in Rome.




(Monsignor chokes the life out of what remains of Shelley with his rosary.)



Dr Arden’s office

(Dr Arden is listening classical music.)

(Mgr. Howard goes back to Briarcliff and flings his beads into the record-player. Record scratches, music stops.)

Dr Arden: I'm sorry. Would you have preferred Mozart?

Mgr. Howard: Jude was right about you. You're a monster.

Dr Arden: Why do you look for the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own?

Mgr. Howard: I saw that girl, what you did to Shelly.

Dr Arden: All in the name of progress. Isn't that what we agreed upon?

Mgr. Howard: No, you told me this was for the greater good. You mutilated her!

Dr Arden: Perhaps. But you're missing the entire point. Briarcliff is a receptacle for human waste. Each patient a perfect example of an evolutionary failure.


(Man moans. Cut to Spivey masturbating furiously as he spies on Sister Mary Eunice through a peep hole in the broom closet.)

(Sister Mary Eunice have a wash and hums.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Jesus ♪

Spivey: Oh, yeah.

Sister Mary Eunice: Loves me ♪

Spivey: Oh, yeah, that's it, that's it. Yeah, oh.

(Dr Arden finds Spivey.)

Dr Arden: Another mess to clean up, Mr. Spivey? You seemed to have mistaken the broom closet for the playground, where you used to expose yourself to innocent little boys and girls.

Spivey: No, never the boys, Doc. I had my standards.

Dr Arden: You are utterly depraved. You've done nothing to improve yourself.

Spivey: No, you're wrong, Doc. I'm a new man. I used to have these disgusting urges that wouldn't quit until I busted a nut-- I mean, even in public-- but I'm not sneaking around with my pants down anymore. It was Sister Mary Eunice that asked me to come watch her flash her pussy.


Back to Dr Arden’s office

Dr Arden: My aim was to give these wasted lives purpose, meaning, and I've succeeded beyond my wildest imagination. My experiments with a combination of syphilis and tuberculosis have produced results unseen in the history of medical science. When they arrived here, these patients were less than men. Now, because of me, they're more than human. Would you care to see what your benevolence has produced? (He takes Arden in to see Spivey, strapped down on his table, covered in boils and sores.)

Dr Arden: (proud)  Witness the next stage of human evolution.

Mgr. Howard: Have you lost your mind? Why on earth would you do this?

Dr Arden: Why? When the Russians launch their nuclear missiles, be incinerated instantly. Another 20 million will suffer a slow, agonizing death. Natural selection would have weeded out the weak, but only over the course of time. Whereas I have managed to improve the species now, so that we can survive the atomic blast, live through the radiation and become dominant once again.

Mgr. Howard: You should be locked away.

Dr Arden: With you to keep me company? We're in this together, Father. Remember? You gave me your blessing, along with the facility and the subjects.

Mgr. Howard: I cannot allow this to continue. I have to expose this to the light of day. (He goes out the room.)

Dr Arden: If you do open that window, the light will illuminate everything in Briarcliff. And I mean everything. (Mgr. Howard freezes) Yes, that's what I thought. Now, you listen to me. You and I have nothing to fear from each other. However, we do have a threat in common. We both know where the real danger lies.


Down in the bakery

(Sister Mary Eunice chops herbs.)

Jenny: Can I try that?

Sister Mary Eunice: You're too young to use a knife. You'll cut yourself. Why'd your mother abandon you here anyway?

Jenny: She's scared of me.

Sister Mary Eunice: Really? Why?

Jenny: She thinks I killed Josie.

Sister Mary Eunice: Did you?

Jenny: No.

Sister Mary Eunice: Did so.

Jenny: How do you know?

Sister Mary Eunice: I know everything. I'm the devil. She deserved it, that Josie. She was a phony little shit. She didn't even like you. She just played with you because her mother told her to. But you're lucky, because you were born with the gift of authentic impulse. Don't ever let them kill it. I wasted so much time trying to be a good girl. All I wanted in the whole world was for people to like me.


(Flashback : Mary Eunice remembers going to a pool party.)

Woman: Okay, okay everyone, it's time! Let's all welcome Mary Eunice McKee to our annual pool event. (clapping) Hey, why don't you get up on the diving board, Mary Eunice? You're our guest of honor today.

(♪ Love me ♪)

Woman: Go ahead.

(♪ But how do I know? ♪ Tell me ♪ How do I know? ♪)

Woman: All right, everyone. On the count of three, we're all gonna drop our robes. (All the girls were wearing bathing robes.) One two three!

(They did. Mary Eunice was the only one not wearing a bathing suit.)

(Flashback ends.)


Sister Mary Eunice: I was just everyone's victim. Poor Mary Eunice. The only place I thought I'd be safe was with God. (She chuckles.) God. You know there's no God, right? You already figured out that it's just a bunch of crap someone made up to keep you from being who you are, from doing what you really want to do. What a chump. Look where it got me. Right here, taking shit from a mean old bitch who drinks and wears trashy red lingerie (whispers) under her habit. (Both chuckle softly.) But not for long.

Jenny: They're gonna lock me up in my room. I'll never be able to do anything I want ever again.

Sister Mary Eunice: Don't be a whiner. You're smarter than they are. Don't you ever forget it. Maybe you just need to learn how to defend yourself.



Sister Jude’s office

Sister Jude: (on phone) Fine. We'll be expecting you. (She hangs up. Mgr. Howard comes in.) Monsignor. Crisis averted. I mean, she-she went off and-and left her daughter here, as if we're some kind of personal child care facility. (chuckles) For heaven's sakes, what is that expression on your face, Timothy?

Mgr. Howard: It seems Briarcliff's become quite a burden for you.

Sister Jude: No, no. We just had a few, uh, difficult days, but the order has been restored

Mgr. Howard: Sister, I've contacted a colleague, Father Bernard, in Pittsburgh. He's just opened a home for wayward girls. I've recommended you highly to run it.

Sister Jude: Are you firing me?

Mgr. Howard: You've lost your way. You need a new beginning. You're booked on a plane out of Logan Airport, Friday morning, 8:30 a. m.

Sister Jude: This is this is all about Dr.Arden, isn't it?

Mgr. Howard: Dr. Arden is not the issue here!

Sister Jude: Dr. Arden is entirely the issue here! He's turned you against me. But I was right about him.

Mgr. Howard: Pack up your things, Sister.


Sister Jude’s room

(Sister Jude is packing.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Little Jenny Reynolds' mother came by and picked her up.

Sister Jude: That's fine. Is there anything else, Sister?

Sister Mary Eunice: No, Sister. Yes, Sister. What are you doing?

Sister Jude: I'm packing. I'm leaving Briarcliff. The monsignor, in his wisdom, has decided that my talents would serve better elsewhere. Pittsburgh, as it turns out.

Sister Mary Eunice: Pittsburgh? No, Sister Jude, you can't leave Briarcliff.

Sister Jude: I have no choice.

Sister Mary Eunice: But what will become of us?

Sister Jude: No, I won't leave you to the tender mercies of Dr. Arden. There's something I can do before I'm exiled. Go to the kitchen. The special bottle of cognac I keep for the monsignor-- bring it to me. And two very clean glasses.



Dr Thredson’s home

(phone ringing)

Dr Thredson: Thredson residence.

Kit: (in jail) Thank God you picked up, Dr. Thredson. You're my one phone call. Listen, you got to help me. The cops put me in jail, and they say they have proof I killed Alma and those other ladies. They say they have a tape of my confession. I thought we had a deal. I thought you said, if I say all that stuff out loud, you'll tell the courts I could stay at Briarcliff.

Dr Thredson: No, no, Kit. I told you to say what you believe is true.

Kit: I was confused. Now I know the truth. Alma's not dead. Grace saw her. She told me.

(Down in the basement, Lana furiously tries to get free, using a file to saw at her chains.)

Dr Thredson: Kit you need to take responsibility for what you did.

kit: You said you'd lie for me so I could avoid the chair, but all you did was lie to me. How'd the cops get the tape, huh? Did you give it to them?

Lana: Oh, come on.

Kit: I bet this was your plan all along, wasn't it? You didn't want to help me. You're full of shit, and you're a liar.

Dr Thredson: Stop. You stop calling me that.

Kit: You're a phony, lying bastard!

Dr Thredson: Stop! Stop calling me that!


(Thredson comes back to the basement angry about Kit.)

Dr Thredson: He's unbelievable. He has the nerve to call me a liar, when he's the one spouting fantasies about little green men!

Lana: Kit? You talk to him? (He comes close to her.)

Dr Thredson: Perspiration from a rise in body temperature. Accelerated heart rate. What are you up to?

Lana: Nothing.

(He sees her sawed chains.)

Dr Thredson: I knew it. You were gonna abandon me. Just like my mother. You're all the same.

Lana: I'm not..

Dr Thredson: Shut your dirty mouth.

Lana: I'm not like them. I'm not. I'm not like them. I'm not like them.

Dr Thredson: It's such a disappointment

Lana: I'm not.

Dr Thredson: when people don't live up to expectations. Sometimes all you can do is end it.

(He puts on his Bloody Face mask and comes at her with a scalpel.)

Dr Thredson: This is your fault. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Lana: Please.




(Sister Mary Eunice puts on Sister Jude's red negligee and rocks out her in room.)

(♪ You don't own me ♪

♪ I'm not just one of your many toys ♪

♪ You don't own me ♪

♪ Don't say I can't go with other boys ♪

♪ And don't tell me what to do ♪

♪ And don't tell me what to say ♪

♪ And, please, when I go out with you ♪ )

(Phone ringing)

(♪ Don't put me on display ♪ )

Sister Mary Eunice: Hello.

Sam: It's Sam Goodman.

Sister Mary Eunice: This is Sister Jude.


(Sister Jude comes down to Dr Arden bearing cognac.)

Sister Jude: Toast, Arthur.

Dr Arden: A toast to what?

Sister Jude: You won. And I've always prided myself on my good sportsmanship. To your impressive single-mindedness.

Dr Arden: I thought this was supposed to be a toast. Ah, yes. We're abstaining these days, aren't we? I wouldn't dream of drinking alone.

Sister Jude: You know there are times in life that warrant an exception. To you.

And to God's will.


Sam Goodman’s room

(Sister Mary Eunice visits Goodman.)

Sam: (opens the door)  Yes? I'm sorry, did Sister Jude send you?

Sister Mary Eunice: She doesn't know I'm here.


(Later, Sister Jude goes to his hotel room. She finds the door unlocked and the phone ringing.)

Sister Jude: Mr. Goodman? Mr. Goodman? I came as fast I could. I have the glass with the fingerprints. Mr. Goodman? (She answers the phone.) Hello. Hello? Huh. (line clicks; dial tone)

(Then she sees Goodman twitching on the bathroom floor, bleeding from a mirror shard jammed in his neck.)

Sister Jude: Oh, God. Oh, no! Oh no Oh, God. Oh, my God. I'll call an ambulance.

Sam: Listen, listen

Sister Jude: What? Listen Arden did this.

Sam: No, no. Nun.

Sister Jude: Ah What? What? What? What did? A nun

Sam: A nun. A nun

Sister Jude: A nun? What? One of yours. One of yours.



(Sister Mary Eunice brings Goodman's files on him to Dr Arden.)

Sister Mary Eunice: Hans Gruper. You were handsome.

Dr Arden: Do you mean to tell me Sister Jude has this Israeli Sherlock Holmes holed up in some motel?

Sister Mary Eunice: She was determined to expose you. But you don't need to worry anymore. I've taken care of everything Hans.

Dr Arden: Don't call me that. Ever. Are you quite sure this is all of it?

Sister Mary Eunice: No. It's not all of it. I've hidden some evidence away in case you try and double-cross me.

Dr Arden: You must understand, these so-called Nazi hunters are nothing but self-loathing, self-seeking, money-grubbing Jews! The Catholic Church certainly understood that. At least the Pope had the good sense to

Sister Mary Eunice: Arthur

Dr Arden: I am not a monster! I'm a visionary. Do you have any idea how lonely a path this is? What it's like to have to carry on your work in secret, hiding from those pious vigilantes?

Sister Mary Eunice: Arthur! You're preaching to the converted.

Dr Arden: Why? Why are you protecting me? You're not in love with me. (chuckles) I'm no fool. I know I'm too old. Too ugly. Is there something you want from me?

Sister Mary Eunice: This is the beginning of a whole new era. All you need to do is trust me with your entire soul, and I promise you that everything will work out.



(Jenny stands next to a dead body.)

Policeman: Who killed her? Did you see him?

Jenny: He was tall. He had a beard and a brown jacket. First, he slashed my brother and sister's throats, then he stabbed my mother in the back. I tried to stop him, but he said he would kill me, too, if I moved a muscle.



In Dr Thredson’s basement

(Dr Thredson cuts Lana's shirt off her.)

Dr Thredson: You're trying not to scream. But you will. They always do when I make the first incision. But then shock will take over and you won't feel anything.

Lana: It doesn't have to be this way.

Dr Thredson: I wish that were true, Lana. I had such high hopes for you. From the moment I saw you, so ambitious, so alive.

Lana: I was never alive in there.

Dr Thredson: No, not there. Before Briarcliff.


(Flashback to Lana talking with another reporter. Thredson observes her.)

Lana: Oh, come on, Phil. Aren't you sick and tired of writing the same piece with different names? Start with some blood and guts, a pinch of sympathy for the poor victims, and then top it off with moral outrage. Isn't that the recipe? (Many reporters stand waiting for Bloody Face.)

Reporter: You're the one who knows about recipes. What are you doing here? And when did you get assigned to the crime beat?

Lana: You think Upton Sinclair waits to be assigned a story? I'm making this my story.

Reporter: Oh, a woman's touch, huh?

Lana: Yes, exactly. That's what's been missing from this story. You think this mook's just some monster, but no monster starts off that way. He was somebody's precious baby, crying for his mommy.

Reporter: Here comes your precious baby now.

(reporters clamoring)

Reporters: Hey, Walker, why'd you do it? Huh? Where's the body? Come on, Walker. What, you got nothing to say? You got a statement, Walker?

(Flashback ends.)


Dr Thredson: I thought that you were the first person who could understand.

Lana: I do. I do understand.

Dr Thredson: No.You don't.

Lana: That's all right, Oliver. I don't want you to feel guilty. A mother's love is unconditional. You never had that, did you? Everyone deserves that. Even you. ... Baby. (He takes off his mask.) It's me. My baby.

Dr Thredson: Baby needs colostrum.

(He tries to breast feed as she screams silently.)



Abandoned Briarcliff Manor

(Police cut down the three teenage impersonators.)

Detective 1: Car out front is registered to a Leo Morrison out of Encino, California.

Detective 2: He one of our dead trick-or-treaters?

Detective 1: Doubtful. Mr. Morrison's in his early 30s. We're putting these three as teenagers. Still trying to I. D. them.

Policeman: (from another room) Detectives! We got another one!

Detective 2: Mr. Morrison, I presume. All right, full search of the grounds. Let's do it before we lose daylight. We're looking for at least a body part. Chances are whoever called this in is our perp.

(They find Leo's body and hear a cell phone ringing. They find it in the other room, in his severed arm.)

Detective 2: (phone) This is Detective John Grayson. Who is this?

Man: You know who I am.

Detective Grayson: No, I don't. Did you kill these people?

Man: Only the imposters. I just wanted you to know that.

Detective 1: Just spoke to Leo Morrison's sister. He's out here on his honeymoon.

Detective Grayson: Shit. Where's his bride?


(Cut to Theresa strapped down to a table, with a man in a Bloody Face mask standing over her.)



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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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